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Optimization and Kinetic Modeling of Honey

Fermentation for Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Mead

Marta Cuenca, Amaury Blanco, Marta Quicazán & Carlos Zuluaga-


To cite this article: Marta Cuenca, Amaury Blanco, Marta Quicazán & Carlos Zuluaga-
Domínguez (2021): Optimization and Kinetic Modeling of Honey Fermentation for Laboratory
and Pilot-Scale Mead Production, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, DOI:

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Published online: 14 Sep 2021.

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Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists

Optimization and Kinetic Modeling of Honey Fermentation for Laboratory

and Pilot-Scale Mead Production
Marta Cuencaa, Amaury Blancob, Marta Quicazánb and Carlos Zuluaga-Domínguezc
Facultad de Ingeniería – Programa de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia; bInstituto de Ciencia y
Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá DC, Colombia; cFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias – Departamento de
Desarrollo rural y Agroalimentario, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá DC, Colombia

Honey is usually employed for the elaboration of mead, an alcoholic beverage obtained through Assimilable nitrogen; bee-pollen;
fermentation with yeast. However, its production in many places is incipient and still has such honey-must; mead;
drawbacks as long process times, undesired fermentation, and sensory quality problems. In this Saccharomyces cerevisiae
research, a three-level factorial design was used to evaluate the effect of the initial honey
monosaccharide concentration (glucose and fructose) and yeast assimilable nitrogen content on
the alcoholic fermentation yield at a laboratory scale. Fermentation tests were conducted at 25 °C
for 20 days using Saccharomyces cerevisiae subsp. bayanus and bee-pollen as a nutrient source.
Residual sugars, assimilable nitrogen, glycerol, ethanol, and ethanol/sugar yield were calculated.
Optimization by Response Surface Methodology showed that maximal predicted yield (46.1%)
was obtained when sugar concentration and yeast assimilable nitrogen levels were 22% and
123 mg/L, respectively. Once the best conditions were determined, pilot-scale fermentations were
performed, and then, logistic and Gompertz models were adjusted. The results were consistent
with the results found on the laboratory scale, which suggest fermentable sugars and yeast
assimilable nitrogen content can vary between 21 to 25% and 120 to 150 mg/L, respectively, to
obtain a physical, chemical, and sensory acceptable beverage.

Introduction risk of delayed or arrested processes,[6] and improving the

sensory characteristics of mead.[7] Several studies have men-
Mead is a traditional alcoholic product, with 8 to 18%v/v tioned nitrogen additions such as ammonium salts, vita-
of ethanol, obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of
mins, amino acids, and commercial nutritive mixes to
diluted honey using Saccharomyces cerevisiae.[1] This bev-
optimize honey must composition.[7,8] In winemaking, a
erage is important for beekeepers since it is considered a
minimum YAN concentration is recommended to avoid
potential alternative for adding value to honey and gener-
problems during fermentation, and it can vary between 120
ating economic development and competitiveness. However,
to 150 mg/L.[9] It has also been demonstrated that bee-pollen,
in most countries, production volumes are very low and
the main source of proteins, amino acids, lipids, minerals,
its production still shows some drawbacks as long or
and vitamins for bees, improves fermentation kinetics, and
incomplete fermentations, unreached appropriate ethanol
content, and sensory quality problems, mainly due to high sensory properties when it is used as a nitrogen and nutri-
osmotic stress and/or deficient nitrogen content in the ent supplement in honey alcoholic fermentations.[10]
honey-must.[2] The optimization of both variables, sugar and YAN con-
Honey is a natural raw material with a high sugar (glu- tent, represents a critical stage in mead production.
cose and fructose) concentration, but it lacks other nutri- Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is one of the most
ents, such as nitrogen,[3] essential for yeast growth during common tools for optimization because it does not only
alcoholic fermentation. Carbohydrates are the most import- consider interactions between multiple factors but also
ant nutrient for the growth and metabolism of yeast cells requires fewer experimental tests. RSM has been used for
since they are the main source of structural carbon and modeling and optimization of alcoholic fermentation pro-
energy. Yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) includes ammo- cesses [11,12] including honey fermentation. [13] This work
nium ions, α-amino acids (except proline), some proteins, aimed to optimize the initial content of sugar and YAN of
small peptides, and nucleic acids.[4] YAN availability has honey-must to shorten the time for complete fermentation
shown to be related to an increase in fermentation rate and to maximize the ethanol/sugar yield. Optimization was
and the production of volatile compounds responsible for performed at the laboratory scale and then applied at pilot
odors and aromas,[5] reducing fermentation length and the scale production.

CONTACT Carlos Zuluaga-Domínguez

Supplemental data for this article is available online at
© 2021 American Society of Brewing Chemists, Inc.

