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Web Service Testing: An Overview on Techniques and Approaches

Conference Paper · January 2014


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s.R. Murugaiyan



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Web Service Testing: An Overview on

Techniques and Approaches
S.R.Murugaiyan*, N.Moganarangan*, B.Bhuvaneswari# and P.Dhavachelvan#
Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu, India.
Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
{murugaiyansr, rengannsj77, info.bhuvaneswari, dhavachelvan}

Abstract-Web services are smaller part of the program A. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
designed to handle a particular set of tasks. It not only forms SOC modifies the traditional understanding of
the basis for the standard web-based e-commerce
software application design, delivery and consumption.
applications but also to the new Globus implementation of
Open GRID Service Architecture (OGSA). With the SOC can be used to build a distributed application in a
widespread proliferation of Web services, testing becomes a systematic and in an efficient way. The features of SOC
significant factor in distinguishing the success of web applications are demanded to provide advantages over the
services. At present, web services are the most extensively traditional distributed applications such as platform
accepted service technology due to the platform- independency, autonomy, dynamic discovery and
independency and the level of autonomy they provide. The composition. There are two major features of SOC
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm allows the applications through which these benefits occur. These
computer systems to interact with each other free from their characteristics are:
platform. Testing a web service on the user side is not like
testing the conventional software. Due to the complex nature
 In SOC, all the services must act in accordance with the
of web services and the absence of source code, it brings the interface standards and so the services will be said to be
challenges while testing it. Thus, the testing should provide the platform-independent.
the metrics to compare the serviced based solutions. As a  The description of the services must enable the
result, this survey shows different testing strategies and its automation of an integration process such as search,
strength and weakness and identifies its issues. discovery and dynamic composition.
In order to achieve efficient SOC, integration of
Index Terms-Web Services, Service Oriented Computing,
various technologies and concepts from different
Testing Strategies.
disciplines within software engineering will be required
I. INTRODUCTION [7]. This integration will bring numerous challenges and
advantages. The existing solutions need to be redefined
Web services drive the Service-Oriented Computing
for some of the challenges and for others new solutions
(SOC) in it and it is said to be an extremely emerging
need to be found out.
concept at present. It also provides lot of challenges to the
One of the barriers to enterprise transition to SOC
testers which led them to work more on the techniques of
systems is denoted by the heightened importance on issue
the testing the web services [18]. SOC is considered as a
of trust. It has many directions like exact functioning of
new pattern which utilizes the services to support the
the services, security of the services and finally the
development of quick, low cost and easy integration of the
Quality of Service (QoS).
distributed applications.
Testing provides one potential approach to the issue of
The term services can be described as autonomous,
trust. Testing is important to assure the exact functioning
platform independent computational components, which
of service-oriented systems that have the ability to select
can be defined, published, discovered, composed and
and use services dynamically [13]. In order to authorize
programmed using the standard set of rules to build
the accurate functioning of a service-oriented system,
networks of collaborating applications that are distributed
interoperability between all its modules and integration of
within the organizational boundaries. The term services in
these modules must be effectively tested.
the given statement meant the Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA). Testing should be carried out frequently in SOC then
the traditional software testing. As per the number of
Thus, the services should be platform-independent in
services involved, the change in the service-oriented
order to provide higher reusability. This, in turn, requires
system gets increased. For each and every change in the
interoperability among services. In SOA, the services
system the service-oriented system needs to be tested. The
must be defined, published, discovered and composed in
service-oriented system should find the challenging
order to perform their functions within its environment.
scenarios such as when to test for changes and which
The communication between the service and the user
operations are affected due to the changes before start its
needs to be standardized in order to ensure
testing process. Because of the above-mentioned
challenges, the service-oriented systems require more
II. BACKGROUND effective and efficient testing than traditional software
systems. Ease of deployment is also significant because it
This segment presents the concepts and technologies generally takes a long time to set a analysis environment
that are relevant to web services and it’s testing.
978-1-4799-3826-1/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE

for distributed systems [21]. However, the delays are protocol designed for interchanging organized
unacceptable in SOC testing due to the requirement of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.
increased test frequency in SOC. Since SOAP as a protocol combines platform
independent XML and HTTP, SOAP messages can be
B. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) exchanged between applications regardless of their
SOA is defined as an approach for building service- platform or programming language. The SOAP protocol
oriented applications. The aim of SOA is to provide the allows exchange of XML messages with structured
services which can also be rendered to other similar information between a web service and its users.
services. In SOA, consists of three major contributors  Web Service Description Language (WSDL): WSDL is
such as a service provider, a service user and a service an XML format for illustrating network services
broker [11]. These three contributors perform the three in the form of points which operates on messages
essential SOA actions such as publish, find and bind. comprising either document-oriented or procedure-
Fig.1 illustrates the fundamental SOA concept, its oriented information. A WSDL specification is a web
participants and the operations among participants. service interface furnishes users with all the information
they need, such as message formats, operations
Service provided by the web service and location of the web
Broker service.
 Universal Description Discovery and Integration
(UDDI): UDDI is defined as a set of services that
supports the portrayal and the innovation of business,
organization, and additional Web service providers
Publish Find [21]. The web services make
the technical interfaces available which may be used to
access the services. UDDI is an industry initiative that
enables businesses to publish their services and allows
potential users to discover these services. UDDI
Service Service
Bind registries can be public or private and users can search
Provider User
(SO and select a suitable service from a UDDI registry. A
web service is not required to be registered to any
Fig.1. Service Oriented Architecture
UDDI registry in order to be used.
C. Web Services and Web Service Technologies
A web service is a software system that is intended Broker
to assist interoperable machine-to-machine interaction
over a network. The aim of the web service platform is to
provide the required level of interoperability among
various applications using pre-defined web standards. Find
There are different web service styles such as (WSDL) (WSDL)
Representational State Transfer (REST) web services and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) web services.
They are all based on the SOA but differ in the interfaces
that they use. For example, SOAP web services use SOAP Bind
interface to carry messages and WSDL to describe the Service Service
services, whereas REST web service interfaces are limited Provider User
to HTML using common HTTP methods (GET,
DELETE, POST and PUT) to describe, publish and Fig.2. Web Service Architecture
consume resources. This survey focuses on the SOAP
web services due to their popularity both in industry and Fig.2 describes the web service architecture and its
academia [16]. Web services are generally accepted as the core specifications that are used in performing each SOA
core element of SOA, providing the necessary autonomy, operation. Unfortunately, conventional web services
platform-independence and dynamic discovery and (WSDL services) provide syntactic interfaces while
composition. Through web services, pre-existing systems current UDDI brokers support only index word-based
can exchange information without the need to know any searching of web services with required attributes [12].
technical information about the other computer system. Using traditional web services, automated discovery and
Fig.3 describes the Service-Oriented architecture using invocation is almost impossible.
web services that are used in performing each SOA In order to achieve automation, service descriptions
operation. must machine understandable. Semantic web services
In order to provide platform-independent messaging have emerged aiming to solve the problems regarding
across a network, the web service architecture uses three automation.
core specifications:
 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): SOAP is a
XML-based protocol that allows data exchange over the
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It is a lightweight


Web Services external Web Services

to the organization
Internet Middle
Other internet Web Server



Data cache for the

Cache database in the
EIS tier

Middle-tier databases be
relational databases with or
Middle Tier
without object-relational
mapping, object databases,
or XML databases

XML Firewall

EIS Tier

Internal Web Services

Web Services
internal to the Adapter Adapter Adapter

Message Application

Existing database Internal Internal Existing internal

management Database System System systems

Fig.3. Service-Oriented Architecture Using Web Services

The aim of semantic web service technology is to

provide a richer semantic specification for web services. III. TESTING WEB SERVICES
At present, there are several semantic web service “Web services are widely used because of security
proposals that include initiatives and projects such as concerns and trust [31]. Testing and certification of Web
WSDL-S, OWL-S, WSMO, METEOR-S and services must provide the new solutions to ensure that
SWSA/SWSL [22]. services can truly be trustworthy.” Testing web services
on the client side is one of the major problems that slow
down the wider use of web services [14]. The improved
consideration to SOC and web services is also reflected
on their testing.


