Dog Man-1

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ua For ban, Ledh, Alek, and Kyle Santot & Tree- House comix Proudly Presents wecrren wo xiessrearco or DAW Rsk KO? lone Time, Georg, met Harold f, Thetr_ very First| comic was a epic Novella caLted: Then one doy in 4h Grade, They gor & new idea. ay Pet oon, thelr Lives got Realty Complicated | " There was DanGer--- [and ridiculously Convoluted PLer} And Just when| seemed Like Things couldn't get any Worse. GRY oe ALL The drama| had come to a_end. Gergana Harold Searched| thefr tree house for clues. [ “almost”. =| Dude! That giant Vacuun| Cleaner just Swallowed my| The vacuum followed Dog Man into the sew, Be 2 THev! Lets get out of this water, ok? X_canit swimitlt Besides --- This’ vacuum cleaner] isnt supposed to get wet Jit [So The Vacuum StarTed Sucking ve the Sea. i . “or had he? gotta get out of here before this bag of sea water busts! en grabbeg On with his ‘ 7 Claws) }, H Suddenly, the vacuum bag began It Locked Like This was The end... You're not such Rrodveng a oe Br: Men OPTION I: {EF your device uses FORNARD and BACKWARD buttons to urn the page, plaice one Finger on each button. Then yickly click Ferward and kack between the two Fip-€-Rama, pages, and repeat several times until the picture agears to be porly animabed oPTroW 2: Xf your device Lets you SWE to urn the page, use your finger 49 suige once to the Left then swipe ‘once to the right Then Keep swiping back and forth betwen the two Fip-€-Rama, pages until the piclre appears 40 be poorly animated FLIP-E-RAMA works best if your device 1s turned vertically and you ean only see one page af a, thine. Don’t Forget to add your oun sound-ef fects! so The Tidal wave got Smaller and SmaLler--- 2 * Te UAtiL it ended at Just the right Spot. Hey Cops!!! Dog man cap- Tured Peter This calls for & Celebration!!! For he's a Jolly good doggy! For he's a Jolly good doggy! ChIAP TOR 2 CeEE fai! ane day, this happened... [why do you Qlways have to do that 7, who chewed up all my dirty Tissues 212 See ee @nd who ate my Sli ppers2?. pre Sh epers ¢21 <@ 4 and who Peed on my Floor 2 ALRIghT, which one oF You chew-| ed up my Tissues and sem ate my| Slippers and Peed on my EFloor?, Everybody OUT, except Dog Man!|| Dont “HowDY Mayor” Mel VY UH, How DY, Mayor ! ite ee Bo Have You | Seen TODAYS news 222, “he rushed to Suddenly, Dog the window. Man's Supa ear. heard Something| @ ew RoBo Time Inbusteies and Pe corded evidence on So, Dr. Scum, Robot Coming ALong 2 How 7S our ey3L Awesome! Soon TD Shall vse him ae ee > bY SSss5F a > Now Im comp! | oh, Guard! Letely invisible! Yeah? he R where did he gor a Tee heel! Soon, Petey ‘watkea out of cot Tail. Petey Busted out of Jail again} On, NO!!! x 2 S| = “ Soon, The mayor returned Be To the Police station. I TRIED To warn YyouU--- Dr. Scum, Send jn the chiers repLacement!!y ok You're FIRED, Bub S| 2 ? must OBey mayor } xX am Rogo chier | gene, MY wayl is Your new ROBO ChieF You must go on withouT me. Meanwhile... Qah, its good To be the King) Dont go near the Mnayor's new Stores or yey wit Stores! Invisible Petey was ner ore Somebody is a trying ro musele in on My territory! LiL take one bomb, Please. here you 92. I hove to Stop those evil gerks! There Can only be ONE villain in this town! customer into The Hey! my Ponts FeLL 4 AAAAAAAAH!| [invisible Petey its @ Ghos+)i)| [Followed other ag (Customers --- evic Stuer] Tuinto other |[...And Pullea rotten STotes} | their Pants down, Too !