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Here is everything you need to know about creating your Upwork account. The next video will be on
creating the Account from Start to Finish.

Don't rush to create your account until you watch the next video.


Today’s Video.

How to Create your Upwork Profile from Start to Finish
1. Link to join Slack

2. Typing skills site for certification

What is Upwork:

Upwork is the world's largest job Marketplace, where you can find the perfect jobs for you and where
employers get the finest talents to do work for them.

Upwork bring together Freelancers, agencies, job seekers, and employers all on the same platform.

The Employers post the jobs and the skills needed, while the Freelancers apply for any of the jobs they
like and the employers access the freelancer's application and pick the ones they want.

A Freelancer is an independent worker like a writer, graphic designer, Developer, Marketer, Data Entry
Specialist, etc, who offers services per hour, day, or per job/contract.

As a Freelancer, You can do just about any job that isn’t illegal, immoral, or unethical on the platform and
that’s why Upwork is the most popular place for people to get remote jobs.

Some people’s jobs on Upwork are reminder and Accountability. To be reminding their employer when to
do different kinds of tasks. To wake them up from sleep and tell them the task of the day.

Some people’s job is checking emails, replying when necessary, and clearing the mailbox when
necessary. You can do just about anything on Upwork.


There are many reasons you should consider getting work on Upwork, some of them are:

1. Working From Home:

Upwork is a very cool way to make money online from the comfort of your home. You don’t have to
wake up every morning, dress up and worry about traffic on your way to work. You work right on your
own and even make more money than those going out for work every day.

2. Earning in Foreign Currency:

You are paid in dollars and that means more money when you change your earnings to Naira, you won't
need to bother about Naira devaluation. Currently, you can sell a dollar between 550-580 in the black

3. You Don’t Need to have a Degree or be a graduate to get jobs:

Upwork is after the skills you have and not the certificates you have. Even a Secondary School student or
someone with no educational background can get jobs on Upwork. Provided you have the needed skills,
Upwork doesn’t care about your regular Certificates.

4. You are the boss:

You accept or reject job offers. You control when, where and how you work. You are practically the one
who decides on the jobs to take and you can also decide to leave when you don't want to work again.

5. You can work part-time or full-time:

If you currently have a job, you can take up Freelancing on Upwork as a side hustle.

Jobs on Upwork are flexible, most of them pay hourly so you get paid based on the hours you worked.

6. Great Work is Rewarded:

Your clients are mainly foreign citizens who know the value you bring. If you work with a Nigerian client
and a Foreign client, you won’t ever want to work with a Nigerian Employer again.

Most Nigerian Employers underpay you, talk down on your craft, are never satisfied with your  work,
owe salaries, and can easily fire you whenever they want because they know the unemployment rate in

But on Upwork, you will work with great clients who will respect you, value your work, and pay you well.

7. Payments are Protected:

With Upwork payment protection programs, you can be more confident that you will always be paid for
your work when you are done. You can get your money through PayPal, Payoneer, or directly into your
bank account.

How Does the Platform Work!

Upwork connects clients and freelancers. In every project/job, they charge 10% of the fees which the
client gives as their base rate.

There are 2 types of jobs, one is hourly jobs and the other is fixed-price jobs.

Upwork Charges Service fees.

- Upwork charges freelancers a service fee based on the total amount billed to a single client.

Here is the breakdown 👇

You pay:

20% for the first $500 you bill your client across all contracts

10% for total billings with your client between

$500.01 and $10,000

5% for total billings with your client that exceed


For example, if you begin an hourly or fixed-price contract with a new client for $600, you’ll be charged

20% on the first $500 and 10% on the remaining $100.

Because of this, many freelancers like to take their jobs outside Upwork after working for some time
because of the Upwork service fee.

The Clients pay a service fee to Upwork and you as a Freelancer also pay a service fee to Upwork, so it's a
win-win when you meet a client on Upwork, negotiate with him/her, and decide to sign the contract
outside Upwork. You should only do this after earning at least $1000 on Upwork.

What Jobs Can You Get On Upwork?

Here are Some of the High Paying Jobs on Upwork.

1. Virtual Assistant

2. Customer Support Representative

3. Cold Calling

4. Telemarketing

5. Online Research

6. Proofreading

7. Transcription (Video /Audio)

8. Data Entry

9. Editing

10. Technical/IT Support

11. Mailbox Management

12. Calendar Management

13. Appointment Setting

14. Chat support Contractor

15. Helpdesk support Contractor

16. Translation

17. Shopify Developer

18. Data Analyst











Just to show you the kind of jobs that you can get on Upwork. Some of them are soft jobs.

