2023 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Supplychain Trends

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Trend Brief

2023 Pharma
Manufacturing Trends
What Is the Future of the Pharma
Manufacturing Industry?
If we could predict the future of the pharma manufacturing uncertain, ultra-competitive times. To develop adaptability
industry, we wouldn’t have been rattled by supply disruptions at the individual company level, pharma manufacturers find
throughout the pandemic. And we would’ve been able to themselves needing to be “more focused on operational
anticipate which products would unexpectedly experience resilience and accelerating initiatives that enable more agility —
weak demand. At the very least, we could’ve predicted which including workforce agility as workforces become more remote
winning therapies to invest in! So why do we waste time trying and distributed — and transparency through greater deployment
to predict future conditions when we could be preparing for of digital and analytics tools and automation,” according to
them? Wishing for a crystal ball is a distraction when you have McKinsey’s latest industry findings.1
real opportunities today to start building for tomorrow. It’s time
to control the things that are within your power to control and If adaptability, versatility, and agility are the keys to survival in
take advantage of technologies that will help you tackle the a competitive and evolving industry, advanced technologies are
challenges of today while forging — not trying to predict — the the definitive means by which pharma manufacturers can make
industry’s future. it a reality. The trends featured in this brief reveal opportunities
for pharma manufacturers to become more adaptable and
Although the future will always be unpredictable, the latest highlight various ways that modern digital tools can help them
biotech and pharma manufacturing trends all share an realize that adaptability.
underlying theme: adaptability. It’s the key to persevering in
Trend Brief

Enhancing Visibility
With Supplier
Management Solutions
If the COVID-19 pandemic’s ripple effects the term “command center” may conjure images of air
traffic control towers or military headquarters, in pharma
didn’t directly disrupt your supply chain,
environments it can be something as straightforward as “a
at the very least, they opened your eyes tool consisting of existing and new technologies combined
to how fragile supply chains can be and with near-real-time data from the business ecosystem,”
how quickly they can devolve into chaos. according to Gartner.5
Centralization and connectivity are the two critical
elements of a high-functioning and effective command
A business is only as strong as its center. To achieve both, a purpose-built software solution
chain of suppliers, and the pandemic that integrates production, quality, and supplier-related
processes forms the ideal foundation for a command center.
highlighted the need to transform Digital supplier management solutions offer the connectivity
traditional supply chain models.” and flexibility that enables pharma manufacturers to
transform linearly sequenced supply chains into an
– Deloitte2
interconnected, optimized, and more dynamic system.

The uncertainty of the pharma industry’s new normal There’s a global trend built
has manufacturers clamoring for greater control over,
on rethinking the global supply
predictability of, and visibility into their supply chains. For
some that means shortening or building redundancies into chain, including reshoring, building
their supply chains. For others, it may mean onshoring or redundancies in suppliers, rethinking
reshoring, which seven out of 10 life sciences companies
logistics and updating systems and
recently surveyed by Axendia indicated they are considering
in the near future.3 processes to ensure that stocks are
A noteworthy pharma manufacturing trend that’s gaining readily available.”
momentum as a countermeasure to supply uncertainties is – Stuart Needleman, Piramal Pharma Solutions CCO4
the development of supply chain command centers. While

Trend Brief

A command center rooted in a robust supplier management

software solution can be the cornerstone you need to Many supply chain leaders struggle
develop a resilient supply chain strategy. It provides a hub to identify what is most important and
through which end-to-end (E2E) visibility can be enhanced
through digitization. Pharma manufacturers who embrace what are the best actions to take. …
the command center model as a means of enhancing Supply chain command centers can
visibility would be wise to structure it around the four help supply chain leaders connect
competency areas Deloitte has identified as vital pillars:
domain-centric data and systems/tools
to gain additional, connected insights
1 Develop forward-sensing abilities to improve
demand prediction.
and recommendations by leveraging a
digital supply chain twin, augmented
Leverage analytics. analytics and decision intelligence
3 Increase data sharing and transparency with
– Gartner
customers and partners.

