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10 Department of Education

National Capital Region


Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

Second Quarter – Module 1:
Technology-Based Art

Writer: Marjorie L. Galicia

Cover Illustrator: John Orville S. Munar

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What I Need to Know
Last quarter, you were able to learn about the distinctive characteristics of the
different Art Movements of the 20th Century. From Impressionism Art Movement to
Conceptual Arts, you have learned how a group of artists thought of various ways on
how they can express their ideas, feelings and experiences toward world events and
global trends, through their art works. You have learned how art mirrored life in the
community, society, and the world in all its colors, lines, shapes and forms.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify art elements in the production of technology-based arts;A10EL-IIb-1
2. identify the distinct characteristics of arts during the 21st century in terms of: a.
production b. functionality / range of audience reach;A10EL-IIa-2
3. identify artworks produced by technology from other countries and their
adaptation by Philippine artists; A10EL-IIa-3
4. discuss the concept that technology is an effective and vibrant tool for
empowering a person to express his/her ideas, goals, and advocacies, which
elicits immediate action; A10PL-IIh-
5. compare the characteristics of artworks in the 21st century; A10PL-IIh-4
6. explain the influence of technology in the 21st century on the evolution of various
forms of art; A10PR-IIc-e-2 and
7. explain the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and
combination of art elements and principles.A10PL-IIh-2

More specifically, this module will help you to:

a. identify and explain the history of computer/digital arts;
b. identify the types of computer/digital arts;
c. identify/ name artists known for computer/ digital arts; and
d. create a sample computer/digital image.

What I Know

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What forms of arts are you familiar with?
2. Have you heard of computer art? If yes, can you give some examples?
3. What is the difference between traditional art and computer art?
4. What computer software are used in creating digital art?
5. Have you ever tried creating art with a computer? If so, what did you create
and how did you create it?

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II. Identification. Identify what is being defined or described. Choose the letter
of the correct answer from the choices listed inside the box.

A. digital painting B. technology-based art C. video games D. mobile phone art

E. digital photography

1. It is essentially computer-generated and/or manipulated visual arts.

2. It is a form of modern art that emerged due to the available technology on
mobile phones with built-in cameras that could capture and store images.
3. It is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as
watercolor, oils, impasto and the like are applied using digital tools.
4. These are games played by electronically manipulating images produced by a
computer program on a display screen.
5. A form of photography that uses cameras containing arrays of electronic
photodetectors to produce images focused by a lens.

III. Match Type: Match the artists in Column A with their works in Column B.
Write only the letter of your answer.
Column A Column B

1. Antonio Goroto A. Polygon Drawings

2. Ronald Davis B. Schrotter
3. Georg Nees C. Mountain and Staurolyte
4. Frieder Nake D. Cityscape

What’s In
It is very important that you know the various art movements of the 20 th
century; through this, you can easily determine the development of arts in the
21st century.
A. Based on what you have learned last quarter, identify the art movements
being defined/described. Write your answers on the blank provided before
the number.
Post Impressionism Neo Impressionism
Fauvism Impressionism
Pop Art Abstract Expressionism
Futurism OP Art
Cubism Social Realism

__________ 1. It is an art movement wherein the artists make use of fragmented

objects and bright colors that are not necessarily realistic or
natural to show their strong feelings.
__________ 2. It is an art movement that uses small dots in the application of
colors in painting.

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__________ 3. It is an art movement that uses bold lines and vibrant colors in
expressing emotions.
__________ 4. It is an art movement that is focused on showing the effects of light
on things at different times of the day.
___________5. It is an art movement which uses elements from commercial
illustrations, cartoons, signs and ordinary mass-produced objects
as subject matter.
___________6. It is a style of painting in which the artist expresses his feelings
spontaneously and without reference to any representation of
physical reality.
___________7. It is an Italian art movement which hoped to glorify the machine
age, speed travel and technology.
___________8. It is an art movement that tries to show all the sides of an object
reduces recognizable images to geometric forms.
___________9. These are works of art that depend on optical illusions, fugitive
sensations and other subjective visual phenomena.
___________ 10. This art movement expresses the artist’s role in social reform.

B. Match the Filipino artists with their foreign counterparts in terms of art
Column A Column B
1. Carlos “Botong” Francisco a. Claude Monet
2. Hernando R. Ocampo b. Pablo Picasso
3. Vicente Manansala c. Henri Matisse

What’s New
Take a look at the images.

Follow-up Questions:
1. What is your personal impression of these artworks?
2. What common characteristic(s) do you notice in these works?

