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LIMITED Name: _____________________________

Philomena Lobo ‐ 9820318320
1. Tell me something about yourself?
Ans) My name is….……………., I am………………years old, I am coming from………………. I am married /
unmarried. I passed my 10th / 12th in the year……. I passed ANM/ GNM in the year…………... I have
………….……years of experience.

2. Employer Id No.

3. What is your passport number?

4. For what work are you going to Israel?
Ans. To work as caretaker, to take care of all the needs of everyday life.

5. Which Visa are you going to Israel?
Ans Work visa B1.

6. Who is your Agent?
Ans C.P Travels.

7. How much money did you pay?
Ans. Paid Rs 30,000/- for my training fees, Medical, Paper Work and other service charges.

8. Name of your Training Center?
Ans C.P Institute of Caretakers Pvt Ltd, Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai.

9. Name of the trainer?
Ans Mrs. Philomena Lobo/ Mr. Clement Lobo

10. What is the timing of the training and the period?
Ans 10.00 am to 5.00 pm for 20 days.

11. Who recommended you to the training center?
Ans. Friend/Relatives/Advertisement/Website.

12. What have you learned from the training center?
Ans. To look after the old, sick people and different diseases. About Israel, Hebrew and Hand
[Diabetes Heart-Attack and B.P, Alzheimer’, Fever, Asthma, Dialysis and Cancer, Parkinson. About
housekeeping, how to change bed sheets and diapers, how to use the wheelchair and walkers,
some practical’s, night assistance, how to use Glucometer. EDD, Thermometer, Emergency,]

13.Why did you choose Israel for work?

Ans: Israel is safe for workers and I can earn good salary.

14.What is an emergency?
Ans:‐ Sudden emergency which needs immediate action.
When there is a heart attack, high or low blood pressure and high or low diabetes, fracture,
Fire and when a person is unconscious.

15.What will you do in case of emergency?
Ans: Call the ambulance, take my employer to the hospital and then inform the relative.

16. What is a Heart attack?
Ans:‐ Blockage of arteries.

17.Why blockage of arteries?
Ans: Because of Cholesterol.

18.What is Cholesterol?
Ans. High Fat Content in the blood
Symptoms of Heart Attack: chest pain, sweating, giddiness, unconscious.
Management of Heart Attack:
-Loosen the clothes
-Open the door and window for air passage
-Check the Vitals
1. -If the Heart beat is not there, call the ambulance and immediately give CPR 30:2.
2. CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, 30 Compressions & 2 Breathing
3. Where Compression? ‐Chest. Where Breathing? ‐Mouth to Mouth
4. BLS – Basic Life Support. How much is BLS? - 30 is to 2. (Same as CPR 30 is to2)

19. What is heart problem?

Ans: Heart does not function properly.
Sometimes high sometimes low
Normal heart beat is 72 to 80.
Management of Heart problem:
-Check Heart beat/Vitals
-Give medicines and diet as per doctor’s advice.
-Avoid oily foods.
MI = Myocardial Infraction
CABG = Coronary Artery Bypass Graft = Open heart Surgery

20.What is Pacemaker?
Ans. An artificial device to pump the heart normally.
Q‐What is Pulse Rate and Heart Rate?
Ans. One and the Same.

21.What is Blood Pressure?
Ans:‐ Pressure in the inner walls of the artery. (Normal 120/80, high 150/100, low 100/60,
Border line – 140/100)
High Blood Pressure – Hypertension
Low Blood Pressure - Hypotension
What will you do when the BP is high?
Call the ambulance and take him to the hospital. Why?
So that the patient does not get Stroke or Paralyze or Brain Dead
When will you get stroke - when the BP is more than 180.
And Brain Dead when the BP is more than 230.

22.What is stroke?
Ans: Sudden attack in the brain, when B.P (Blood pressure) goes up.
What will you do when the BP is low – Put salt in mouth and call the ambulance.
Why? The person may die
Another name of Stroke – CVA- Cerebrovascular Accident
Symptoms – Paralysis, loss of speech, vomiting
Management of / CVA / Stroke / Bed ridden Patient / Paralysis:
-Turn the patient every 2 hours
-Give Back rest, Massage the Back, Give Physiotherapy
-Give medicines and diet as per doctor advice

23. What is Paralysis?

Ans. No movement of body parts.
‐ When there is right side stroke you will get paralyzed on the left side. If there is left side stroke
you will get paralyzed on the right side.

