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Ex – Boyfriend conversation

A: hello Yatziri, thank you for coming to my house

B: thank you very much for inviting me, is
something wrong.
A: yes, it is that lately I have many problems, about
my parents.
B: tell me, what happened?
A: it is that my grades have dropped, they have told
me that I must improve them or I will be punished
B: I can help you study, you could even talk to your
A: talk about another chance?
B: yes but no, ask them to do a special job for you to
upload those notes.
A: yes, thank you very much. I also wanted to tell
you that I miss my ex-boyfriend
B: wow, well I think you should think about it
although you can also talk to him
A: thank you very much, I will take your advice to
him. We talk a lot about me, tell me your sins my
B: hahaha, it happens that I also miss my ex-
boyfriend, his eyes, lips and his personality.
A: woow, you miss chocolate. You should talk to
him in person or go to a psychologist to get over it.
B: you are right, thank you very much for you
advice. You are my best friend for a reason.
A: how about if we go for ice cream while we listen
to Kevin kaarl sing?
B: I think it is a great idea!

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