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3. What kind of artworks are these? Are they manual or made with the help of
4. How can you compare these artworks to the artworks created by different
artists from various arts movements that we have studied last quarter?
5. What do you think are the art processes involved in creating these sample

What is It

Technology-Based Art
Technology-based art is essentially computer-generated and/or -
manipulated visual art. Through the centuries, visual artists used actual brushes
and palettes, and a whole array of paints, inks, and natural pigments applied to
paper, canvas, fabric, stucco walls and ceilings. Today’s computer artists employ the
ever-expanding powers of image manipulation programs and applications to create
their works which can appear in an entire range of media—whether as a physical
output or a virtual experience.

Computer/Digital Arts
Computer art refers to the manipulation of computer-generated
images (pictures, designs, scenery, portraits, etc.) as part of a purposeful
creative process. Specialized software is used together with interactive devices
such as digital cameras, optical scanners, styli, and electronic tablets.
Because graphic images require large programs, the computers used in such
work are generally among the fastest and most powerful available. Computer
art has wide applications in advertising, publishing, and film.

Origin and Early Stages

Computer art or digital art first came on the scene in the early 1960’s.
Understandably, this was due to the technology that was constantly developing and
that became available at that time. Thus, the early experimenters were not
necessarily artists, but engineers and scientists who had access to and experience
with the hardware needed. It was they who began to recognize the potential of artistic
expression through the application of scientific and mathematical principles.
In fact, even in the sample works we present here, you will note a strong
scientific or mathematical look and feel to the creations of many digital artists.
Geometric forms and repeating patterns appear frequently. More traditional subjects
like human beings, landscapes, animals, and still life elements are simply
incorporated as part of those forms and patterns, rather than as the main focus.
Also understandable was the initial reaction of the public to computer-
generated art. There were questions as to whether it was, in fact, “true art”, since it
made use of electronic and mechanical devices, rather than the artist’s own hand, to
produce the images and effects. Within a few years, however, there was a general

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acceptance of digital art as an exciting and thought-provoking form of modern art.
Exhibits of computer art became highly popular and critically acclaimed, as digital
artists or computer art masters or “superstars” came to the fore in Europe, Russia,
and the United States.
A sampling of their artworks can be seen here.

Vera Molnar, 1974 Olga Kisseleva, 2012 Jean-Peirre Hebert, 2007

Some digital artists have even used their works to express their views on
political,social, and cultural issues, as well as to advocate causes that are critical to
modern life, such as the environment and climate change. Others even explore the
philosophical relationship between science and technology and the arts.

The Philippine Scene

In our country, Filipino artists were likewise influenced by the technology
trend in art. However, this was more in the commercial sphere. From the 1960s to
the 1990s, their computer-generated works were primarily geared towards
illustrating for international comic books. In fact, Filipino illustrators earned quite a
reputation for their talents and were highly in demand in this field. They eventually
became equally sought after as animators for some of the major film production
companies in the United States, as well as animated television series produced in
different countries. (See a more detailed presentation on Filipino comics’ illustrators
and animators in Quarter III.)
Eventually, however, the concept of computer-generated works as a means of
serious artistic expression gained ground among the younger generation of local
artists. Today, even the more established names in the field—artists and critics
alike—have come to accept and recognize digital works as fine art.

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Antonio Gorordo
Digital art

To view works by Philippine artists employing digital art techniques, you may
visit the websites of the more progressive museums and art organizations. Among
these are:
The Center for Art and Thought-
● Deviant Art- art/
● The Ateneo Art Gallery-
● Yuchengco Museum-

There are also institutions offering training courses on the digital arts, such
as the First Academy of Computer Arts and the Philippine Center for Creative
Imaging (PCCI), as well as the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) through scholarships given by the Animation Council of the
Philippines (ACPI). Courses such as these open up an array of career opportunities
for young Filipinos in the fields of advertising, animation design, multimedia
communication, and web development. (More on these topics in Quarter III.)

Types and Examples of Digital Arts

1. Fractal/Algorithmic Art
Fractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects
and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, and media.
It is an amalgamation of generative art and computer art, which give eminence to a
new form of abstract art.
Frieder Nake, Georg Nees and Jean-Pierre Hebert were among the artists
who used algorithms in creating their art works.
Tierazon, Ultrafractal, Zenodream are among the software applications
that we can use in creating these types of digital artworks.

