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Intania Prananda Putri1, Hera Hartati,S.Pd.,M.Pd2, Diyan Andriani, S.S.,M.Pd3

English Education Program STKIP YPM,,


This research to analyze students’ speaking abilities in Procedure text for The Third
Semester in English Departement of STKIP YPM Bangko Academic Year 2020/2021. The
researcher found some facts contained at third semester English department in speaking
ability. there are some problem faced by students. The first problem is pronounciation
because they did not practise english language in their daily activity, intraction social and
also the english language is not like mother thongue. Second is grammar because that is
difficut to remember when they speaking that always pay attantion with grammar structure.
Third is limitted vecabullary, they still lack knowlage about english words. And the last they
have less confidence because students still not fluency speaking english. The researcher use
Quantitative descriptive. The research populatian was students of third semester Englis
eduacation program. It is use total sampling that consist a class of population and sample was
25 students, but only 21 studnets submitted the test. The instrument of the research was the
test used content validity, expert validity and reliability used inter-rates reability it means
more then one scorer to analize the test. In this research use two scorer, the first is reseacher
and the second is the lecture of subject speaking 1. The test use oral presentation, the score is
3 for excellet, 2 for good, 1 for fair and 0 for poor. After that the researcher classification the
students’ Speaking Ability in Procedure text based on the answer sheet. Based on the result
was found that from 21 students’ seven students’ get score A (33,3%) and three students’ get
score A- (14,3%), two students’ get score B+ (9,5%), four students’ get score B- (19,0), two
students’ get score B (9,5%), one students’ get score C (4,8%), one students’ get score C-
(4,8%) and the one students get score E (4,8%). And the average score of students’ speaking
ability in Procedure text in the third semester was (80).then the category of ability based on
catalog book of STKIP YPM was good with quality of score (B). It means that the students’
ability in speaking is satified.

