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Experiment #

DC Motor Externally Excited Armature and Field Speed Control Load


Student(s) Name(s)


The main objective of this lab was to understand and determine the characteristics of DC motor in

which the armature windings are excited from an external source as well to analyze its speed and load

characteristics with varying the filed excitation.

Experimental set up

First of all the the active servo software was started which automatically switched servo-machine

test system into PC mode. The “Torque Control” mode was used in order to note and record the load

characteristics. After that an external excitation current was on from the excitation power supply to the

DC machine. The excitation voltage was set to 220V by setting the excitation resistance to the minimum

level. The DC supply was on and the output current was kept at 2.5A. The output was enabled from the

button and the output voltage was set to 220 V. With the help of servo-machine test system, braking was

applied to the motor with a torque of 0.5 Nm. By varying the excitation voltage, the relevant speed and

current characteristics were noted and recorded.

Similarly the same procedure was repeated for different values of armature voltages (190 V and

160 V) and the corresponding speed and current characteristics were noted and recorded.

Circuit Diagram:

The connection diagram for the experimental set up is given below.


First of all the armature voltage was varied from 220 V up to 100 V in steps and the speed and

load characteristics were noted as given in the table below.

The same results are also given in the plot given below
After that the excitation voltage was varied from 220 V to 140 V and the speed and current

characteristics were noted in the table given below.

Once again the same characteristics were plotted as shown below

The load characteristics for an output voltage of 220 V and different input voltages of 220 V, 190

V and 160 V are also given below.

Analysis and Discussions:

The purpose of this lab experiment was to study the impact of external excitation of DC

motor on its speed and load characteristics as compared to the shunt-wound motor. It was noted that in

case of external excitation, the DC motor has a larger range of speed control and the current in the motor

varies only with varying the load. There is no effect of armature voltage on the current.

Similarly it was also noted that as the armature voltage was varied, the load characteristics shifted

towards the y-axis and the current remains. Also it was noted that the speed of the DC motor also varies

in a linear proportion with varying the armature voltages.

Opposite to the armature voltage, by changing the excitation voltages, the armature current

depends on both the load and the excitation voltages. The speed of the motor increases with decrease in

the excitation voltages.


The experiment was performed successfully and all the results obtained were also according to

the requirements of the lab. The following points were noted:

 The armature current remains the same for different values of armature voltages

 The speed varies in a linear proportion for varying armature voltages

 The armature current for different excitation voltages depends on both the load and

excitation voltages

 The speed of the motor increases by decreasing the excitation voltage

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