Symptoms of B/P?
Ans. Vomiting, Headache, Giddiness.
-Check B.P daily.
-Give medicines and diet as per doctor’s advice.
-Avoid salty and oily foods.

24.How will you test the Blood Pressure?

Ans:‐ By EDD or Sphygmomanometer
- Take EDD(Electronic Digital device and put the left upper arm, press the start button than do
the reading. Normal (120/80) high (150/100) low (100/60).

25.What is Diabetes and how will you test it?
Ans:‐ More sugar in the blood, its range is 110 before meal and 130 after meals. Check
Diabetes with Glucometer. Take Glucometer, insert the strip, take a needle and prick the
middle finger and put the drop of blood on the strip do the reading. Why there is Diabetes -
Insulin is not produced in the body.
Food for Diabetics--Brown Bread—Salad—Vegetables—Fish or Chicken.
Avoid Sugar and starchy food (rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes)
Another name for Diabetes – Diabetes Mellitus.
What will you do if the Diabetes is high? - Call the ambulance, take to the hospital.
What will you do if the Diabetes is low? – Put sugar in the mouth, call ambulance, take to the

26.How many types of Diabetes are there?

Ans. Insulin dependent, Non – insulin dependent, Juvenile and Gestational
Insulin dependent- to give insulin by injection. (Where? – Arms, Stomach, Thighs)
Non-Insulin Dependent- to give tablets
Juvenile Diabetes - in little children
Gestational - during Pregnancy
27.What will you do when the employer is having fever?
Ans: Switch off the fan/AC, sponge body with cold water. Give medicines as per doctor’s

28.What is fever and how will you check it?
Ans: More than Normal body temperature. The normal range is 98.6 degree Fahrenheit or 37
degrees Celsius. When the temperature goes up it is a fever.

29. What is the medicine for fever?

Ans. Paradol, Crocin, Paracetamol, Dolo.

30.What is another name for Fever?
Ans. Pyrexia.
(A)What is Hyper Pyrexia?
Ans. High Fever, more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
(B)How will you check Fever?
Ans. With Thermometer.
(c)What is the liquid in the Thermometer?
Ans. Mercury.

31.How to give Sponge bath?
Ans.Take two tubs one with clean water and the other with the shampoo water. First sponge
with shampoo water and then with clean water. Wipe the body with the towel, put talcum
powder and put clean clothes.

32.How will you take care of your employer or What is the work of the caretaker?
Ans: By giving medicine time to time, feeding, bathing, keeping neat and clean, trying to
understand and help.

33.What is the meaning of wheelchair?
Ans: Wheelchair is a mobility chair. It is used to move patients and the disable people to move
from one place to another.

34.How will you use the wheelchair?
Ans: I will take the wheelchair near to the bed, lock the wheelchair make the employer sit on
the wheelchair then put the safety belt, unlock and then move.

35. How will you lift the patient from the bed to the wheelchair?
Ans. By giving physical support or I will put the belt across the waist and slowly put him from the
bed to the wheelchair.

36.What Is diaper?
Ans: Diaper is a protective device to prevent leakage of urine and motion.

37.When should we change the diaper?
Ans: When it is heavy or after every 6 hours

38.How will you change the diaper?
Ans: Put the mask and gloves, remove old diaper, use wet wipes and clean the area, put talcum
powder and then change the diaper.

39.What is Dialysis?
Ans: Filtering of waste products from the blood when the kidney fail.
Management of Dialysis Patient?
- Check BP daily.
-Give medicines and diet as per doctor’s advice.
-Take them to the dialysis every second day,

-Take them to check the pathology according to doctors instruction.

Food for Kidney Patients: Chicken, Egg White, Fish, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Mosambi.
What foods you will not give Kidney patients? –Green vegetables, cucumber, tomatoes & sour

40.Why Green vegetables? –
Ans. They contain Iron.
What are sour things– Lemon. Vinegar, Tamarind

41.What is Creatinine?
Ans. Kidney Function test. The normal creatinine is 0.6 to 1.2. More than 6 is dangerous, you
have to see the doctor then and start Dialysis.

