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Activity in


Josh David M. Ibay

8- St. Martha
1. What is Food Processing?
Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients into food or
food into other forms. It combines raw ingredients to produce marketable
products that can be easily prepared and served by consumers.

2. What are the different methods of food processing?

 Homogenisation- This process aims to reduce the particle size
of products, especially emulsions in which fat particles are
dispersed in a water phase before freezing, such as milk,
mayonnaise and ice cream mixes.
 Pasteurisation - This process is a heat treatment that kills
(vegetative) pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, resulting
in an increased shelf life for the product.
 Canning - This process has many sub-processes aimed at
improving a product's shelf life and making it suitable for
storage at room temperature.
 Drying - Drying is a process by which water is removed from a
material to make it more suitable for storage or transport. It can
be done in many ways, including hot air drying and freeze
drying. Products that are dried include fruits and vegetables,
 Smoking - The initial purpose of smoking was to prolong the
shelf life of food, but now people enjoy the flavour and aroma
that is developed during smoking.
 Cooling - is a technique of preserving food by slowing down
the growth of microorganisms, which leads to extended shelf-
life. Some foods such as meat and dairy products may be stored
in refrigerators, while fish can be kept fresh in the freezer.
 Pickling - is a process of preserving food in an edible liquid. It
can be done by either fermentation or thermal pickling.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of food processing?

 Food processing kills harmful bacteria in food and decreases the risk
of disease.
 Food processing helps to keep food fresh for longer.
 Food processing helps reduce the health inequalities, such as those
affecting dietary intake, that have led to major public health concerns.
 Processed food contains artificial ingredients and other ingredients not
found in nature.
 A lot of resources are spent in making food delicious, which leads to
 Processed foods are a big source of added sugar, which is very

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