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Sample fractal art works:

Polygon Drawings Schrotter (“Gravel”)

Frieder Nake Georg Nees,c. 1965 Jean-Pierre Hebert

2. Digital Photography

Digital photography uses cameras containing arrays of electronic

photodetectors to produce images focused by a lens, as opposed to an exposure on
photographic film. The captured images are digitized and stored as a computer file
ready for further digital processing, viewing, electronic publishing, or digital printing.
There are two types of camera used in digital photography: the “Point-and-
shoot” and the DSLR. The “point-and-shoot” type of digital camera automatically
makes all the adjustments in lighting, focus, zoom-in and zoom-out, even removal of
“red eye” with the user being given some leeway for slight adjustments. It offers image
enhancement features like adjusting color and brightness imbalances, as well as
sharpening or blurring the image. It may even offer unique effects like “fish eye” or
filters that allow pre-setting of the photo to be taken with a colored tint or a special
texture. Plus, it allows the user to immediately review the photos taken without
waiting for a complex developing
process—and to delete any unsatisfactory images while storing the good ones for
future needs. The second type is the digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera. This
also provides the film-less and instant review features of a “point-and-shoot” type of
digital camera, but gives the photographer much more artistic freedom and control
to select the camera settings to create the desired final image with the preferred
visual effects.
Among the popular foreign photographers are Ansel Adams and Sebastiao
Salgado. They are known for their black and-white images.
Among the notable Filipino photographers are John K. Chua, Xyza C.
Bacani, and George Tapan. John K. Chua was known as an advertising and
commercial photographer; Xyza C. Bacani was known for her black-white photos;
and George Tapan was known as “Master Travel Photographer”.

3. Mobile Phone Art

Mobile phone art is a form of modern art that emerged due to the available
technology on mobile phones with built-in cameras that could capture and store
images. The mobile phone that you constantly hold has evolved from a mere
communication tool, into a creative device that allows you to generate original works
of art for an entire range of purposes. These could be personal photographs and
videos that you can manipulate with myriad special effects, both visual as well as

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sound and music. They could also be school projects or reports that require you to
combine images, incorporate text, even include simple animation. And the wonder of
it all is that you can do all these right on your own mobile devices, particularly the
new-generation models known as android tablets, phones, and combination of both
called “phablets.” The tasks that traditional photo editors used to perform
manually—cropping, retouching, airbrushing—are now just a few of the many editing
effects done for you with split-second ease at the click of a mouse, a keyboard
command, or a few taps and drags of your finger on a touch screen.
You are probably already familiar with the following image manipulation programs
and applications that run on today’s android devices:
● Pixlr – a powerful, free online image editor
● Pic Collage – allows you to make collages incorporating photos, stickers, text,
and frames
● Photo Grid – a downloadable application for android phones that allows you
to make collages out of images from your photo gallery
● Doodle Booth – an iPad application (with a free downloadable version) that
enables you to ‘doodle’ on your images using available stickers
● Photo Booth – an application for taking photos and videos using an iPad or
iPad mini (a version for the iPhone, called Simple Booth, is also available)
● Magic Mirror Booth – an iPhone application that allows you to take
amusing, distorted images, simulating camera effects
● PicMonkey – a free online photo editing tool that provides filters, frames,
text, and effects to manipulate your images
● Flipagram – a downloadable application that allows you to ‘bring your photos
to life’ in short videos set to music of your choice.
▪ Picsart – a free photo editor and drawing application, as well as a social
network for you to share your art with others
● Snapseed – a photo application that enables you to enhance, transform, and
share your photos; a free downloadable version for android phones is
● Instagram – a fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo,
choose from among the available filters, and share via Facebook,
Twitter,Tumblr, and more.
Sample Mobile Phone Arts

Original image Modified with cropping, superimposed

text, and “silk” texture

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Original images Edited through the use PhotoGrid app

4. Computer-Generated Imagery
Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to
create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television
programs, shorts, commercials, videos, and simulators. The images may be dynamic
or static, and may be two-dimensional (2D), although the term "CGI" is most
commonly used to refer to the 3-D computer graphics used for creating characters,
scenes and special effects in films and television, which is described as 'CGI
If you want to create original images from scratch, you can make your own
illustrations using specialized programs for image generation and manipulation.
Examples of these would be Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. These are, however,
designed to run on desktop computers and laptops, so you would need to have access
to these larger and more complex devices.
There are scaled-down versions of such programs specifically developed for
use on smaller, handheld units like your personal tablet or android phone. These
enable you to perform virtually all of the tasks that a program like Illustrator
performs but, almost literally, in the palm of your hand. Many of these come at a
fraction of the cost of the more complex programs or, in some cases, even for free.
Among such programs are:

Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Smooth Draw

Spray Adobe Photoshop Express
Karbon Corel PaintShop Pro X5 Xara Extreme
Inkscape Artweaver
Draw Plus Pencil
Picasa Paint star

5. Digital Painting
Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting
techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by
means of a computer, a graphics tablet and stylus, and software.
Digital painting also refers to a technique using a graphics software
program to create an artwork that is totally virtual. The canvas, brushes, paints, and
other tools are all virtual, existing only within the computer. And the finished work

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is also stored in virtual format, to be shared through cyberspace. Ctrl+Paint is an
example of an online resource for teaching yourself
digital painting for free, via simple videos and mini
tutorials. Digital painting can be 2D or 3D.