42.What is Cancer?
Ans: Abnormal growth of cells.
Give medicines and diet according to the doctor.
Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation according to the doctor.
Surgery to remove cancerous part of the body.
Chemotherapy to give cancer medicines by IVF (Intra Venous Fluid).
Radiation to give Ultra violet rays to the affected area.

Another name for Cancer ‐ Oncology

Different types of Cancer – Blood Cancer, Throat Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer

43.What is leukemia?
Ans. It is blood cancer.

44.What is Asthma?
Ans: Breathing problem. The organ effected is lungs, Medicines are - Inhaler, Nebulizer.
Management of Asthma:
-Give medicines, Inhaler, Nebulizer as per doctor’s advice.
-Take inhaler & medicines where ever you go.
-Give warm food, warm water, breathing exercise, steam inhaling.
Why carry m
Inhaler & medicines everywhere?
-Because the person may get Asthma attack anytime.
What will you do when the person gets an Asthma attack?
Give Inhaler, call the ambulance and take to the Hospital.

45. COPD= Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is a severe Lung problem.

Symptoms: difficulty in breathing, tiredness, weakness.
Management: Give oxygen, medicines, Nebulizer as per doctor’s advice. Warm food, warm
water, Steam Inhaling

46.What is Corona or Covid‐19?
Ans. It is a virus in the air which enters through the nose & mouth and affects the lungs and other
vital organs.
Symptoms : High fever, breathing problems loss of taste & smell.
Management - Wash your hands, wear mask keep social distance give medicines warm food &
warm Steam Inhaling.

47.What is Pneumonia?
Ans. Fluid Collected in the Lungs,
Symptoms: High fever, Breathlessness, Weakness.
48.What is the meaning of First Aid?
Ans: Emergency treatment given before the arrival of doctor.

49.What are the contents in the First – Aid Box?
Ans. Scissor, Savlon, Cotton, Band– Aid , Crepe bandage, Thermometer, Betadine Tube.

50.What is MS?
Ans. Multiple Sclerosis ‐A Nerve effected between an eye and the brain which affects the
Central Nervous System which affects their balance.

51.What is Parkinson?
Ans: Neurological problem, there is muscular shivering.
Management of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson?
Ans. Help in everyday needs (bathing, feeding, toilet assistance.). Give physiotherapy and
medicines as per the doctor’s advice.

52.What is Dementia?
Ans: Partial Loss of memory

53.What is Alzheimer?
Ans. Total Loss of memory.
Symptoms of Dementia/ Alzheimer;
Loss of memory, Mood changes, Confused, sleeping disturbance, too much talking, difficulty in
thinking and learning.
Management of Dementia/ Alzheimer;
‐24 hours’ supervision
-Latch the doors and windows
-Keep sharp objects and liquids away from the person
-Give medicines, physiotherapy, and take for evening walks
-Give love and care.

54.What is Depression?
Ans. A mental state where a person is not able to do his normal duties.

55.What is Schizophrenia?
Ans. Sudden violent behavior – beating, fighting, arguing.

Management of Depression/ Schizophrenia (same as Dementia/Alzheimer)
‐24 Hours supervision.
-latch the doors and windows.
-keep sharp objects away from the person.
-give medicine, physiotherapy, and take for evening walks.
-give love and care.

57.Have you changed the diaper of male patient?
Ans. Yes
Will you change now – yes

58.How will you feed the person with oxygen mask?
Ans. Remove the oxygen mask, put the nasal prongs and feed normally.

59.What is Catheter?
Ans. It is a urinary tube. It is for people who cannot urinate and those who have bladder disorder.
60.How will you insert the catheter?
Ans. Put gloves and mask, clean the area, put the gel and slowly insert in, then check with the
syringe whether it is fixed and urine comes out.

61.How will you feed the person with the ventilator?
Ans. Feed with the Ryle’s tube.

62.What is Ryle’s tube
Ans. It is a Feeding tube.
It is for Ventilator patients and those who cannot eat normally.
Liquid foods are given by 50ml syringe.
Clean with warm water.
Change after 14 days.
Where is the Ryle’s Tube?
Ans. In the nose.
Where does it go?
To the stomach.