}! Wi, Dr. Scum,| | Mayor---T+ a] What up? disaster ii! QLL oF Your Rotten Stores are Haunted Il! la invisible Ghost 22 & invisible gho$t is am Scaring all The customers RoBo cHieF, Get in Here!) Yes, Mayor And DI Him’ RoBo CHier Ran to Town. and Started a attack. INVisiBle Perey... tnvisible Petey, Ran to a Rotten Store. [Envisiele Rey Was Not afratd| | He fan To a~ nother retten| |store = cise Hey, Robo Dude! z’m’ over Here [nowt 24 al ea Envisible Petey Ran From Reape Rorten Store. fitzaas| 4 ..Te Rotten Tnvisible Petey Ran to the ami Playground. Saez BLAnYe Hello, Br. Scum, Did R680 chier Destroy Invisible Dr. Scum Told Mayor The bad ne You, MusT Stop InvisisLe Petey! use Your Dog) Nose To. SniFe him out. Mayor had one Last plan up hep| evil sleeve. eats She drove to the cop Station... Dog Man chased Invisible Petey all over Town... because Im Covered With invisible Sprayil You'LL never Catch Me, Dog Man... Dog Man Tan To @ nearby Kiddie Pool. fand tm NEVER Washing it off IU DoG Man_was QL wer. Supa Soaker Supa@ Soaker ee The water sprayed every.| where - Now DoG Man, could Smell fetey| AnD See him. my invisi biLity| Spray is Seam washing off J C5 2s — oy meri Tocon ssp S getting explain! AS aL wet } Dog Man did] [but he knew not Know how| |how to Play To give a a Video! speech... < and gentlemen, Today We honor Dog Man... Because he Captured Petey and Stuff. How is our evil Robst coming along? (ays poe Awesome! Soon I Shall use him to Take over the city! the NEw mayors Y/ to appoint @ new chiefs fEEW! You got SLobber So Chie? got G hiS old job And now, get ready for a trip down memory Lane. Our Teacher hated T+ so Much, she Sent] his angry note Fixed the Spelling! Y . yo comm | cc Man BY George B. and Harold }. ‘0! BiG Jim and Seesaw DOG Man was elring Smarter} by the min ai invented the, Word -B- Gone 200 i te iW worked!!! my ZA Smart, / ID ty eh? d a 7) tey zapped ey all our, Ree the Bdoks ee (n the city. en he, capped all the pee th He country O Die onemmnolo Ngee emma TS Gabh the vs ERAS mt Soon every— | [and Perle Body Forgot | jstarred about Reading |9e1T/79 Really Dumébily The world fs SUP&® DuMbm| ows my Petey walked Chance 0 to the Fancy tLe Duh, my cat | had eleven- rm JUS Jonna take that one over There! That was Toe easy} D 3} \Why are youVbecause I holding it fn [didnt want your hand2?/\To step in Me wnwhile the Police : f i Terns On itib were abe Th ee aed areas BusY doing DumB. stuf +00. Good Thinking!| [ELL Put my we must Sole] (Best_ man finn ING Qs Wee DOG Man, GO Find our who PooPed /n my office! Hey, what STINKS (A I here? /T have} Vi\ne 'dea 5 PAL, Be) =A SMS DOG Man Wwas| [But he Tried ro, Solve the} crime Qnyway Then he GAve] First he I @ Li€ derec- Questioned, a Chait He worked with @ Sketc @rvist.. ca PeleX was aning Trouble} |New TV. oF hls own. ee to The thirteen ercLack ‘Our Top Story: me Go Boom 800M in my . Panties. He couldrr] [Cuz his mechanics But you Told us To fili (t up with Gas! his secret fe couldrir Then = Took Cena Dey, it out To thé amusement L TOOK if Out TO the movies I Told You. to Take This eee guy Last wee hen L Took it Ovl To @ Ine romantic dinner. Everywhere Peter went, DUMB StUFF [om happened. | ror pers) ae | 3 | Donuts] | I Hi, Welcome to brie fae Fu take 12 DonvTS, PLease, Yeah, /2 DonuTs please! Sorry, WE only Sele them by the Aozen OK. ILL Take ja. dozen Then, Sorry, We dorit| have @ dozen, Motes have (6. MusTarde) [ror your what For? Bagels!!! elo) LN |g Oe sD |! eft \ DOMT Be D7 fee Heres Your Bagels, Hey Buddy, can You help meetz) L haven't Im Starving} eaten in three days. no thanks. qt dont Like IE anit Take It anymore av? 2 IF one More DumB thing happens, Lm Qonn & thats the qitatre who gave us this Cool car ey, Do you want a Cigar? Petey Started] | H& went To -||his Secret Library. the only Books Left on Carty. re @nwhile, Di Fan wos aly trying To Find out who Pooed in the _Chier’s ofFice. pone Re on Gn Smelle 2 Something: a) Ht 0G Mah Dae D0G Man folloWed p= The Cat Smell tO ff seer Peteys hideout. 