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QNO : 1 & 2 IN IPE

1. i). if f(x) = 3x - 2, x 3
= x - 2, - 2 x 2.
= 2x + 1 x < - 3, then find f(4), f(2.5), f(- 2), f(- 4), f(0), f(- 7) [March 2014]
π π π π
ii).if A = 0, , , , and f : A B is a surjection defined by f(x) = cos x then find B.
6 4 3 2
[May 2017AP 2017TS 2015AP 2015TS March 2017TS 2016AP]
iii).If A = and f : A B is a surjection defined by f(x) = x2 + x + 1, then find B.
2, 1,0,1, 2
[March 2019AP 2017AP 2016TS May 2019AP 2016AP 2016TS 2014]
2. if f = {(1,2),(2,- 3),(3,- 1)} then find
i).2f [March 2020AP 2012]
ii).f [March 2020AP]
iii).2 + f [March 2012]
3. If f = {(4,5),(5,6),(6,- 4)} and g = {(4,-4),(6,5),(8,5)} then find
i).f + g [March 2017TS]
ii).f - g [March
2017TS] iii).f.g [March
4. If f(x) = 2, g(x) = x2, h(x) = 2x.then find (fogoh)(x) [March 2017TS]
x 1
5. If f(x) = where x 1 find (fofofof)(x) [March 2005]
x 1

6. If f :R R, g : R R are defined by f(x) = 3x-2, g(x) = x2 + 1, then find (gof)(x - 1)

7. if f and g are real valued functions defined by f(x) = 2x - 1 and g(x) = x2. then
find i). (fg)(x) [March
2009] ii).(f+g+2)(x) [March
8. if f : R R, g : R R are defined by f(x) = 4x - 1 and g(x) = x2 + 2 then find
a 1
i) (gof)(x) [March 2005] ii). (gof) 4 [March 2005]
iii).(fof)(x) [March 2004]
x 1
9. If f(x) = 2x -1,g(x) = , find
i).(gof)(x) [March 2020AP 2019AP 2019TS]
ii).(fog)(x) [March 2019TS]
10. If f : R R, g : R R are defined by f(x) = 3x - 1, g(x) = x2 + 1, then
find i).(fog)(2) [March 2018AP 2013 May 2017TS 2013]
ii).(gof)(2x-3) [May2017TS]
1 1
11. If f : R -{0} R is defined by f(x) = x3- , then prove that f(x)+f =0 [May 2018TS]
x x

12. If f :R R is defined by f(x) = 1 2x, then prove that f(tan ) = cos 2 [March 2020TS]
1 x
1 x 2x
13. If f : R-{ 1} R is defined by f(x) = log
1 x , then show that f 2
= 2 f(x)
1 x

[May 2018AP]
y y
14. If f(y) = 2
, g(y) = 2
then show that (fog)(y) = y [May 2016TS]
1 y 1 y
15. Find the domain of the following functions.
1 1
i). . [March 2019TS] ii). 2
6x x 2 5 (x 1)(x 3)
[May 2018AP 2017AP 2014 March 2020TS 2014]
16. Find the domain of the following functions.
i). 2 2 [June 2004] ii). 4x x2 [March 18TS May 2019AP]
a x
iii). x2 25 [May 2018AP 2015AP March 2018AP]

1 1
iv). [May 2013] v). 2 2 [March 2015AP]
1 x
2 x a
17. Find the domain of the function log(x2 - 4x + 3) [March 2016TS May 2016AP]
18. Find the domain of the following functions
2 x 2 x
3 x 3 x [March 2007] ii). [May 2015TS]
i). x x
19. Find the domain and range of the 9 x
2 [March 2017AP 2015TS]
2x 1
20. If f : R R is defined by f(x) = is injection or surjection justify your answers ?
[March 2015TS]

QNO : 3 & 4 IN IPE

1. Define Triangular Matrix [March 2016TS]
3 2 1 3 1 0
2. i).if A = 2 0
,B= 2 1 3
then find the matrix X such that A+B = X [March 2017TS]
1 3 1 4 1 2