Testing web services includes testing the randomly generated test data for 17 partitions to 344.
fundamental its functionality, interoperability, some SOA Comparing Bai et al.’s [8] partition technique against
functionalities, QoS and load/stress testing. Here with we random generation also shows the effectiveness of this
discussed the challenges involved in testing different approach. In order to cover the 1550 lines of code used in
aspects of web services. experiments, 60 randomly generated test cases are needed
but 20 test cases that were selected using partitioning
IV. TESTING TECHNIQUES achieved the same coverage.
Testing a web service is a challenging task now-a-days The results show that partition testing can help in
while compared to the traditional systems. This is because solving one of the major problems of testing high cost by
of the complexity of the web services and the occurrence reducing the required number of test cases. Reduction in
of the limitations due to the nature of SOA. Testing of the the number of test cases will decrease the number of test
web services can be made as a challenging task via the runs, thereby minimizing the cost of testing.
distributed nature of the web services based on the
multiple protocols such as UDDI and SOAP. These B. Unit Testing
protocols limits the system information provided along Unit testing can be considered as the most basic and
with WSDL specifications, and thus it makes it as a natural testing technique applicable to any system. In unit
challenging one [19]. Its issues limit the testability of testing, individual units within a system that can be
service-oriented applications, and it can be independently executed are regarded as units [1]. In terms
able to perceive the experiments in the testing by reducing of web services, the operations provided by a service can
the efficiency of surviving testing approaches or by be considered as units to be tested.
rendering those methods infeasible or inapplicable. Unit testing of web services is performed by sending
In spite of the challenges that web services bring to and receiving SOAP messages by the tester. The tester
software testing, some of the current testing techniques generates the SOAP messages for the operation under test
can also be modified to test a web service. Modifying an using the information from the WSDL file. In this way,
existing testing technique needs to overwhelm the factors unit testing can verify both the correctness of the WSDL
that limit the capability of testing techniques such as not and the proper functioning of the System under test
having access to the source code, dynamic nature of web (SUT).
services and having limited control over web services. The major problem in carrying out the functional
The amount of changes to a testing technique varies testing is its cost. In order to reduce the cost of it
according to the level of control requires the observation automation should be carried out. In unit testing, plenty of
of testing technique [23]. In some cases the testing tools are readily available for automation. Some of those
technique can be directly applied such as black-box tools are Parasoft SOA test, SOAP Sonar, HP service Test
testing and unit testing, without any modification. On the and Oracle Application Testing Suite. Even though these
supplementary hand, for testing methods such as tools do help in reducing the manual labor required for
regression testing and fault-based testing, only a few of test case generation and reporting, they do not fully
the existing approaches can be used for testing web automate the testing process [9]. In using all these tools,
services, and these approaches must be adapted to the web test cases are generated by the tester, and the tool forms
service environment and all its elements. the SOAP requests for each test case. In some of these
tools, even verification of test results has to be performed
A. Partition Testing manually such as in SOA test. From the provided
Partition testing is a testing technique that aims to find functionality of all tools, one can assume that automation
subsets of the test cases that can adequately test a system. is not at a desired level.
The aim of partition testing is to divide an input Fortunately, the need for tools that can automate unit
domain into sub domains, so that selecting or generating a testing was addressed by the research community. For
number of test cases from each sub domain will be example, Sneed and Huang introduce a tool called WSDL
enough to test the entire domain [4]. In essence, partition Test for automated unit testing. WSDL Test can generate
testing is much like mutation testing, or sometimes random requests from WSDL schemata. WSDL Test is
mutation testing is considered a partition testing also capable of verifying the results of test cases. This
technique. capability is achieved by inserting pre-conditions and
The usage of partition testing to web services is assertions in test scripts that are manually generated by
offered at two different levels. Bertolino et al proposed the tester. The provided verification method requires the
[16] the use of category-partition method with XML tester to be familiar with the SUT in order to generate
Schemas in order to perform XML-based partition testing. necessary assertions.
This approach automates the generation of test data using Lenz et al. proposes a model-driven testing framework
XML Schemas. He also introduced a tool that supports the that can perform unit tests. In this approach, JUnit tests
approach called TAXI. Another approach is proposed by are generated using the requirement specifications and the
Bai et al [7] for OWL-S semantic services. Bai et al. [8] platform-independent test specifications based on the
introduced a test ontology model that specifies the test UML 2 Testing Platform. Both required specifications are
concepts and serves as a test contract. Data partitions in provided by the service provider.
this approach are created using the ontology information.
According to Bai et al.’s experiments [9], using
partitioning 76% reduction is achieved; reducing 1413


