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Why UG students, faculty of psychology, course V 1-4 do not speak English during

English class?


Today English has become the universal language. Nowadays knowing English is not
an option, but a necessity. Due to the development of society and technology, this language is
used almost obligatory in all areas of knowledge and in recent times it has been introduced in an
obligatory way in the educational field because it can broaden the horizons of any person,
especially students who in the future will decide what direction to take with their lives, knowing
a second language will increase their professional and academic development, but many times it
is not so easy to understand it. That is why in this essay we will analyze what are the factors that
influence negatively when learning and speaking English in the students of the faculty of
Psychological Sciences parallel Ve 4-1 and what are the possible solutions to this problem.


First of all, it can be observed that the students in the surveys state that the virtual
classes are not a learning barrier, however, it is evident that there are great problems regarding
the interpretation and especially the pronunciation of the English language in the classes, in
general there are a great number of inconveniences in this modality, such as the poor quality of
the internet or not being in a suitable place to receive the classes with attention. That is why as a
group we disagree with these answers, since there are evidently many problems that prevent
productive learning from taking place, as mentioned above.

Secondly, the respondents state that basically they feel very comfortable with their
pronunciation and also when speaking English in public, this is very striking and contradictory
since when they are in class their participation is almost null and it could be said that even
forced by the teacher since it is very rare that any student participates voluntarily, implying that
they are not understanding the content or that perhaps they do not know the correct words to
express their answers.

Finally, there is a situation that makes us reflect on all of the above. The students are
aware that learning and speaking English fluently is of great importance and as a group they
agree with these results, the problem is that they do not seem to understand that if they do not
accept that they have gaps in their knowledge they will continue to do nothing to overcome the
deficiencies they have in the English language.


It is concluded that the main problem is the lack of commitment of the students at the
time of receiving the English class, which is causing them not to participate during the session,
since as they themselves could manifest in their answers, they basically feel comfortable with
the modality, the learning and the knowledge acquired. One solution we would propose is to
carry out more interactive activities during the class, but with content that is not so complex so
that those who do not understand a topic can clarify their doubts and those who do understand
can help their classmates.

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