Key words: Speaking ability, procedure text, Quantitative descriptive

INTRODUCTION must be pay attention with the vecabulary
The english language is in every word, structure of the grammar
international language, that most of people and also the fluency when speak with
in the word learn it. Because english other.
language is the way for person get some Procedure Text
their goals. It support students’ language As known there some of text genre
profiency in formal and non formal Procedure text is incluling one of the them.
education. In modren era right now, non this research showed, that the procedure
formal and formal education same need to text is parts of writing that telling us
learning english for get english sertificate information by making even doing
and get english knowladge. something through some steps and
There are four english language directions. This was that text procedure to
skills known as well are speaking, create something with intructional to do
listening, writing and reading. the thing with step and step, the firstly
Eventhought all off skill are important, the until the lastly for getting the right result.
students have to mastaring one of the skills One of that like how to make a cake. then
as a must. If we can say speaking is the how can people know what they do if did
fundamental speaking skill, cause by not intruction or text procedure for do that
speaking hope the students can express step by step. So that, everything in these
what they want to expressing, like express words needed the procedure to making life
their feel, and verbally conveying their more become structured.
ideas and feelings to another.
Generic structure of Procedure text
REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE The teory of generic stucture of
Speaking procedure text according to Anderson and
Speaking is skill that important for Anderson (1997:52-55), state that generic
student to learn. According to Thornbury structure of a procedure text contains:
(2005:8) that speaking is tools for human 1. the aim or goal, what is the purpose or
to communicate with other human and what something want to make it.
express what they feel, idea or just 2. the material, something that we need
opinions. to complete the procedure
Component of Speaking 3. and step, the way how we begin until
And this the components of finals.
speaking, According to (Hormaililis, Language features of Procedure text
2003: 6), they are : Language features of Procedure
Vocabulary Ur (in Hormailis text, According to Andeerson and
2003:6) vecabulary is support sistems in Anderrson (1997:52), the component of
learning English. Grammar speaker must linguistic feature in procedure text there
structure and match with the conversation. are :
The last fluency, that how people know 1. Used of technic in language
you are able to speaking in english. And 2. the sentence start from the verbs and
the conclude of that expalation, in every ready to do as instruction
communication and in the conversation 3. the used number or time for doing that
4. The use Adverbs to how the intruction Quantitaive researach methods can be
should be finish. interpreted as research methods on a
particular population or sample. The
sampling techniques the part important for
collecting the data of the research.
In this research, researcher used
Table 1. The example of text procedure quantitative. Sugiyono (in Richards and
The example of text procedure
Schamidh 2002:436) stated, that method
Goal/ aim The steps of making fluffy pancake
Materials - 5 egs
used the data or number.
- 40 grams sugar Population and sample
- 60 grams purpose flour
- 2 grams baking powder Population
- Salts
- 1 teaspoons vanila extracts According to Sugiyono (2018:130)
- Honey
Prosedure/ steps 1. Firstly, separating the eggs yolk and
to meaning the population as the area
the white. After that beating the eggs whose had quality and some characteristict
white until reach stiff.
2. Second, mixing the eggs yolks with to make the researcher choose that
sugar in separated bowl until the sugar
population for learning and to get the
3.Put baking powder,salt and flour. result.
Mixing them slowly until all ingredients
are mixed completely. Table 2.Population of the class
4. After all of them mixed correctly then Class Amount Gender
pour all ingredients to the bowl prepared
Class A English
before. Extract and mix the ingredientss
Department 21 female
with vanilla. 25 Students
5. set temperature of the pan by over low semester third
and medium heat coating it with some 4 male
butter. By Using a ¼ cup measuring it to (taken from staff of english
scop and droop the butter into a pan so
after that you could get evenly-sized education program)
6. next step is, cook it untill the first side Sample
become golden brown, or the top surface
become forms of bubbles.
The sample of this research is take
7. then flip or repeat on the another side. of population existing use total sampling
Adjusting the heat accordiingly.
8. the last step is, serving the pancake technique, According to Arikunto (in
with some honey even it is still warmed.
The finishing we can add some fruits Herman 2011:31) if total of population
like grapees or strawbery to make it
looks good or more delicious. less of 100, so all of population can be
First, next, then, finally sample. So the sample population of this
Intraction command stir, mix, add research is all of population existing
Adverbs Slowly because total of population less tahn 100. Based on the explenation the reseacher use
text/ total sampling.
Instrument of The Research
RESEARCH METHOD Instrumental in this research is a
Research design test. According to Arikunto (2008:33),the
This type of research used in this test for the researcher is part importhat to
research is quantitative research with a find the information to colleting the data
descriptive approach. Quantitative research for the research.The test in this research
methods are one type of research whose will use, oral presenttion. To know
used the numberic data and analize the students’ speaking ability. Beside that
data. According to Sugiyono (2013: 13),
c. the main idea or point was clearly
researcher use the test to the sample, the started toward the beginning.
test will Validity and Rehability test. the supporting points were
First According to Arikunto (in d. Clearly expressed
e. Supported well by facts, argument
Syofian2013 : 46 ), validity is shows the
f. the conclution restated the main idea or
tools for makesure the result. it uses purpose.
content and expert validity. Second, 2. Delivery :
a. the speakeer used gesstures and body
According to Sugiono (2005), the meaning language wel.

of reliability is some instrument or tools b. the speakerr maintaining eyes contact

with the audiences.
who had konsistension used for make sure
c. the speakers didn’t use note (and do
the result with the way over and over reading a script verbal).

