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Soil Liquefaction Analysis Report

Project : Contract Services for the Detailed Engineering Design for the IPIF Output 2 Borehole : TLRB-PBH-283
Project No. : D2-6b Total Depth : 10.5 m
SOLAR SURVEYING CORPORATION Client : Asian Development Bank EGIS Water Level : 3 m
Site Address : Tuganay, Carmen, Davao del Norte Calculated By : KMJO Reviewed By : KMJO

Table i : Input Data and Assumptions Table ii : CRR Calculation Methods Table iv : Field Tests
Input Assumption Setting CRR Formula Selected? Depth (m) SPT Blow Counts(N)
Field Test Type : Standard Penetration Test (SPT) NCEER Workshop (1997) True 1 2
Apply All Corrections to SPT? True Boulanger & Idriss (2014) True 2 2
Vancouver Task Force (2007) False 3 2
Groundwater Level (m) = 3 Cetin et al. (2004) False 4.5 4
Earthquake Magnitude M = 7 Chinese Code False 6 6
Magnitude Scaling Factor (MSF) : 1.19 (Idriss, 1997 -NCEER) Seed et al. (1983) False 7.5 8
Fines Content Correction : (according to user settings) Japanese Highway Bridge Code False 9 8
Depth Reduction Factor (Rd) : Idriss 1999, Golesorkhi 1989 Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983) False 10.5 8
Relative Density (Dr) Estimation : Idriss & Boulanger, 2003 Shibata (1981) False
Site Topography : Free Face H/L = 0.1 Kokusho et al. (1983) False
Ground Improvement Feature : None
Peak Ground Acceleration PGA (g) = 0.4

Table iii : Subsurface Soil Layers

Layer Thickness (m) Soil Type Unit Weight (kN/m3) Fines Content (%) D50 (mm) Check Liquefaction Su (kPa)
1 Silt 15 88 0.02 True 0
1 Silt 15 88 0.02 True 0
1 Silt 15 80 0.02 True 0
1.5 Silt 12.5 89 0.02 True 0
1.5 Silt 12.5 84 0.02 True 0
1.5 Silt 12.5 85 0.02 True 0
1.5 Silt 12.5 84 0.02 True 0
1.5 Silt 12.5 84 0.02 True 0

Table v : Post-Liquefaction Displacements

Type Method Movement (cm)
Lateral Spreading Zhang & Robertson, 2004 18
Lateral Spreading Faris, 2006 0 (M<8)
Lateral Spreading Youd et al., 2002 0
Lateral Spreading Barlett & Youd, 1992 1
Lateral Spreading Hamada et al., 1986 52
Lateral Spreading Youd & Perkins, 1987 LSI ~9 see details for LSI=10
Vertical Settlement Ishihara & Yoshimine, 1992 2

NovoLIQ 4.0.2021.311; Licensed To : KENNY MAFEL ORCULLO (

Printed on 31/10/2022 by LAPTOP-8SC6I9UM\geoma Page 1
Soil Liquefaction Analysis Report
Project : Contract Services for the Detailed Engineering Design for the IPIF Output 2 Borehole : TLRB-PBH-283
Project No. : D2-6b Total Depth : 10.5 m
SOLAR SURVEYING CORPORATION Client : Asian Development Bank EGIS Water Level : 3 m
Site Address : Tuganay, Carmen, Davao del Norte Calculated By : KMJO Reviewed By : KMJO

NovoLIQ 4.0.2021.311; Licensed To : KENNY MAFEL ORCULLO (

Printed on 31/10/2022 by LAPTOP-8SC6I9UM\geoma Page 2
Soil Liquefaction Analysis Report
Project : Contract Services for the Detailed Engineering Design for the IPIF Output 2 Borehole : TLRB-PBH-283
Project No. : D2-6b Total Depth : 10.5 m
SOLAR SURVEYING CORPORATION Client : Asian Development Bank EGIS Water Level : 3 m
Site Address : Tuganay, Carmen, Davao del Norte Calculated By : KMJO Reviewed By : KMJO

NovoLIQ 4.0.2021.311; Licensed To : KENNY MAFEL ORCULLO (

Printed on 31/10/2022 by LAPTOP-8SC6I9UM\geoma Page 3
Soil Liquefaction Analysis Report
Project : Contract Services for the Detailed Engineering Design for the IPIF Output 2 Borehole : TLRB-PBH-283
Project No. : D2-6b Total Depth : 10.5 m
SOLAR SURVEYING CORPORATION Client : Asian Development Bank EGIS Water Level : 3 m
Site Address : Tuganay, Carmen, Davao del Norte Calculated By : KMJO Reviewed By : KMJO

NovoLIQ 4.0.2021.311; Licensed To : KENNY MAFEL ORCULLO (

Printed on 31/10/2022 by LAPTOP-8SC6I9UM\geoma Page 4

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