63. What is Peg?
Ans. Peg is a feeding tube near the stomach.
What type of food is given in Peg?
Ans. Ground/paste food & liquid food.
PEG- (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)

64.What is a bed sore?
Ans. A friction between the skin and the blanket. There is no blood flow and oxygen in the
Management :
-Clean the bed sore with Savlon water and Betadine solution.
-Turn the patient every 2 hours
-Give Back rest, back massage and physiotherapy.
-Give medicines and diet as per doctor’s advice.
65.What type of bed will you use for a Bed Sore patient?
Ans. Water Bed or Air Bed.

66.What is Autism?
Ans. Less development of the brain in early childhood.

67.What is CP?
Ans. Cerebral Palsy- Abnormal growth of brain in childhood, which effects the muscles and

68.What is Spinal Bifid?
Ans. Because of weak bones backbone bends in old people.
1. ABG = Arterial blood gas
2. Saturation point = Less oxygen level in the blood , normal =
96 to 100
3. BMI – Body Mass Index

68.What is right side pain? What will you do?
Ans. It is a gastric pain, Turn the patient to the right side. If it does not subside then give warm
water or Gleisoil liquid.

69.What is the difference between Fits and Parkinson?
Ans. Fits is an involuntary movement of body parts.
Parkinson is a neurological problem with muscular shivering.

70.What is management of Fits/ Epilepsy?
Management- Don’t touch when there is Epilepsy/Fits.
- Put a hand kerchief/ cloth in the mouth.
-Keep all objects / things away from the person.
-If the Epilepsy continues for 15 minutes, call the ambulance and take to the hospital.
When the Epilepsy stops give a glass of coffee/tea.

71. Ascites: Inflammation of Stomach
Liver Cirrhosis -Fluid is collected in the Liver.

72.What is Amputation?
Ans. Surgical Removal of damaged Body parts due to accidents, gangrene or no flow of blood in the

73.What is Hepatitis B?
Ans. Inflammation of Liver
Symptoms : High Fever , Body Pain, yellowish in the eyes and nails.

74.What is Arthritis/ Rheumatism?
Ans. It is joint Pain, swelling and redness in the joints.

75.What is Psoriasis?
Ans. It is a Skin disease. There is rash, itching and roughness in the skin.

76.What is Stoma?
Ans. An artificial opening of an operation—near the neck when there is lung problem & side of the
stomach when there is colon cancer.
Tracheostomy & Colostomy
Tracheostomy, near the neck for lung problem, breathing problem and lung cancer,
when the lungs are not functioning.
Colostomy, at the side of the stomach in Colon cancer.
Management of Stoma:
-Clean the area with antiseptic.
-For Tracheostomy, with suction.
-For Colostomy, change the bag.

77.What is Glaucoma?
Ans. A nerve effecting the cornea. (It connects the brain and effects the eye sight. If care is not taken,
eyesight is lost)
- Wear cooling glasses outside the house.
-Wash the eyes with cold water.
-Give medicines.
-Visit the doctor every 3 months.
- Give Carrot juice (Why? – It contains Vitamin A- good for the eyes.)

79Name the parts of the oxygen mask?
Ans. Mask, Tube and Oxygen Cylinder.

80.What is ventilator?
Ans. It is a life supporting system when your heart and lungs are not functioning.

81.What is Thyroid?
Ans. Thyroid Gland: A Gland that makes and stores important hormones. It helps regulate the heart
rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and the rate at which food is converted into energy. `
There are two types of Thyroid: Hyper and Hypo.

82.Common food of Israel
Ans; Pasta, Salad, Soup, Macaroni, Cheese and Meat.

83.What food will you give if your employer is sick?
Ans: I will give him liquid food like Soup, Milk, Juice.

84.How will you make the soup?
Ans: Wash vegetables, cut and boil them, grind them, put salt and pepper.

85.What do you know about Israel?
Ans: Israel is located in the middle east, Jerusalem is their capital, official language is Hebrew,
currency is shekel, border countries Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt.

86.What is a Siren? What will you do if there is a siren?
Ans: It is a warning sound signal of an emergency situation or a bomb threat, take refuge in a
bomb- shelter which is situated under their house at different locations in Israel to protect
from terrorist attack and bomb threat.

