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Mode︳ :︳ T-2● “
2 l× Thenmometor

1× Stalld

v … … 2 CR2U32batte,
2.PrUductUvervie、 1×

1× User’ smallual

3.IllustratiUn 3

Tllis thenl1ometertakesbothearalldfUreheadtelIlperahuein l
4. DeΠ nitiUnUfSymbUls 4 Secondbymea趴 玒ingeIthertheheatgeneratedbytheealdlllmUr tlle
surfaceofthofUrehead, italsoc all takcs rooIn9tel19perah】 re alldhas
5. CUck/RUUmtemperatufe 5 cIock 血nction
Ithasbeendevelopedfor optilIlunlcomfUΠ ,eaSeandspeedofuse
6.TakingTemperature… ……… … …… 7 allduses inialedtechnologytoensllrehighaccuracy
Ithas tllefUllowingadval9tageS:
l) Mu︳ tipIeFⅡ nction
7.LUwbatteryandbatteryreplacement… 1U Digitallymeasures ear,fUreh ead,roolIltenlperatLlre andclock
8 ChangingtheTemperatureIJnit … … ll Jllstwipeclean,no needfor probecovers
3)FasIaⅡ dΛ ccurate
比 cLlrateleadlllg㏑ ”豇l㏄ C° nd
9.PrccautiUnsfUrusingtheproduct… “ 1l
4)Easyt° Use
Uperatewitll onebllttoⅡ only,veΓ γsimpletouse
1U.AbnUrIⅢ alCUnditiUn… “ 13 5)AutUm舡 ㏑ al” D必 playstheLaStTemperature
Whenswitchon thedevice,it、 Vill shUwthelast telllperahlre
6)Bacld㎏ hI
11.PrUductSpeciΠ catiUns … … … … 14
ReadingDisp| ay

MeaSu「 inginProgress

EarTemperature Mode

Forehead Temperature Mode


Ce| SiuSSca︳ e

Probe FahrenheitSca| e

C| ock


┬heLaSlE仟 ectiVe
TemperatureDisp| ay
Ifyouwailt tUqllit roonl temperahlre andc1Uckdisplay, onlygetout

Theflrst timeyouusetllethelIl1ometer or、 vhenyUuchangetlle thebatIe,alldplaceitagain

batte.” youcan,ifyou、vish,settheclUckandchoosethe

telIlpelahllereadlng ulllt,℃ (CelsllI唦 Ur℉ (Γ alienllel° 2)Displays

l)SetcIUck ThescreenaltenlateIy displaysthetilneandtllerooll1telIlperahue


cover , sv葒 tchon thedevice

Press the“ T丘 ne-set“ bulton。 nce,thehours

∪ (Γ ig∫ 4)
This lmodeisUnlyavailabIeiftheclockhasbeenset,ifnot,at tlle

Θ 巾
willΠ ash(Flg∫ 1) : endofeachreading,thethenlloeⅡ 1ter VIl1displaytliemeasured


Set tllehoursusingthe Powe╯Scan “bllion; temperatlIrefUr3Useconds,then “ Γ“
UΓ befUreswi托 hlilgoff

Press the“ Time-sef‘ button onceagain, tlle

52) ;


:WT莍 棩 li‘ :僎 :;Θ Π954

fl9etlmeSet opelation(F㎏ 53)
IfyoudUnUtsettheclock,thisdoes not prevent thethemometer

flom operatlng UnlytheClock.RUUln temepratllre血 nctions、 汀1l

● AttheendUfthe3UsecondsthetllelIllometefenlits l

1)TakingthefUreheadtemperahlre 伯eep“ al1ddisp㏑ ys“ UΓ Γ“befUrefehllIngtoC1ocVRoom

WerecUmmendtllatyouwlpetllefUreheadwithapaper llssueUr temperattllemode(Itdisplays ,f‘ “

UFΓ andswi柁 heSoffif

pieceofkitchen rollbcfUretakingthereading tlleclUckhasnUtbeenset)
● Makesurethattheprobecover isin thehght posIlion


● ΓromClockRUom telIlpera臼 〕
remode,prcss the
“Powe〃 Scal1‘ ‘ button once
● Thetllenllclmeter tllendisp袡 〝all 961 g62 Fig63 Fig64
lllesy“ 山Uls(Γ ig61)then

℅eeps‘ ‘

thela哎 readlngrecUIded(Γ ig62)thenemi偲 2 2)T』 dⅡ gtlleeartelnpelaiIre
,it nUw
readyto takeareading(Fig63) ● Makesurethat tlleprobecover is removed

Placetlleprobecover onatemple ● ΓromClUcVRUom telmperatLfemode,press the


Press the“ Pov√ er/Scan “bLlionamdkeep it pres seddown “

PU、 ve〃 Scan“ buttUn once
tlioughoutthereading ● Thetllem1ometer tlled埳 plaYSall tllesymbUl眹 Γig65)then
● Keepingtheprobecov釭 inC。 Iltac.twi山 tlles㏑ n,sweep it “beeps‘ ‘Πk
tllela乩 leadingrecUrdeㄍ F㎏ 66)tllenemi鍶 2
across thefUreheadfUi.ill onetell1pletUtheotherfUr2or3
〡 nowreadytUtakeareadlng(Γ lg6η
Seconds(Γ ig64)
● Releasetlle“ Powe╯ Scan“ blltton,thethennometeremitSl
} ● PlacetlleprUbein theearwhereyoufeelcomfUltable

‘ ● Press the“ Po、 ver/Scan “bllIUnandkeep itdowⅡ asyourotate

与eep“ alldtlletemperatLIrerea。 ingisdlsp1.yedfUrabol1t3U
theprobeinsidethee矼 rCanaluiltll thethemomteremits l

beep“ signi,ingtlleendUftllereadin歁 Γig68)
Thelast temperamrerecordedis thendisplayedfUfabout3U

