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Nama: Anggita Rahma Xaviera

Kelas: XII IPA 4


1. Identification caption

The beautiful woman in this picture is my mom, I took this photo on her
birthday while we were at Kopi Nako.
2. Group caption

Me and my other three friends had fun while we were taking this picture!
3. Expanded caption

Me, Nenden, Hana, and Salsa took part in the clogs competition on the 77th
Indonesian birthday event at SMAN 3 Bogor on 23rd of august 2022. During
the competition we encountered a few problems such as the clog ropes
that broke easily, but we still had fun and we were laughing so much
because we always almost want to fall in every step we took. Even so, at
the end of the race we are in third place.
4. Summary caption

This photo of me, Hana, Nasywa, and Salsa was taken on a Tuesday
afternoon in our school’s biology lab after we finished some biology
lessons, this picture actually wasn’t planned, but in this picture, we were
discussing whether or not we should do the same pose for the actual
picture, but we ended up posing with our own style.
5. Quote

“If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at
what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.”
-Oprah Winfrey
6. Cutline caption

Hana told me and Nasywa something funny before we drank the coke, and
this was before I started choking because of laughter.

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