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ooh July 2o2o

Mr. Ahmed SwaPan Mahmud

Executive Director
Voices for lnteractive Choice & Empowerment
Shyamoli Dhaka- 1 207 Bangladesh

Dear Mr. Mahmud,

and communications crisis in

Re: Letter Ol lntent for "covid-{9 Pandemic
Bangladesh: A Rapid Research and Campaign

for rnteractive choice & Empowerment

This retter of intent seryes as proof that voices
project "covid-l9 Pandemic and communications
crisis in Bangtadesh: A Rapid
Research and campaign
proiecf, The said project wiil be irnpremented from Jury to
of 4,972'00 USD'
october 1}zl,and will receive a total support

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.: -5*.1+-r- -

ConcePcion Garcia Ramilo

Executive Director
The Association for Progressive Communications
P.O. Box 29755, Melville,2109
Johannesburg, South Africa
Telefax: +27 11726 1692

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