1 2 3 8
ii).if A = 3 4 , B = 7 2 and 2X+A = B then find X. [March 2015AP 2013 2011 May 2012]
1 2 3 3 2 1
3. If A = 3 2 1
,B= 1 2 3
find 3B - 2A [March 2019TS 2012]
x 3 2y 8 5 2
4. i).Find the values of x, y, z and a =
If z 2 6 2 a 4

[March 19AP May 18TS 16AP]

x 1 2 5 y
1 2 3
ii). If 0 z 1 7 = 0 4 7 then find the values of x, y, z, and a. [March 2020TS]
1 0 a 5 1 0 0
5. i). Define trace of a matrix. [May 2017AP 2013]
1 3 5
ii). Find the trace of 2 1 5 [March 2020AP 2013]
2 0 1

1 2 1/ 2
iii). Find the trace of 0 1 2 [May 2015TS]
1/2 2 1
6. Construct a 3 2 matrix whose elements are defined by aij =2 i 3j [March 2017AP 2015TS]
i 0
7. Find A2 if0 A i= [March 2016AP]

3 0 0

8. If A = 0 3 0
, then find A4 [May 2017TS March 2020TS]
0 0 3

2 4
9. If A = 1 K
and A 2 = O find k. [May 2016TS 2011 March 2018TS 2017AP 2014]
10. i). Define Symmetric Matrix give an example [May 2013 March 2018AP]
ii). If A is a square matrix then show that AA is a symmetric matrix [March 2015AP]
iii). Define Skew Symmetric Matrix give an example [May 2017AP 2017TS]
2 4
11. i).If A = 5 3
then find A+AT and A.AT [May 2019AP 2018AP 2015AP]

1 2
2 1 0
ii).If A = 3 4 5
,B= 4 3 , then find A+ BT [May 2008]
1 5

2 1
2 3 1
iii).if A = 5 0 ,B= 4 0 2 then find 3BT- A [March 2010]
1 4

1 5 3 2 1 0
iv).If A = 2 4 0 ,B= 0 2 5 then find 3A - 4BT [May 2013]
3 1 5 1 2 0

1 2
12. If A = then find A.A T [March 2017TS]

2 0 1 1 1 0
13. If A = 1 1 5
,B= 0 1 2 then find (ABT T) [March 2019TS May 2012]

1 2 3

2 5 6
14. Find x If the matrix is a symmetric matrix. [March 2016AP May 2018TS 2015TS]
3 x 7

0 2 1

2 0 2
15. Find x, if the matrix is a skew symmetric matrix [May 2014 2013 May 2011]
1 x 0

[May 2016AP March 2013]

16. Define Inverse of a square matrix [May 2015AP]
17. Find the adjoint and inverse matrix
2 3
1 2
i). 3 5
[March 2018AP] ii). 4 6
[May 2017AP]

cos sin
iii). sin cos
[March 2013]

