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EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

School: Calibungan High School
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area: Mathematics
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maribeth M. Curatcha
Teacher’s Signature:

Analyzing Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), DepEd's Philosophy of

Education and K to 12 Curriculum Framework

1. Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST), DepEd Vision and Mission statements, core values and mandate and on the
K to 12 Curriculum Framework
2. Analyze the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
3. Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements, Core Values and Mandate.
4. Read the features of the K to 12 Curriculum based on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and
Guide and Section 5 of RA 10533.
5. Accomplish the Table below by answering this question: Which philosophies are expressed?
6. Cite relevant statements to back up an identified philosophy of education

Which philosophies Which philosophies Which philosophies

are expressed in the are expressed in the are expressed in the
Philippine DepEd Vision, K to 12 Curriculum
Philosophies of
Professional Mission Statements, Framework and
Standards for Core Values, Section 5 of RA
Teachers (PPST)? Mandate? Provide 10533? Provide
Provide proof. proof. proof.

Content knowledge
DepEd is an essentialist,
and its application
as evidenced by the core
within and across
1. Essentialism. Teach values maka-Diyos,
curriculum areas.
mastery of the basics; maka-tao, maka- The subject matter
curriculum is kalikasan, and includes a list of
It suggests that the
prescribed; subject makabansa. expectations for
body of knowledge
matter-centered; there learners in terms of
and data that
are universal, objective DepEd is a firm standards and
instructors impart to
values in subject believer in instilling competencies.
their students and that
matter. students’ minds with
they are planned to
enduring moral
learn in a particular
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

2. Perennialism. Teach Learners’ gender, Students learn in a Students require in-

those that last, the needs, strengths, child-friendly, gender- depth awareness,
classics; there are interests and sensitive, safe, and abilities, values, and
universal values; experiences motivating environment. behaviors through
inculcate these consistent application
universal objective Learners should The DepEd at all levels in the K–
values. teach valuable incorporated 12 curriculum
behavior which they perennialism into their framework in order to
can use to be a mission because they bring good principles
better person. think that if the students that students can
interact with this type of acquire from what
environment, it is they learned in
possible that they will school.
embody the moral
principles that they
have learned in school
and grow to be good
citizens of our nation.

In DepEd’s vision it was

3. Progressivism. Very stated that
child-centered; teach As a learner-centered
Promotion of
those that interest the public institution, the
purposive learning
child; one learns by Department of
experience; learners Education continuously
By accepting
learn by doing so improves itself to better The curriculum must
responsibility for their
teacher teacher’s serve its stakeholders. emphasize
own learning,
teaching is differentiated
experiential; values The DepEd consistently learning and be
understanding of the
are subjective; no enhances its programs to learner centered.
conditions that
inculcation of values better serve its
encourage students to
since they are substances, particularly
produce effective
subjective; instead, the students. By offering
teachers help students tasks that are suited to
clarify their values. the interests and needs of
the students

In its mission it was stated

that Making the Curriculum
Learners’ linguistic,
Administrators and Relevant to Learners
cultural, socio-
staff, as stewards of the is stated in the K–12
economic and
institution, ensure an Curriculum
4. Reconstructionism. religious
enabling and supportive Framework.
School is agent of backgrounds
environment for
change; schooling is
effective learning to Talks of issues like
preparing students for Teachers should be a
happen Information
the social changes; role model to their
Technology and
teaching involving the students. They are
Communication as
students in expected to show
It implies that well as Climate
discussions of moral respect to different
teaching involves Change Adaptation
dilemmas. cultural and religious
engaging students in that are pertinent for
beliefs that is different
philosophical both teachers and
from what they
discussion so they students were
believe in.
can take control of highlighted.
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

The DepEd mission

5. Existentialism. Teachers facilitate
Learners’ gender,
Teachers teach learning and constantly
needs, strengths, Gearing up for the
learners to make a nurture every learner.
interests and future
choice, to make
decisions and not According to DepEd,
The option to select
merely to follow the education should never
Teachers should a specialization that
crowd; one who does prevent someone from
explore the students’ suits their interests
not make a choice and reaching their full
strengths and interest is left up to the
so simply follow others potential. Teachers
to help them enhance students.
do not leave should actually help the
what they are good at.
meaningful life. students to be their best

