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Aldersgate College Purposive Communication

School of Medical Sciences Instructor: Ma’am Jonalyn Lutrania

Name:Jeanalyn T. Aquino Date:February 5, 2021

Course & Yr.: BSN- 1 Score:______________


Lesson 1
1. Explain each model by using your own example.
 Speaker- The speaker must be able to deliver to the audience his speech clearly.
 Speech- The speech should be informative and well researched before deliberation.
 Audience- The audience must able to understand the speech and focus to speaker.
 Effect-The effect would be the result of how did the speaker deliberate the speech clearly.
Lesson 2
1. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating today?
 With all the new technologies and social medias that we are into this days,as well as the
new normal.We gain knowledge and understand human rights and that includes our
limits. Being ethical is important for everyone as we go on our daily lives with our
family,friends,colleagues and random people we met once or often.We must keep the
good values that was imparted from our ancestors until our generation now. We may
have the times doing the opposite,yet we must assess ourselves to always choose the
right in our thoughts,words and action.Being ethical means acting under the principles of
morality or acting in good moral standards. It allows us to practice empathetic towards
our community without expecting in return.

2. Is honesty still a virtue valued today? Why or why not?

 Honesty is still valued as a virtue by people to this day No matter how much wealth
he/she possess or qualifications he/she has acquired, if a person is honest, he/she is
loved and respected by all.My mother would always tell me not to look down on anyone
no matter what their situation in life is.

3. Can you give historical examples that show how intolerance of dissent has been a problem for certain sectors of
 The Mendiola Massacre which took the life of 13 demonstrators pushing for land reform
in the Philippines.

4. Can you give historical examples that show why hate speech is a problem?
“The National Organization of Women is actually the “National Organization of
Witches.” Rev. Jerry Falwell
 This speech hits the women society.I was like asking myself,”are we?Women in earlier era was
underestimated and under stated yet they’ve proven themselves thus women nowadays was able to
practice their rights such as schooling while doing other chores.Women empowerment where very visible
that makes some other men gets irritated.

5. When you think of politicians today, would you say that they have been communicating in an ethical manner?
 Politicians today are more vocal with their thoughts,words and action.They express the things that they want
us to understand,some may be unethical though they apologize upon realizing what was just happened.
Aldersgate College Purposive Communication
School of Medical Sciences Instructor: Ma’am Jonalyn Lutrania

6. Who comes to mind on the subject of violating the ethics of communication?

 Attitude and good conversation are words that comes to my mind on the subject violating the ethics of
communication.we all know that white lies are still a lie.If only we simply be ourselves as well as a law
abiding citizen,things will fall into its places radiantly.

7. Why do people communicate in an unethical manner?

 Communication and good conversation is one of an effective way to handle unexpected
situation such as an encounter with an unethical mannered person.Unethical
communication impairs them because it helps them get what they want, they might
believe that this unethical way is the easiest the fastest and the only way to get what
they want. Sometimes people know that they are not ethical when they do what they do,
othertimes they do not.Wheteher they are having the bad day or it’s their attitude,we
need gather and keep ourself composed and relaxed.It builds positive relationships while
telling them your point as well.

8. What consequences can you think because of this?

 The consequences I can think would either be the positive and negative it
misunderstandings or unity amidst diversity.if we would only knew how to communicate with our senses and
in good assured we will be a better grown ups.

Lesson 3

Activity 1: After-Reading Questions on World Englishes

1. Based on McCrum’s essay and some additional research on your part, why is the rise of English such as a
remarkable “success story”? What led to English on taking the role of a global language?
 The rise of English is a remarkable success story.English at the end of the 20th Century is
more widely spoken and written than any other language ever has been. It has become the
language of the planet, the first truly global language that until now is widely used even new
born babies can respond whenever the mom tries to converse with.During this time we have
learned too that there different accents and dialects of english.
2. Can you add to the evidence given by McCrum in the paragraphs 3-7 that English is the most widespread
language in the world?
 It is universal, wherever and wherever you especially in other countries, the people will understand English
language.Nowadays we can see and hear children speaking english.and i am amaze with their
vocabulary.parents tries to talk but mostly they get it from the social platforms that they've been watching.

3. David Crystal (2003) says that “a language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that
is recognized in every country.” What is the special role of English in the Philippines?
 The special role of English in the Philippines Is a lot way better with education.aside from learning to
communicate with english language, we also taught to study our english written books susch as math and
science.When you know how to put words in english, it is easier to understand what is written or problems to
solve or is a matter of how you pen down your thoughts and analization ni english.

4. Why does McCrum say that “we should not talk to English but of many Englishes”?
 McCrum says that "we should not talk of English but of many Englishes"
because the English language usage spans across multiple nations.
Aldersgate College Purposive Communication
School of Medical Sciences Instructor: Ma’am Jonalyn Lutrania

Thus, when you plan on migrating to a country, you ought to learn what

specific kind of English language they speak.You need to learn the
accent that depends which state or country.There are some words and
statements of each.
Activity 2:
Directions: Look up the meaning of the following examples in the table from Philippine English, Canadian English,
Australian English, South African English, and Singapore English. Then, provide alternatives that will be understood
by other English speakers from different regions of the world.

Usages Unique to a Variety of English More Widely Understood Alternative

Philippine English- “I bought some dirty ice cream for Dirty ice cream, also known as sorbetes, is the
you.” traditional variation of ice cream made in the
Philippines.In the United States, dirty ice
cream is a phrase used by a woman to refer to a
man whom she dated but is not interested in
dating again as he would not stop phoning her.

 I bought an ice cream from street vendors.

If you’re the professor, it means you’re going to

create a test that you will give your students. You
Canadian English- “I’m going to write a test today in have to write the questions you will ask.
 I need to prepare my test papers.

Australian English- “That book has good oil.” the good oil” means to give them very good

 This book is informative.

South African English- “She is coming just now.” It basically means she is not quite ready to come

 She is on the way.

Singapore English- He always like to action in front of the The meaning of act as understood in normal
ladies.” English is usually “to pretend”, which in the
Singlish context isn’t wrong but isn’t complete.

 He likes showing off.

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