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SURYA ANDINI 2019310439

NURLATIFA 2019310437

MUH. AKSAN 2020310441







Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace
on the writer for completing the assignment of an English paper entitled "Type of language
testing" at the time that has been calculated.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Mam Maya
Masita, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a lecturer in the Language Examination course. In compiling this
paper, the authors did face many challenges and obstacles, but with good cooperation, these
obstacles can be overcome. The author would also like to thank profusely to friends for their
cooperation. The author realizes that this English paper is not perfect in its structure and
content. So the writer hopes that the criticism from the readers can help the writer in
perfecting the paper. Hopefully this paper can help readers to increase their knowledge about
Language Tests.

Bulukumba, 27 November 2022



PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................ 3
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 3
Types Of Language Testing .................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................ 12
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 12
REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 13



A. Background
Education is a necessity that cannot be separated from everyday life. Each
person must have tried to get a good education in the formal and non-formal
institutions. Success or failure of a school is often measured by the results of the
assessment at the end of the learning process, although it is not the sole determinant
tool an education, but it is still used in the world of education.
In education there are a variety of disciplines, including lessons learned. Lessons
include the four skills namely listening, speaking, writing and reading. All it should
also be tested to determine the ability of the already gained during the study through a
test or exam.
Someone language skills to determine whether or not he is in communication
with the people around him. Mastery of language is not only the mother tongue or
regional language but more important is the mastery of a foreign language, in this
case English as a second language. Language skills a person can be tested with a so
called tests of language or language testing, well testing or language or language
Questions about the tests to be tested can be made by teachers themselves or
others. Not all teachers understand about the creation of good, quality matter made or
things that need to be tested. Many people do not know how to test the quality of
questions that tested or will be tested. It is also not free from their ignorance of what
is language testing or language tests. Language testing needs to be known because it
would provide the basis for language testing.
Language testing is the practice and study of Evaluating the proficiency of an
individual in a particular language using Effectively. This evaluation to measure
whether students can use the language they have learned to fluently both in speaking,
listening, writing, and reading. This is also used as a gauge whether students can
receive lessons or material submitted by the teachers well. For this time, we as the
first group will only discuss type of Language Testing.
B. Formulation of the problem

There are some problems that will be answered in these papers :
a. What are the types of Language Testing?
C. Puepose
There are some purpose that will be answered in these papers :
a. To know and understand what are the types of Language Testing?



Types Of Language Testing

The following are the types of Language Testing :
1) Aptitude Test
Aptitude tests are usually used to determine a person's skills or tendencies to
be successful in carrying out certain activities. This test will assume that an individual
has strengths in area A and weaknesses in area B. That way, naturally they can
experience success or failure in that area.
• Understanding Aptitude Tests
➢ Can they be placed there?
In addition, at work aptitude tests can also be carried out for
prospective new employees. By taking the test, the company will get
an idea of whether the job seeker is suitable to work in that company or
not. Whether his ability will be useful for the company or not. That
way, the employee recruitment process can be more helpful.
➢ Can Aptitude Tests Be Done Individually?
Indeed, usually the aptitude test is carried out by the institution
and is carried out jointly. For example, at school, college, or
workplace. But actually this test can also be done individually. For
example, high school students who are still confused about what major
to take for college. In order to be more sure what their expertise is and
what majors are suitable, they can take this test first.
Or for job seekers who have graduated from college but are still
unsure what job to look for. They can take an individual aptitude test to
find out which career best suits their skills and interests. That way,
they are more likely to get college majors and suitable types of careers.
➢ Why Should You Take an Aptitude Test?
Aptitude tests are a good way to find out a person's skills.
Where are they strong and where are they weak? That way, we can get
majors or jobs that match our interests and expertise. So you could say
with this aptitude test it's not a waste of time choosing the wrong field.