QNO : 5 & 6 IN IPE

1. Define Linear Combination of a vectors [May 2015TS]
2. a = 2i-j+k, b = i-3j-5k.Find the vector c such that a, b and c form the sides of a triangle.
[May 2019AP]
3. If OA = i+j+k, AB = 3i-2j+k, BC = i+2j-2k, CD = 2i+j+3k find the position vector of D.
[March 2019TS 2013]
4. If the position vectors of A,B,C are -2i+j-k, -4i+2j+2k, 6i-3j-13k and AB = AC, find .
[May 2019AP 2017AP March 2011]
5. i).Let a = i+2j+3k, b = 3i+j.Find the unit vector in the direction of a+b.
[May 2018AP 2016TS March 2016TS]
ii).Let a = 2i+4j-5k, b = i+j+k, c = j+2k. Find the unit vector in the opposite direction of
a+b+c. [May 2015AP 2012 March 2019AP 2019TS 2015AP 2012]
iii).Find the unit vector in the direction of the sum of the vectors a = 2i+2j-5k, b = 2i+j+3k.
[May 2013]
iv).Find the unit vector in the direction of a = 2i+3j+k. [May 2017 TS March 2014]
6. i).If a = 2i+5j+k, b = 4i+mj+nk and a, b are collinear, find m, n.
[March 2020AP 2018TS 2017TS 2016AP 2015TS May 2016AP 2015TS 2011]
ii).If the vectors -3i+4j+ k, i+8j+6k are collinear vectors, then find and .
[March 2020TS 2018AP 2014 May 2018TS 2014 2012]
iii).Find p if 4i+ 3 j+pk is parallel to i+2j+3k. [March 2011]
7. Show that the points with position vectors -2a+3b+5c, a+2b+3c, 7a-c are collinear, where
a, b, c are three non coplanar vectors. [May 2017TS]
8. Find the vector equation of the line passing through the point 2i+3j+k and parallel to the
vector (4,-2,3). [May 2017AP 2016TS March 2017TS 2015AP]
9. i).OABC is a parallelogram.If OA = a, OC = c, find the vector equation of the side BC.
[March 2015TS]
ii).If a, b, c are the position vectors of the vertices A, B, and C respectively of ABC then.
find the vector equation of the median through the vertexA. [March
10. Find the vector equation of the line passing through the points 2i+j+3k, -4i+3j-k.
[May 2016AP March 2018TS 2016AP 2016TS 2011]
11. Find the vector equation of the plane passing through the points.
i).i-2j+5k, -5j-k, -3i+5j [May 19AP 18TS 15AP 14 13 11 March 19TS 17AP]
ii).(0,0,0),(0,5,0),(2,0,1). [May 2018AP March 2020AP 2020TS 2018AP]
12. ABCDE is a pentagon.If the sum of the vectors AB, AE, BC, DC, ED and AC is AC,
then find the value of .
1. Find the angle between the vectors i+2j+3k and 3i-j+2k [March 2018AP 2017TS 2014]
2. If , and are the angles made by the vector a = 3i-6j+2k with the positive derections of
the coordinate axes then find cos ,cos and cos . [March 2017AP]
3. If a = i+2j-3k, b = 3i-j+2k then show that a + b, a - b are mutually perpendicular.
[May 2018AP 2011 March 2015AP]
4. Find the value of If the vectors are perpendicular to each other
i). 2i+ j-k, 4i-2j+2k [May 2016TS 2015TS]
ii). i-3j+5k, 2 i- j- k [March 2019AP 2016TS May 2014]
5. Find the orthogonal projection of b on a and its magnitude If
i). a = i-j-k,b = 2i-3j+k [March 2017AP]
ii). a = i+j+k, b = 2i+3j+k [May 2013]
6. Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (3,-2,1) and perpendicular to the
vector (4,7,-4) [March 2019TS]
7. i).If a = 2i-j+k, b = i-3j-5k then find a b [March 2013]
ii).If a = 2i-3j+k, b = i+4j-2k, then find (a+b) (a-b) [March 2018TS]
8. If a+b+c = O the show that a b = b c = c a [March 2003]
9. Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are
i).2i-3j, 3i-k. [May 2017AP 2016AP 2012]
ii).-i+k, 2j-k [March 2016AP]
10. Find the are of the parallelogram whose diagonals are 3i+j-2k, i-3j+4k. [May 2017TS]
11. Find the vector area and area of the parallelogram having a = i+2j-k, and b = 2i-j+2k as
adjacent sides. [March 2020AP]

QNO : 8 & 9 IN IPE

1. Find the value sin3300 cos1200+cos2100 sin3000 [March 2018AP]
π 3π 5π 7π 9π
2. Show that cot 20 cot cot cot cot
20 20 20 20 = 1 [March 2005]
0 0 2
tan160 tan110 1 λ
3. If tan 200 = λ, prove that 0 0 = 2λ
[March 2020AP 2016AP]
1 tan160 .tan110
4. i).If sinθ = 4/5 and θ is not in Ist quadrant, find the value of cosθ [March 2019AP 2017TS]
ii).If sinθ = -1/3 and θ does not lie in IIIrd quadrant, find the values of cosθ , cotθ
[March 2019TS 2013]
iii).If cosθ = t, 0<t<1 and θ does not lie in first quadrant, find the values of sinθ
[March 2017AP]
5. i).If 3.sinθ + 4.cosθ = 5, then find the value of 4.sinθ - 3.cosθ [March 2012]
ii).If a cosθ - b sinθ = c then show that a sinθ +b cosθ = a
[May 2018TS]
6. If cosθ +sinθ = 2 cosθ , prove that cosθ - sinθ = 2 sinθ [May 2015TS 2011]
7. If sin α +csc α = 2, find the value of sinn α + cscn α for n N. [May 2013]
8. Eliminate θ from x = a cos3 θ , y = b sin3 θ [March 2016TS]
9. Prove that
i). cos1000.cos400+sin1000.sin400 = 1/2 [May 2012]
ii). cos42+cos78+cos162 = 0 [May 2011]
1 1
10. Find the value of sin2 82 2 - sin2 22 2 [March 2019TS 2017TS]