If you don't have an account with Upwork yet, you won't be able to see some of these jobs

You have to offer some services to make money on Upwork.

And this leads me to my first question.

Which of these skills are you an expert on?

If you are not an expert in any of them, which one are you ready to learn and start offering as a service
on Upwork?
Let's talk about how you can get started with the skill you already have or the one you hope to acquire

1. How to use slack

2. How to use intercom

3. How to use microsoft teams

4. How to use zendesk

5. How to use hubspot

6. Onedrive

7. Drop box

8. Google Calendar

9. Excel Tutorial

10. Typing Test

How You Can Get Started!.

1. Create your profile (it’s free).

Create an eye-catching title and client-focused overview that can help you land the job you want.

You have to include your work history, your skills, and your photo. Add more information, like an
introduction video to make your profile stand out.

2. Explore the Platform:

Explore ways to Work and earn in different ways. Bid for jobs and submit at least 2 proposals every day.
Make sure to submit your proposals in the night between 12 am to 7 am. This is the time most
employers post these jobs because that is their day period (Afternoon) and as well, most African
freelancers are always asleep then. With that, your proposal will be among the first to be accessed by
the employer and you can land the job if you submitted an impressive Proposal.

3. Work and Get paid securely:

If you deliver well on a job, you may be retained, and if you are not retained, you will get a good
recommendation and rating that will make the next client to easily hire you.

Also, choose how you want to get paid. Upwork has fixed-price protection that releases client payments
to the Freelancer at project milestones.

They also have Hourly protection program that bills clients every week as freelancers do their jobs
weekly. Whether you do fixed price jobs or hourly pay jobs, Upwork service fees are the same.

How to Get your first Job on Upwork and Make Money.

1. Set up a Robust and Optimized Profile:

Your Upwork profile serves the same purpose your CV or resume’ serves. That is where your potential
clients will see the services you have to offer and the services you have offer earlier.

In your general profile, fill out the job you’d like to do, the specific areas in which you are skilled and your
level of expertise in the area.

This is all self-reported and you have to be honest, except you know you are going to learn the skill. For
instance, you can't say that you know how to use Zendesk, ClickUp, intercom, Hubspot, etc and when
you are given a task on it, you won't be able to deliver. It's a different ball game if you write that on your
profile and go ahead to learn them immIf you get hired for a job and you didn't deliver as expected, your
account could be put on hold or closed temporarily.

After setting up your profile, add a clean headshot and a detailed description of your background. You
can include links to your portfolio or work.

In your general profile too, you can fill your education, how long you can work per week, your location,
and your work rate. If you are not sure what to charge, start with $5 per hour since you are a newbie.
Upwork can typically approve your profile within 48hour if your profile is verifiable and accurate and
when that is done, you are ready to start working.

2. Choose a Membership plan:

There are two types of membership on Upwork. Basic Plan and Upwork Plus Plan

The basic plan is free but if you exhaust the 100 connect that is given to you after completing your
profile, you will have to pay to be able to connect with potential clients. Connects are Upwork internal
tokens that are used to submit proposals.

Without connect, you can't submit proposals, except if the client reached out to you. A job May required
between 2 to 6 connects. If you submit good proposal, you will get jobs before you exhaust your free

The more robust and optimized your profile is, the more likely you are to receive job invitation from
potential clients. And when you are invited to apply for jobs, you won’t need any connect for that.

The basic plan also includes payment protection for an hourly rate or fixed price project.

The plus plan requires you to pay $14.99 per month and it includes everything in the basic plan in
addition to

- 70 Connects

- Visibility into the bidding price of your competitors

- Option to keep your earnings confidential

- Ability to customize your profile URL

- Your profile will never be hidden.

3. Connect with high-paying employers.

Use your connects to submit proposals for the jobs you like.

Include an introductory letter, your charges, and answer any questions the client included in his posting.

Before applying for a job, get an idea of the potential client.

-How long has he been on Upwork.

-how much has he/she spent on Upwork in paying freelancers.

-what are the reviews from other freelancers that have worked with the client. (you know, in Upwork
both the freelancer and the client rate each other after completing a contract or job).

Check what other freelancers said about your intending client so that you don't waste your time on
shitty employers.

The rating on Upwork help you decide who you want to work with and let others decide if they want to
hire you too.

