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Earmark- allocate, designate, assign

Ebb- subside, diminish, dwindle, decline
Opp: increase
Ebullient- Exuberant, buoyant, elated, peppy
Opp: depressed
Eccentric- Bizarre, outlandish, freakish, cranky
Opp: conventional
Ecclesiastic- minister, cleric, deacon, padre
Eclectic- extensive, multifarious, encyclopedic, heterogeneous
Ecstatic- rapturous, euphoric, exultant, elated
Ecumenical- universal, catholic
Opp: denominational
Edgy- uneasy, twitchy, prickly, crotchety
Opp: calm
Edict- mandate, promulgation, ruling, proclamation
Edify- tutor, develop, enlighten, instruct
Eerie- sinister, blood curdling, frightening, weird
Efface- expunge, eliminate, obliterate, inconspicuous
Effeminate- foppish, mincing, campy, womanish
Opp: manly
Effervesce- exuberant, froth, effervescent, foam
Effrontery- impudence, presumption, audacity, gall
Effusion- rush, search, spurt, verbiage
Egocentric- narcissistic, vain, egomaniacal, self-seeking
Opp: altruistic
Egotistic- boastful, selfish, conceited, egomaniacal
Egregious- appalling, abominable, heinous, horrendous
Opp: marvelous
Eke- husband, use sparingly, be frugal with
Opp: squander
Elegiac- mournful, melancholic, poignant, lamenting
Opp: cheerful
Elephantine- mammoth, whopping, humongous, gargantuan
Opp: tiny
Elf- pixie, imp, goblin, troll
Eloquence- fluency, rhetoric, oratory, magniloquence
Elucidate- illuminate, unravel, clarify, gloss
Opp: confuse
Elude- dodge, escape, avoid, bilk
Emaciated- skinny, scraggy, shriveled, scrawny
Opp: fat
Emanation – product, effusion, out flow, leak
Emancipate- liberate, unfetter, unshackle, discharge
Opp: enslave
Embark- commence, launch into, begin, plunge into
Embellish- beautify, adorn, garnish, bedizen
Embezzle- purloin, pilfer, abstract, peculate
Enamored- smitten, beguiled, captivated, infatuated
Encapsulate- summarize, enclose, sheath
Enchant- enrapture, hypnotize, mesmerize
Opp- bore
Encumbrance- hindrance, inconvenience, albatross, pressure
Endearment- tenderness, fondness, sentiment, liking
Endure- thole, cope with, sustain, abide
Opp: fade
Enervation- debilitate, incapacitate, exhaust, fatigue
Opp: invigorate
Engulf- swamp, deluge, overwhelm, inundate
Enigma- conundrum, paradox, mystery, poser
En route- transit, way, journey, proceeding, going
Ensemble- entity, combination, composite
Ensnare- entangle, embroil, enmesh, trap
Entrench- establish, plant, root, install, set
Entwine- intertwine, twine, tangle braid
Enunciate- vocalize, slowly, brit, forth, assert
Ephemeral- passing, short, temporary, impermanent
Opp: permanent
Epicure- foodie, gourmet, gastronome, gourmand
Erratic- capricious, fickle, moody, undependable
Opp: consistent
Erudite- learned, scholarly, educated, bookish
Opp: ignorant
Eschew- refrain, abandon, wash, kick
Ethereal- heavenly, delicate, elegant, graceful, fine, dainty
Opp: substantial, earthy
Euphemism- polite, term, indirect
Euphonious- mellifluous, lyrical, honeyed, melodious
Opp: cacophonous
Execrate- detest, swear, despise, abhor
Exemplary- Ideal, model, faultless
Opp: deplorable
Exhort- urge, bid, implore, appear
Exhume- dig up, disinter, disentomb
Opp: bury
Exorbitant- extremely, extortionate, unreasonable
Opp: reasonable
Expatriate- emigrant, non-native
Opp: National
Expedient- useful, unreasonable, beneficial, sensible, wise
Expedition- journey, voyage, odyssey, tour
Expedite- speed up, hurry, hasten, quicken
Opp: delay
Expunge- remove, delete, rub, wipe
Expurgate- censor, acceptable, clean up
Extol- praise, laud, acclaim
Opp: criticize
Extraneous- irrelevant, immaterial
Extravagance- wastefulness, lavishness, essential, elaborateness
Extrude- force out, expel, release, emit

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Fabricate- fake, falsify, trump, invent
Façade- front appearance, face, elevation, exterior
Facetious- joking, joky, jocular, playful, droll
Opp: serious
Facile- shallow, glib, effortless, easy
Facsimile- copy, reproduction, duplicate, photocopy
Opp: original
Factitious- fraudulent, pretend, affected
Opp: genuine
Faintly- murmur, quite, murmuring, fairly
Opp: loudly, extremely
Fallacious- flout, specious, bogus, uncorroborated
Opp: correct
Famished- unfed, empty, starved, peckish
Opp: full
Fantasy- imagination, dream, day dream
Opp: reality
Farcical- crazy, mad cap, clownish, amusing
Fascist- Nazi, back shirt
Opp: liberal
Fastidious- choosy, picky, demanding, fussy
Opp: lax
Fatuous- dumb, foolish, stupid, idiot
Opp: intelligent
Feasible- achievable, suitable, realistic, possible
Opp: impractical
Fecund- rich, lush, thriving, fructuous
Opp: barren
Feeble- weak, weakly, dull, lazy, poor
Opp: strong, brave
Felicitous- well, appropriate, chosen, advantageous
Opp: unfortunate
Fend- resist, fight, stop
Fervent- ardent, sincere, zealous, eager
Opp: apathetic
Fetters- chains, restraints, handcuffs
Fickle- giddy, skittish, unsteady, unfaithful
Opp: constant
Fiddling- trivial, petty, trifling
Opp: important
Fidgety- uneasy, nervous, nervy, keyed up
Fiery- burning, blazing, ablaze, intense
Fillip- stimulus, stimulation, push, spur
Final- climax, conclusion, close, finish
Opp: beginning
Finale- termination, climax, culmination, final scene
Flabbergast- astonish, surprise
Flaccid- flabby, lack luster, listless, lax
Opp: spirited
Flamboyant- ostentatious, lurid, elaborate
Opp: restrained
Fleecy- fluffy, velvety, shaggy
Opp: coarse
Flatter- compliment, laud, flannel, blarney
Opp: insult
Flotsam- debris, wreck, rubbish
Flounce- sweep, stomp, strut
Foggy- muddled, bewildered, dopey, hazy
Opp: clear
Foible- blemish, quirk, peculiarity, weakness
Opp: strength
Foreboding- trepidation, intuition, apprehension
Opp: calm
Forfeit-surrender, relinquish, forego, sacrifice
Opp: retain
Forged- pirate, imitation, bogus, dud
Opp: genuine
Forked- branching, divaricated, bifurcate
Opp: straight
Fortification- rampart, bastion, palisade, barricade
Fortuitous- adventitious, serendipitous, incidental
Opp: unlucky
Fracas: skirmish, altercation, brawl
Fragrant- scented, aromatic, perfumy
Opp: smelly
Frenetic- fevered, turbulent, energetic, hyperactive
Opp: calm
Frivolous- giddy, vacuous, flippant, trivial
Opp: serious
Fumigate- disinfect, cleanse, sterilize, decontaminate
Opp: soil
Funereal- joyless, grave, drab, somber
Opp: cheerful
Furtive- sly, clandestine, oblique, conspiratorial
Opp: open

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