1 1 3 3
11. prove that cos252 - sin 2
22 = [May 2019AP]
2 2 4 2
12. i). Prove that tan700 - tan200 = 2.tan50 [May 2016AP]
ii). Find the value of tan200 + tan400 + 3 tan200 tan400. [March 2020TS]
cos9 sin 9
13. Prove that = cot36 [May 2017AP 2015AP 2015TS March 2018TS 2015AP 2011]
cos9 sin 9
5 1
14. Prove that sin2420 - sin2120 = [Sept 2000]
14. Prove that i). sin500 - sin700 + sin100 = 0 [March 2018TS]
ii). sin340+cos640 - cos40 = 0 [May 2014]
15. Prove that i). 4(sin240+cos60) = 15 3 [July 2001]
3 5
ii). cos480 cos120 = 8 [March 2017TS]
16. Find the period of i).f(x) = cos(3x + 5) + 7 [May 2017TS]
4x 9
ii).f(x) = cos 5
[March 2014]

iii). f(x) = tan(x+4x+9x+......+n2x)

[May 2017AP 2016AP March 2015AP 2015TS]
17. i).Find a sine function whose period is 2/3 [March 2016AP May 2013]
ii).Find the cosine function with period 7 [March 2020TS 2013]
18. Find the maximum and minimum values of
i).3sin x - 4cos x [March 2014]
ii).3cosx + 4sinx [May 2018TS 2016TS]
π π
iii).cos x + 2 2 sin x - 3. [March 2009]
3 3

19. Find the range of

i).13cosx+3 3 sinx - 4 [March 2017AP 2017TS]
ii). 7cosx - 24sinx + 5 [May 2015AP March 2020AP]
20. Find the extreme values of cos2x + cos2x [March 2018AP]
21. Draw the graph of
i). y = sinx in [- π , π ] [May 2014]
ii). y = sin2x in (0, π ) [May 2019AP]
1. Prove that .
i).(coshx + sinhx)n = coshnx + sinhnx [March 2018TS]
ii).(coshx - sinhx) = coshnx - sinhnx [March 2020AP 2015TS]
5 23 5 21
2. i).if cosh x = 2 , prove that cosh2x = 2 , sinh 2x =
[March 2019TS 2017TS 2016AP 2011 2010 May 2018AP 2017TS 2015TS 2011]
ii).If sinhx = 3/4, show that cosh2x = 17/8, and sinh 2x = 15/8
[March 2014 2012 May 2017TS 2016TS 2014]
3. i).If sinhx = 3, prove that x = log (3 + 10 ) [March 2016TS May 2019AP]
ii).If sinhx = 5, show that x = loge (5+ 26 ) [May 2016AP]
4. Prove that Tanh-1 = 1 loge3 [May 18TS 17AP 15AP March 19AP 17AP 15AP]
2 2
5. If cosh x = secθ then show that tanh2(x/2) = tan2(θ /2) [May 2013 March 2013]
6 Prove that cosh2x = 2cosh x-1 [March 2018AP]
4 4
7. Prove that cosh x - sinh x = cosh2x. [March 2020TS]

1 0 0 1
1. If I = 0 1
and E= 0 0
then show that (aI+bE) 3 = a3I+3a 2bE.
[May 2016TS March 2016TS 2015AP]
π cos2 θ cosθ.sinθ 2
cos φ cosφsin φ
2. If θ - φ = then show that = 0.
2 cosθ.sin θ
sin θ cos φsin φ sin2 φ

[May 2018AP 2017TS 2015TS 2011]

1 2 2
3. i).If A = 2 1 2 then show that A2- 4A -5I = O [March 2017AP 2017TS 2016AP]
2 2 1

