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Learning Goals
•  A>er this acAvity, you will be able to:
–  Determine the adequate amount of sand in a
KINE 425 sandpit to promote safety
–  Synthesize a soluAon to a loosely defined problem
based on your knowledge of kinemaAcs, jumping,
Sand Pit Design work/energy, and forces for a given populaAon
–  Write technical reports tailored to administrators

You have been asked… Your Assignment

•  as someone trained in biomechanics… •  Write a 2-page report or a lefer to your
•  “hey, how deep should this sandpit be for my principal, athleAc director, university
president or some other administrator
•  “I have to tell the [administrators] how much depth is
required in a LONG-JUMP sandpit” Can you help me? •  Calculate how much depth of sand you need
in the long jump sandpit.
•  They don’t make it deeper than it needs to be – they
don’t want to spend too much money
•  I don’t want to compromise safety.”

Loosely Defined….
What informaAon would you need?
You provide the numbers
•  1. Decide what numbers work for your parAcular
populaAon. Are you working with
kindergarteners, or Olympic level athletes, or
somewhere in the middle?
•  2. How so> do you want the landing to be? You
need to decide this.
•  3. Some of this informaAon can be esAmated
based on reasonable assumpAons about the long
•  4. Once YOU decide this, then collect the
potenAally relevant informaAon:


7. How much forces can the body take?

4. Do you have the following informaAon?
•  1. Typical jump distance of your populaAon
(some factoids)
•  2. Typical body size, and the expected largest body size of a long-
–  Forces of ~150x body weight (BW) generally cause
jumper (height? mass?) that you are considering fractures when landing.
•  3. How fast is the jumper running when the long jump occurs? –  Playground ground material
•  4. RegulaAons for the design of the sports: •  Are required to lower the impact forces to a maximum of
–  Some say 18 inches 70x BW (= ‘70 g of force’),
–  Olympic regulaAons require minimum of 40 meters of run up. •  may sAll cause so> Assue injury.
•  9 inches of sand required for falls from 4’ height
•  5. (potenAally useful?) Playground design regulaAons:
–  Jumping off hard surfaces produces 6-12x BW of peak
–  9 inches of sand is required to deal with falls from 4 feet high. impact reacAon force, which if repeated constantly,
–  NoAce that NCAA does not regulate the amount of sand in the pit: can cause overuse injuries.
•  6. In what angle do jumpers land? (see videos on youtube) –  Most landings produce 4-5g (4-5x BW)
•  7. How much forces can the body take? –  YOU need to decide how much landing force is
permissible 2xBW? 10xBW?

Some videos

•  hfp:// •  Include the following in the report:
NR=1&feature=fvwp&v=_lJEBTdEONk –  Amount of sand that needs to be in the sand pit
–  Why sand is important, if there was not enough
sand, what could happen
•  hfp://
v=x4zH5ZxK8xE&feature=related –  For each step of the decision making process, a
sentence explaining the reason.
–  You should use at least 3 formulas/calculaAons
–  To your answer, add 50% for extra safety.

Grading Off you go..

•  20 points for clear, concise, correct spelling/
grammar, professional wriAng, 2 page length –
fits one one sheet of paper.
•  20 points for coming up with a reasonable
amount of sand. 2” is not good; 10> is not good.
•  20 points for correct the use of 3 formulas of
•  20 points for step by step explanaAon of your
reasoning, your decision process
•  20 points for clear adequate explanaAon of why
having enough sand is important


One possible procedure Halfway through….

•  0. Do the Energy HW! •  Strengths
•  1. How much energy does the jumper have at
•  2. Determine the amount of work required •  Weaknesses
during landing from a long jump
•  3. Determine how much force the body should
be exposed to during landing •  One specific thing I can do
•  4. Determine the amount of ‘give’ the sand need
to provide to saAsfy #1, #2
•  5. Add 50% extra for extra safety

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