4 Explore opportunities to harvest cutting-edge

Top 3 Biggest Threats to Supply Chains
A command center built on a connected supplier as reported by life sciences manufacturers
management software solution can serve as the focal point

60% 50%
through which visibility enhancements like these can be
achieved and resiliency can be mastered.
Delays in incoming

Staying ahead of
process disruptions

(with internal
and/or external

– Axendia8

Trend Brief

Theoretical to practical:
Take steps toward modernization
By 2023, 50% of global
1 Embrace Purpose-Built Supplier
Management Solutions: product-centric enterprises will
The thought of establishing a supply chain command have invested in real-time visibility
center may seem daunting or unachievable to most
platforms. These solutions will help
pharma manufacturers. But it can be as simple as
identifying a supplier management software tool that manufacturers predict the future
will keep your data connected across the supply chain of their supply chains, rather than
and give you access to supplier information in real
simply reacting to disruptions as
time. With a proven supplier management software
solution, pharma manufacturers can gain greater they occur.”9
visibility into and align quality across their networks – The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Closing the Visibility Gap survey
of approved suppliers.

2 Revamp Your Approach to Supplier Risk

In a study on extended enterprise risk management
(EERM), Deloitte found that 85% of organizations do
We all think we’re nimble until
not develop the appropriate capability and capacity to we discover we’re not. I realize we
manage the entire spectrum of third-party risks, in an don’t want to spend all of our energy
integrated and holistic manner, across all the parties
in their ecosystems.11 By that math, only 15% of
solving the last crisis. But I think that
pharma manufacturers are integrating or optimizing the last crisis being COVID is going
their approach to supplier risk management — a to be replicated in whatever the next
problem that could be eliminated with an effective
supplier management software solution.
crisis is. I think we would be well
advised to devote time, energy, and
3 Develop a Resilient Supply Chain Strategy:
investment to the durability of our
In today’s pharma manufacturing supply chains, supply chain.”10
resiliency has even greater value than efficiency.
– Winn Thurlow, MedTech Executive Director
And E2E visibility is central to the development of
a resilient supply chain. The most practical way
to achieve it is through digitization. According to
Deloitte’s best-practice strategies for building
resilient supply chains, supplier management
solutions can be beneficial in providing not only
supply chain visibility, but also prescriptive risk
management, continuous monitoring functionality,
and improved issue and risk identification.12

Trend Brief

Realizing Total Quality

Management Through
Enhanced Connectivity
Manufacturing professionals may
What Is TQM in Pharma?
cringe every time the dreaded Q-word is
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a widely uttered, but we all must recognize that
applied philosophy and business approach quality is a vital element that should
that involves all individuals within an exist within the manufacturing system
organization participating collaboratively rather than outside of it.
in continuous quality improvement efforts.
Pharma manufacturers that embrace a Too many painful lessons have been learned when
TQM approach value the highest levels of circumstances force pharma manufacturers to spend more
time and effort fixing problems rather than preventing them
production performance and focus efforts
from occurring in the first place. The old saying (and unofficial
on minimizing waste, if not eliminating
TQM motto) is true — an ounce of prevention is worth a
it altogether. An integrated system is pound of cure. As a proactive quality strategy that focuses
essential for embedding TQM practices into on avoiding issues that could jeopardize a product’s ability
every aspect of a pharma manufacturer’s to meet or exceed customer expectations, TQM is beneficial
operations. Experienced software vendors in all manufacturing settings. In pharma manufacturing, it’s
also a key tactic for adhering to good manufacturing practice
have engineered purpose-built solutions
(GMP) regulatory requirements, avoiding drug shortages, and
based on the TQM principles set forth in
ensuring product and patient safety.
quality standards and regulations.

Trend Brief

The classic approach to TQM is based on the four-phase Meeting these TQM goals is contingent on developing a
“PDCA” cycle: culture of quality that underpins an organization’s every
process, system, and person. But a culture of quality
1. Plan ways to overcome an existing challenge.
doesn’t occur organically — it requires a concerted effort
2. Do an evaluation of the problem and propose a solution. by everyone involved. A strong quality culture is a sign of
3. Check the effectiveness of the process fix. quality management maturity (QMM), the state pharma
4. Act by documenting results and preparing to address manufacturers attain by having consistent, reliable, and
other problems.13 robust business processes that enable them to achieve
quality objectives and promote continual improvement.
Manufacturers typically adopt one of several proven TQM Quality maturity is becoming so vital, in fact, that the U.S.
models to execute the PDCA cycle. Perhaps you’ve heard of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is developing a QMM
(or even had applied within your organization) the Deming rating system to incentivize drug manufacturers to invest
Application Prize or European Foundation for Quality in it.14
Management or similar methodology. Regardless of whether
a specific model is employed, all TQM efforts in pharma
manufacturing revolve around eight fundamental objectives:
1. Produce a high-quality product and make it right the
first time.
2. Maintain a focus on customer safety and satisfaction.
Greater Higher
3. Integrate processes, systems, and people. Customer Productivity
4. Improve quality metrics by involving all employees Satisfaction and Morale
at the appropriate level.
5. Establish a TQM strategy and ensure it is communicated
Reduced Fewer
to the right stakeholders. Overall Product
6. Measure the key performance indicators (KPIs) that Costs Recalls
matter most.
7. Make data-driven decisions.
8. Focus on the ultimate goal of continuous improvement
and establish processes that facilitate it.