1 2 1
ii).If A = 0 1 1 then find A3 - 3A2 - A - 3I [March 2019TS 2011]
3 1 1

4. Prove that every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as a sum of a symmetric matrix
and skew symmetric matrix. [March
cosα sin α
5. If A = then show that A AT = ATA = I. [March 2020AP 2007]
sin α cosα
1 2
2 1 2
6. i).If A = 1 3 4
and B = 3 0 then verify that (AB) = B A . [March 2013]
7 2
2 1
ii).If A = 1 2 ,B= 4 2 then find ABT and BAT. [March 2018AP]
5 1 0

7. Find the adjoint and inverse of the following matrices

1 0 2 1 3 3 2 1 2
i). 2 1 0 [March 2005] ii). 1 4 3 [May 2014] iii). 1 0 1 [March 2008]
3 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 1

1 2 1 a 0 0
iv). 3 2 3 [March 2017TS 2012] v). 0 b 0 [March 2006]
1 1 2 0 0 c

1 2 2
8. i).If A = 2 1 2 , then show that Adj A = 3AT and hence find A-1. [March 2019AP]
2 2 1

1 2 2
ii).If 3A = 2 1 2 then show that A-1 = AT [May 2018TS 2012 March 2014]
2 2 1

1. If a,b,c are non coplanar vectors, then show that the following points are coplanar.
i). 6a+2b-c, 2a-b+3c, -a+2b-4c, -12a-b-3c [May 2019AP 2015AP March 2015TS]
ii).-a+4b-3c, 3a+2b-5c, -3a+8b-5c, -3a+2b+c
[March 18TS 18AP 17AP May 18TS 17AP 16TS]
iii). 4i+5j+k, -j-k, 3i+9j+4k, and - 4i+4j+4k [March 2014]
2. Find if the points whose position vectors are coplanar
i). 3i-2j-k, 2i+3j-4k, -i+j+2k, 4i+5j+ k [May 2015TS March 2020AP 2020TS]
ii). A(3,2,1), B(4, ,5), C(4,2,-2) D(6,5,-1) [March 2016TS]
3. If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon, and O is its centre, then prove that
AB+AC+AD+AE+AF = 3AD = 6 AO [May 18AP 17TS 16AP March 16AP

1 Find the angles made by the line segment joining the points (1,-3,2) and (3,-5,1) with the
coordinate axes. [March 2007 2006]
2. If AB = 3i-2j+2k and AD = i-2k represent adjacent sides of a parallelogramABCD. Find
the angle between the diagonals. [May
3. Show that the points (5,-1,1), (7,-4,7), (1,-6,10), and (-1, -3,4) are the vertices of a rhombus.
[March 2013]
4. i). If a = 13, b = 5, and a.b = 60, then find a b [March 2020TS]
ii). If a+b+c = 0, a = 3, b = 5, c = 7 then find the angle between a and b. [May 2019AP]
5. Find the angle between the planes r.(2i-j+2k) = 3, r.(3i+6j+2k) = 4.
[May 2018TS March 2020AP 2020TS 2015TS]
6. Angle in a semicircle is a right angle. [May 2013]
7. Find the area of the triangle with vertices (1,2,3),(2,3,1),(3,1,2). [March 2014]
8. Find the unit vector perpendicular to the plane generatedby a, b if
i). a = i+j+k, b = 2i+j+3k [June 2002]
ii). a = 4i+3j-k, b = 2i-6j-3k. [May 2009]
9. If a = 2i+3j+4k, b = i+j-k, c = i-j+k then compute a (b c) and verify that it is perpendicular
to a. [May 2019TS 2017TS]

QNO : 14, 15, 16 IN IPE

1. If secθ + tanθ = 2/3, find the value of sinθ and determine the quadrant in which θ lies.
[May 2018AP]
tan sec 1 1 sin
2. Prove that tan sec 1 = cos
[March 2014]

1 1
3. If sin = 10 , sin = 5 and , are acute show that + = 45 . 0 [May 2017TS]