5. Video Game
A video game is an
electronic game that involves
interaction with a user
2D Digital Painting interface or input device, such
“My Science Teacher”
Cedie Balagasay as a joystick, controller,
keyboard, or motion sensing
devices, to generate visual
feedback on a two- or three-
dimensional video display
device such as a TV set, monitor, touchscreen, or
virtual reality headset. Video games are augmented with audio feedback from
speakers or headphones, and optionally with other types of feedback systems
including haptic technology.
For today’s younger generation that grew up in a digital world, even entertainment
now comes courtesy of computer devices. A major component of such entertainment
is in the form of video games of every conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill
level. These range from educational games and mind twisters, to building and
construction games, to ones that entail physical interaction by the users (sports,
fitness, dance). Then there are the tremendously popular games of strategy, war,
science fiction, and mythical worlds that employ amazingly complex and realistic
graphics, motion, sound, and other special effects.
Similar to image creation and manipulation, it is now possible for video game
fans to become video game creators themselves. Online tutorials and guides are
available on sites like eHow, Instructables, and YouTube. Plus, there are available
programs that can be downloaded and used immediately, with no need for prior
knowledge on coding or web development.

Examples of such programs are:

● Twine -
● Stencyl-
● GameMaker -

6. Video Technology / Imaging Videos

Video technology as defined by Cambridge dictionary, involves the recording
and playing back of moving pictures and sounds. Video technology has lots of

Social media purposes - Another tremendously powerful and innovative field that
digital technology has revolutionized is that of creating and presenting videos. The

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explosion of social media in recent decades has provided a new platform for video
materials targeting the “netizens” of today. Not only are there online advertisements
that continuously bombard the users’ computer screens and mobile phone displays,
but there are also millions of personally produced videos that are constantly
uploaded to online platforms like YouTube—from music, dance, and stage
performances to tutorials of all kinds to recipes to documentaries to news clips to
marriage proposals. Again, the digital technology to capture and edit such videos is
contained right in your tablets and android phones. And just as with the still images
discussed above, the raw video clips can be enhanced and modified with a myriad of
effects depending on the particular video application you have installed in your

Medical/scientific purposes – Another extremely valuable use of today’s video

technology is that of imaging videos in the fields of medicine and science. You may
be familiar with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT
scans), and the like which are used to create and record visual images of a patient’s
internal anatomy in order to diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. There are also
ultrasound tests or sonograms, which translate sound waves bouncing off physical
objects into images that can be studied—whether a baby developing in the womb (in
2D, 3D, and 4D options), growths or malformations inside the body, structural flaws
in buildings, as well as objects in outer space, underground, and deep in the ocean.

What’s More

Activity 2: Making a Matrix of Technology-Based Arts

Examples of TBA Definition/ Software/ Art Process/is Purpose of

Description Computer Involved Artwork
Applications Used
ex. Fractal Art creation of abstract Tierazon Computer Expression of
artwork through Ultrafractal manipulation imagination
the use of Zenodream

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Activity 3: “Looking Into Them”
Direction: Analyze the sample digital art works given. Select one
element/principle of art incorporated within the artwork, then briefly describe
how this element/principle was applied.
1. Element/Principle of Art:
How the element/principle of art was

Mountain and Staurolyte

by Ronald Davis

2. Element/Principle of Art:
How the element/principle of art was
Polygon Drawings
by Frieder Nake

3. Element/Principle of Art:
How the element/principle of art was

by Manfred Mohr

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4. Element/Principle of Art:

How the element/principle of art was applied:


by Olga Kisseleva

5.Element/Principle of Art
How the element/principle of art was

By Antonio Gorordo

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Stating What I Have Learned

1.Describe technology-based art.
2.What do digital artists use in creating their artworks?
3.Compare technology-based art with traditional art. Which is easier to make?
4. Do you consider digital art as true art? Why?
5. What is the status of computer art in the modern art scene today?

