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Charlie Chaplin

- an Astroprofile

Charles Chaplin is one of the greatest entertainers of our times. He is a legend and one of the icons of American Cinema. This was one of the compelling reasons to study his chart and see his life events from Astrological perspective. Since Moon occupies Lagna in his case, the effects of each house, planet and bhava karakas get amplified as they get the same reference from both the Lagna and the Moon. This reduces the complexity of the chart and renders it easier for the beginners to understand his chart better. Hence, it would be an interesting case to study and understand his life through an AstroLense. Information about his life has been obtained from the following site: The above site gives his birth details taken from his biography. The birth time is given as 20:00 hrs., with a rating of B . This author has rectified the birth time to 19:51:05 hrs. using his own BTR technique. Exalted Sun has been taken as the strongest planet in the chart for the purpose of birth time rectification. As Sun is also the lord of 11th house (of multiplicity), one could see prominent effects of multiplicity in the life of Charlie, in many spheres of his life.

First of all, this is a strong chart as three of the four kendras are occupied and Sun is in exaltation and Moon is more than 72 degrees away from the Sun. Both Sun and Moon occupy Kendras. Any chart with strong Sun and Moon can be considered as a strong chart. Because of this, most of the combinations or yogas will produce desired results for the native. Some of the important yogas seen in the chart are: 1. Ruchaka Yoga: Mars occupies a Kendra sitting in its Moola Trikona sign. This makes the native a born leader, enterprising and bold 2. Chandra Mangala Yoga: mutual aspect of Mars and Moon. This makes the native worldly wise and successful. 3. Vidyut Yoga: Exalted 11th lord with Venus in a Kendra. This makes the native wealthy and pleasure-loving. 4. Raja Yoga: Conjunction of Lagna lord Venus and 7th lord Mars. This makes the native successful and high achiever. 5. Vipareeta Raja Yoga: 12th lord Mercury in the 6th house. This makes the native successful, possibly at the cost of others. 6. Parijata Yoga: Lagna lord Venus, its dispositor Mars and Mar s Rasi and Navamsha dispositors are all in exaltation or own signs. This makes the native a strong, prosperous and kind person. Now, to some of the important events in his life. It is said that Charlie took to the stage for the first time at the age of five and that was the beginning of his long journey of entertainment and cinema. At that age, he was running Jup-Jup period. It may be noted that Jupiter occupies 3H of entertainment in his chart. Jupiter is also the lord of 3rd house. It is the same house from Moon also as Moon occupies lagna. As third house could indicate many other things, why did he take to acting alone? The clue comes from the fact that Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Venus that represents fine arts. And, Jupiter disposits Rahu (media/cinema) in its nakshatra. Thus Jupiter draws energy from both Venus and Rahu and launched Charlie on to the stage life and media glare. It is also known that his father was a drunkard and didn t take care of his family. Father can be seen both from the 9th and the 10th houses. It may be seen that both 9th and 10th houses host natural malefics Rahu and Saturn. Though Saturn is a yogakaraka in his chart, he will not do good to father as it is well know that he is an enemy of Sun, the karaka for father. Though Sun is exalted, it may be noted that Sun is in the nakshatra of Ketu thus having the relationship snapped. Moreover, 9th lord Mercury is in the sign of debilitation though has crossed the deep debilitation point. Not only that the shadbala of Mercury is as low as 64! Mars the functional malefic in the chart is conjunct Sun (karaka for father), and aspects both 10th house and 10th lord Moon! Hence, it is a very strong indication that he did not have the pleasure of having the care and protection from his father. And, her mother s health was not good for a long period of time. It may be noted that the functional malefic Mars aspects both 4th lord Saturn and Karaka for Mother Moon. Moon is also in the nakshatra of Rahu. He first went to USA during 1910 and lived there for a long 42 years of stage and cinema career! In 1910, he was running Sat-Sat period. Saturn occupies 10th house of karma/profession and also sits in

the constellation of 9th lord (long journey) and 12th lord (abroad) Mercury. As Saturn is also a Yogakara, he earned good name and fame during Saturn dasha. His media life continued during Mercury and Ketu periods. It may be noted that both Mercury and Ketu are disposited by Jupiter, during which period he came on to this profession. His relationships and marriages need a special mention as he married as many as four times and to the girls who where much younger than him. He had a weakness for young beauties! That may be seen from the fact that both Venus and Mars occupy the seventh house. Conjunction of Mars and Venus also makes one a passionate lover. Following is a list of his four wives and their ages and their age difference with him at the time of their marriage.
Wife Mildred Harris Lita Gray Paulette Goddard Eugene O'Neil Married Year 1918 1924 1935 1943 Her age 16 16 19 18 His age 29 35 46 54 Age difference 13 years 19 years 27 years 36 years

His chart has the perfect combination for marriage with a big age difference with wife. It may be seen from the combined influence of Moon, Saturn and Rahu on his UL (Upapada Lagna), occupying the sign of Caner. For details of this combination, one may look into And, 7th house and 7th lord Mars are aspected by Karaka of multiplicity Jupiter. Also, 11th lord (of multiplicity) occupies 7th house and conjunct 7th lord Mars. To top this, the 7th house in his navamsha chart (D9) has Jupiter, the karaka for multiplicity! Hence, there is a very strong indication of multiple marriages for him. Also, presence of Sun in the 7th house is said to be detrimental to married life. That could be the reason for three broken marriages. He had his first child during 1919, which was born with deformity and died just three days after birth. This was during Sat-Sun period. In his Saptamsha chart (D7), first child can be seen from Taurus (5th from Saptamsha lagna). D7 Taurus has both Saturn, Sun and they are afflicted by debilitated Rahu and Ketu! As his 5th house co-lord Rahu is in the nakshatra of karaka for multiplicity, Jupiter and occupies a mutable sign, he had as many as ten more children later, of them eight from his last wife alone! In 1953, he bought an 18th century mansion in Switzerland overlooking the Lake Geneva. This was during his Ven-Ven period. Venus is in own nakshatra and closely conjunct Mars (karaka for landed property). Mars disposits Venus in Rasi and Venus disposits Mars in the constellation. Hence, there is a very close sambandha between Venus and Mars. This Mars, Venus conjunction is closely aspected by yogakaraka Saturn who is also the lord of 4th house (landed property). And, Saturn is in the nakshatra of 12 lord (foreign land) Mercury.

He died peacefully in his sleep around 4:00 am in the morning on December 25, 1977, at the age of 88 years. This date corresponds to vimshottari dasha period of Sun-Ven. Both Sun and Venus occupy the marakasthana, the 7th house. Venus is also the 8th lord of longevity. Most importantly, Venus is the lord of 64th navamsha and Sun occupies the 64th navamsha. It is well known that the planet associated with 64th navamsha plays an important role in the longevity of the native.

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