4. If 0<A<B< /4, sin(A+B) = 24/25, cos(A-B) = 4/5, find the value of tan2A [March 2015TS]
5. i).If A+B = 45, prove that (1+tanA)(1+tanB) = 2 [May 2011 March2016TS]
cot A cot B
ii).If A + B = 225 prove that . = 1 [May 2008]
1 cot A 1 cot B 2
1 3
6. i). Prove that sin10 - =4 [May 2016TS March 2018TS 2016AP]
ii). Prove that 3 csc20 - sec20 = 4 [March 2017AP]
7. Prove that i). cotA+tanA = 2 csc2A,
ii). cotA-tanA = 2 cot2A [May 2018AP March 2018]
8. Prove that Tanθ +2 Tan2θ +4 Tan4θ +8 Cot8θ = Cotθ [March 2019AP]
9. Prove that
1 π 2π 3π 4π 3
i).sinA sin(60+A) sin(60- A) 4
sin3A and hence deduce that sin 9 sin 9 sin 9 sin 9 = 16
ii).cosθ cos(60+θ )cos(60-θ ) = 1 cos3θ and hence deduce that
π 2π 3π 4π 1
cos cos cos cos = [June 2003]
9 9 9 9 16
π 3π 7π 9π 1
10. Prove that (1+cos 10 )(1+cos 10 )(1+cos 10 )(1+cos 10 ) = 16
[May 2015AP 2015TS March 2019TS 2019AP 2015AP]
11. Prove that
π 3π 5π 7π 3
i). sin4 +sin4 +sin4 +sin4 = [May 2013 March 2020AP]
8 8 8 8 2
π 3π 5π 7π 3
ii). cos4 8+cos4 8 +cos4 8+cos4 = [May 2018TS 2016AP]
8 2
12. Prove that
cosAcos2Acos4Acos8A = and hence deduce that cos 2π cos 4π cos8π cos16π = 1
16.sin A 15 15 15 15 16
[May 2017AP 2012 March 2012]
2π 4π 6π 1
13. Prove that cos 7 cos 7 cos 7 = 8 [March 2020TS]

14. Prove that sin 5 sin 2π sin 3π sin 4π = 5 [March 2013]
5 5 5 16
15. Prove that the value of
cos A cos B n
sin A sin B
n + = 0 if n is odd and
cos A cosB
sin A sin B

n A B
= 2 cot if n is even [March 2016TS]

16. Prove that cos276+cos216 - cos76 cos16 = 3/4 [March 2016TS]

In ABC, Show that
1. i). b cos2 +c cos2 =s [March 2020TS]
2 2
b2 c2 sin(B C)
ii). 2 = [March 2015AP]
a sin(B C)

cos A cos B cos C 2 2 2

iii). + + = a b c [May 2017TS]
a b c 2abc
2 2 2
iv). cotA+cotB+cotC = a b c [May 2016AP 2012 March 2018TS 2015TS]
v). a2cotA + b2cotB + c2cotC = abc/R. [May 2018AP March 2014]
vi). a cos2 2 + b cos2 2 +c cos2 2 = s+ R [May 2015TS]

2. If + 1 = 3 prove that C = 600 [March 2019TS 2017TS]
a c b c a b c
A B C ab bc ca s2
3. i). Tan +Tan +Tan [May 97]
2 2 2
ii). Cot +Cot +Cot = s [May 2016TS]
2 2 2
4. i). If tan(A/2) = 5/6, tan(C/2) = 2/5, then prove that a,b,c are in A.P [June
ii). If cot A/2,cot B/2,cot C/2 are in A.P then prove that that a,b,c are in A.P. [March
5. If a : b : c = 7 : 8 : 9 then prove that cosA : cosB : cosC = 14 : 11 : 6. [May 17AP 15AP 13]
6. i).If cot(A/2) : cot(B/2) : cot(C/2) = 3 : 5 : 7 then prove that a : b : c = 6 : 5 : 4
[March 2017AP]
ii).If the angles are in the ratio 1:5:6 then show that the ratio of its sides is
3 -1: 3 +1: 2 2 [May 2007]
1 2 2 2
1 1
7. 2 + 2 + 12 + 2 = a b 2 c [March 2019TS 2017TS]
r r1 r2 r3

1. If f = {(4,5),(5,6),(6,- 4)} and g = {(4,-4),(6,5),(8,5)} then find
i).f + g [May 2018TS]
ii).2f + 4g [May 2018TS]
iii).f+4 [May 2018TS]
iv).f/g [May 2018TS]
v). f [May 2018TS]
vi). f [May 2018TS]
vii).f2 [May 2018TS]