SecondS Lowbatte,:汕 弘enthebatte,comestUlUw,the㏑ oⅡ oflUwbatte,

AttheeIldofthe3Usecondsthetherlnometeremits1 wllappearsoⅡ thebottom° fthescreen Pleasefeplacethebaie,
‘ ‘
℅eep‘ andd、 p㏑Ys“ UFF“ befUrereturlngtUClUckZRUom aSS。 naSpossible,however,伍 ethemometerⅥ illcoⅡtmuetU

telmpefamemode.(ItdisplaYs ,尸 UFF“ andsw砒 hesofifthe opefatefUr someume.(Flg7.1)
dockhas nt,tbeenset) Nobatte玎 :汕 弘enthebatte,reaches itsIowest level,山 eb沭 呼


s,mbol nashes,the“ Lσ d、 uayappearsandbeepsare

emtted, (Fig7.2) theⅡ poweroffautom舡 ㏑al圩

Fig65 F︴ g66 Fi967 Fi。 68

3)MUvmgfrUmUmem。 detUtheother Fig71 「

ig72 F| g73
To illt9VeiUnlfUreheadtemperature modetUeartemperamremode, Batte,feplacement

smplYremUvethecover I)Upenthebatte,c° verandtakeouttheo1dbatte,(Fig7.3)

To lnUVeⅡ meartemperature modetofUreheadtemperature mod。 ,
砂 PutalleWC瓦 ZU32buttonbatte,wiⅢ cathodedUwnward㏑ to

slmplyreplacethecover Ⅲebatte,seat.( Γ㎏74)

Todealw血 theUldbatte,andthewhUlethe“ nometer,please

cUmp圩 汀ththelocallawandregulations

9lD° m。 t” tUdIssembletlledevi㏄

Thether mometercandiSplaYtelmperattlre Scaleineitller° CorUΓ 8)Thedevlce必 des1.qedwitlnUlItealcaps,whicharenot ncceSSa,

Theoperatlon ofhowtochailgetlle telllperattIre scaleSbe小 〃een° C KeeptheprUbeclean,al9dprotect itfrom㎝ 炳VaX, Sweatandoil
‘ UC99。
and° Γ as:z〦 nerall ic。 nsdisplaying aI9d、 vhenthepictlre‘ —
— r “alnS Uthen咑 se,tlleiniaredmeasuremeⅢ t imctionwill l1otbe
‘ “
╰-° F” diSplaying,pleasepress the Powe〃 Scan” bl1ttUn,mii the。 C accwate
to° Γ or° Γto° C Walt山 r3secondsandtheth釭 m。 meterwill
9)D° nUtmeaSufebo” temperailrewithin3Uminutesanermeals,
al1tUmatIcal圩 eIlter tllemeasUiememt mode
*Γ orSomecouniies ,it onlyhasCelsius壬 uncti。 n exerciseorbatl1

1U)Ⅳ VhentheenⅥ mmmentchallg邔 alUt(fUr lms伍 Ⅱce,什Um ll1doof

tUol1tdUU● 叮 please#萏 Π iiulelle市 eIl9irUnlnelltfUiabollt3U

l)Wheny。 L,r五 rstusethiStheHnometer,pleaseplIttheba竹 e呼 llltU mulut㎝ befUremeaSllrlllgthenewtelmperatlfe

thethennometer 11)TheillteⅣ 鉏sshallbelUsecon函 whenconstallt meaSulemeilIS

2)WithawaterIgllt prUbe,anereachuSe,thetllellnometer m旴 be areihade It is norl1,althattherearedeviations inconstant

clealledwith adisinfectantWlpeUfco∥ omW。 UlsUakedin alcohUl meaSlIfemeⅡ t be〝 〃eenshort inte小 √

alS, in、 vhichcasetlleaverage

3)Theb。 ” °fthethenllometefisnUtwatert㎏ ㏑,dUnUt immer㏄ 丘 re屾ngcanbetakeⅡ asthereSult


4)D。 n° texpUsetlledevicetUtlleextremetenipera仉 fdSfUr alUng


5)Av。 idⅥUlent impactsallddonUtdfUp tlletllelinUmeter

6)AvUlddirectcolntactbe小 〃eenflllgersalldthetip oftlleprUbe
DeScription MeaⅡ ing 4ode|
卜 ┬-2U┤

M,llen tllelempelatllleoftllemeasⅢ edobl㏄ t Readingband 32U° C-429° C(896° -1U92° F)

±U2° C/U4° 355° C… 42U° F
ishigherthan429° C ,thethenllUmeter 葒Ⅱ 「
、 (959° -ㄇ U76° )

○ showthis icUn
Prec| S| on


±U3° C/U5° F 32U° C-354°

±U3° Cˊ U5° F 42η C-429° C

U78。 ┤U92° F)

WheⅡ tlletell1peratllreofthemeasuredobl㏄ °

ReSo| uⅢ Un Uη C/U1° F

iSlUW釭 tllan32° C,tlletllenlnometerwⅢ Show Uperating ㄇUU° C-4UU° C(5UU° -η U4U° )

「 「
cond︳ t︳ onS Rh<8UUZU
this icon
-25U° C-55U° C(-η 3U° -η 3η U°
StUragecUnditionS 「 「

ⅣVhehtheenvirUnment tempe rahlreeXceedS BatteⅣ ↑×3VCR2U32buttonbatterY

thewolkingtelIlperaturescopeofthedevice CertⅡ cate C匚 ‘


Θ 1UU° C-4UU° C(5UU° Γ -lU4.U° Γ) ,tl9e

therll1ometerwill shUwthis icon

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