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Data Presentation

Data Presentation for Question # 6 - A

Which do you think is the most effective social media platform for
political campaign?



Strong Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The figure shows that 33 voters and 10 politicians, a total of 45 or 86% of the
respondents choose to Strongly Agree. There are 6 or 12% of respondents answered
Agree with option A, which says that most effective social media platform for political

campaign is the Facebook; it answers the question Which do you think is the most effective
social media platform for political campaign . The remaining 1 voter or 2% responded
Data Presentation for Question # 6 - B

Which do you think is the most effective social media platform for
political campaign?

10% 14%


Strong Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The figure shows that 7 voters or 14% of the respondents choose to Strongly
Agree. There are 15 voters and 1 politician or 32% of respondents answered Agree with
option B. There are 13 voters and 9 politicians, a total of 22 or 44% answered Disagree.
The remaining 5 voters or 10% responded Strongly Disagree.
Data Presentation for Question # 6 - C

Which do you think is the most effective social media platform for
political campaign?




Strong Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The figure shows that 6 voters or 12% of the respondents choose to Strongly
Agree. There are 12 voters or 24% of respondents answered Agree with option C. There
are 16 voters and 5 politicians, a total of 21 or 42% answered Disagree. The remaining 6
voters and 5 politicians, a total of 11 or 22% responded Strongly Disagree.
Data Presentation for Question # 6 - D

Which do you think is the most effective social media platform for
political campaign?





Strong Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The figure shows that 6 voters or 12% of the respondents choose to Strongly
Agree. There are 1 voter or 2% of respondents answered Agree with option D. There are
8 voters or 16% answered Disagree. The remaining 25 voters and 10 politicians, a total of
35 or 70% responded Strongly Disagree.
A. Data Interpretation

Data Interpretation for Question #6

Options for Question #6 Mean Value Descriptive Interpretation

a. Facebook 3.84 Strongly Agree

b. Twitter 2.50 Disagree

c. YouTube 2.26 Disagree

d. Tiktok 1.56 Strongly Disagree

After the computation of the weighted mean, the respondents with a total mean of
3.84 strongly agreed in option A which is Facebook is the most effective social media
platform for political campaign. They also disagreed that the twitter is effective for
campaign with 3.10 mean values, and they also disagreed that the Youtube is effective
with 2.26 mean values and the total means of 1.56 shows that the respondents is strongly
disagreed in the option D which is the Tiktok.

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