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What I Can Do

Activity 5: Digital Image Creation

Rubric for Grading

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

5 4 3 2

Creativity Totally original Most of the Some aspects of The design is a

design; no elements are the design are copy of another
element is an unique, but one unique, but design seen in
exact copy of element may be several source material
designs seen in copied from elements are or one made by
source material. source material. copied from another student
source (80% or more of
materials or elements are
other students. copied.

Attractiveness/ The design shows The design The design and It appears that
Craftsmanship that the creator shows that the construction little design or
took great pride creator took were planned. planning was
in his/her work. pride in his/her The item has done.
The design and work. The several flaws Craftsmanship
construction look design and that detract is poor.
carefully planned. construction from the overall
The item is look planned. look.
beautiful. The item has a
few flaws, but
these do not
detract from the
overall look.

1. If you have access to a computer drawing program, such as Adobe
Creative Suite or its less complex counterparts, create an original artwork.
2. If a drawing program is not available, capture an image instead using
a digital camera, a DSLR camera, a tablet, or an android/mobile phone.
3. Store the finished illustration or image in a device that contains an
image editing program.
4. Manipulate the image with the software applications, editing programs
you have learned from our lesson.

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5. Present your artwork to your teacher using this format.

Before After

Read each question. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer in your

1. It is essentially computer generated and/or- manipulated visual art.

A. Technology-based art C. Performing art
B. Traditional art D. Futuristic art
2. Which of the following works of art could be considered an example of digital art?
A. A painting of an early computer done on oil canvas with a paintbrush.
B. A bronze statue with a figure famous in television or radio.
C. An artwork that combines images drawn on the computer with software
D. Art made from recycled pieces of old television, radios and desktop computers.
3. It is a form of modern art that emerged due to the available technology on mobile
phones with built-in cameras that could capture and store images.
A. Video games C. Fractal Art
B. Mobile phone art D. Digital Painting
4. It is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as
watercolor, oils, impasto and the likes are applied using digital tools.

A. Digital Painting C. Fractal Art

B. Digital Photography D. Mobile phone art
5. These are games played by electronically manipulating images produced by a
computer program on a display screen.
A. indigenous games C. outdoor games
B. indoor games D. video games
6. A form of photography that uses cameras containing arrays of electronic
photodetectors to produce images focused by a lens.
A. Digital Painting C. Fractal Art
B. Digital Photography D. Mobile phone art

7. It is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and

representing the calculation results as still images, animations, and media.
A.Video games C. Fractal Art
B.Mobile phone arts D. Digital Painting

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8. Which of the art processes are used in creating-technology-based arts?
A. computer-manipulation processes C. digital enhancements
B. light setting techniques D. All of the above
9. Which of the following software applications is used in creating abstract artworks?
A. Photo Grid C. Game maker
B. Tierazon D. Snapseed
10. This type of camera gives the photographer much more artistic freedom and
control to select the camera settings to create the desired final image with the
preferred visual effects.
A. Point and shoot camera C. DSLR
B. basic camera D. mobile phone camera
11. Which is true about technology-based art?
A. Its early artists are mathematicians and engineers.
B. It is electronically and mass produced.
C. It makes use of application software in order to be manipulated.
D. All of the above
12. All are notable digital photographers except:
A. Sebastião Salgado C. Frieder Nake
B. Xyza Bacani D. George Tapan
13. Mountain and Staurolyte is artwork created by whom?
A. Frieder Nake C.Ronald Davis
B. Vera Molnar D. Georg Nees
14. Imaging videos are extremely valuable in the fields of_____________.
A. drawing C. painting
B. medicine and science D. recreation
15. Aside from the Adobe Illustrator program, what else can we use in creating
computer-generated images using our handheld devices like personal tablets and
android phones?
A. Corel Draw C. Pixlr
B. Gimp D. Stencyl

Additional Activities

Are you fully amazed with digital arts? You may want to view these links for
additional knowledge.

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Answer Key

What’s New
Answers may vary
may vary
What’s More

1. B Answers may vary

2. D Assessment

3. A A
4. C C
5. E B
What’s In B

Post C
Impressionism D
Neo C
t Expressionism
OP Art
Realism City of Good Character

Sunico, Raul M, Evelyn F Cabanban, and Melissa Y Moran. Horizons: Music

and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Grade 10 Learner’s Material
Tawid Publications, 2015.
Computer Art

Fractal Arts

Filipino Digital Photographers

Computer-generated Imagery

Video game

Note: Most of the pictures used were taken from G10 Learning Materials.

City of Good Character 18


Development Team of the Module

Writer: Marjorie L. Galicia

Editors: Jovita Consortia Mani
Reviewers: (External Validators – PNU)
Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character 19


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