For example, we majored in foreign languages in college. In
fact, our expertise is in the field of law. Finally after a while it felt that
it was not suitable for the major and had to move to the law
department. Time is wasted. In fact, if you take the aptitude test from
the start, you will know which major is right for you.
Work can also be used during the promotion period. To find out
who is suitable to fill a certain position, an aptitude test is needed. That
way, HRD will choose the right people for their respective positions.
Not only to recruit new employees or carry out promotions. At work,
an aptitude test is also conducted to determine the employee's
communication style. So superiors can know how to communicate
properly to each employee so that it is better understood. That way,
what the boss wants can be conveyed and done properly.
• Types of Aptitude Tests
There are basically 2 types of aptitude tests. Namely tests conducted at the
educational level and tests conducted at work. The following is a more
complete explanation.
1. Educational Aptitude Test
Several educational institutions have started to conduct aptitude
tests on their students since they were at the elementary school level.
Aptitude tests can be done in conjunction with intelligence tests and
other types of tests. Educational institutions do this to know for sure
the expertise of each student. So since childhood, educators together
with parents can guide children to develop their skills.
The results of the aptitude test at school do not always need to
be obeyed. But at least it can be the basis for supervising teachers to
direct students towards careers that are suitable for them in the future.
The results will be even better if the supervising teacher can work
closely with the parents of the students and the parents also support the
child's expertise.
2. Career Aptitude Test
Several companies use the aptitude test as a way to recruit new
employees. This kind of test will really help HRD to find out the

strengths and weaknesses of each job applicant. HRD can more easily
determine whether the applicant is suitable for their company or not.
The Aptitude Test in the world of work can also be used during
the promotion period. To find out who is suitable to fill a certain
position, an aptitude test is needed. That way, HRD will choose the
right people for their respective positions.
Not only to recruit new employees or carry out promotions. At
work, an aptitude test is also conducted to determine the employee's
communication style. So superiors can know how to communicate
properly to each employee so that it is better understood. That way,
what the boss wants can be conveyed and done properly.
2) Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic tests are aimed at diagnosing the state of a person's abilities in a
certain area — in this case, their language abilities. In contrast to achievement and
proficiency tests, diagnostic tests are typically given at the start of a language learning
course or program.
On a diagnostic test, most test-takers encounter questions or tasks that are
outside the scope of their abilities and the material they're familiar with. The results of
the test reveal the strengths and weaknesses in one's language abilities. Having a
student's diagnostic test results can help teachers formulate lesson plans that fill the
gaps in the student's current capabilities. Students can also use diagnostic tests to
determine which areas they need to work on in order to reach a higher level of
Diagnostic tests are variety of procedures done by physicians to screen for,
detect and monitor diseases and conditions. It is used to gather clinical information
necessary for making a diagnosis.
Diagnostic tests help to tell the teacher (and the student) how much they know
and don't know about an upcoming topic. This helps to inform the teacher's lesson
planning, learning objectives, and identify areas that may need more or less time spent
Diagnostic test is a form of pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine
students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction.
It is primarily used to diagnose students' difficulties and to guide lesson and
curriculum planning.
3) Placement Test
Placement tests share some similarities with diagnostic tests. They are used for
educational purposes and are administered before a course or program of study
begins. In this case, the application is a bit different. Educators and administrators use
placement tests to group language learners into classes or study groups according to
their ability levels.
A university may give a placement test to determine whether a new French
major needs to take introductory French courses or skip over some courses and begin
with more advanced classes. Placement tests are also an important type of test in
English language teaching at the university level, since international students typically
come in with different English-learning backgrounds and proficiency levels
a) English Placement Test Objectives
The English placement test is one stage where you will take an
English test before joining the class in a course. In addition to the
Course Institute, usually the placement test is also part of the test for
special English schools.The implementation of this test is none other
than to ensure that you are in a place, class, and learning level
according to your abilities. From this class you will get material
according to your deficiencies to improve your English speaking skills.
b) English Placement Test function
1. Measuring Ability or Level
This test usually takes place at various English language
course institutions and this test takes place before class starts.
The goal is so that you can find out the right grade level to
study.By knowing the level of English proficiency, you can
join classes according to ability. If you are still at the beginner
level, then you will not get material that is as complex as at the
advanced level.If from the test you are also able to master some
of the material so that you are at the Advanced level, then you
don't need to learn basic English as in the beginner class.
2. Mastering English is easier
The placement test in an English course is also very
important because once you know the appropriate class level it
will make it easier for you to master the material. A
comfortable learning process and appropriate learning methods
are also very important because it will speed up English
mastery.Because you are in the right class, you can master
English more quickly and can be more effective in using the
language according to your learning goals. That is why the
placement test in learning English is important because it can
affect efforts to learn the language.
c) The Importance of Placement Tests in English Courses
As you know, the placement test is a test so that you can be at a
level or class according to your abilities. From the results of these tests,
Course Institutions can group or map students at the same level so that
the teaching and learning process can run more smoothly.This test
helps determine the extent of knowledge you have regarding English.
So that this ability only needs to be developed effectively. If the
abilities you have are far above the other students at the basic level,
then you cannot develop your abilities and are only wasting money and
The English placement test is also important because it avoids
the class becoming heterogeneous which can actually make it difficult
for the teacher because there is domination of the smartest students.
For example, when you take a TOEFL preparation class, the test is
selective, that is, if the score does not meet the level 1 cut-off standard,
then you can take part in the English for Adults program first.
This is important because if you immediately enter the TOEFL
preparation class without a placement test it will make it difficult for
you because you don't have adequate skills. So that the impact can
affect the ability to do the TOEFL test.This also happens if you want to
take an IELTS preparation class, where in the placement test you must
achieve a minimum score of 4 out of a maximum of 9 so that you can
be said to be ready to absorb various IELTS subject matter.
4) Achievement Test
An Achievement test is an assessment of developed knowledge or skill.The
achievement tests that most people are familiar with are the standard exams taken by
every student in school. Students are regularly expected to demonstrate their learning
and proficiency in a variety of subjects. In most cases, certain scores on these
achievement tests are needed in order to pass a class or continue on to the next grade
• Type of Achievement Test
There are five types of achievement tests: diagnostic tests, prognostic
tests, accuracy tests, power tests, and speed tests.

