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Example on Design of Composite Bridge

• Design a composite bridge with following data:
• Span of Bridge = 15 m
• No. of Longitudinal girders = 4
• Spacing between longitudinal girders = 2.5 m
• Overhang on each side = 1.25 m
• Width of carriage width = 8.8 m
• Width of kerb on each side = 600 mm
• No. of Transverse beams = 4
• Spacing of transverse beams = 3 m
• Live Load on Bridge = Class AA tracked vehicle
• Thickness of concrete slab = 240 mm
• Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3
• Density of wearing coat = 22 kN/m3
• Thickness of Wearing coat = 80 mm
• Ignore dispersion of live load in long//trans. directions


1.25 m 2.5 m 2.5 m 2.5 m 1.25 m

Outer Inner
Girder Girder

Effective Width for Composite Beams

• Since, overhang = Half of Spacing of Interior girders,

all the girders are similar and hence effective width
will be same for all the girders
• Effective width for the interior/outer girders,
• Effective width, beff = L0/4  (B)
beff = 15/4 = 3.75 m
Since, effective width should be  spacing of girder (= 2.5)
beff = 2.5 m

• Self wt. of slab

= 25x0.24 + 22x0.08 = 7.76 kN/m2
• Load on girder due to self wt. of slab
= (2.5/2+2.5/2)x7.76= 19.4 kN/m span
• Assuming self wt. of steel girder as (0.2L+1) kN/m
Self-wt. of steel girder= 0.2x15+1 = 4 kN/m
• Total uniformly distributed dead load on girder
= 19.4 + 4 = 23.4 kN/m
• Assuming self wt. of cross-beam/bracings = 1 kN/m
• Concentrated load on Long. Girder due to cross-beam
= 2x(2.5/2)x1 = 2.5 kN (for each trans. Girder)
• Reaction of Long. Girder due to dead loads
= (23.4x15+4x2.5)/2 = 180.5 kN


Determination of Maximum Shear Force in Girder

• Maximum Shear force in girder due to Dead Load only
VDL = support reaction due to DL = 180.5 kN
• For Max. shear force the Live load is to be placed such that the
dispersed length of wheel starts from support.
• Length of wheel after 45o dispersion through wearing coat and
concrete slab, le = 3.6 + 2(0.08+0.24) = 4.24 m
• Maximum Shear force in girder due to Live Load only
VLL = support reaction = 350x(15-4.24/2)/15 = 300 kN
• Maximum Shear force in girder due to Live Load including 10%
impact VLL = 1.1x300 = 330 kN
• Maximum Shear Force at Service Stage,
V = [180.5+330] = 510.5 kN
• Maximum Shear Force at Ultimate,
Vu = 1.5x510.5 = 766 kN
• Bending Moment in longitudinal girder due to DL
MDL=180.5x7.5–23.4x7.5x7.5/2 – 2.5 x5.5-2.5x1.5= 660.6 kNm

Selection of Trial Section for Steel Girder: (If not given)

Determination of Maximum Moment in Girder
• For Maximum Moment due to Live load, keeping live-load at
• For the trial section, the moment may be approximated with the
following assumptions
– One of the wheels of tracked vehicle is over a girder,
of wheel
of Class – Thickness of wearing coat is ignored,
– NO dispersion of load in longitudinal & transverse directions
dispersio – NO distribution of Live Load among longitudinal girders
• Maximum support reaction for girder =350/2=175 kN
2x0.08 = • Due to NO dispersion of live load, the 350 kN wheel load will be
dispersed over length 3.6 m and width 0.85 m
• UDL on girder =350/3.6= 97.2 kN/m (having width 0.85 m)
• Maximum Moment in girder bridge due to Live Load,
MLL =175x7.5–97.2x(3.6/2)x(3.6/4) = 1155 kNm


• Total Design moment for limit state design including

10% impact for Live load
Mu = 1.5x(660.6+1.1x1155) = 2897 kNm
• Required section modulus (without composite action),
Z = (Mu/fy /m) = 2897x106/(250/1.1) = 12.8x106 mm3
• Due to the composite action, the section modulus
requirement from steel section is reduced.
• Let the reduced section modulus due to steel is 60%.
• Required section modulus of steel girder
= (60/100)x12.8x106 mm3 = 7.65x106 mm3
• Selection of Trial Section Details
– Taking depth of girder web = 1000 mm
– Taking thickness of web = 10 mm
– Width of flange
= 0.3xdepth of girder (web) = 0.3x1000 = 300 mm

• In the Limit state Design of composite bridges,

girders are designed as plastic/compact.
• For plastic/compact sections,
b f  tw  2  8.4