C. Model-Based Testing correct functionality is assessed with participation of

Model-based testing is a testing technique where test different parties.
cases are generated using a model that describes the Challenges involving testing service-oriented systems
behavior of the SUT [17]. Advantage of such a testing are identified by Canfora and Di Penta [26] and some of
is automating the test case generation which can analyze these challenges require collaborative solutions. These
the quality of product statistically. The formal and precise challenges that might require such solutions are:
nature of modeling also allows activities such as program  Users not having a realistic test set.
proof, prerequisite analysis, model inspection, and other  Users not having an interface to test web service
methods of formal verification that increase the level of systems.
confidence in software.  The need for a third-party testing and QoS verification
rather than testing by each service user.
D. Contract-Based Testing
DbC is a software-development approach where G. Regression Testing
contracts define the pre-conditions for a component to be  Regression testing is the reuse of the existing test cases
accessed and the post-conditions that need to hold after from the previous system tests [6]. Regression testing is
the execution of methods of that component with the performed when additions or modifications are made to
specified pre-conditions. Using contracts, some an existing system. In traditional regression testing, it is
unexpected behavior of the SUT can be detected and the assumed that the tester has access to the source code,
information from contracts can also be used to enhance and the regression testing is done in a white-box
the testing process itself. Software testing using manner. Performing white-box regression testing helps
agreements has been applied to customary software by mainly with test case management.
many researchers.  A number of the common test case management and
Since traditional web services only provide interface prioritization methods such as the symbolic execution
information, researchers have proposed the use of approach and the dynamic slicing-based approach
contracts to be applied to various aspects of SOA such as require testers’ to access the source code. However,
service selection, service composition and service approaches like the Graph Walk Approach (GWA) by
verification [2]. These contracts carry information on Rothermel and Harrold [18] that does not require access
different aspects of SOA such as behavior of services and to the source code, can be used in Web Services
QoS. This extra information regarding the behavior of a Regression Testing (WSRT). The important reason for
service such as pre and post-conditions of operations distinguishing the Regression Test Selection (RTS)
increases the testability of services. This kind of methods that require access to the source code is to
information is invaluable for testing, and testing web point out the applicable RTS methods for testing web
services using contracts is investigated by many services. Since web service testing is considered a
researchers. black-box testing, RTS methods that require access to
the source code are inapplicable to web services.
E. Fault-Based Testing  According to Canfora and Di Penta [26], one of the
The fault-based testing aims to prove that the SUT main issues in WSRT at the user side does not know
does not contain any prescribed faults [24]. The difference when to perform regression testing. Since the service
between fault-based test cases and regular test cases is user has no control over the evolution of the web
that the fault-based test cases prove the nonexistence of service, the service user might not be aware of the
known faults rather than trying to find faults that exist. changes to the web service. There are two possible
Fault-based testing can test the web services for scenarios for informing the service user about the
common faults that can exist within the SOA environment modifications. These scenarios are based on the service
and increase the dependability of services [3]. The provider’s knowledge about the service users.
classifications of test data generation for different testing
techniques are: H. Interoperability Testing
 Interface propagation analysis that is performed by Interoperability is the ability of multiple components
randomly perturbing the input to a software component. to work together; that is, to exchange information and to
 Boundary value based robustness testing where test data process the exchanged information [5]. Interoperability is
is chosen around the boundaries of the input parameter. a very important issue in open platforms such as SOA.
 Syntax testing with invalid input where the rules of the Even though web services must conform to be standard
specification of the input parameter are violated. protocols and service specifications, incompatibility
 Equivalent partitioning with invalid separation of class issues might still arise.
where the input space or domain is divided into a finite The need for interoperability among service
number of similar classes with incorrect data. specifications is recognized by the industry and WS-I, an
open industry organization, formed by the leading IT
F. Collaborative Testing companies. The organization defined a WS-I Basic Profile
Collaborative software testing is the testing concept in order to enforce web service interoperability. WS-I
where multiple parties involved in a web service, such as organization provides interoperability scenarios that need
developer, integrator, tester and user, participate to be tested and a number of tools to help testing process.
throughout the testing process [25]. It is generally used in Kumar et al. describes the possible interoperability issues
testing techniques such as usability walk-through where regarding core web service specifications such as SOAP,