4. Set your price and start working.

You can do hourly projects or fixed-price projects. Upwork has a built-in function in its desktop app that
allows them to monitor if freelancers are doing their work as they should or not. The App keeps a
detailed record of your progress on a Project. The app tracks your time in 10-minute billing cycles. It
records keystone, scrolling, clicks, active window, etc. It also takes screenshots periodically. If you intend
to get the jobs and expect payment without working, it won't work because the platform has a way of
monitoring if you are doing your job or not.

5. Get Paid for a work well-done.

As a freelance on Upwork, you can get secured payments through PayPal, Payoneer, direct transfer, or
wired transfer after completing your jobs. Like I said earlier, upwork has payment protection, ones you
do your work well, no client will owe you.

In Summary, if you already have the skills, all you need to do is:

- Create an account

- Optimize your profiles ( the general and specialized profiles)

- Learn how to write job-winning proposals.

- Go for your interviews with boldness and confidence if invited by a client.

- Then do the job very well if you are offered it. It will make them retain you, refer you or give you badass
ratings that will help you easily get your next gigs.

Now for you who don't have these skills or don't know how to go about creating your Account the right
way, I have something for you.

You see, there are two ways you can excel and get jobs on Upwork.

The first way is by doing it all by yourself, figuring how you can acquire the skills, learning alone,
motivating yourself, keeping yourself accountable, and doing everything all by yourself.

The second way is by getting guidance from somehow who has already worked the path, learning with
others, having someone keep you accountable, and motivating you till you succeed.
You know the one that is the best for you.

If you don't want to go on the journey alone, then, you are welcome to join us in the Upwork Advance

The Upwork Advance Training is 21 days of intensive training and Mentorship to help you land your first
job and succeed on Upwork.

The advance class is for you if:

-You want to start earning in dollars.

-You want to make money from the comfort of your home.

-You want to connect with foreign clients that can pay you well.

-You have a skill you can offer or you are ready to acquire the skills.

-You have been on Upwork but you are still struggling to get clients.

-You have gotten your first client but it's been difficult to get another one.

-You are unemployed, a graduate, undergraduate and you are looking for how to sustain yourself.
-You are a stay-at-home mom, teacher, lawyer, etc and you are looking for a flexible job or an extra
stream of income.

This advanced Training is an employability kit.

It will open your eyes to why most Nigerian graduates are said to be unemployable.

You will acquire skills that won't only help you to do well in your remote jobs, but will also help you in
your offline jobs or to easily get offline jobs in your desired sector.

Here is What you will get in the Upwork Advanced Training.

~ How to acquire the On-Demand Skills on Upwork (Guidance + Recommendations + Accountability).

The skills Include:


-Customer Support

-Virtual Assistant

-Cold Calling

-Data Entry

-Inbound and Outbound Sales

-Technical support

-IT Services etc

I will guide you on how to acquire some of these skills for FREE on notable platforms and get Certificates.

In the Advanced Training, You Will Also Learn:

1. How to Create an approved Upwork Account.

2. How to get Your Account Verified.

3. How to create an Optimized profile that gets you job invitations from clients.

4. How to create general and specialized profiles for 2 skills.

5. How to write job-winning proposals and Tips to help you land jobs Faster.

6. How to set up your payment method on Upwork.

7. How to create a Payoneer Account (and get $25 after creation).

8. How to create a PayPal Account as a Nigerian without traveling abroad.

9. How to answer the Upwork readiness test and the direct answers.

10. Proposal templates and samples of job-winning proposals.

I just came across this fantastic course. It's worth $1500 but in celebration of Valentine, the company is
giving it out free. The free access will end tomorrow so make sure you enroll now. The classes will start
on 1st March. They are even guaranteeing jobs somehow. I will drop in more details.

Let’s start by discussing Technical Support.

Technical Support refers to a range of services companies offer to users of their technological products or
services (e.g Software, mobile phones, printers etc).

Technical support Representatives help customers in resolving common issues while using their
company's products or services.

Technical support is usually delivered over telephone, email, via chats or using a company’s special
software like Zendesk, Intercom, Hubspot etc.

Technical Support Representatives must be familiar with the ins and outs of the product for which they
provide support, because they cannot give support on a product/service that they don’t fully know.

Tech Support Representatives help customers resolve technical problems associated with a product or
service they are supporting.

Like I said in the voice vote, Technical Support is different from the normal Customer support that we all

In technical support, there must be a problem or issue that needs to be resolved.