Experimental Factorial design for micro-fermentation assay (0.2 L)

Materials The effect of the initial concentration of sugars (glucose
and fructose) and YAN was evaluated according to a com-
Multifloral honey from Apis mellifera bees from the munic- plete factorial design 32. The factors and levels evaluated
ipality of Rivera (Huila, Colombia, 2°46’42” N 75°14’35” W) were the content of fermentable sugars (22, 27, and 32%
and dry bee-pollen from the municipality of Viracachá w/w) and YAN (65, 130, and 195 mg/L, corresponding to
(Boyacá, Colombia, 5°26’04” N 73°17’53” W) were used. 2.3, 4.6 and 7.0% w/w of pollen). Every treatment was pre-
Both products were stored at 4 °C for a period not exceeding pared by diluting with drinking water the amounts of honey
six months. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae subsp. and bee pollen as required for the experimental design. The
bayanus (Uvaferm BC®, Lallemand Inc, Canada) was selected initial pH of the fermentation media, which ranged between
and kept in its original sealed packaging at 4 °C until use. 4.2–4.3, was not adjusted as recommended by Hernández
et  al.[15] The mead was pasteurized at 65 °C for 20 min,
quickly cooled in a cold-water bath and then inoculated
Characterization of honey and bee pollen with a yeast culture suspension prepared as explained later.
Honey was characterized according to the content of total The treatment samples were incubated at 25 °C for 20 days.
soluble solids, pH and free acidity, ash, and moisture, All tests were carried out in triplicate.
according to AOAC methodologies. Bee-pollen was charac-
terized by measuring the moisture content, pH, acidity, total
protein, assimilable nitrogen, lipids, and ash, based on bib-
Laboratory scale fermentations (3 L)
liographic reports and AOAC methodologies. Methods are In this phase, the monitoring of the alcoholic fermentation
further described in the supplementary material. of honey was carried out in triplicate under optimal con-
ditions for the initial concentration of sugars (glucose and
fructose) and YAN as determined previously. The reactor
Determination of yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) consisted of 316 stainless steel with a stirring system and
content a Rushton turbine impeller with four flat blades, deflectors,
connections for sampling and gas exhaust, a thermocouple
YAN was measured based on the Sorensen formaldehyde well, heating blanket, and glass electrode for pH measure-
titration method, as described by Baroň.[14] Briefly, 50 mL ments. During the alcoholic fermentation, samples were
of sample was placed into a Falcon tube and the pH was taken periodically for 11 days and the monitoring and char-
adjusted to a value of 8.0 by adding 1 N sodium hydroxide. acterization of mead was performed as explained later.
Then, 10 mL of neutralized formaldehyde (pH = 8.0) was
added. The sample was shaken and after one min it was
titrated with 0.0862 N sodium hydroxide to reach a stable Fermentation at pilot-scale batches (100 L)
pH value around 8.0. The volume of sodium hydroxide
required was recorded and the content of YAN was calcu- The third phase of experimentation was carried out in a
lated as indicated in Equation 1. pilot plant, using a kettle with a thermal jacket, gas heating
and an electric stirring systems, and a Rushton impeller
 mg N  vol NaOH ( mL ) *0.0862 N*14*1000 with four flat blades, a conical bottom fermenter, and two
YAN  = storage tanks. All equipment was 316 stainless steel.
 L  sample vol (mL) Pasteurization was carried out at 65 °C for 20 min and cooled
by circulating cold water through the jacket of the kettle
until it reached 25 °C. Alcoholic fermentation was performed
at room conditions (temperature: 18–28 °C, average relative
Inoculum preparation and yeast cells count
humidity: 66%), and it was periodically monitored for
In all assays, inoculums were prepared according to man- 14 days, with sampling every 24 h. The fermentation was
ufacturer directions: briefly, 0.4 g/L of lyophilized yeast was performed in triplicate.
fully dissolved and hydrated in enriched pasteurized honey
must at 37–40 °C under gentle agitation.
The monitoring of cell growth during the alcoholic fer- Monitoring and characterization of mead
mentation was conducted by counting colony-forming units The content of total soluble solids was measured by refrac-
by an immersion plate method. For the initial yeast count, tometry according to the OIV-MA-AS2-02 method. The pH
0.4 g/L of lyophilized yeast was suspended in 50 mL of sterile was monitored by potentiometry according to the
water at 39 °C for 20 min with gentle shaking. Successive OIV-MA-AS313-15 method and volatile acidity (g acetic
dilutions of the inoculum or honey-must sample (10−1 to acid/L) was determined according to the OIV-MA-AS313-02
10−10) in peptone water (NaCl 0.85%, peptone 0.1%) were method (Organization Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin,
performed. One mL of each dilution was spread onto YPD 2015). The determination of glucose, fructose, glycerol, and
agar media and incubated at 25 °C for 7 days in duplicates. ethanol was performed according to the AOAC 977.20 and
The inoculum yeast count was 1.6 × 106 CFU/mL. AOAC 979.23 (2012) using a high-performance liquid
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 3