Trend Brief

The greatest difficulty in applying TQM principles across the Strive for real-time metrics:
entire organization is first getting everyone — from the upper
levels of the C-suite to the line workers on the production With the heightened visibility and data transparency
floor — to buy in and commit to making continuous quality- digital TQM software provides, pharma
minded efforts that result in customer satisfaction and manufacturers can clearly visualize and explain what
loyalty. Every employee must be working to improve the is happening, when it is happening, and what the
culture, processes, and systems that breed long-term responses have been (or should have been). Make it
success. But getting everyone in sync requires the right set a priority to employ modern TQM data management
of tools. tools that can empower your personnel to analyze
and act on complex data sets far faster than they can
Advanced TQM software solutions provide the connectivity manually.
needed to bridge the gaps between people, processes, and
systems. The infrastructure of a common TQM platform 3 Fuel continuous improvement by
inherently embeds quality into production processes and augmenting audits:
makes it more visible in every aspect of operations. Plus, it
A pharma manufacturer’s audits — for both
allows organizations to put real-time data into the hands
performance and compliance — are critical for
of those who need it to do their jobs correctly and make
producing high-quality products and making
sound decisions.
continuous improvement a priority. TQM software
that integrates audit data and processes with quality
Theoretical to practical: and production optimizes your ability to collect,
Harmonize production and connect, and share audit-relevant information across
quality processes the product life cycle.

1 Eliminate paper to streamline production:

Manual, paper-based processes are the leading cause
of inefficiencies that result in production setbacks,
long lead times, and delayed product releases. When
you ditch paper and adopt a fully digital solution,
you forge productive links between personnel,
data sources, enterprise systems, and quality and
production processes.

Quality improvements gained by manufacturers who fully digitized production:

90%-100% 75%-80% 21%

decrease in data input errors. faster record reviews and reduction in total
product releases. manufacturing deviations.

Trend Brief

Modernizing Batch Records

to Streamline Performance
Highly regulated activities like In most manufacturing ecosystems, there have historically
been “islands of automation” — applications such as
pharma manufacturing are practically
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, learning
synonymous with mountains of management systems (LMS), material resource planning
paperwork and labor-intensive (MRP) systems, quality management systems (QMS), and
documentation. supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems
It’s not just a common perception — McKinsey researchers — that are all critical, yet disconnected from each other.
estimate that nearly one-third of a pharma manufacturer’s With a proven, fully digital production record solution, these
staff time is spent on documentation-related activities.15 core information system islands become unified and batch
And it’s no wonder the traditional approach to managing data stays connected between them. The digital integration
production records and other essential documentation is so between systems provides a more comprehensive view
time-consuming and prone to errors — a typical biotech’s of business data and makes it possible to act faster on
batch record can contain up to 45,000 manual entries! meaningful performance insights.

Thanks to innovative cloud-based tools, those inefficiencies

can be a thing of the past. The digitization of batch data 1. ERP/MRP
management processes and modern cloud-based batch
record systems are transforming the pharma landscape
and offering pharma manufacturers new opportunities
to dramatically streamline operations. Yet, despite
the availability of efficiency-boosting pharma batch 4. LIMS MES/EBR 2. QMS
record software, 79% of recently polled professionals
in pharmaceutical manufacturing reported that their
organizations are still using paper production records.16 If
you’re in the same boat, it’s time to ask yourself, “Have my
competitors already digitized their batch records?” 3. CRM
Trend Brief

Digitized production records are pivotal to closing the gaps Theoretical to practical:
that too frequently exist between a pharma manufacturer’s
Connectivity is the key to
information systems and the production floor. With an
electronic batch record system extending digitization beyond
production efficiency
their core systems, manufacturers are empowered to:
1 Digitize your batch records:
• Achieve faster time to market by improving
collaboration, streamlining quality reviews, and When batch records are fully digitized, data stays
accelerating product release. connected from beginning to end and there’s no more
need to manually reconcile paper forms and offline
• Ensure end-to-end traceability throughout production
processes. Every event, measurement, and process is
and beyond.
digitally captured and easy to access and act upon.
• Identify nonconformances sooner.
• Preserve and even enhance data integrity as information is 2 Integrate core systems:
pushed and pulled between systems. When data is spread across disconnected systems,
• Reduce delays and downtime and enforce quality controls it’s impossible to analyze and operationalize it in
without slowing production. context with other cross-functional data. Integrations
between a modern pharma manufacturing execution
• Reduce the overall number of deviations and quality
system (MES) and ERP, MRP, LIMS, labeling, and
events and manage those that do occur more efficiently.
other essential systems streamlines production by
• Seamlessly capture and share real-time production data
automating information exchange without sacrificing
across departments and systems.
data integrity.

