Kutbah 23 Desember

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‫ات أ حَع َمالِنَا‪،‬‬

‫اْلم َد ِلِلِ َحَنم ُده ونَستَعِي نُه ونَستَ حغ ِفره ونَعوذُ ِِبهللِ ِمن ُشروِر أَنح ُف ِسنَا وِمن سيِئ ِ‬
‫َ ح ََ‬ ‫ح ُح‬ ‫َ ُ َ ح ح ُ َ ح ُُ َ ُ ح‬ ‫إ َّن حَ ح‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ض َّل لَه ومن ي ح ِ‬ ‫من ي ه ِدهِ هللا فَالَ م ِ‬
‫ي لَهُ‪ ،‬أَ حش َه ُد أَ حن الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ هللاُ َو حح َدهُ الَ َش ِريح َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫ضل حل فَالَ َهاد َ‬ ‫ُ ََ ح ُ‬ ‫َ ح َح ُ ُ‬
‫لَهُ َوأَ حش َه ُد أ َّ‬
‫َن ُُمَ َّم ًدا َعحب ُدهُ َوَر ُس حولُهُ‪.‬‬

‫ٱَّللَ َح َّق تُقَاتِِۦه َو ََل تَ ُموت ُ َّن ِإ ََّل َوأَنتُم ُّم ۡس ِل ُمونَ‬‫ََٰٓيأَيُّ َها ٱلَّذِينَ َءا َمنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ َّ‬
‫ث‬‫اس ٱتَّقُواْ َربَّ ُك ُم ٱلَّذِي َخلَقَ ُكم ِمن نَّ ۡف ٖس َو ِحدَ ٖة َو َخلَقَ ِم ۡن َها زَ ۡو َج َها َو َب َّ‬ ‫ََٰٓيأَيُّ َها ٱلنَّ ُ‬
‫ٱَّللَ َكانَ‬ ‫ام ِإ َّن َّ‬ ‫سا َٰٓ َءلُونَ بِِۦه َو ۡٱۡل َ ۡر َح ۚٗ َ‬ ‫سا َٰٓ اۚٗء َوٱتَّقُواْ َّ‬
‫ٱَّللَ ٱلَّذِي ت َ َ‬ ‫ِم ۡن ُه َما ِر َج ااَل َكثِ ايرا َونِ َ‬
‫علَ ۡي ُك ۡم َرقِيبا ا‬
‫س ِديدا ا ‪ ٧٠‬يُصۡ ِل ۡح لَ ُك ۡم أَ ۡع َملَ ُك ۡم َو َي ۡغ ِف ۡر‬ ‫ََٰٓيأَيُّ َها ٱلَّذِينَ َءا َمنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ َّ‬
‫ٱَّللَ َوقُولُواْ قَ ۡو اَل َ‬
‫ع ِظي ًما ‪٧١‬‬ ‫سولَ ۥهُ فَقَ ۡد فَازَ فَ ۡو ًزا َ‬ ‫ٱَّللَ َو َر ُ‬ ‫لَ ُك ۡم ذُنُوبَ ُك ۡۗۡم َو َمن يُ ِطعِ َّ‬
‫ي ُُمَ َّم ٍد َو َشَّر احأل ُُم حوِر ُحُم َد ََث ُُتَا‪ ،‬فَِإ َّن‬ ‫ث َك م ُ ِ‬
‫ال هللا َو َخ ح َْي ا حْلَحد ِي َه حد ُ‬ ‫َ‬
‫أ ََّما ب ع ُد‪ :‬فَِإ َّن أَص َد َق ا حْل ِدي ِ‬
‫َح‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َح‬
‫ضالَلٍَة ِِف النَّا ِر‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ٍ‬
‫ُك َّل ُحُم َدثَة بِ حد َعةٌ َوُك َّل بِ حد َعة َ‬
‫ضالَلَةٌ َوُك َّل َ‬
‫‪in this sermon I will convey the Worldly Favors as a Test.‬‬

‫‪Allah, the Almighty, has emphasized in many verses of the Qur'an, as has the Messenger of‬‬
‫‪Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, in many hadiths, that worldly favors and pleasures‬‬
‫‪are a test for the servant, just as the hardships of life are a test..‬‬