1. Solve the equations by matrix inversion method.
i).2x - y+3z = 9 , x+y+z = 6 , x – y+z = 2 [March
ii).2x-y+3z = 8, - x+2y+z = 4, 3x+y-4z = 0 [May 2015AP 2012]
iii).3x+4y+5z = 18, 2x-y+8z = 13, 5x-2y+7z = 20 [March 2019TS 2015AP 2013]
iv).x+y+z = 1, 2x+2y+3z = 6, x+4y+9z = 3 [June 2003]
iv).x+y+z = 9, 2x+5y+7z = 52, 2x+y - z = 0 [March 2017AP May

1. Solve the equations by Cramers Rule.
i).x - y+3z = 5, 4x+2y - z = 0, - x+3y+z = 5. [May 2018TS March 2019AP
2015TS] ii).2x - y+3z = 9 , x+y+z = 6 , x – y+z = 2 [May 2013 March 2017TS
2016AP] iii).2x - y+3z = 8, - x+2y+z = 4, 3x+y -4z = 0 [March
2018TS] iv).3x+4y+5z = 18, 2x-y+8z = 13, 5x-2y+7z = 20 [May 2017AP
March 2012] v).x+y+z = 1, 2x+2y+3z = 6 , x+4y+9z = 3. [May 2016TS March
2020AP 2020TS]

1. Find the point of intersection of the line r = 2a+b+t(b-c) with the plane
r = a+ x(b+c) + y(a+2b-c) where a,b,c are non coplanar. [May
2. i).If a,b,c are non coplanar vectors, then find the point of intersection the line
passing through the points 2a+3b-c,3a+4b-2c with the line joining points a-2b+3c,
[March 2019TS 2017AP]
ii).If a,b,c are non coplanar show that the position vector of the point of intersection of
the line passing through 6a-4b+4c, -4c and the line passing through -a-2b-3c, a+2b-5c is
[March 2019AP 2016TS]
iii).Find the vector equation of the plane which passes through the points 2i+4j+2k,
2i+3j+5k and parallel to the vector 3i-2j+k.Also find the point where this plane meets the
line joining the points 2i+j+3k and 4i- 2j+3k. [March 2012]
3. Find the vector equation of the plane passing through the points 4i-3j-k, 3i+7j-10k,
2i+5j-7k.Show that the point i+2j-3k lies in this plane. [March 2013]

1. Prove that the smaller angle between any two diagonals of a cube is given by cos = 1/3.
[May 2017AP 2012 2011 March 2010]
2. The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent. [May 2015AP March 2013]
3. Find the unit vectors perpendicular to the plane determined by the points
(1,2,3),(2,-1,1),(1,2,-4). [March 2017AP]
4. If a = b = 5, (a, b) = 450. then find the area of the triangle constructed with the vectors
a-2b, 3a+2b as adjacent sides. [May 2015AP March 218AP]
5. Let a = 4i+5j-k, b = i-4j+5k and c = 3i+j-k Find the vector which is perpendicular to
both a and b and .c = 21 [May 2018AP]
6. Let a = 2i+j-2k, b = i+j. If c is a vector such that a.c = c , c a = 2 2 and the angle
between a b and c is 30, then find the value of (a b) c . [May 2015TS]
2 2
7. For any two vectors a, b show that (1+ a 2)(1+ b 2) = 1 a.b + a b a b [March 18TS]