• Thickness of flange may be selected satisfying criterion as

b f  tw  2
 8.4 
300 10 2  8.4  t f 17.26 mm
tf tf
Taking tf = 20 mm



BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956

Details of Steel Girder:
Depth of girder web = 1000 mm
Thickness of web = 10 mm
Width of flange = 300 mm 1000
Thickness of Flange = 20 mm
Area of steel girder
= 2(30020)+ 1000 10 = 22000 mm2
Moment of Inertia of steel beam about its CG
Is = (10x10003 /12) + 2x[300x203/12+ 300x20x(500+20/2)2 ]
= 3955 x 106 mm4

BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956


Geometrical Properties of Composite Section

• For the strength criterion, shear connectors are designed at ultimate
• First the concrete is transformed into equivalent steel by reducing
with of slab only (no change in thickness)
• Concrete is converted in to eqvt. steel using the modular ratio.
• Modular ratio, m = Es / Ec = 2x10 5 / (500025)
= 8 (>7.5 for short term loading (OK)
(beff /m)

ycom ts


•Equivalent (Transformed) area of concrete in

compression (above NA) (beff /m)
Aec = beff ds = (2500 240)/8 = 75000 mm2 ts
•Depth of NA from top fiber of concrete slab yt
ycs = [(Ac /m)yc +As ys ]/[(Ac /m)+As]
= [Aec yc+Asys ]/[(Aec+As] d
= [75000x120+22000x(240+20+500)] yb

= 265 mm > 240 mm
 NA not in concrete slab OK
• Moment of Inertia of transformed section about composite NA
I = 3955 x 106 +22000x(240+20+500 – 265)2
+ (2500/8)x2403/12 + 75000x(265-240/2)2
= 11282x106 mm4


(a) Spacing of Shear Connectors Based on Ult. Str. of Shear Connec.

• Vertical shear force due to superimposed DL (i.e. slab weight,
wearing coat i.e. excluding wt. of bracings and self weight of girder)
and Live Load with load factor 1.5 for each
1.5x [(19.4x15/2)+330] = 713 kN
• Horizontal shear force is calculated at the bottom fibre of concrete
slab (in transformed section).
• Longitudinal shear force per unit length at interface of slab and girder
(in transformed section) [Note that thickness of concrete slab is equal
to thickness of equivalent steel slab]
VL= (V AecY)/I
= [713x103x75000x(265-240/2)]/11282x106= 941 N/mm length
• Considering stud type shear connectors with following details:
• Diameter = 25 mm and
• Overall ht. = 100 mm.
• For M25 concrete ult. strength of shear connector = 103 kN
• Providing 2 shear connectors in each row,
• Spacing of shear connectors,
• SL1 = Qu/VL = [2x103 (kN) / 0.941 (kN/mm)] = 219 mm C/C

(b) Spacing of shear connectors based on Full Shear Connection criterion

• H1 = Asl fy 10-3 / m = 22000 x 250x10-3 /1.1
= 5000 kN
• H2 = 0.36 fck Aec 10-3 = 0.36x25x(2500240)x10-3
= 5400 kN
• H = Minimum of H1 and H2 = Minimum of (5000 and 5400 kN)
= 5000 kN
Spacing of shear connectors based on strength,
• Shear span, L
= distance between zero shear to Maximum shear location
= L0 /2 for simply supported beam = 15/2 = 7.5 m
• SL2 = (Qu/H)L = (2x103/ 5000)x7.5 = 0.309 m
= 309 mm C/C
(c) Spacing of shear connectors based on Fatigue Criterion (serviceability)
Vr = [(VR Aec Y)/I]LL [for 25 mm dia. study connectors str. = 39 kN]
= [330x103x({2500/8}240)x(265-240/2)]/11282x106 =318 N/mm
• Spacing of shear connectors, for fatigue
SR = Qr/Vr = (2x39x103/318) = 240 mm C/C


Selection of Suitable Spacing of Shear Connector

Spacing of Shear Connectors Based on
Ult. Strength of Shear Full Shear Connection Fatigue Criterion,
Connector (SL1) Criterion (SL2) (SR)
219 309 240
• According to code (Cl. 606.4.2)-2015, for the full shear connection,
the “Maximum” of all the three spacing is to be selected.
• However, according to amendment in the code IRC 22:2015
(published in Indian Highways August 2017), the spacing is to be
selected as ‘LEAST’ of above three spacing.
• Thus, for full shear connection, spacing of shear connectors will be
Minimum of SL1 , SL2 & SR
• Thus spacing of shear connectors in longitudinal direction
= Minimum of 219, 309 & 240
=219 mm c/c along span (say 200 mm)
i.e. shear connectors rows must be provided at 0m, 0.2m, 0.4m,
……15 m from the left support towards right support.
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956

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