chromatograph (Jasco Inc., Japan) equipped with a PU-2031 In the four-parameter logistic model (Equation 6), A1 is
pump, CO-2065 oven, RI-2031 PLUS refractive index detec- the value of y when x approaches zero, and A2 is the value
tor, and a 10 µm Sugar-Pak I column, 6.5 mm x 300 mm of y when x approaches infinity.
(Waters Inc., USA). The assimilable nitrogen content was
determined by the Sorensen method, as described by A1 − A2
Baroň.[14] Sensory analysis of the final mead was also carried y = + A2
out (see Supplementary Material). p
x 
1+ 

Statistical analysis and mathematical modeling d  (6)

Response surface methodology (RSM) was used as a tool Statistical analysis was performed using SAS® 9.4 TS Level
to optimize the conditions for mead production. The depen- 1M1 software (SAS Inc., USA) by validating the assumptions
dent variable was ethanol/sugars yield Ye/s calculated with of normality and homoscedasticity through the Bartlett and
Equation 2, as an indicator of the effectiveness of sugar Levene tests, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) of several
conversion to ethanol. factors, and a multiple comparison test of the treatments
using the Tukey test. All statistical tests were performed
xE with a significance level of 5%. The modeling of the kinetic
Ye /s = data and the validation of their significance was performed
∆x S using the OriginPro 2017 software (OriginLab, USA).

Where XE is the final ethanol concentration in g/L and

Results and discussion
ΔXS is the total sugar (glucose and fructose) consumption.
Meanwhile, the kinetic modeling was carried out using Characterization of honey and bee-pollen
Gompertz and logistic models. The Gompertz equation con-
sists of a double exponential function with three fitting The honey had adequate physicochemical conditions that
parameters describing an asymmetric sigmoidal curve allowed its use as raw material to produce mead, given its
(Equation 3). high concentration of total soluble solids, mainly glucose
and fructose. Among the results obtained for the physico-
−k (t −c ) chemical characterization of bee pollen an important frac-
−e tion of fermentable sugars (32% w/w) stands out and a
y = a *e
(3) high protein content coherent to what is reported in the
literature.[17] A ratio of YAN was found that corresponds
Where a is the maximum potential value of the response to 6% of the total nitrogen content present in bee-pollen.
variable y when the independent variable t tends to infinity, The complete composition of honey and bee-pollen used
c is the inflection point of the curve, and k is a factor in the study is found in the supplementary material.
strictly related to the slope of the curve. On the other hand,
the logistic model has a generalized form as presented in
Equation 4.[16] Micro-fermentation assay (0.2 L)
In all of the tests carried out at concentrations of 22% and
dX  X  27% sugars (fructose/glucose of 1.1), the consumption of
= µmax X  1 −  these was total (see Table 1). The best treatments were found

dt  X max  (4) at the lowest level of initial sugar concentration due to
higher yields. The opposite happened with the tests at 32%
Where X is the biomass concentration at time t, μmax is sugar content, which presented a residual sugar content that
the maximum specific growth rate, and Xmax is the maxi- represented 12% of the initial sugar content, mainly fructose,
mum cell concentration. and high fructose/glucose ratios ranging between 5.4–8.6,
In addition, the three and four-parameter logistic regression which indicated a preference for glucose uptake under con-
models were employed. In the three-parameter logistic model ditions of high sugar content. This situation is undesirable
(Equation 5), x is the independent variable, y is the response in the production of mead as it increases the risk of con-
variable, A is the maximum value of the response variable, tamination of the mead and/or re-fermentation in the bottle,
d is the inflection point of the curve (where changes of direc- as well as altering the organoleptic profile.
tion), and p is a factor related to the slope of the curve. In general terms, the assimilable nitrogen consumption
by the yeast was low. The highest assimilable nitrogen con-
sumptions were found in the tests with the lowest initial
A concentration of sugars at the lowest YAN levels (T00 and
y =
− p ( x −d ) T01), together with the T12 test, suggesting a greater inabil-
1+e (5) ity to assimilate these compounds at higher concentrations