1. If A+B+C = 1800 then prove that
i). sin2A+sin2B+sin2C = 4sinA sinB sinC [March 2008]
ii). cos2A+cos2B+cos2C = -1- 4cosA cosB cosC [March 2017AP May 2016TS 2015AP]
2. If A+B+C = 1800 prove that
i). cosA+cosB+cosC = 1+4 sin 2sin 2sin 2 [March 2018AP]
ii). cosA+cosB-cosC = -1+4 cos 2cos 2sin 2 [March 2019TS]
iii). sinA+sinB+sinC = 4cos 2cos 2cos 2
[March 2020TS]
3. In ABC prove that
i).sin2 2 +sin2 2 -sin2 2 = 1-2cos 2 cos 2 sin 2 [May 2018AP 2015TS 2012 March 2016AP]
ii). cos2 2 +cos2 2 +cos2 2
= 2+2sin 2 sin 2 sin 2
[May 17TS 16AP March 15AP 15TS 12]
iii). cos2 2 +cos2 2-cos2 2
= 2cos 2 cos 2 sin 2
[June 2010]
4. If A+B+C = 900 then prove that cos2A+cos2B+cos2C = 1+4sinA sinB sinC [March 2020AP]
5. If A+B+C = 1800 prove that sin2 A+sin2 B-sin2C = 2sinA sinB cosC [May 2019AP]
6. If A+B+C = 2700 prove that cos2A+cos2B+cos2C = 1-4sinAsinBsinC [March 2013]
7. If A+B+C = 00 prove that sin2A+sin2B+sin2C = -4sinAsinBsinC [March 2019AP]
8. In ABC prove that
A B C π-A π-B π-C
i). sin +sin +sin = 1+4sin sin sin [March 2014 2011]
2 2 2 4 4 4

A B C π-A π-B π-C

ii).sin + sin - sin = -1+4cos 4
cos 4
sin 4
2 2 2
π-A π-B π-C
iii).cos + cos + cos = 4cos cos cos [March 2010 May 2014 2013]
2 2 2 4 4 4

π+A π+B π-C
iv).cos + cos - cos = 4cos cos cos [March 2005]
2 2 2 4 4 4
9. If A+B+C= 2S Prove that
i). sin(S-A)+sin(S-B)+sinC = 4cos cos sin 2 [March 2016TS]
ii). cos(S-A)+cos(S-B)+cosC = -1+4cos cos cos 2
[March 2017TS]
iii). cos(S-A)+cos(S-B)+cos(S-C)+cosS = 4cos(A/2)cos(B/2)cos(C/2) [March 2018TS]

1. Show that a3 cos(B-C)+b3 cos(C-A)+c3 cos(A-B) = 3abc [March 2008]
a A
2. i).If sinθ = , prove that cosθ = 2 bc cos [May 2018TS 2014 March 2016AP 2012]
b c b c 2

2 bc sin A [March 2018AP 2016TS 2011]

ii).If a = (b - c)secθ , prove that tanθ =
b c 2

2 bc cos A [March 2019AP May 2011]

iii).if a = (b+c)cosθ prove that sinθ = 2
b c
3. If p1, p2, p3 are the lengths of the altitudes of a trianlge from the vertices A, B, C, then prove
1 1 1
cot A cot B cot C
that p 2 + p 2 + p 2 = [March 2013]
1 2 3

ab r1r2 bc r2r3 ca r3r1

4. Show that r3
= r1
= r2 =r [May 2008 March 2008]

r1 r2 1 1
r3 = - [May 2014]
5. Show that bc + ca + ab r 2R

A B C r
6. Show that cos2 2 +cos2 2+cos2 2
= 2+ [May 2015TS]
7. Show that
i).r1 + r2 + r3 - r = 4R [March 2006]
ii). r + r3+ r1 - r2 = 4R cosB [May 2018AP March 2020AP 2018AP
2013] iii). r + r1+ r2 - r3 = 4R.cosC [March
2012] iv). if r 1: R : r = 2 : 5 : 12, prove that A = 90 .
v). (r 1+r 2)sec2(C/2) = (r +r2 )sec
(A/2) = (r +r3 )sec
1 (B/2)
[May 2019AP]
8. If p1, p 2, p 3 are the lengths of the altitudes from the vertices of ABC to the opposite
sides then, prove that
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(abc) 8
i). + +
p1 p2 p3
r ii). + - 1 = iii). p1 p2 p3 = =
p1 p2 p3 r3 8R
3 abc
[March 2018TS]
9. i).If a = 13, b = 14, c = 15, show that R = 65/8, r = 4, r1 = 21/2, r2 = 12, r3 = 14.
[March 2019AP 2016AP 2015AP 2014 May 2017TS 2017AP 2016 AP 2012]
ii).If r1 = 8, r2 = 12, r3 = 24, show that a = 12, b = 16, c = 20.
[May 2018TS 2016TS 2015AP 2013 March 2017AP]
iii).If r = 1, r1 = 2, r2 = 3, r3 = 6, show that a = 3, b = 4, c = 5. [March 2016TS 2015TS]

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