6. Pragmatism. That
which is useful, that
which is practical and The DepEd vision which
Making the Curriculum
that which works is is Enable them to
Relevant to the
what is good; that Content knowledge realize their full
which is efficient and and its application potential and contribute
effective is that which within and across meaningfully to building
Feeding the
is good. e.g. showing a curriculum areas. the nation
students with
video clip on mitosis is
important values
more efficient and Contents of the Teaching students
they need to learn
more effective and subject matter shall useful and realistic
which they can use
therefore more be related to the lessons can motivate
to interact with the
practical than teacher learners need. and inspire them to
people around them.
coming up with a develop into better
visual aid by drawing people.
mitosis on an
illustration board.
The DepEd’s core
values makatao, maka- Curriculum
7. Rationalism.
Relevance and Diyos, makakalikasan at Development
Emphasizes the
responsiveness of makabansa
development of the
learning programs
learners reasoning The DepEd regulation To ensure that
powers; knowledge is to only accept
Teachers are students learn the
comes though reason; evidence that is
expected to craft necessary skills, the
teacher must develop grounded in logic and
lessons that are curriculum should be
the reasoning power of offers a solid
reasonable. rational and
the learner. foundation for appropriate.
Communication of
learner needs The DepEd’s vision Curriculum
progress and We dream of Filipinos Development
achievement to key who passionately love
8. Utilitarianism what is
stakeholders their country.
good is that which is The curriculum should
most useful (that which It encourages be sensitive to cultural
It will bring joy to the
brings happiness) to behaviors that differences, and
learners if they are
the greatest number of increase happiness teachers shouldn’t have
informed of their
peoples. and satisfaction. Its any prejudices against
weakness or their
aim is to strengthen the students’ cultural
strengths and develop
the nation as a whole. backgrounds.
it to be better in
9. Empiricism. Source of Management of The DepEd Mission, Curriculum
knowledge is through classroom structure which is Teachers, Development
the senses; teacher and activities facilitate learning and
must involve the constantly nurture To help students
senses in teaching- Teachers can really every learner. learn, teachers
learning. manage well the class incorporate the
Teaching and learning
through their senses. senses into their
are based on the idea
that we acquire new
Additionally, the
knowledge through
teacher achieves It
continuous exposure
through a
and experience.
collaborative and
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

10. Behaviorism.
Behavior is shaped Students learn in a
deliberately by forces child-friendly, gender-
in the environment and sensitive, safe, and
that the type of person motivating environment. Curriculum
Management of
and actions desired The teacher Development
learner behavior
can be the product of encourages the
design; behavior is students to learn by Teachers reward
Teachers should
determined by others, rewarding them with students for excellent
promote a healthy
rather than by person's praise and small gifts, performance by
behavior towards their
own free will; teacher for example. Every enabling them to
students so that they
must carefully shape time a student continue with the
will do the same.
desirable behavior; demonstrates a good desired behavior.
drills are commonly behavior, they will
used to enhance develop the ability to
learning rewards do so independently.
reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism.
Learners are capable Teachers facilitate
of constructing learning and constantly
knowledge and nurture every learner.
Feedback to
meaning; teaching Instead of spoon-feeding
improve learning
learning therefore is the students, teachers Students should be able
constructing urge them to take charge
This will allow the to construct their own
knowledge and of their own learning.
learner to take knowledge.
meaning teacher does Students can gather
responsibility with
not just tell or dictate knowledge necessary for
their own learning.
but asks learners for their learning as they
knowledge they interact with the real
construct and meaning world.
of lesson.
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

School: Calibungan High School
Grade/Year Level:
Subject Area: Mathematics
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Maribeth M. Curatcha
Teacher’s Signature:

Part 2
Articulating My Personal Philosophy of Teaching


1. Here are the philosophies of education. Identify ways or practices on how a teacher can
manifest the following philosophies of education in the classroom.
2. Provide concrete situations on each of the following educational philosophies
3. Accomplish the table below.

Philosophies of Education Teaching Behavior and Practices

1. Essentialism. Teach mastery of the

basics; curriculum is prescribed; The teacher made sure that she follows the
subject matter-centered; there are Most Essential Learning Competencies of K-12
universal, objective values in subject curriculum.

2. Perennialism. Teach those that Teacher Beth, in some lesson, focuses on

last, the classics; there are universal textbook which emphasizes that the use of
values; inculcate these universal textbooks is still effective even if there are
objective values. already internet access.

3. Progressivism. Very child-

centered; teach those that interest
the child; one learns by experience; Ma’am Beth let the students explore the given
learners learn by doing so teacher activity like measuring things using their body
teacher’s teaching is experiential; parts and different measuring tools which
values are subjective; no inculcation concludes the difference between non –
of values since they are subjective; standard and standard measurement.
instead, teachers help students
clarify their values.

4. Reconstructionism. School is
agent of change; schooling is Teacher Beth will relate the lesson with the
preparing students for the social current situations or issues in the Philippines
changes; teaching involving the like how expensive the goods and products are
students in discussions of moral here in the Philippines.
5. Existentialism. Teachers teach Ma’am Beth let the students choose if they
learners to make a choice, to make want to take an activity after the discussion or
decisions and not merely to follow take it the next day instead. She also asks her
the crowd; one who does not make advisory class if who wants to join a certain
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

a choice and so simply follow others

activity if there is a school program.
do not leave meaningful life.