‫َونَ ۡبلُوكُم ِبٱلش َِِّّر َو ۡٱل َخ ۡي ِِّر ِف ۡتنَةِّ َو ِإلَ ۡينَا ت ُ ۡر َجعُ َ‬
‫"‪"We will test you with bad and good as a (true) test and to Us alone will you be returned.‬‬
‫)‪(al-Anbiya: 35‬‬

‫‪Ibn 'Abbas (radhialllahu anhuma) said interpreting this verse, "(We test you) with hardship‬‬
‫‪and pleasure, with health and sickness, with wealth and poverty, and with the lawful and the‬‬
‫"‪unlawful. Everything is a test.‬‬

‫‪Ibn Yazid (rahimahullah) said: "We test you with what you love and what you hate, so that‬‬
‫"‪We may see how patient and grateful you are.‬‬

‫ض د ََر َٰ َج ٍ‬
‫ت ِل َي ۡبلُ َوكُمۡ‬ ‫ضكُمۡ فَ ۡو َ‬
‫ق َب ۡع ٍ‬ ‫ض َو َرفَ َع َب ۡع َ‬ ‫َو ُه َو ٱلَّذِي َج َعلَكُمۡ َخ َٰلَ ِئ َ‬
‫ف ۡٱۡلَ ۡر ِ‬
‫فِي َما َٰٓ َءاتَ َٰىكُمۡ‬
And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above
others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your
Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful. ((al-An’am: 165).

ِّ‫ع َمل‬ ُِّ ‫س‬

َ ‫ن‬ َ ‫ِإنَّا َجعَ ۡلنَا َما‬
ِّ ِ ‫علَى ۡٱۡلَ ۡر‬
َ ‫ض ِزينَةِّ لَّ َها ِلنَ ۡبلُ َو ُه ِّۡم أَيُّ ُه ِّۡم أَ ۡح‬
Indeed We have made all that is on earth an adornment for them, that We may test them as to
which of them is the best in deeds." (al-Kahf: 7)

‫اْلَ ِكي ِم‬ ِ‫تو‬ ِ َ‫ ونَ َفع ِِن وإِ ََّّي ُكم ِِبَا فِ ِيه ِمن حاْلَّي‬،‫آن الحع ِظي ِم‬
‫ح‬ ‫الذ حك ِر‬ َ َ ‫َ َ َ ح‬ َ ‫ِب َرَك هللاُ ِِل َولَ ُك حم ِِف الح ُقحر‬،
‫الرِحي ِم‬ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ‫ول ما تَسمعو َن وأ‬
َّ ‫ور‬ ُ ‫ إنَّهُ ُه َو الحغَ ُف‬،‫َستَ حغفُر هللا ِِل َولَ ُك حم م حن ُك ِل َذنحب‬
‫أَقُ ُ َ ح َ ُ َ ح‬

Khutbah Kedua

‫ل اَلل َو ْحدَه‬ ْ َ ‫ َو أ َ ْش َهد أ َ ْن‬, َ‫س ََلم َعلَى َرسو َل للا‬

ْ ّ ‫ل َإلَهَ َإ‬ ّ ‫ص ََلة َوال‬
ّ ‫ َوال‬,َ‫ال َح ْمد َ ّلِل‬
‫لش ََري َْك لَه َوأ َ ْش َهد أ َ ّن م َح ّمدَا َعبْده َو َرس ْوله‬
Hence, one should not be deceived when he sees disbelievers and sinners given worldly luxuries and
positions of honor. This is because it is an istidraj (trap) for the servant from Allah, the Almighty. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,

ِ َ ِ‫اصي ِه فَإََِّّنَا ذَل‬

ِ ِ ُّ ‫اَل يُ حع ِطي الح َعحب َد ِم َن الدُّنحيَا َما ُُِي‬
ُ‫ك منه‬ ‫يم َعلَى َم َع ح‬
ٌ ‫ب َو ُه َو ُمق‬ َ ‫إِذَا َرأَيح‬
َ ‫ت هللاَ تَ َع‬
‫اج‬ ِ
ٌ ‫است حد َر‬
"When you see Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, giving a slave the things of this world that he
desires, while he continues to disobey Him, (know) that it is an istidraj (trap) from Allah." (Reported
by Ahmad and others, see Saheeh al-Jami', no. 561)

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