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Cognitive Dissonance Theory

- Focuses on people’s thinking and how they try to be consistent in their behaviors and
attitudes – if two ideas about the world conflict, we are motivated to reduce the
- If attitude does not equal to behavior, then we reduce the discrepancy by:
 Justifying or rationalizing our behavior
 Changing our behavior

Primary Motivations
- Humans motivated by physical needs, such as hunger or sex, however, our biological drives
are also influenced by culture, religion and superstition
- Sex/ Reproduction
 Sex drive -> need to reproduce
 Estrus – the period of sexual excitement in female mammals which is controlled by
 Mate selection influenced by evolution as well as culture – cultural belief influences
our sexual behavior and sex drive – e.g. Mangaia, Inis Beag
- Aggression
 Psychodynamic Theory of Aggression: aggression is natural and instinctive, but is a
result of frustrations in daily life – we want to vent our frustrations out; however, we
repress them – conflict between the id and the superego creates aggressive
 Cognitive Theory – our behavior is influenced by our values, how we interpret
situations, and by choice – frustration and discomfort can cause aggression but it is
not automatic – people decide whether to become aggressive based on previous
experience, and interpretation of other’s persons motives.
 Learning Theory – aggression is acquired through reinforcement – if aggression is
rewarded then we are more likely to act aggressively – social approval can act as a
 Environmental Factors influencing Aggression:
 Society and Culture – cultural practices could reinforce aggressive behavior
 Excessive sensory stimulation and frustration regarding our inability to
control the degree of stimulation – situational factors – mobs or large

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