Technical Support has to do with these 3 things:

-Finding the causality, issue, or problem of Customers.

-Diagnosing/ troubleshooting the problem

-Resolving the problem or escalating it to higher authority.

Typically, Technical Support Reps will interviews their customers (what we call troubleshooting) and
listen actively to clients to identify their needs and provide solutions effective in addressing their
customer’s problems.

They also liaise with the various departments of an organization to resolve customers issues and they
escalate difficult issues to their superior for expert resolution.


- System Monitoring.

-Customer Interaction.

-Resolution or Escalation.

-Technical Knowledge.

System Monitoring: This has to do with checking your company's IT system to be sure everything is
working as it should.

It includes monitoring the Central Processing Unit, Server Memory, routers, switches, bandwidth and
applications as well monitoring the performance and availability of important Network devices.

This will help you easily and quickly respond to your customers when they have issues. System
monitoring should actually be the first to do when you resume work every day as a Tech Support.

Customer Interaction:

Customer Interaction is all about Interacting Cordially and troubleshooting the customers problem when
you get their tickets. Remember the ticketing and customer relationship management (CRM) tools we
use to support our customers like Zendesk, Hubspot, Intercom etc.

Usually, most of the customers will tell you their problem in their first chat/message that led to a ticket
being created.
However, you have to make sure that you and the customer are on the same page by making sure you
understand the customer's problem before you proceed to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Don’t
just assume, ask questions.

instance, if a customer came to you and tell you he couldn't access the premium resources in his Account
even when he is using the premium package. To make sure that you and the customer are on the same
page, you can reframe and repeat what he/she outlined as his challenges.

For instance, you could say, “Good evening Ms. Esther. From your message, I understand that you were
not able to access premium resources/features on your Account even though you subscribed to our
premium package, right?”

When the customer answers yes, you can proceed to the next level which is troubleshooting the
problem to know the best way to resolve it.

If the customer answer no, then that means you don’t understand what his challenges are yet so you will
go ahead and tell him…

In the issue I mentioned earlier about some people not being able to subscribe to LinkedIn Learning with
their Card. A Technical Support Rep will diagnose or troubleshoot the problem by asking questions.


Please can you confirm if you have some money in the Account, because the card will be tested?

Please confirm is your name, date and card number are correct?

Have you used this particular card for any online transaction before?


If I work with LinkedIn as a Tech Support, these are some of the questions I am going to ask to help me
provide solution to the problem.
Resolution or Escalation:

After interacting with your customer and troubleshooting his/her problem, the next step is to resolve the
problem or escalate it.

You are either resolving a problem or escalating it. You may not have the solution to every problem/issue
your customers bring to you and that’s why you need to escalate some problem sometimes.

Escalation simply means that you take the technical issue you are not able to resolve to Tech Engineers
or product managers (programmers or those who actually created the product), because they know
everything about the product more than you do. The product managers are also the ones who do
routine maintenance and updates on softwares and hardwares.

[9:09 AM, 2/16/2022] Mentor Esther Chukwu: While you are escalating a problem to your superiors, let
the customers know.

You could say something like “Having checked your Issue/problem, I think the issue is beyond my scope
and I want to escalate it to my manager to help in solving it. I will get back to you when I find a headway
to the issue “.

Remember, the ticket is yours and even when you are escalating, you still have to follow up on the issue
to ensure the customer's problem is solved. If you say you will get back to a customer, always remember
to do that. An oyibo can give you 1-star rating simply because you didn't reach out to them when you
said you will.

Technical Knowledge: This has to do with going the extra mile in helping your customers. Like telling
them what to do when next they encounter a similar problem or telling them what to do to avoid the
issue they had. You can use your company’s documentation or frequently ask questions to provide extra
help to your customers.

Now let’s talk about CUSTOMER SUPPORT (Non-Technical).


Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after a purchase.
The success of customer service delivery Depends on how customer service Reps adjust themselves to
the personality of their customers.

Though this days, customer care is handled by automated self-service systems like bots, the option to
speak to a human being is still seen as a necessity to most businesses.

is excellent customer service?

I was asked this in my job interview as a Customer Support, you might be asked the same in your

What's customer service and What does good customer service look like?

