Unidad I. Ingles

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Docente Tutor:

Lcda. Nakary Pinto


Eliab Custodio C.I: 30.776.766 REP

Informática Sección 06

El Tigre, 18 de noviembre del 2022

1. The Defintion
A simple and effective technique for building definitions is to do so using a
combination of:

 examples,
 synonyms,
 like minded,
 a hyperonym accompanied by one or more specific differences.

o Examples (ostensive definition), especially when they are varied, evoke

distinctive features. Mathematics, Physics, Sociology are sciences. It is not
necessary or feasible to give all the possible examples (which would be a
definition by extension), only the best known ones that are considered
sufficiently illustrative are included.
o The inclusion of synonyms allows to cover words that may be more familiar
than the given one. In the case of science there is no synonym, only related
o The set of related ideas is very important because it allows identifying
similarities and differences between the concept to be defined and others that are
similar but not identical. Three related concepts of science are knowledge,
information and knowing. In this encyclopedia, knowledge is the first
presentation of a concept before the subject (stipulating definition) prior to the
cognitive elaboration that generates, although not necessarily, knowledge.
Science uses information, but it is not just information because it is usually
limited to a few cases while science establishes features pertaining to categories
of things, not to individual things (the difference between common and proper
o The hyperonym identifies a category of which the concept is a subcategory
among several. The category is defined by a set of features common to all
subcategories. We can thus define science as knowledge, but not all knowledge
is science. Intuition is a type of knowledge, but it differs from science in that it
is exclusively empirical. Faith is a way of knowing for believers, but it is not
rational. The traditions of a culture are usually considered knowledge, but they
are prescriptive and authoritarian, based on the authority or respect that the
subject feels for the person who endorses them (parents, authorities, the majority
of the social group). Rational knowledge thus excludes all other unwanted types.

Definition examples

 Celeste is the color of the sky. (ostensive definition)

 Sun is the star with its own light around which the Earth revolves. (lexical

2. The description

To describe is to explain, in a detailed and orderly way, what people, places or objects
are like. The description serves above all to set the action and create an atmosphere that
makes the events that are narrated more credible. Descriptions often help stop the action
and set the stage for the events that follow.


 You have to observe very carefully and select the most important details.
 After selecting the details, you have to organize the data following an order:
 From the general to the particular or vice versa.
 From the foreground to the background or vice versa.
 From inside to outside or vice versa.
 From left to right or vice versa.
 When describing, objects must be placed precisely in space. Expressions such as
to the right, next to, at the bottom, behind, in the center, around... will be used.

Description examples

 Description of a cave (Pío Baroja)

To the left was the huge mouth of the cave, through which nothing could be seen but
shadows. As the pupil got used to it, he could see on the ground, like a black sheet that
ran the entire length of the grotto, the stream of hell, "Infernuco-erreca", which he
throbbed with a mysterious tremor. In the darkness of the cavern shone, far in the
background, the light of a torch that someone waved as they came and went.
A few bats flew around him; from time to time you could hear the flapping of an owl's
wings and its harsh, shrill screeching.

 Description of a well (Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio)

The most important thing in the garden of the sun was the well. It had a greenstone
curbstone and a wrought-iron bow for the pulley. The pulley was made of wood and
screeched like a swallow. The bucket was also made of wood, held in place by iron
rings, like the vats, and it was very heavy. The well was very deep and had very clear

3. The Example

Refers to something that is used as a fact or act that is already known from the past and
that is used now as something to follow or avoid. An example could be said to be like a
model, either for better or for worse. Examples are widely used by everyone, it is a
linguistic resource that we use to complement a sentence, for example when we say:
"that bird needs its usual food, for example, worms", in this sentence we can see how
we have used the word example to refer to the worm to complete our argument, it is a
very common way that is used to facilitate the understanding of many terms or
expressions among others. Children, in their learning stages, use this resource a lot.


 "That person is an example to follow, because everything he does is good"

 "Without a doubt, his gesture was an example for others, now everyone wants to
imitate them without a doubt"
 "He is a good father and a great example for the whole family"
 "Thanks to that example I was able to pass both exams"
 "You can take this phrase as an example, because it is one of the best we have

4. The comparison

Comparison is understood as the action of comparing two or more things to find

their possible similarities, differences or relationships of some kind, either by
appealing to their physical aspect or to the symbolic or imaginary. In this way, one
can compare two individuals and highlight their physical similarities or, on the
contrary, their personality differences.

To make a comparison, you must take into account:

 The two elements must have something in common.

 The comparison cannot be too extreme.
 Comparisons should bring something new.
 Comparisons when the subject is complex.
 Comparisons to make the reader reflect.

Comparison Examples

 "We fly like birds on the dance floor" (comparison between the fluid dance and
the flight of birds).
 "Faster than a blink" (comparison between the speed of something and the

5. The analysis

The analysis is an exam that consists of dividing an object of study and observing in
detail each of its components in order to produce greater knowledge about an issue,
concept, theory or element. For example: financial analysis, parsing, risk analysis.

Analyzes are carried out in the natural, social, formal and applied sciences using
specific tools and objects (for example, microscopes are used in laboratory analysis) or
only reasoning (for example, a philosophical analysis can be done using the logic).

To make a good analysis of a text, the following steps must be followed.

 Read full text

 Highlight important parts of the text
 Thoroughly investigate the context of the text
 Organize ideas about the text
 Write the analysis

Analysis Examples
 Literary analysis. It is the analysis of the theme, the characters, the argument, the
rhetorical figures, the narrative devices and the structure of a literary work.
 Risk analysis. It is the analysis of possible problems that a company or an
investment could have.
 Psychological analysis. It is the analysis of the psychic structure of a patient that
is carried out with various objectives. For example, psychoanalysis.








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