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I. Objectives:
a. Read and interpret electric and water meter readings (M6ME—IVd-100)
b. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving electric and water
consumption (M6ME-IVd-101)
c. Provide ways to save electric and water consumption.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Subject: Meter Readings
b. References: Mathematics VI TG- page 116- 119, LM – page 302-311
c. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Pictures, Tarp Paper
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
2. Class Rules
3. Drill
Mental Computation:
What is added to 5 to get 9?
What happens 9 when you add 4
How about when you subtract 8 to 10?
You need to exercise your brain through mental computation so that your
brain cells were working properly and make the system of your body
4. Review
There are different emotions (emoji) presented in the screen, students will
click the emoji that depends on how they feel on that day.

Find the volume of each prism using the formula V= l w h

1. l = 5m, w= 16m, h= 6m
2. l = 13cm, w= 3cm, h= 2cm
3. l = 2m, w = 8m, h = 10m
4. Motivation (Pick-Up Lines)
a. Divide the class into groups of three.
b. Each group will be provided a picture of an electric appliance.
c. Each group must think of a pick-up line related to the appliance to be
shared to the class.
(Ex. TV ka ba? Kasi ikaw ang nagpapaligaya sa akin.)
After the activity, raise the following questions:
a. Do you have these appliances at home?
b. What makes these appliances work?
c. How much electricity do you think your family consumes in a

5. Presentation of Objectives

B. Developmental Activity
1. Presentation
The pupils will interpret their water and electric bills.
Ask the pupils the following questions:
Have you seen an electric bill or water bill? Do you know how to read
each bill? In what month does your electric and water bill rise?
2. Discussion

Let the student watch the video on electric and water reading

3. Generalization “Choose & Click”

Let the pupils click on what skills they want to practice when they grow up
and upon clicking the pictures of different community helpers’ questions
will appear and they will be able to answer the questions. Explain to the
students the importance of the community helpers in the society.

4. Application
Select a leader, a secretary, and a reporter from the group. Then pop the
balloon using your butt (the primary colors) after answering.
Group 1
Below is a table of electric consumption. Complete the table.
Previous Reading Present Reading Kilowatts Used
2345 3549
2350 4500
3570 4590
Group 2
Complete the table by recording your electric consumption for the week.
Cost per kilowatt hour = P 7.25
DAY OF THE WEEK Electric reading at 5pm Number of KWh for the day Cost

Group 3
Read the following electric and water meter.
Values Integration:
Do you think water is important? How about electricity? Explain your answers.
Can you save water? How? Why is necessary for us to save water and energy?

IV. Evaluation
A. Read the following electric meter.

B. Answer the problem.

Llego family’s water reading was 0457816 for the month of May and 0457952 for
the month of June. How many cubic meters of water did the family consumed?

C. Assignment
Compute the electric consumption from present to previous in your household.
Explain how you can help in saving for electricity expenses.

Observed by: Prepared by:


Principal – I Teacher - I

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