again. d. the speaker’s languages were natural

and fluent.
Technique of Collecting data e. the speaker’s volumee of spech is
Test appropriated.
f. the speeaker’s rate of spech was
According to Arikunto (2010:193), appropriated.
g. the speaker’s pronunciations is clear and
the test can be question or another way to comprehensibly.
measure the skill, abilities or talets by h. the speaker’s gramar is corrected and
didn’t preventing understand.
individual or more then one. Kind of test is
i.the speaker’s using visual aid, handout,
will be students to asked to make a video etc., effective.
with the material procedure text. It means j. the speaker’s shows entusiasm and
the students will make a video with
procedure text and sent the video to the
lecture. Source : adapted from H. Douglas Brown,
Technique of Analyzing data (2010 : 219)
The collected data found in this Classifying the Score
study is quantitative analyzes, it means Based on Scoring of Oral
that all the data collected fromm doing the presentation that according from Brown
test. (2010:219).
1. Data redaction Note : 3 : Excellent, 2 : Good, 1 : Fair, 0 :
Data redaction is the first step that Poor
did to analyze data was taken of students : The researcher calculated about
The criteria used to evaluate students ability in procedure text by usinh
student performance are based on those this formula.
developed According to Brown, Score = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
x 100
(2010:219), for oaral presentations, a Nb : The maximal score = 48
checlist or grid is a common means of 2. Data display
scoring or evaluation. After researcher got students’
Table 3. Oral Presentation scoring speaking ability score, next step is
categories presented that score to table based on the
NO Criteria of Value criteria of study result in STKIP YPM
3 2 1 0
1. Content : Bangko. The data from students’ score will
a. the purpose of objective of the be describe based on quality in this
presentation was accomplished
b. the introduction was lively and got my
attention. Table 4. Assessment of study result
Quality on Score research from the result of test of students.
The sample collection by task. The data
A 88 – 100
A- 83 – 87 collection of student task in procedure text,
B+ 78 – 82 the data was videos. The students is 25 but
B 73 – 77 only 21 students sent the video, 4 students
B- 68 – 72
did not collect. Some of them have
C+ 63 – 67
C 58 – 62 different ability at oral presentation in
C- 53 – 57 procedure text. This process is carried out
D 48 – 52 to analyze speaking abilities in procedure
E <48
text at third semester of STKIP YPM
Sources : Catalog STKIP YPM Bangko
Bangko. to know students ability in
recount text, the researcher use indicator
After the researche rcalculated of
content and delivery.
each students’ ability in procedure text by
The result of students speaking
using simple statistical technique from
ability in procedure text can be seen as
Sudijono (2009:40) the formula as follow.
𝐹 follow the table :
P = 𝑛 100% Table 6. Students’ speaking ability
In which : in procedure text
P : The classes of percentage Quality
F : Total of percentages of Quality of amount of
number score student
n : the student amount value
In completing the numberical data, 88-100 A 7 33,3
the researcher try to get an average score 83-87 A- 3 14,3
students’ speaking ability in text 78-82 B+ 2 9,5
procedure. In this researcher using the 73-77 B 4 19,0
average of students’ calculated by Sugiono 68-72 B- 2 9,5
(2007), Mean formula : 63-67 C+ 0 0,0
∑𝑥𝑖 58-62 C 1 4,8
𝑀𝑒 = 𝑛 53-57 C- 1 4,8
In which : 48-52 D 0 0,0
Me : Mean <47 E 1 4,8
∑ : Epsilon (puncituation) TOTAL 21 100,0
Xi : Score x to i until n Figure 1 : students’ speaking
n : Number of student ability in procedure text
3. Conclusion 150
The reseacher get the conclude of the 100
result, how to significant progress and how 50 33,3
19,0 21
7 14,3
3 9,5
2 4 9,5 0 4,8
2 0,0 1 4,8 0 4,8
1 0,0 1
far students’ in their speaking ability at 0
third semester.
1. General Finding
quality of number
The research was conduct the data of quality of score
this research starting on October 26 th
Based on the table above, from 21
2020 until April 26 th 2021. Data of the
students’ seven students’get score A
(33,3%) and three students’ get score A- <47 E 1 5
(14,3%), two students’ get score B+ TOTAL 21 100