2nd £oUAT Feteys Secrel Stash OF the swing set Smacker the Swing Set Sma cker ’ || () ow QHANO! Theres Gnother Book By the Seesaw! S_ () The Seesaw smoosheh The Seesaw Smoosher OH, Nol! Theres a- Nother Book By the Spring ride@rs ly rr Ze SPrinG Break ~ DOG MAN Reversed the Word-B-G one EPILOGUE they Discovered sore pooed in the Chiehs Gaalec --- eltN Dog Marty THE FRANKS awaken ae] ChaP Ter Sp Here, Florey, Here, BIG you ‘gor ey Tim. you got| Letter. Gants Hey Petey! You Got Somel-| fimmm... what! Should I spray Here's Your Food, Petey. ER Py iends? UnLock my, You? !!® wanne. Tair cebu Be frigndS D h ME ?PI!? Gan we be friends now? Stop it, DOG Mant stops)! (TrieLe Fee roy e- (eae Ae eee MM AS Back, Chief ! Why do you always do You Just saw Me, Like, thirty MminvTes agoli! = Hope You weren't tying There's @ Warm Spof on my New couch we and DOG hairsiit HOw Many Times Have I Told you To stay offa ™m, new Couch p11? What do you Ihave to Say for g |Hexy! where H ia, go S VS Dog Man ran ouT of the Poltce! =I can round uP all the dogs in Townd ‘Soon, every Dog inTown came running. Ger along, Thats Fight Little doggfess bai sn Little Dogs... -| tn you gold) ‘Soon, every Dog will be tn my Trap! Even Dog Man was not Immune! Stupid caFiis eanwh'| eee \200 Show himiil back at cat Jail... come To Life, my Brothers fl Join me!}ly Ond together we shall rvle thel y world 1) DD The weenies followed Th Leader out of cat Jail. Vivas Low weenie-LuTion!) we interrupt =m Sarah this comic for| | HatofF with breaking news) Our Top Story. yu L Thats Right! Theyre ati Locked inside This cage, Petey, The worlds} most evilesT cat, has captured att dogs in the city What do you Alas) te do with them? OH, No! The Pointy TeeTh thingies are Imoving down } s500n, doos ‘those \Pog Man} No Wayd| will Lt Was True! Dos! Man was Teoppedl. Hey! That one made wlitle campfires Hey, Those | what we need guys, aren't Is some, afratd of us | |\MuSCLed!: Thot’s “Phitly,” our \ cheeSe steak Mascot! Soon, PhiLLy come To Life. With This qm] T-. g¥ro man under| My ControL-s. es HAW figw HAY AB . the whole world wiLl bow DoG Man Tried To Stop de WS human Strength was Jiving out. Oh, the cantni ty tbiL t You how !!1 TLL Tell the weentes are Taking [OH Look! Littie baby hot dogs Gre Starting a revolut d awww! That One Started @ adorable Little fire! adorable Littie Fire!!! Thatt a raging inferno OF DEATH!!! He reached into his Shirt... [and pulled louT & bone !i{ ‘inside The| Mut +~ Masher 12000, DOG Im warning You guys tlt! Tf You Throw }One More bone] ee) \ iS) Le: he, hink Tovgh, Nou Think Youre « Hero, huh? You Think You're SMACT| Well, when I | [You're gonn, get through wish you were never, ever-— munch! munch! munch/ Uh-Oh... its in the Firelg }- nd Dog Man flew the ather... lj @nd all that was Left was a bunch of Little baby hot dogS. Tf But we will NEVER stop our reign oF Terror! tit we, wilt destroy we may have Lost our Leader. wand our giant] LL gyre man... build up ae. This world and} Pee Dog Man Flew Through the ain, | Hooray 11! a FA ATAk About this 277 BE EXPRESSIVE angry Sleepy 6, as our : ) aFrai ouch! Ste = = oeoeee@ BE EXPRESSsvel”’ Happy Qngry Sad oBsequious. A Brand-New DOG Man nover is Coming Soon} a lOnty one Dog~ headed cop can Save the doy! ee DOG Man, The City is Under attacks! En a when strange darkness ond \|new villains despair. = Gnd Sinister Scoundrels Poison The minds of the meek---p_ (Who wants to Save the doy? If you Read only \ ONE BOok Next ~ Year, well -.- Vou veally Should ary 4 read more than that. We're Tust_soyin's BuT Dont Forget +o Read this one, too! ~~ Featuring TriPLle PLiP-B-

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