I listed them below:

● Ask the right questions

● Actively listen to your customer

● Focus on the customer and adapt your approach to different customers

● Treat the customer the way you would like to be treated

● Exercise good judgment

● Have in-depth knowledge of your product or service

● Be helpful even if it is not going to result in a sale

● Do what you say you will

● View a customer's complaint as an opportunity to gain the customer's respect

● Resolve complaints helpfully and patiently

● Strive for continual improvement…

Customer Service Role list:

Here are some of the things Customer Support Reps Do:

● Manage large amounts of incoming phone calls

● Generate sales leads

● Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction

● Build sustainable relationships and trust with customer accounts through open and interactive

● Provide accurate, valid and complete information by using the right methods/tools

● Meet personal/customer service team sales targets and call handling quotas
● Handle customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time

limits; follow up to ensure resolution

● Keep records of customer interactions, process customer accounts and file documents

● Follow communication procedures, guidelines and policies

● Take the extra mile to engage customers.

Other things Customer Service Representative do.

A Customer Service Representative, or CSR, acts as a liaison between a company and their customers,
provides product/service information, answer questions, and resolve any emerging problems that
customers might face with good accuracy and efficiency.

The best CSRs are genuinely excited to help customers. They’re patient, empathetic, and passionately

They love to talk and they understand the value of good communication skills.

Customer service representatives can put themselves in their customer’s shoes and advocate for them
when necessary.

Customer feedback is priceless, and CSRs help to gather feedback from their customers.

Problem-solving also comes naturally to Customercare special…

5 Things Your Customers Expect from you.

Meeting Customer Expectations is a top priority for many companies.

According to a research by

Forrester published on Fonolo, nearly 95% of business leaders say that providing a top-notch customer
experience is a top strategic priority for them and 75% want to use customer experience as a competitive

For you to satisfy the needs of your Customers, you must know what it is they want.

Here are 5 things your customers expect from you.

1 . Customers want you to understand their needs.

A Customer is likely to be frustrated and offended if a product delivered or services rendered to them do
not solve their current need or the reason they bought the product or service.

Customers want you to first, understand their needs and expectations. The business should be able to
meet the customer's expectations.

: 2. Customers want to reach you in multiple ways.

Many customers may prefer one channel over another. Some of them may want to reach you

via email while others would prefer a phone call. The millennials may want to interact with your business
via social media channels. Your business should position itself in all digital channels and be open to
entertain inquiries and converse Swifty with existing and

prospective clients.

A modern business should have different channels of communicating and supporting their customers. A
customer support rep should also learn to support customers on their preferred channels. Some
customers what phone calls while some prefer chats and emails.

3. Customers want quick responses.

Your customers want you to respond to their requests as soon as possible. One study shows
that on Twitter, about 53% of customers expect a brand to respond to them in under an hour.

Of course, if your business can respond in a few minutes, the customers would be happy to

do business with you and this leads to customer retention.

Every company should make

good use of technology to reduce wait times and keep customers busy before a customer

care agent picks the request up. And customer service reps also need to be aware of the SLA's of
different customers.

4. Your Customers want a personalized experience, not generic responses.

Sales is emotional. Customer service should be made as personal as possible. Each Customer is different
and unique. No two customers are the same. What works for one Customer may not work for another.
Communications should be personalized to each Customer.

As a Customer Support Rep, try to give customers personalized experience. Do this by greeting them
with their personal names and titles ( e.g Good afternoon, Mr Jones) and try to remember some details
about them if you have previously had communication with them. It shows you are really interested in
them and this makes their heart glad.

5. Your Customers expect you to solve their problems.

You are in business to solve problems and get rewarded financially because of this. So when your
customers come to you, they expect your product or service would solve their problems.

When they make an inquiry, it is because they are interested in your brand and the business and may
likely buy your products or services. These customers at times want a quick resolution to what they
struggle with.

As a Customer service Rep, you should understand this and equip yourself with the right skill set,
knowledge and tools that would help you easily and quickly resolve Customers’ issues or problems.
Now let's talk briefly about Telemarketing

What Is Telemarketing/Cold calling.

Telemarketing is the direct Marketing of goods or services to potential customers over

the telephone, Internet, or fax.

Telemarketing may either be carried out by telemarketers or increasingly, by automated telephone calls
or "robocalls."

How Telemarketing Works.

Telemarketing involves the practice of contacting, vetting, and approaching potential customers.

The term Telemarketing was first used in the 1970s with the advent of a new, cheaper class of outbound
long-distance telephone services and inbound toll-free services.

The practice of telemarketing can take place from a call center, an office, or, increasingly, at home.

