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Utracon Vietnam Co, Ltd


rn Annual Lean:

.______,I Compassionate Leave


,______.I Unpaid Leave

,______.I Matern ity / Patern ity Leave
.______.I fy_: _ __
Others, please speci ... IHome Leave (Overseas)
._______, i(~ .

I wish to apply for _i day(s) leave commencing from l 3/ 1f2JJ Lj


to t➔~)~ {rU0 ~ inclusive. 1shall report to work on 50 {:,- I 2odg

Employee's Code : VO 00 4- ~ 14- Dept : f..l),' i SlovtJ \I'

Name : Contact No (f) ~+st 'Jj ~s )-

Applicat ion's Signature Approving Supervisor's Signature
Date : Name :

Please Note :
❖ All leave applications muse be duly approved & signed by respective Manager or Supervisor.
❖ Other than emergency leave, all leave applications should be submitted at leas t two da ys
in advance to Admin Dept.
❖ For medical / hospica/isacion 'eave, it is nor necessary co fill up this form. Howe ver,
original copy of medical certificate should be verified by immediate supe rior, and routed
co Admin Dept for retention.

Reply Slip 1/elmr 1><11·111111.for

Name o f Staff :

Previous Annual Leave Balance : Dept :


Current Leave 1akc11 - -- - days rrn ,11 _ __ __ _ _ _.:.:,

Ill_ _ _ __

13ala11cc A nn ua l Leaw days

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