3 Leverage advanced analytics:

Digital and analytics tools Game-changing analytics tools are enabling
and automation will be the manufacturers to process unprecedented amounts of
engines that accelerate agility and data for better and faster decision-making. As these
tools increasingly incorporate artificial intelligence
transparency.”17 (AI) and other advanced technologies, they are
– McKinsey enabling manufacturers to start developing predictive
capabilities and mitigate risk more effectively.

Trend Brief

The fiercely competitive pharmaceutical industry is moving
faster than ever. Products and processes are evolving MasterControl Quality Excellence:
with greater velocity and the interest and investment in Smart, dynamic enterprise, plant and
highly specialized therapies is skyrocketing. As flexibility supplier quality management that allows
increasingly differentiates those who can compete from organizations to manage product quality,
those who can’t, it’s become painfully clear that pharma compliance and risk intelligently.
manufacturers must adapt or die.
MasterControl software solutions are designed to make
MasterControl Manufacturing
pharma manufacturers more flexible, more efficient, more
compliant, and more competitive. Our pharma manufacturing
Fast, flexible production management and
software solutions keep data connected, eliminate inefficient
execution for process and discrete
paper-based activities, and integrate and automate
manufacturing that connects your shop
production and quality processes. With the operational
floor workers and delivers right-first-time
agility, increased visibility, and improved decision-making
results without the cost and complexity of
provided by the MasterControl Manufacturing Excellence and
a traditional manufacturing execution
MasterControl Quality Excellence solutions, manufacturers
system (MES).
in a continually evolving industry have the modern tools they
need to keep pace with pharma manufacturing trends and
stay ahead of competitors.
MasterControl Insights:
A modern data architecture with advanced
analytics capabilities allows your company
to turn product quality and operational
data into a competitive advantage.

Trend Brief

1. “Pharma operations: The path to recovery and the next 11. “Be responsible and effective: Strike a balance,”
normal,” Katie Kelleher, Ketan Kumar, et al, McKinsey & Deloitte EERM/TPRM global survey report, 2020.
Company Life Sciences Insights, May 12, 2020. 12. “Semiconductor chip shortage hits medtech:
2. “2022 Global Life Sciences Outlook: Digitalization at Strategies to build resilient supply chains,” Bill Murray
scale: Delivering on the promise of science,” Deloitte and Stephen Bradley, Deloitte Health Forward blog, Oct.
Global Life Sciences, 2022. 7, 2021.
3. “The Needle is Moving: Digital Transformation in 13. “Total Quality Management - Meaning and Important
Life-Sciences Manufacturing,” Axendia and Aspentech Concepts,” MSG Management Study Guide, accessed
research study, 2022. Oct. 21, 2022.
4. “Pharma & Biopharma Trends CDMOs Face in 14. “Quality Management Maturity: Essential for Stable
2022 and Beyond,” Tim Wright, Contract Pharma, U.S. Supply Chains of Quality Pharmaceuticals,” FDA
April 4, 2022. Office of Pharmaceutical Quality white paper, July 28,
5. “Innovation Insight: Supply Chain Command Centers,” 2022.
Christian Titze and Alexander Hoeppe, Gartner, 15. “Operations can launch the next blockbuster
June 3, 2022. in pharma,” Ulf Schrader, McKinsey & Company
6. Supra note 5. Operations Insights, Feb. 16, 2021.

7. Supra note 2. 16. “How Electronic Batch Records and Device History
Records Close the Digital Manufacturing Gap,” Brian
8. Supra note 3.
Curran, GxP Lifeline, Nov. 18, 2021.
9. “Closing the supply chain visibility gap,” Fabrizio
17. Supra note 1.
Brasca, Pharma Manufacturing, March 23, 2022.
10. “Life Sciences Industry Experts Weigh In on
Challenges Facing CMOs,” Dave Jensen, GxP Lifeline,
July 14, 2022.

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