Madhurima Datar - Statement of Purpose

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Statement of purpose

As a budding lawyer, I have chosen my prospective profession carefully. While it is true that
academics are significant, equipping myself with the insights and skills required to have a
gratifying career is essential. I decided to become a lawyer because I always felt that it was my
responsibility, a debt even, that I have to give society something in return, or I have to repay the
debt that society has granted me. I am the way I am, with flaws or virtues due to some influence
of society. I would not have been able to get an education, intern, or use any other amenities and
essentials of my life that I considered ordinary, but the social revolutionaries in this very society
were not here. I think it is part of my collective responsibility. I must participate in this act
professionally by taking as many pro-bono cases as possible when I become a lawyer.

This club will help me understand how to achieve that most effectively. It will also help me
enhance skills (such as leadership skills, client counselling and more) and make me realize other
significant skills required not only to become a better lawyer but a better citizen and a better
human. I would prioritize this club over any internship opportunities since this club would lead
and guide me closer to my goal of repaying the debt from society. Pro-bono is often
misinterpreted as free legal service by a layman( and amateurs like myself). Thus, after talking
with some senior lawyers and associates, I concluded the following. While the pro-bono services
don’t charge the recipient anything, it isn’t free as society has already contributed to its cost in
one way or another.

After reading the details sent by the venerable professor, I contemplated applying immediately. I
deliberated for a while and thought about the benefits the college, as well as, I have along with
the losses. I have experience with two past internships and a current ongoing one. I have written
a research article titled ‘Nature of meritocracy in Indian Judiciary’. I firmly believe that there are
no losses to me from this opportunity. If the college reckons they might suffer losses if I receive
this opportunity, I will respect the same.

Thank you,

Madhurima Datar

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