87.What will you do if I don’t give you a visa?
Ans: I will try to find a job in my country.

88.What will you do if you have to go to India in emergency?
Ans: I will ask my Israel agency to give another caretaker and then I will go to India.

89. What is Sabbath Day? What will you do on the Sabbath day or a day off?
Ans: It is a holiday they pray and do not watch T.V.
-I do not know Israel so I will take care of my employer and stay in the house.

90.What will you do if a stranger comes to your house?
Ans. I will not open the door for any strangers……. If he has entered the house I will protect my
employer by latching the bedroom door….. Or shouting loudly.

91.If your employer is bedridden and you are latched inside the bathroom
Ans. I will phone the relatives…. Or call the police …. Or hotline no. (if asked)

92. If your employer is not eating food?
Ans. I will lovingly like my own convince him to have. If he still doesn’t have then I will inform
his relatives or take him to the doctor.

93 .If Alzheimer patient runs out of the house
Ans. I will search him first…. If I can’t find him, I will call the police and the inform the

94. If the Alzheimer patients says he does not know you and phones the police?
Ans. I will show my work permit.

95. If you have taken the employer to the garden and you have to change the pamper /
Ans. I will find the changing room if not I will take him home.

96. If a schizophrenia employer comes to hit you with a knife or sharp object?
Ans. I will try to change my employer’s attention by putting on the music or T.V, or what he
-I will save myself, first then inform the relatives or the police.

97. What will you do if your employer does not go for a bath?
Ans. I will convince him as my own if not I will give sponge bath.

98.What will you do if your employer does not take medicines?
Ans. I will crush it in the juice or water and give to him.

99. What will you do if you have miss the medicines in the morning?
Ans. I will call the doctor and ask him.

100. What will you do If your employer is unconscious in the garden and you have forgotten
the mobile?
Ans: I will ask someone for a mobile and phone the ambulance, tell my employers name,
condition and the location.

101. What will you do if there is a fire in your building and you are gone to the supermarket
and the fire‐brigade is come?
Ans: I will tell my employer is on floor number__, please save him / her.

102. What will you do when there is a fire?
Ans: I will take the employer to a safe place, then call the fire brigade / station

103. What will you do if your employer doesn’t like your food?
Ans: I will ask the reason or I will take him to the doctor and find out if there is deficiency of
vitamins and minerals.

104. What will you do if your employer gets violent and throws things on you?
Ans : I will inform the relatives. I will not get angry or abuse him because I know he his sick.

105. Emergency nos.
100= Police, 101 = Ambulance, 102= Fire

106. What is Holy book of Israel?
Ans : Tora

107. What Is Orthopedic ?
Ans: Problems of bones.

108. .What is Osteoporosis?
Ans. Weak bones Deficiency of vitamins C & D. C is Calcium & D is sunlight.

109. How will you manage the person with Osteoporosis/ Orthopedic?
Ans. Take care of everyday needs, see that the person does not have a fall, give medicines as per
doctor’s advice, giving Vitamins C & D, Take them for a walk.

110. What is a Fracture?

Ans. Breaking of bones
Management: Give medicines and physiotherapy according to the doctor’s advice. Help in
everyday needs. See that the person does not have a fall.

111.What is Pelvic Fracture?

Ans. Fracture of the Hip Bone.
112. What is Spinal Fracture?
Ans-Breaking of the Backbone.

113.What is Physiotherapy?
Ans. Exercise for free movement of body parts and blood circulation.

114. What is the bottle attached to the oxygen gas?
Ans: Humidifier

115. Meals –
Morning Breakfast - Cornflakes with milk, Bread or toast, tea or coffee or juice like orange
and carrot.
Lunch – Boiled vegetables, fish or chicken, small bread salad.
Dinner – Soup with a piece of chicken and a small piece of bread. After 1hr a glass of milk.

116. What is Apathy?
Ans. Feeling of Hopelessness, cannot do his normal duties.

117. Abuse – Telling /Using Harsh Words, Shouting.

118. If your Alzheimer employer ask medicine or food in the middle all the time?
Ans. I Will not give.

119. If your employer’s son ask you to work for him?
Ans. I will not work.

120. What are vitals?
Ans. Pulse rate, BP, Body Temperature, Breathing.
Normal Pulse 72 to 80
Normal BP 120 by 80
Normal Temperature 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius
Normal Respiration 17 to 20.

