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Exercise Modifications

Push up modifications
Push-up vs. Bench press comparisons
Learning Goals
•  After this lesson, you will be able to:

•  Modify moment arms in exercises

•  Shift the burden to different muscles
•  Change the ease of the exercise
Bench Press:
Narrow Grip vs. Wide Grip
Mechanics-Wide Grip

The weight from the barbell will exert

greater torque on the shoulder than the
elbow. But why?

Think of levers and moment-arms.

Which joint has to produce more torque

to resist the weight?

The weight from the barbell will exert

greater torque on the which joint?

Think of levers and moment-arms.

Which joint has to produce more torque

to resist the weight?
Add in Muscles

Which joint has to produce

more torque
to resist the weight?

Which muscles need to work

Squat Variations
Squat Variations: Which requires
more activation of the hip extensors?
Front squat “Regular” back squat

•  Note the different moment-arm relative

to the hip and the knee
Back Squat -> more torque on the hip
Front squat “Regular” back squat

•  The weight of the barbell acts farther

away from to the hip as we lean
forward with the back squat 13-9
Back Squat -> requires more effort
from the hip joint muscles
Front squat “Regular” back squat

•  The flexion torque on the hip joint is greater,

•  so hip extensor muscles (Glut Max & hams) need to
create more extension torque to resist the weight
Squat Variations: Which requires more
activation of the knee extensors?
Front squat “Regular” back squat

•  Front squat brings the knee farther forward,

and therefore the barbell creates a greater
flexion torque on the knee 13-11
Front Squat: more from knee extensors

Front squat “Regular” back squat

•  Then, standing back up requires more

extension torque from the knee extensors
More knee extension torque=> more
force at the knee
Front squat
•  Knee is anterior to
the toes

•  This is NOT

•  Why?

Push up Variations
•  I don’t want a bench or buy weights..

•  Isn’t the pushup sorta like a bench press?

•  Question: Pushup is like ___ lb bench
Push-up variations

•  Torque from arms must overcome

•  The Torque from the body weight
•  T = T

•  F * r = F * r
More rigorously..


•  Using Plagenhoef in Lab 2

•  Arm length = ~0.33H, H = height
•  Lcom = 0.57H (based on our lab data)
•  L from foot to shoulder = ~0.9H
•  Arms are .10M , M = body mass
More rigorously..


•  Tbody = mg * = mg x .57H cos θ

•  Tarm = Farm * = F x .9H cos θ
Farm = ______ x mg
For 155 lbs person, F = ________
Push-up Cheat #1: Knee

By moving the point of rotation to the knee,

both moment arms shorten

However, moment arm for the arms are much

longer, so you need less force from the arms

More rigorously..

•  According to Plagenhoef…
–  Lower leg is 0.25H long, 0.10M mass

–  COM moves higher up since we don’t

consider the shank- to ~0.65H
More rigorously..

•  Tbody = mg x 0.4H x cos θ

•  Tarm = F x 0.65H x cos θ
F = _____ x mg
for a 155 lb person, this is like _____ lb bench
Push-up Cheat #2: body angle

•  By leaning up (with a box

or wall)
•  Moment arm for weight
is less
•  Torque due to the body
weight is less
•  Moment arm for arms
stay long
•  Less force is needed
F * r = F * r

•  Tbody =mg .4H cos(θ1+θ2)

•  Tarm =F x 0.65 cos θ1

F = _____ mg
θ1 For a 155 lbs person, using
θ2 0.25H a block that is .25H tall,
Push up: Harder:

•  Draw in Moment Arms and compare the

effort needed.

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