Many times, telemarketing can involve a single call to assess interest of a customer or suitability of an
offer, and it is also used for follow-up calls to pursue a sale.

Most telemarketers earn through commissions. It’s one of the highly lucrative freelance jobs on upwork

[9:10 AM, 2/16/2022] Mentor Esther Chukwu: A company might put a fix price of $200 for a
Telemarketer, and at the end, the telemarketer will be going home with $2000 and above because of
sales commission.

[9:10 AM, 2/16/2022] Mentor Esther Chukwu: However, don’t always be moved by the commission a
company or client is offering you.

Make your research first and be sure if their products or services is what you can sell. A client might be
offering you 40% commission for every product sold and in one week, you may not be able to close a
sale. At the other hand, a client might be offering you 10% commission for every product sold and in a
day, you can be closing over 10 sales. That would be $100 in a day.

The bottomline is for you to make research, examine the product/service, the ease of selling it and the
commission involved before accepting a telemarketing job. Telemarketing is sweet when the leads are
provided for you.

Telemarketing Activities

The act of telemarketing can be divided into four subcategories:

● Outbound: In outbound calls, prospects customers are actively reached out to via outbound
telemarketing calls, also known as "cold" calls. Cold calls are calls reaching out to audience or people
that haven’t interacted with your business before.

● Inbound: These telemarketing calls are based on inbound inquiries about products or services as
prompted by advertising or sales efforts.

These are considered "warm calls” (calls to people who have already been in contact with your business)
as customers will typically have submitted an interest form online or already be familiar with the

● Lead generation: The collection of intelligence about the profiles, interests, and demographic

data of potential customers.

● TeleSales: The persuasive activity engaged in by salespeople, in which telemarketers are trained

and aim to close a deal on the phone.

Telemarketing may entail a variety of activities, such as surveying, appointment-setting, telesales,

database maintenance and cleaning, and providing a call to action.

I think it’s high time we begin to prepare for our Upwork Account Creation
, we need to prepare our Resume to make it easier. Once you have an already prepared resume, all you
have to do is upload it on upwork and the upwork system will automatically use it to fill your work
experience section.

You need to have at least 3 work experience on your resume. The 3 work experience should represent
the 3 skills you have chosen from the beginning

I am aware that most of us haven’t had experience on some of those skills but we are still going to write
it in our Resume.

will do a lot of browsing to know the duties of the role you are putting on your CV. For instance, the
duties of a Data Entry specialist or the duties of a Customer Support Rep. You will use your findings to
build your resume.

Here are LinkedIn Courses on how to build a great resume.

You can use this website to build your resume. The website already has the duties of so many job roles. I
can't remember if it's free or not. Even if it's not free, you can use their free trial to build your resume.
Or you can just write down the roles from the website.
Google Suite tutorial

Skill Up

You can still try this app for some free courses. they give certificates too



My name is Ameh Monday Eneojo. A student of National Open University of Nigeria, Lafia, Nasarawa
State, Nigeria. With utmost enthusiasm, i look forward to taking this course, unfortunately; I come from
a lower-middle-class Nigerian family and the exchange rate from Naira (My Country's currency) to dollars
is very high, making it impossible for me to fund the course myself. Presently, i work in my community as
a part-time lesson teacher and my monthly stipend, which is below the course fee is barely enough to
cover my school project.

My father is late and my mother is a mini trader whose means of living has not being fair enough for my
family, reason why i had to pick up a job as a student regardless and currently, my country is facing
economy downtime
It will be an immense relief to get financial aid for this course, thank you so much for taking your time to
consider my request.


As an Information Technology, it is my desire to narrow/navigate my career path towards Technical

Support/Non Technical Support tools and skills and it is obvious, this course will go along way to help me
achieve that as well as helping me meet global requirements

I'd like to learn more about how to shape organizational culture and core values under organizational
goals, as well as hot to bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands,
productivity, encouraging creativity, efficiency and other issues, in order to assist the company in
achieving this goal by maintaining high employee engagement. And Coursera is the best place to achieve
this dream

I am confident that attending this course will provide me with the skill and knowledge I seek. I intend to
pursue a master's degree on Data Analysis as well as contributing positively in the recent technological
development by Mark Zuckkaberg called Meta which is designed for global breakthrough.


My monthly stipend as a part-time teacher is less than the course fee and a part of my family depends
on it, preventing me from paying for the course.

I'm not even sure I will be able to pay back the loan, considering my financial challenge. As I have a
limited source of income.