(9,5%), four students’ get score B- Figure 2 : students’ speaking Ability in

(19,0%), two students’ get score B (9,5%), Procedure text content indicator
one student get score C (4,8%), one CONTENT INDICATOR
students’ get score C- (4,8%) and the one 100
students get score E (4,8%). 80
In addition the average score of 60
students speaking ability in procedure text 40 29
14 19 10 21
20 10
was (80). The category of ability based on 06 03 04 02 000 02 015 015 015 015
catalog book of STKIP YPM was good
with quality of score (B). It means that the quality of score amount of students percentage
students ability in speaking is not satified
Delivery indicator
Based on Delivery indicator eight
2. Specific Finding
students’ get score (A), two students’ get
a. Students’ speaking ability based on
score (A-), one students’ get score (B+),
each indicator content indicator
five students’ get score (B), three students’
in this indicator, there was five sub
get score (B-), one students’get score (C-)
indicators, and based on the content
and the one students’ get score (E). The
indicator, there were the result six
average score of students ability in
students’ get score (A), three students’ get
procedure text of delivery indicator was
score (A- ), four students’ get score ( B+),
two students’ get score (B ), two students’
Table 8. Students’ Speaking Ability in
get score ( C+ ), one students’ get score
Procedure text Delivery Indicator
(C), one students’ get score (C), one
students’ get score (C-), one students’ get Quality of quality of
of Percentage
Number score
score (D), and the one studnets’ get score students
(E). The average score of students ability 88-100 A 8 38

in procedure text of content indicator was 83-87 A- 2 10

78-82 B+ 1 5
73-77 B 5 24
68-72 B- 3 14
Table 7. students’ speaking ability in
63-67 C+ 0 0
procedure text content indicator. 58-62 C 0 0
Quality of quality of 53-57 C- 1 5
of percentage
Number score 48-52 D 0 0
88-100 A 6 29 <47 E 1 5

83-87 A- 3 14 TOTAL 21 100

78-82 B+ 4 19 Figure 4. Students’ Speaking Ability in

73-77 B 2 10 Procedure Text
68-72 B- 0 0
63-67 C+ 2 10
58-62 C 1 5
53-57 C- 1 5
48-52 D 1 5
150 DELIVERY INDICATOR material or theory. Couse in their daily
100 activity practice English language more
important thing.
50 24 14 21 3. for another researcher
08 0210 015 05 03 000 000 015 000 015
0 This study provides information
about students speaking ability in
quality of score amount of students percentage
procedure text for the third semester in
CONCLUTION AND SUGGESTION English deparment. For ther further, must
Conclution be need a lot of theory and material.
Based on explanation above, the Because based on this
researches can conclude that from 21 research not really perfect too. And maybe
students 2 students didn’t pass get the another researcher can make the thesis
insufficient quality value, from the test of more better.
procedure text at the third semester of BIBLIOGRAPHY
english department in STKIP YPM Anas, Sudijono. 2009. Pengantar statistik
Bangko academic year 2020/2021, and pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja
there were 19 students can pass the test in Grafindo Persada.
procedure text in indicator content and Anderson, Mark and Anderson, Kahty.
delivery. The researcher found the most 1997. Text Type in English. South
students scored low on the part of content Yarra: Macmillan Educaton
in point (f) the conclution restated the Australia PTY LTD.
main idea or purpose (57%), and the most Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur
students scorer high on the part of content Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan
in point (a) the purpose of objective of the Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
presentation was accomplised (95%) and Brown, H.D & Abey Wichkrama. 2010.
part of delivery in point (i) the speaker’s Language learning assessment
use visual aids, handouts, etc (95%).C- principles and classroom practice.
(4,8%) and the one students get score E New York: Pearson Education Inc.
(4,8%). Hormailis, 2003. The use of groups works
Suggestion techiques for the improvement of
From the result of the research, speakiing abiliity the second year
researcher wants to give the suggestion: student of MAN 2 Pekanbaru.
1. For Students Pekanbaru: Unpublished thesis.
Students must often practice Sugiono. 2007. Statistik untuk Penelitian.
speaking with other people who have Bandung: CV Alfabeta
knowlage or background in English, like Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian
friends, lecture or someone else. For Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan
students, especially students English R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta.
Deparment of STKIP YPM Bangko.
2. For lecturer
Based on the research, lecture was
teached the student very well, but may be
the students need more practice than

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