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Auto Correct
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management


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2 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct


Customers can run the Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct diagnostic test to view and correct
employment-related data corruptions for which no decision-related input is needed.


What data corruption does this diagnostic test deal with?

This diagnostic test can be used to view and resolve employment-related data corruptions for which no decision-related input is
needed from the user.

The diagnostic test currently covers these types of data corruption:

Type Number Type of Corruption Corruption Description

1 Assignments with ID flexfield number Assignments having the People Group ID

issues populated must have the same ID flexfield
number as the corresponding row in the
People Group table. If the People Group
ID isn’t populated, then the ID flexfield
number must match the People Group
flexfield structure set at the legal
employer level. If nothing is set at the
legal employer level, then the ID flexfield
number must match the People Group
flexfield structure set at the enterprise
level. If this isn’t the case, then its data

2 Assignment Business Unit not in The Business Unit ID of assignments and

synchronization with work terms their corresponding work term rows must
match. If this isn’t the case, then its data

3 Assignments with ID flexfield number not Assignments having the People Group ID
available in the PER_PEOPLE_GROUPS populated must have the same ID flexfield
table number as the corresponding row in the
People Group table. If the ID flexfield
number in the assignment table is
something else, then its data corruption.

4 Terminated workers with supervisor Terminated workers must not have a

records supervisor assigned to them after
termination. If this is the case, then its
data corruption.

5 Set of Books ID is null If a worker has an expense account, then

the worker’s Set of Books ID can’t be null.
If this is the case, then its data corruption.

3 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

6 Work term records incorrectly populated Work term rows can’t be populated with
for two tier employment model attributes, such as job, location, position
and department if the legal employer is
using a two tier employment model. If this
isn’t the case, then its data corruption.

7 Mismatch in status between the The status of assignments and their

assignment and work term corresponding work term rows must
match. If this isn’t the case, then its data

8 Incorrect assignment freeze dates The Freeze Start Date and Freeze Until
Date determine the period of time for
which an assignment record is frozen.
You can’t take any action for frozen
records. Typically, the Freeze Start Date
must be set to 31-DEC-4712 and Freeze
Until Date to 01-JAN-0001 so that
effectively the assignment record is never

9 Out of synchronization primary flags Primary flag corruptions that can be

resolved without any input from the user
are covered in this category.

10 Assignments with invalid Action The Action Occurrence ID of every

Occurrence ID assignment row must have a
corresponding entry in the Action
Occurrences table. If this isn’t the case,
then its data corruption.

11 Person Type ID not in synchronization The Person Type ID must be in

with System Person Type ID synchronization with the System Person
Type ID. If this isn’t the case, then its data
corruption. This corruption can take
different forms, therefore, there are three
parts to handle the different cases.

12 Contract end date before End of Time For assignments having contracts, the
(EOT) logical end date of a contract row must be
EOT (31-DEC-4712). If this isn’t the case,
then its data corruption.

13 Working hour pattern record not starting The Working Hour Patterns row needs to
on assignment start date start from the same date that its
assignment starts from. If this isn’t the
case, then its data corruption.

4 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

14 Assignments with incorrect Default Code The Default Code Combination ID of an
Combination ID assignment must have a matching entry
in the Code Combinations table. If this
isn’t the case, then its data corruption and
that ID must be removed from the
assignment row.

15 Assignment type not in synchronization The assignment type must be in

with period type synchronization with the period type of
the work relationships that the
assignments belong to. If this isn’t the
case, then its data corruption.

16 EMP_CWK_ASG_ID not populated for When a pending worker is converted to

already processed offers an employee or contingent worker
through offers, then the
EMP_CWK_ASG_ID column must be
populated. This column must be
populated with the Assignment ID of the
employee or contingent worker in the

If this is not the case, then it is data

corruption. The offer state will remain in
Processing state even after these actions:

 Successful completion of the

conversion of the pending
worker to an employee or
contingent worker.
 Running of the Complete
Recruiting Process ESS job.

17 Projected start date is not null for worker The projected start date must be null for
types except pending worker all worker types except pending workers
and offers. If this is not the case, then it is
a data corruption.

18 Incorrect system person type for person A worker not having any work relationship
with canceled work relationship and assignment data and having person
related data, must have
CANCELED_HIRE as a row in the
table. If this is not the case, then it is a
data corruption.