Taking out this loan will be a significant financial strain for me and my family. If I could acquire this
course, it would be quite beneficial.
I will gladly contribute to this great platform that is assisting me in growing during this difficult moment.

Specta Loan Site



Upwork test answers

If you no pass for this website, na village people cause am

Detailed video on how to use Discord

My Pioneer recovery code


If you haven't read this article, please do it now.

The article is from Upwork support and there's no better person to

explain Upwork proposal than them.

If you haven't read this article, please do it now.

The article is from Upwork support and there's no better person to

explain Upwork proposal than them.

Read it carefully and take note.

I will share 2 templates and 3 samples here.

But remember, we are over 200 Persons here. Imagine about 5

persons submitting a proposal with the same template or writing
pattern for a job posting. The client will know and the 5 of you won't
stand a chance.

Just like we have always done, I expect every to twerk the templates,
rephrase, use the idea in the template and create your own.

If you read this article, you will see that Upwork Advises against
templates and copying and submitting premade proposals, because
every client is different and as such, their job description and
deliverables are also different. That's why you need to tailor each
Proposal to suit each client and his job.

, you are just starting out and you need to at least, know how a typical
proposal should be structured.

Your Proposal is an extension of your CV/upwork profile, if you have

done your work very well in your profile. You can always ask your
potential clients to check out your profile.

There's also a place for attachment while you are submitting your
proposal. It's for you to upload samples of the jobs you have done
previously especially if you a Software Engineer, Graphics Designer

*A Typical Proposal Contain the following *

1. A Custom greeting.
E.g Hello Esther, Hello John, Hello Kay.

You are to address your potential clients by their first name.

Reading the job description, you may not see their name or the name
of their company. But when you check the Feedback/Review section,
you will see how other freelancers who have worked with the client
addressed him/her by their first name while giving their reviews.

If it's a new client on Upwork and you can seem to find his name
anywhere, you can use just “Hello”.

2. Talk about why the job interests you.

You have already chosen 3 skills of which you have spent time learning
and acquiring Certificates. The jobs you should be submitting
proposals for should be around these 3 skills until you choose to
change them.

I want to believe that by now, you are familiar with the duties of the
job roles you are going to be applying for, even though you may never
have done the job before.

And mind you, some of you actually have work experience in these
areas. If you have ever sold anything, my dear, that's a valuable
experience for Telemarketing/Cold-calling. If you have ever helped a
customer resolve an issue, that's a valuable experience for Customer
support, etc. Forget the tush names, most of you have actually had
genuine work experience relating to these roles. So wear your
confidence like agbada.

Let them know that the job interests you because you have had
valuable experience doing that kind of job in your previous workplace.

3. Make a connection with your client's needs and the solution you
are bringing.

Clients post jobs because they have a need and they want that their
needs to be met. Address this need in your proposal and explain how
you are a good fit to help them meet the need or solve the problem.

E.g. Your client’s need might be to achieve whitelisting in his NFT

project on Discord, address it and tell him/her how you have done it
for some clients and how you are ready to do the same for them even
in the shortest period. Tell them how you would be sending 500+
messages daily to quickly achieve this. Do the same if your clients
what more sales, more customer satisfaction, more data organization,
etc. Address it and tell them how you are the best fit for the job.

4. Share Relevant Experience about the job.

This is where you will talk about how many years of experience you
have. Always put 3 years download. Once you have worked with one
or two clients on upwork, you can start increasing it on your proposal.
5. Show confidence that you can deliver. Let it shine through in your
Proposal. You have done your homework, you are free to throw in

: 6. Close by inviting the client to connect/chat with you.

: Template 1.

Hello (Client’s First name)

It is exciting that your company is looking to do this (type the project


I understand that finding the right fit for your (project) is your top
priority and getting the right (project deliverables) is critical to your
company's growth and success.

With (Z) years of experience as a (job role, e.g Telemarketer), I have

worked with companies just like yours on many similar projects. For
instance, I worked with ( put previous company name) to achieve (
project milestone ). This gave me just the right experience and
perspective that you are looking for.

I would be happy to discuss your project needs and how I can help you
meet them.
I look forward to talking to you


(Your name )

A short and concise template.

Remember, this is just a template and you mustn't use it.

Template 2

Hello (clients name)

Your (Project) caught my attention because of the unique challenges it

offers. I particularly liked (Specific detail from the client project),
which aligns with my work value and goals.

Did you know that in (client's project industry), only (%) of (job type)
projects are completed with successful results.