6. Pragmatism. That which is useful,

that which is practical and that
which works is what is good; that
which is efficient and effective is Teacher Beth always provided a video
that which is good. e.g. showing a presentation about the lesson because students
video clip on mitosis is more learn best when they see what they are learning
efficient and more effective and and view the process of getting the answer, on
therefore more practical than how it arrived in that certain answer.
teacher coming up with a visual aid
by drawing mitosis on an illustration
During recitation, Ma’am Beth always asked
7. Rationalism. Emphasizes the
how the students arrived in that answer. If one
development of the learners
student answer incorrectly, she follows up a
reasoning powers; knowledge
question to the class why the answer is wrong.
comes though reason; teacher must
When it comes to students concerns, she
develop the reasoning power of the
always listens to two sides. Explaining their

Ma’am Beth checks her student’s feelings

8. Utilitarianism what is good is that towards a certain situation. She always reminds
which is most useful (that which her students to act properly, to be disciplined, to
brings happiness) to the greatest show respect, and to study hard as she wants
number of peoples. to develop her students to be a better version of

Teaching mathematics need practice to

improve their skills. Ma’am Beth let the students
9. Empiricism. Source of knowledge
solve problems on the board. Ma’am Beth also
is through the senses; teacher must
link experiences to her lesson. Activities was
involve the senses in teaching-
also given as a part of giving the students
experience in doing a certain task like
10. Behaviorism. Behavior is shaped
deliberately by forces in the It is always being taught to show respect to
environment and that the type of teachers and adults by even just a simple
person and actions desired can be greeting. When Ma’am Beth enter her class,
the product of design; behavior is she was being greeted by her students. She will
determined by others, rather than by ask the cleaners for today to keep their
person's own free will; teacher must classroom clean. She rewards students who
carefully shape desirable behavior; shows positive behavior in class and give
drills are commonly used to feedbacks to those who misbehave to pinpoint
enhance learning rewards reinforce what they did wrong.
11. Constructivism. Learners are
capable of constructing knowledge After doing a certain activity, there are follow up
and meaning; teaching learning questions to assess how students construct
therefore is constructing knowledge their knowledge. Ma’am Beth also asks
and meaning, teacher does not just questions like what they observed in doing the
tell or dictate but asks learners for activity.
knowledge they construct and
meaning of lesson.
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 10: Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

Based on your findings and observations in Part1 and Part 2, which philosophies of
education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?

The philosophies that are dominant in the Philippines are Behaviorism, Constructivism and
Progressivism. These philosophies support an efficient teaching-learning procedure and
guarantee high-quality instruction for all students. It highlights the importance of educating
students with timeless ideas and the ongoing pursuit of universal principles. These
philosophies help teachers structure their students’ learning to attain the intended learning

If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should
that be and why?

Teachers should give more attention to Existentialism. It is because students should be

given a choice to pick where they can learn best and what are their interest .The freedom of
choice provided to the students, which they know will enhance their abilities and creative
thinking. They are free to experiment and design their own educational experiences, using
teachers as learning facilitators. Consequently, everyone should be offered the chance to
learn, perform at their highest level, and value meaningful learning opportunities in order to
have an inclusive education.

Write down your personal philosophy of teaching. This describes what you believed you should
teach, how you should teach and how you should relate to others in school—write the learners,
your colleagues, your superiors and all other stakeholders. Follow the guide provided below.

My Philosophy of Teaching

As a future educator, I want to be an educator who will be remembered by the students

as a teacher that affects their lives to strive and be successful in life. I want to be the one
who will discover and develop their talents, where they are skilled to. I want them to seriously
believe that there is no magic in life.
I believe that the learners have different learning styles, have different capabilities, and
have different behaviors in classroom setting. I also believe that the learners are far different
from the learners before. As a future educator, how can you handle such situation?
I believe that I should teach the learners what they need to learn for them to success in
life and be a better person that they could be. I think I should also educate the learners about
proper behavior because this is also part of being a better individual aside from developing
the cognitive skills of the learners.
By effective classroom management and teaching strategies, I will be able to improve
their personal qualities as an individual and be able to teach them effectively. Sharing
experiences could also contribute to their development. not just sharing but also building
experiences with them will also help to find an appropriate approach on how you can handle
different classroom settings.
I somehow relate to the learners as I am still a student. I also experience what they have
been experiencing. Therefore, you can somehow grasp their behavior in school. Colleagues
are big help in being an educator. They are the one who will help you and improve your way
of teaching. The school head is the one who will monitor you as a professional teacher, give
tasks that is needed to accomplish, and supervised the school to function well. A school
could not function without the students, teachers, school head, and other stakeholders. Thus,
being able to be part of it corresponds to a big responsibility.

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