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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

MTPE14 – Non-Destructive Testing
Cyclic Assessment 1 Max. Marks: 20
Date: 23-09-2022 Time: 45 minutes
Register Number

Name of Candidate :

1. Which among the following is the last step in magnetic particle test method?
a) observation and inspection b) circular magnetization
c) demagnetization d) magnetization

2. Which of these techniques are related to magnetic particle testing?

I. Electromagnetic Yoke Technique II. Prods Technique
III. Oil and whiting Technique IV. Central Conductor Technique

a) I, II, III only b) I, II, IV only c) II, III, IV only d) I, II, III, IV

3. Non - destructive testing plays an important role in

a) Quality control b) Production control
c) Planning control d) Quantitative analysis

4. Which one of the following is a disadvantage in the Dye Penetrant testing?

a) Parts with large surface areas can be measured rapidly at a low cost
b) Can be applied only on nonporous materials
c) Parts with complex shapes can be inspected
d) Low initial investment cost

5. In which type of inspection, the capillary action principle is used?

a) Visual Inspection b) Magnetic Particle Inspection
c) Dye Penetrant Inspection d) None of the above

6. Which material can’t be tested by MPI?

a) Co b) Fe
c) Ni d) Mg

7. Above Curie Temperature, the magnetic behaviour of the ferromagnetic material behaves like
a) Diamagnetic material b) the insulator
c) Paramagnetic material d) remains the same

8. In this type of visual testing, magnification of the image is only allowed, and the nature of the image is
not modified.
a) Direct unaided visual testing b) Remote Visual testing
c) Using naked eye d) Direct aided visual testing

9. Which of the following property should not be considered while choosing the good penetrant for DPI?
a) Diffusibility b) Volatility
c) Viscosity d) Surface energy
10. The magnetic moment occurs in the material due to atoms is associated with
a) the electron motions b) the change in motion caused by an external
magnetic field
c) the spin of the electrons d) all the above

11. Underwater inspection of any cracks/defects in the material is majorly carried out using
a) Visual Inspection b) Dye Penetrant Inspection
c) Magnetic Particle Inspection d) Radiographic Inspection

12. The depth of penetration of the liquid dye penetrant is directly proportional to the
a) Crack radius b) Acceleration due to gravity
c) Density of the dye d) Surface tension of the dye

13. Industry standards usually require that the magnetic flux be reduced to less than _______________ after
completing a magnetic particle inspection.
a) 3 Tesla b) 3 Gauss
c) 3 x 10-5 Gauss d) 3 x 10-5 Tesla

14. Parts inspected by magnetic particle method may have the residual magnetic field which do not depends
a) Magnetic Particle Characteristics b) Geometry of the component
c) Direction of the magnetization d) Strength of the magnetic field

15. Which one of the following equipment is not used as the Magnetic Field Indicator?
a) Hall-Effect Meter b) Quantitative Quality Indicators
c) Burmah-Castrol Strips d) Borescopes

16. General recommendation of visual inspection for the operator and the object to be inspected at a distance
from his eye to be within _______ mm of the test surface at an angle not less than _______degrees.

17. The major working principle of Magnetic Particle Inspection is the

_________________________________ due to surface/subsurface discontinuities.

18. In ________________ materials, all the electrons are paired so there is no permanent net magnetic moment
per atom.

19. _________________________________ Current is also highly desirable for magnetic particle testing
because when it is rectified and filtered, the resulting current very closely resembles direct current.

20. The residual magnetization left after the magnetic particle inspection may cause the weld arc to wonder to
filler metal to be repelled from the weld in the welding process. It creates a condition known as
__________________ during the welding process.

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