A project like this really needs someone with the (skill) to think
through ( project details/needs ).
I have no doubt I can provide this because I have already helped (add
a number) other clients just like you with related projects.

I have attached some recent examples of work I have done and I can
provide other reference if you'd like. (optional)

How about we connect and go over exactly what you are looking for in
a (job role, e.g Telemarter)?What's your schedule like?


(Your name )

Yes, you can ask questions in your proposal but don't ask complicated
questions that may put the client off.

Hello McCain,

I just read your job posting with keen interest and I understand that
you are looking for a good Conversationalist that will have quality
conversations with people on your server and get your account
Whitelisted on Discord.
I am a good conversationalist who easily connects with people by
having great conversations with them.

I do not doubt that I will be able to help you get whitelisted on your
desired server on discord in just a few days. I have been on discord
since June 2021 and I am well acquainted with how the platform
works. I can achieve 500-800 quality messages in just a few hours. I
am fluent in both written and spoken English and I have a vast
knowledge of NFT, such that I can have conversation around it for
hours. I am very active on Twitter and Twitch and interacting on these
platforms comes very easy to me.

I am the best person for this job and it will be a great experience if you
pick me for this job because I am ready to work and grind with you to
achieve Whitelisting in just a few days.

I look forward to talking with you.


Esther C

In job postings, some clients will list qualifications they expect their
intending client's to have.
In this particular job posting, the client wants the freelancer to

- Have good written and spoken English

- Be active on Twitter and Twitch

- Be a good Conversationalist etc

That's why I have to mention all of that in the proposal. That's why
you shouldn't just copy and paste premade Proposals or templates.
You need to capture the particular needs the clients have in your

Hello Julia,

I have got your job posting on the Virtual Assistant Project. According
to your job description, you need a fast Virtual Assistant for helping
you with your tasks. And yes you have mentioned about your time. I
want to let you know that I have been working on these types of
works for more than 5 years without any single schedule problem.

I am fully expert in web research, extracting email, MS Office, Google

Docs, Google Calendar, Google Document, Google Spreadsheet, B2B
Marketing, Lead Generation, Directory, and other related programs.
I can assure you that I will be able to assist you in your task in time
with quality work as I have already completed so many projects like

Please have a look on my portfolio and profile. I have listed many

successful projects in my work history area.

I would be happy to discuss with you further after this project.

Best Regards.

Esther C.

Hi Pollo.

I just read your posting with so much enthusiasm. It sounds like you
need an email expert to advise you on a few things; from funnel set up
and strategy, to what you should offer to get signups in the first place.

I have a background in funnels and email copywriting and have been

doing this for 3 years, including for some other
subscription/membership businesses.
I can work with you to come up with a great strategy and
high-converting emails to turn your prospects into paying customers.
And I can help you get more email signups going into this funnel, too.

If any of the above sounds interesting, let me know when you’d be

available to talk with me.


Esther C


- Use the first line to show that you’ve read their job posting and
understand exactly what they need.

- Explain why you’re an expert in what they need.

- Make a recommendation or ask a question to reinforce the fact that

you’re an expert in this topic.

- Close with a Call to Action to get them to reply. E.g: Ask them when
they’re available to talk, then Sign off with your name.
- Keep everything brief. Aim for less than 150 words in your Upwork
proposal. 120 words is ideal.

-Use great spacing; you should only have two to three sentences
MAXIMUM per paragraph in your proposal.

- Only send proposals for jobs posted on Upwork within the last 24
hours. You’ll be more likely to get the interview if you do this.

- Commit to sending out proposals five days per week (Monday –

Friday) for at least a month to build up your leads on Upwork.

Price yourself near the top of the client’s range. Never compete on
price and never try to be the cheapest. If a client fixed his project
budget at $350. Your bid should be between 250-350. Don't bid lower
or higher than that.




Fungible Token. NFT has a digital signature that makes it impossible to

be exchanged for or equal to one another...( non- fungible)

Exist on a blockchain, which is a distributed public ledger that records

transactions. You’re probably most familiar with blockchain as the
underlying process that makes cryptocurrencies possible.

Specifically, NFTs are typically held on the Ethereum blockchain,

although other blockchains support them as well.

An NFT is created, or “minted” from digital objects that represent

both tangible and intangible items, including:

• Art
• GIFs

• Videos and sports highlights

• Collectibles

• Virtual avatars and video game skins

• Designer sneakers

• Music

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