121. What is Anemia?
Ans. Less Hemoglobin in the blood, less of Iron and Calcium. Normal Hemoglobin: 12 for female,
14 for male.

122. What is Blind? Management of Blind
Ans. One who cannot see.
Management -Help in Everyday needs- Like Feeding, Bathing, Toilet Assistance
Accompany wherever he goes. Talk loudly and Clearly.

123. What is Deaf?
Ans. One who cannot hear
Management: Talk with action, help in everyday needs, Take for a Walk in the evening.

124. What will you do when your employer falls to the ground or is unconscious?
Ans. Check the Vitals, if no heartbeat, call the ambulance and give CPR.
CPR- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
30 is to 2 (30 is Compression & 2 is Breathing).

125. What work did you do at the hospital?
Ans. (Checking Vitals, Diabetes, giving medicines -for G.N.M/A.N.M), Giving Sponge Bath, Changing
Diaper, Changing the bed sheet, taking patient to the Operation theatre, X-rays, Emptying the urine

126.What is Uterus?
Ans. Female reproductive organ OR where baby is born.

127.What is giddiness or unconscious ?
Ans. Blood is not flowing in the brain.

128.What is anxiety / or Panic Attack?
Ans. Fear/worry/nervousness about something which may happen or not happen.

129.What are the old age diseases?
Ans. Heart problem, Diabetes, B/P, Dementia, Cancer, Parkinson, Osteoporosis.

130.What is hygiene?
Ans. It is cleanliness of oneself, employer and house.

Four Page Declaration
1. Areas
‐Tel Aviv, Central and Peripheral
‐If you are working in Tel Aviv you can change to central and
‐From Peripheral you cannot change your job to Central and Tel Aviv
2. Prior notice
3. In two years you can change THREE JOBS
‐ You can do so if your employer is DEAD, shifted to Old Age Home or
change of residence
4. Declaration that I have not commence any case against Israeli or
Israel state.
5. If you go to the Israeli Airport your finger prints are taken and TWO
photographs by Israeli Police.

Rules Or Foreign Worker

1. Legal Employment – PIBA gives valid b/1 visa. They are the legal authorities for giving legal
visa. If they have a legal visa then prior notice must be given
7days to 3 months = 7 days notice
4th month to 6 months = 14 days notice
7th month to 12 months(1 year) = 21 days notice
more than one year = One Month Notice
2. WORK PERMIT – Foreign workers get a temporary work permit to work for temporary
period only.

3. PERMITTED SECTORS – Foreign workers go to Israel as care givers for the elderly or for the
handicapped. If you go as a caretaker you cannot change it to any other sector.

4. WITH HOLDING OF PASSPORT – Neither your employer nor your Israel agent can withhold
your passport against his will.

5. HEALTH INSURANCE – Every employer must provide every employee with the health a copy
of which must be given to the employee in the language he knows.

6. SOCIAL SECURITY – National insurance provides insurance in case of work related injuries or
maternity or pay unpaid wages in case of insolvency & bankrupt.

7. HOUSING – You are live in 24x7.

8. WRITTEN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT – Details about your job description, deduction of
salary and weekly and monthly holidays for one year.

9. SALARY AND ITS COMPONENTS: The minim um salary is 4825 Shekel.

10. DEDUCTION FROM SALARY – An employer may deduct monthly sum of 25% for medical
insurance, electricity & income tax.

11. WEEKLY REST DAY & LEAVE – Friday, Saturday or Sunday, any one of the day which the
employer wants.

12. ENDING WORK RELATIONS – if you want leave the job you have to give notice of 6 months – 6
days and additional 2% day for every additional month.

13. FILING COMPLAINTS – if your employer has not paid your salary, or paid leave, you can file a
complaint with the Enforcement of Labour Law.

14. SEXUAL HARASSMENT – if your employer or any member of the family sexually harasses
you. You can dial*1202 for female & *1203 for male.

15. INFORMATION AND LEGAL AID – If the employee is in extremely harsh condition or
denied basic freedoms or basic human conditions you can inform Legal Aid department
of the Ministry of Justice.

