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Personal Stand On Whether “Science Should Be Governed By Politics" Or "Politics

Should Be Governed By Science

In my opinion, based from what I have understood regarding the article ang the past topics we
have discussed in class, if I were to choose or make a stand regarding this issue it would be the
notion that politics should be governed by science. There are various reasons as to how I came
up with my own stand about the issue. I even contemplated and had a debate within myself of
what I should pick and be a better option. Honestly, the best option would be neither of them
since each aspect should be equal and not be governed by any field, but as this is a situation
where I needed to choose one, I pick the latter.

Currently, there were many instances, and there still are, wherein the government had proven
that they can’t handle extremely detrimental and unfortunate situation as we are experiencing in
our current times. The people who should be leading us into having a safe and prosperous life are
the same people who are making matters worst and digging our very own country’s hole where
our country would be buried if they would still continue making decisions as they are doing right
at this very moment. As to how I see it, most of these “leaders” are all driven with greed,
selfishness, and power, that they forget that we, the Filipino people, were the ones who put them
in their positions in the first place, hence, they should be prioritizing our welfare instead of their

On the contrary, science is based on facts. This field is lead by teams of professionals
researching, experimenting, and stating ideas and facts based on actual science. Of course it has
its own negative aspects as well, however, as to how I understood it, science would only be
detrimental if technology would have the power over it, or mixed with it. Yes, we currently have
the privilege and power of technology, but as according to the topic, this is about science and
politics. Moreover, according to the article we were tasked to read, it evidently shows how
negative the turn of event are when science is governed by politics, since this is what is
happening in our country. Science based researches have been belittled ever since, thus, our
situation. If only, they have at least given their attention an prioritization to the field of science,
our situation could have been better as everything that is happening now are all related to

Basically, our government as of now is not in its best state, which is the primary reason as to
how I came up with my answer. There are numerous clowns sitting at the highest positions
politicians could ever reach, hence, we are having a full blown circus as our government. If they
would be the ones governing science as they are currently doing, what would be our future as a
country? Should we be always left behind just because of their lapses in leading us to have that
progressive change? Meanwhile, if science would govern politics, numerous implementation of
laws and the likes would be based on facts and scientific researches, instead of opinions of
people that has nothing to do with the field of science. Science based researches would be given
priority, leading us to the improvement of our country. We would be readily developed for that
‘big change’ our country is longing for years now.

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