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Title Testing Approach WS Technology Tools Used

Specification based test data
C. Bartolini, A. Bertolino, E. Marchetti, and A. Polini,[27], 2009. WSDL WS-TAXI
Specification based test data
Z. J. Li, J. Zhu, L.-J. Zhang, and N. Mitsumori,,[28], May 2009. WSDL WSTD-Gen
A. T. Endo, A. S. Sim˜ao, S. R. S. Souza, and P. S. L. Souza, [29] Aug.
Model Based Testing BPEL ValiBPEL
A. Bertolino, J. Gao, E. Marchetti, and A. Polini, [30], May 2007. Partition Testing WSDL TAXI
H. M. Sneed and S. Huang, [31], Sept. 2006. Table 1. Testing Approaches
Unit Testing WSDL WSDLTest
W. T. Tsai, Y. Chen, R. Paul, H. Huang, X. Zhou, and X. Wei, [32], July
Unit Testing WSDL ASTRAR
H. Huang,W.-T. Tsai, R. A. Paul, and Y. Chen, [33], May 2005. Model Based Testing OWL-S BLAST
Y. Wang, X. Bai, J. Li, and R. Huang, [34], Mar. 2007. Model Based Testing OWL-S TCGen4WS
L. Li, W. Chou, and W. Guo, [35], Sept. 2008. Model Based Testing WSDL
G. Dai, X. Bai, Y. Wang, and F. Dai, [36], July 2007. Contract Based Testing OWL-S CBT4WS
L. F. J. de Almeida and S. R. Vergilio, [37], 2006. Fault Based Testing WSDL SMAT-WS
E. Martin, S. Basu, and T. Xie, [38], July 2007. Fault Based Testing WSDL WebSob
N. Looker, J. Xu, and M. Munro, [39], Jul. 2007. Fault Based Testing SOAP WS-FIT
M. Narita, M. Shimamura, K. Iwasa, and T. Yamaguchi, [40], Dec. 2007. Interoperability Testing WSProtocols WS-VS
W. T. Tsai, R. Paul,W. Song, and Z. Cao, [41], Oct. 2002. Integration Testing WSDL Coyote
L. Peyton, B. Stepien, and P. Seguin, [42], Jan. 2008. Integration Testing SOAP, WSDL TTCN-3


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