➢ Diagnostic test

A diagnostic test is an assessment test designed to serve

as a pre-test. It is administered at the start of a topic. Also used
to garner data to determine the students’ or participants’ level
of knowledge of a subject, it is usually a written assessment in
the form of multiple-choice or short-answer tests.The aim is to
find out what the student or participant knows at the moment. A
diagnostic achievement test allows the examiner and the
participant to monitor their teaching approach and learning

➢ Prognostic test

The prognostic test is a means to predict the future. This

test combines the knowledge obtained from the test performed
on the learning process and other tests performed on learning
achievements before trying to diagnose the future of a
participant or student.

➢ Accuracy test

An accuracy test measures the degree of closeness

between the result that was gotten from a text when it is
compared to the standard. It refers to the quality of the results
even when the test is repeated. A test can be accurate if, in
reproducibility, the results are close to the standard.

➢ Power test

A power test is a testing tool comprising many items
that when applied, has no time limit. This means that in an
achievement test, a participant or student has unlimited time to
respond to the questions. So this will allow them attempt all the
questions in the test. The final score of the student or
participant is analyzed and interpreted to mean the number of
questions that the students answered correctly.The difference in
the results obtained from the student is interpreted as each
students’ ability to respond to the test and not to the time it took
a student to understand the question or answer it.The student’s
level of knowledge about a subject is measured under little to
zero pressure. This is because they are given ample time to
answer the test.

➢ Speed test

Unlike the power test, a speed test is created for the

student to respond to, in a limited time. In this test, however,
the questions are simple and they are intended to be answered
in sequence. For example from the first question to the last one
because of the limited time allocated to this test. If the
difficulty level of the test keeps increasing, then none of the
students might be able to complete the questions, unlike the
power test where students are given enough time.The aim of
the speed test is to measure how quickly a student can complete
a question within a limited time. It measures a student’s ability
to quickly process information and give an accurate response.