16. GENERAL INFORMATION – Emergency Phone numbers and hot line numbers are
mention in the general information.

17. What is prior notice?
Ans. Notice given before you leave the job.

18. How many areas are there?
Ans. Three (i) Tel Aviv, (ii) central & (iii) peripheral
From Tel Aviv you can change over to central & peripheral, from peripheral you cannot
change to Tel Aviv to central.

19. What will you do if you don’t get salary or paid leave?
Ans. Complain to the Enforcement of Labour Law.

20. How much cut is there in your salary?
Ans. 25% for medical insurance, electricity, tax.

21. Why is notice period given?
Ans. So that they can see another caretaker.

22. Why do they take finger print & photos?
Ans. To identify the person in case of Accidents, crime, fraud etc,.

23. How many months can you stay in Israel?
Ans. 63 months.

24. Which religion?
Ans. Jewish.

25. What is hot line number?
Ans. 1‐700‐707‐889

26. What is Handbook
Ans. Foreign workers Rights.

27. How many jobs can you change?
Ans. In 2 years we can change THREE jobs.

28. How much is 1 Shekel?
Ans. Rs. 24

29. What have you learned in the Training Centre?
Ans. To look after the old and sick, about different diseases, Hand Book, Hebrew and

30. What is Declaration or Agreement?
Ans. To agree what is written in the Declaration.

31. What will happen if you do not give Prior Notice?
Ans. Deported to India.

32. If you are sexually harassed?
Ans. Dial * 1202 for female, * 1203 for male.

33. Airport in Israel?
Ans. Ben Gurion International Airport.

34. What is Kausher?
Ans. Milk and meat must not be eaten together in the gap of 5 hours – Al – hal – meat is
eaten after they say a prayer the animal will be killed / shell fish is not eaten

35. What is colour of the Israel Flag?
Ans. White and Navy Blue border with star as emblem.

36. What is recuperation pay?
Ans. It is a sick leave pay. The first 4th years 14 days salary, 5th years 16 days salary, 6th
years 18 days salary, 7th year 21 days salary

37.How Will you give Prior Notice? To whom?

Ans. In Writing, to Israeli Agency and Employer.

Hebrew Words

Bus – Auto boos Glass – Kos
Head – Rosh Seven – Seva
Patient – Patshent Book – Se –per
Pen – Yet Red – Aldohm
Shirt – Kulcha Watch – Shaohn
Market – Soukh White – Levan
Table – Shulkhan Uncle – Dod
Toilet – Shiruthi Aunt ‐ Doda
Bathroom – Ambatiya Treatment – Tippol
Old woman – Ishe Injection – Zrika
Cap – Kipa Passport – Darekan
Yesterday – Etom Embassy – Sagriut
Soap – Sabun Hot – Kham
Shampoo – Shampoo Ice Cream – Gulida
Yes – Ken diaper – titulim
Tablet – Kathureem Cat ‐ Chatul
fruits ‐ perot Vegetables ‐ Yerakot
Wheelchair – Kise – Galgalem Tree – Etz
Thank you – Todha Diaper – Titulim
ointment – mishka Office – Mees – Rahd
grand father – saba Rain – Ge – Sham
Good morning – barkitov Police – Misthara
Dog ‐ Kelev Money ‐ Kesef
Grand mother‐ safta Please ‐ Bevkasha
Good night – lalitho Salad ‐ salat
Onion – baksal Time ‐ zimah’n
Sorry‐ silka Hour – sha’t
Water – mahim Hello – shalome
Apple‐ tapuakh etz House – bay‐it
Rice – oras Hospital – Betkolim
Seven – seva Doctor/Male doctor – rufa.
Female doctor‐rufeDoor – delath Milk – halav
Mobile – yahad Beef – bakar
Chicken – oaf Sugar – sukari
Medicine – toofa Butter – khemah
Cheese – sevina Bread – lekhem
Fever – khom Bananas – bananot
Garbage – jebel Nurse ‐ akot
Egg‐ beitza Coffee ‐ kafe
Grapes – anavin Tea – tie
Stick – Tokim School ‐ Beit
A/c – Mafgon Ball – Bol
Towel – Magevet Pant – Mignasha
Taxi – Monit Shoes – Naalaim
Mall – Mall Walker ‐ Halihon
Soup – Marak

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