19 The period of service ID of a contract is The period of service ID of a contract

not synchronized with its work term must be synchronized with its work term.
If this is not the case, then it is a data

Note: There may be more corruption types added to this diagnostic test in the future.

5 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

What are the input parameters required for this diagnostic test?

The input parameters are person number, run mode, and type.

Person number: This parameter specifies the person number for which the diagnostic test is run to detect any corruptions. The user
can enter a single person number (for example: 123), a comma-separated list of person numbers (for example: 123,456,789), or keep
the parameter blank. If left blank, the diagnostic test will be run for the entire population.

Run mode: The three options for this parameter are Report, Validate, and Commit. If the diagnostic test is run in Report mode, the test
will generate a report of the corruptions that are detected. If the diagnostic test is run in Validate mode, the test will correct all the
corruptions that were found in the Report mode. The changes made by the diagnostic test will be rolled back at the end instead of
being committed to the database. If the diagnostic test is run in Commit mode, the test will correct all the corruptions that were found in
the Report mode. The changes made by the diagnostic test will be committed to the database.

Type: This parameter specifies the corruption type for which the diagnostic test will run. The user can enter a single corruption type, or
a comma separated list of corruption types. The different corruption types (for example, 1, 2, 3, and so on) and their corresponding
details are listed in the table in the previous FAQ.

What is the output of this diagnostic test?

If the diagnostic test is run in Report mode, the test will generate a report displaying the affected record count for each corruption,
along with a description of each corruption.

If the diagnostic test is run in Validate mode, the test will correct all the corruptions found in the Report mode. Additionally, the test will
generate relevant messages related to the modifications made to the data. However, the changes will be rolled back in the end.

If the diagnostic test is run in Commit mode, the behavior will be similar to the Validate mode. However, the changes will be committed
to the database at the end instead of being rolled back.

Does running this diagnostic test lead to any changes in data?

If the diagnostic test is run in Report mode, it will not lead to any change in the data.

If the diagnostic test is run in Validate or Commit mode, it will lead to changes where the corrupt data is present. However, the
changes will be rolled back in the end for the Validate mode.

Before any modification is done to the existing data, it will be saved to the PER_DIAG_BKP_ROWS backup table so that the original
data is not lost.

The user should first run the diagnostic test in Validate mode to verify the data changes and make sure the changes were as per
expectations (this can be verified from the messages generated by the diagnostic test). After verifying that the data changes were the
intended modifications, the user can run the diagnostic test in Commit mode with the other parameters unchanged.

How to check whether the corruptions are corrected after this test was run?

Firstly, the user must check the messages generated by the diagnostic test to confirm whether the changes have been successfully
completed. The user can then run this same diagnostic test in Report mode for the persons for whom the changes were made. If the
changes were made successfully, the relevant corruptions will be removed for the persons, and will reflect in the corruption count.


1. Click the user name in the global header region, and then click Run Diagnostics Tests from the Settings and Actions menu.

6 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

2. The Diagnostic Dashboard page is displayed.

3. Search for the Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct test in the Search for Tests section. From the search result, select the
check box and click Add to Run. This will add the test to the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section on the right

7 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

4. Add input parameters if needed by clicking the icon under the Input Status column in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply
Inputs section. A dialog box is displayed that allows you to enter the input values.

5. Enter a run name in the Run Name box, and then click Run. The run name is not mandatory, but is helpful for tracking.

8 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

6. Continue refreshing the Diagnostic Test Run Status table until your test completes. The Completed status is displayed under
the Execution Status column of the table.

7. Click the icon under the Report column in the Diagnostic Test Run Status table. A page is displayed that contains the meta
details of the test that was run.

9 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

8. Click the link under the Execution ID column of the table in the Executions area. This will load the execution output of the
test. The following screenshot displays a part of this output.

9. You can skip the meta details of the test that was run and directly access the actual diagnostic test output. To do this, expand
the test you ran in the Diagnostic Test Run Status table. Then, click the icon under the Report column of the actual diagnostic
test itself.

10 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

The following screenshots display a sample report when this diagnostic test is run in Validate mode.

11 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

12 TECHNICAL BRIEF / Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct

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Diagnostic Test: Employment Diagnostic Auto Correct
March 2020
Author: Aaditya Gogia

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