• When Are Achievement Tests Used?

Achievement tests are often used in educational and training
settings. In schools, for example, achievements tests are frequently
used to determine the level of education for which students might be
prepared. Students might take such a test to determine if they are ready
to enter into a particular grade level or if they are ready to pass of a

particular subject or grade level and move on to the next. Standardized
achievement tests are also used extensively in educational settings to
determine if students have met specific learning goals. Each grade
level has certain educational expectations, and testing is used to
determine if schools, teachers, and students are meeting those
standards. So how exactly are achievement tests created? In many
instances, subject matter experts help determine what content standards
should exist for a certain subject. These standard represent the things
that an individual at a certain skill or grade level should know about a
particular subject. Test designers can then use this information to
develop exams that accurately reflect the most important things that a
person should know about that topic.
5) Proficiency Test
Proficiency tests are based on a specification of what candidates have to able
to do in the language on order to be considered "Proficiency" regardless of any
training they mau have had in that language
English proficiency serves as a crucial tool for studying or working in a foreign
country. These tests are designed to assess the person’s ability to understand, speak
and construct comprehensive and understandable thoughts through the English
language. The most popular and widely accepted options for English Proficiency tests
are TOEFL and IELTS.
• Types of Profiency Tesst
IELTS stands for “International English Language
Testing System”. There are two types of IELTS: Academic
IELTS and General IELTS. Academic IELTS is particularly
popular among those who want to study in any foreign country.
While General IELTS is more suitable for those who want to
immigrate to any other country or want to work in a foreign
country. Most multinational companies use proficiency tests
like IELTS and TOEFL to access the language capability of
IELTS test is available in two modes: a Pen Paper test
and an Internet-based test. Chiefly it depends on the choice of
the person appearing for the test so you are free to choose any
mode of exam. The result timings differ for both tests. Pen
Paper test results usually take 13 to 14 days. While the results
of the Internet-Based test are released within 5 days.
TOEFL stands for “Test of English as a Foreign
language”. It is another popular choice for people wanting to
study or work in a foreign country. Similar to IELTS, TOEFL
also tests primary skills like speaking, listening, writing, and
reading skills. There is an age limit concept in TOEFL. One
should be at least 17 years old or a student of class 11 or
equivalent to appear on the test. The major point to consider
while talking about TOEFL and IELTS is that TOEFL is only
available in one mode i.e. Internet-based test.
➢ Cambridge Advanced Exam (CAE)
The Cambridge Advanced Exam is an English
Proficiency Test for more advanced English speakers. The
CAE has four sections – reading and use of English, listening,
writing and speaking. Unlike many other IELTS alternatives,
Cambridge Advanced Exams are graded on a pass or fail
system. To pass this exam, you need to score at least 60% in
the examination, 40% for the reading section and the other 3
sections total 20%.
➢ Pearson Test of English (PTE)
The PTE is a computer-based English Proficiency Test
that assesses a candidate’s English proficiency based on real-
life English. The test is conducted in three sections – speaking
and writing, reading and listening. The PTE is globally
recognized and can be used for international study and
migration purposes. PTE test takes a maximum of 3 hours to be
completed and can be scheduled up to 24 hours in advance.



To conclude, testing has a very complex and multidimensional nature and a variety of
objectives in every case. In order to design a valid and transferable test an educator is to have
a range of professional competencies and have the knowledge of pedagogy. Besides, the
planning and design of a test depend on its purpose and the content of knowledge that is
being evaluated.

Moreover, testing is equally important for students and teachers. The latter need
testing to identify the challenges of the program for the learners and adjust it where

The purpose of testing is to provide motivation though timely and accurate feedback
and keep the learners challenged and interested in improvement. Testing is designed to
motivate learning experiences, but not cause anxieties and low self-esteem for the learners.
This is why, designing a test a teacher is approach this process professionally and carefully




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