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People come and go, we lose friend, we break up with lovers and we

encounter success and failure but “Life still goes on”, and that is the best lesson I
ever learned. No matter how much emotion and feeling you may have or how much
it hurt you, life has to go on. Life doesn’t stop for anybody. So if you don’t process
that and understand that, you’re stuck in whatever time period you got hurt forever.
So grudges, anger, and negativity, I don’t have time for it. Because I’m living to do so
much positive things. I can’t stand in the past and bathe in what was wrong.

I realized this lesson when I was feeling alone, and the only thing I can do is
to keep moving, do the things that makes me happy, and have some friends that
always got my back. We have a lot of problems in our life like family problems,
academics, financial, but I didn’t pressure myself in any situation, I always think
about putting myself first and the things that helped me.

I will be hundred percent honest and say I’m comparable with the
understanding of “Hard work brings Great Rewards”. This is a reminder of the hard
work and “Dedication” that I’ve out into everything that I have done. I want to
“Inspire”, I want to “Motivate”, I want to show people that there is a way out, that
there is a way to “Do more” to “Move” and to “Obtain more”

The best way to take the problem is “Alienate yourself from it”, we all are
great, we all should think that we are great, that there’s no reason for you to not think
that you are great. So do you let the days go by and look up and realized that you
have wasted a year by doing nothing? Or do you just pick it up. Figure it out, make
some mistakes because “Life Goes On”.

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