700 Midterm Exam

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NAME:_Mariana González Guevara___________________________________

GROUP:_700____ TEACHER:_Vinicio Vega Negrete____________________ SCORE:_______/44


Listening A. First read the questions and the options. Then listen to the article Ten Years Without Books, by John Kuti, and
choose the best answer. You will hear the recording twice.

1. Why did he start reading again?

a. his boss told him to b. he was on a trip
c. his parents forced him d. just for pleasure

2. When he was a boy, the author:

a. avoided books b. looked at books but didn't read them
c. preferred videos to books d. read enthusiastically

3. During his adolescence, what type of books did he usually look for?
a. books made into movies b. books that nobody read
c. well-known books d. comics

4. Where did he find the book that would turn into his bible?
a. it was a present b. at the library
c. at a bookstore d. at home

5. In the university, what was he interested in reading?

a. Philosophy b. Physics
c. Photography d. Psychology

6. At work, the author:

a. didn't have to read anything b. didn't have to read books
c. didn't have to read manuals and pamphlets d. didn't have to read contracts and documents

7. For ten years, the author only read a book:

a. when he traveled b. to fight insomnia
c. during breaks at work d. in bed

8. Now the author:

a. has a broken computer b. has a TV next to his bed
c. can watch TV on his computer d. doesn’t have a computer

9. How many books is he reading now?

a. three b. six c. sixteen d. thirteen


Listening B. First read the statements, then listen to a girl talking about her life in the UK. Decide if the statements are
TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to what she says. You will hear the talk twice.

1. The speaker spent Christmas with her family. T F

2. She traveled by train. T F
3. She spent 2 hours in York. T F
4. She had already spent time with a UK family before. T F
5. She enjoyed her Christmas holiday. T F
6. On Christmas day, she didn't get any presents from her host family. T F
7. She studied in Oxford. T F
8. She taught Chinese to teenagers. T F
9. Her flat mates were of different nationalities. T F
10. Her flat mates really liked her cooking. T F
11. She shared a bedroom. T F
12. She is still in contact with the friends she made in the UK. T F
13. She didn’t really enjoy her time in the UK. T F


Listening C. First read the statements, then listen to two people in a radio program talking about road rage. Decide if the
statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to what you hear. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The first topic of the program will be the Ferrari Formula 1 team. T F

2. When driving, Neil Adamson usually succeeds at keeping his cool. T F

3. 78% answered affirmatively to Neil Adamson’s survey question. T F

4. 40,000 is the annual number of deaths on American roads. T F

5. Some people use their own car as a weapon. T F

6. Three people were shot in the road rage incident in L.A. last week. T F

7. When people fear road rage or car jackings, they don’t get out of their car. T F

8. The woman says there weren’t aggressive responses to driving insults in the past. T F

9. Neil claims that road rage is because of socio-economic reasons. T F

10. In the last 20 years there’s been a 30% increase in vehicles numbers. T F


Listening D. Listen to Rashid (R), Tanya (T), and Paul (P) discussing an exhibition. Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
You will hear the recording twice.

R: That was a great exhibition.

T: Yeah, we were in there for ages. I normally get tired after about half an hour or so. Some of the photos were really
beautiful, weren’t they?
P: It was so good… I’d go again, yeah. But, you know what 1. _______________ me most? It wasn’t the individual pictures
so much as the fact that they seemed to refer to each other, that they dealt with similar themes. Like the one of the man
riding the camel. Like it’s transport, you know, whereas the picture of the woman on the horse…
T: That’s right, yeah, show jumping she’s using the animal for 2. _______________, for sport.
R: Yeah, for sport, exactly. That’s what the exhibition is doing – bringing out the 3. _______________ between cultures
and showing how they organize their lives in very different ways.
T: Er… Oh no, Rashid… I don’t see it that way at all. In fact, I think it’s the complete opposite; I agree that the horse and
camel pictures 4. _______________ some cultural differences, but I think the exhibition is talking about what is similar
between cultures rather than what is different. I mean, what about those cowboys line-dancing and the photo of that
African tribe. Weren’t you struck by the similarities rather than the differences? It was almost as if you could change the
5. _______________ and you would be looking at the same picture. They’re there so we can see how similar cultures are.
P: But what about the weddings, for example?
T: With the wedding photos I think it’s more or less the same thing. Different clothes… Even clothes you know… these days
we all 6. _______________ stuff from other cultures, a few changes to the ceremonies, but it’s still a wedding… you know
‘to death do us part’ stuff. It makes me think of the 7. _______________ between individuals in a society but also between
peoples and cultures.
R: I don’t know… with the photos of the dancing maybe, yeah… but the wedding photos… they do the opposite for me.
Maybe it’s because I’m Indian – but they just remind me that we have arranged marriages, that our parents are very much
involved in our 8. _______________ of a wife or husband. That’s very different from Western, Christian culture.
P: Yeah, I understand that being Indian, maybe it makes you think more about the differences. But everything is so
international these days, I mean, look at a typical English pub menu and the variety of 9. _______________ dishes that you
can order. Indian, Thai, Italian of course, as well as typical traditional English food.
R: Of course, but…
T: You know, the food we eat is becoming more international. Everything in our 10. _______________ is becoming more
P: That’s right.
R: Yeah, I take your point, but I’m not sure. I suppose I just feel that some differences between cultures are
11. _______________ to reconcile. I mean, to me the wedding ceremonies are not just superficially different. It’s like
pictures of the signs… languages have certain similarities, but they also reveal very different ways of 12. _______________
the world, even to the point that people are prepared to die for them.
T: Well, let’s agree to differ before one of us kills the other. Maybe we can go back again … see if we change our minds. Is
the exhibition on for much longer?
P: No … come on … please!


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