of substrates. These maximum values ​​were between 13–23% It was found that as the initial concentration of sugars
of the initial concentration of YAN, which correspond to in the honey-must increased, the nitrogen consumption
only 22% and 18% of the minimum level recommended in decreased, and the concentration of total residual sugars
the literature for wine production. In other treatments, the rose. This finding was related to stimulation in glycerol
assimilable nitrogen consumption was very low (tests T11 production as previously discussed. The ethanol content did
and T20) and even null (test T22). not vary markedly, again suggesting that under conditions
These results indicate an excessive supplementation of of osmotic stress, yeast cells opt for glycerol production.
assimilable nitrogen, even at the lowest level evaluated. This The response surface obtained (see Figure 1a) presented
fact may be associated with other essential compounds and a turning point for the yield for which, within the range
nutrients provided by bee-pollen and important for yeasts, of experimentation evaluated, a minimum condition was
such as minerals, amino acids, organic acids, salts, which observed towards higher values of​​ the concentration of sug-
can enhance their metabolism, implying less nitrogen con- ars and low values of
​​ the YAN content. This correlated with
sumption. It should also be noted that the nitrogen require- the yields shown in Table 1, where the tests with 27% and
ment is a characteristic that depends on the yeast strain 32% of initial sugar showed significantly lower results.
used and therefore is a parameter that must be determined On the other hand, a region was found between the
for each microorganism. In this case, this is typically a intermediate levels of the YAN content and the lower levels
strain having a low nitrogen requirement, corroborated with of the sugar concentration, in which, the yield exhibited an
the results obtained. increasing behavior until reaching a maximum within the
All meads presented high values ​​for ethanol content, experimental range examined. The contour graph (see Figure
above 11% v/v, which represents a favorable result since this 1b) showed that the highest yields for alcoholic fermentation
minimizes the risk of contamination by acetic bacteria and of honey were in the range between 20 and 24% of initial
increases the conservation time in the bottle. The highest sugars and between 100 and 140 mg/L of assimilable nitrogen
yields were obtained for the tests with the lowest level of by the yeast.
sugars for all YAN concentrations, that is, T00, T01, and A regression analysis was performed that allowed for an
T02, and significantly higher for the T01 test, which also evaluation of the model parameters for yield, including the
presented the highest alcohol content. On the contrary, linear and quadratic components of the factors with a sig-
although the consumption of sugars had been carried out nificant effect on the response variable. The model was
in total in the tests T10, T11, and T12 and high values ​​had found to be statistically significant, with an acceptable
been reached for the alcoholic degree, the conversion of the
sugars present was not efficient. This result suggests that
part of the substrate could be used for maintenance activities
or the production of secondary metabolites due to condi-
tions of osmotic stress in the fermentation honey-must (high
concentration of sugars and nitrogen, turbidity due to the
effect of adding pollen). This result was even more evident
in tests T20, T21, and T22, where the level of sugars in the
medium was higher. Similarly, it was observed that although
these meads had a high ethanol content, the production of
glycerol, a metabolite associated with conditions of osmotic
stress,[18] was significantly higher.
Glycerol is an important sensory compound in wine since
it contributes to softening sensations in the mouth and also
provides a sweet taste.[19] The glycerol content in wines
usually varies between 3–15 g/L, with an average value of Figure 1. Results for micro-fermentation assay a) Response surface
around 7 g/L.[20,21] All of the meads obtained in this phase for the influence of the initial sugar content and YAN on the yield.
presented glycerol contents within this range. b) Contour lines for the micro-fermentation of honey.

Table 1. Final concentrations of sugars (glucose and fructose), YAN, ethanol, glycerol, and yield of alcoholic fermentations for
micro-fermentation assay.
Factor levels Experimental results
Test Xsugar XYAN Sugars (g/L) YAN (mg/L) Ethanol (%) Glycerol (g/L) YE/S (g/g)
T00 22 65 0 49.8 ± 2.6i 13.2 ± 0.4bc 8.5 ± 0.4d 0.447 ± 0.014b
T01 22 130 0 108.9 ± 6.1f 15.8 ± 0.8ª 12.2 ± 0.4b 0.518 ± 0.026ª
T02 22 195 0 183.0 ± 4.8b 12.9 ± 0.1c 9.7 ± 0.4 cd 0.408 ± 0.003bc
T10 27 65 0 57.9 ± 3.9h 14.5 ± 0.3ªb 10.6 ± 0.1c 0.399 ± 0.009c
T11 27 130 0 128.2 ± 4.3d 12.9 ± 1.0c 9.3 ± 1.0 cd 0.344 ± 0.025d
T12 27 195 0 169.0 ± 3.0c 15.4 ± 0.6ª 12.2 ± 0.4b 0.400 ± 0.016c
T20 32 65 47.7 ± 4.9 63.4 ± 0.0g 14.7 ± 0.5ªb 13.7 ± 0.6ª 0.393 ± 0.011c
T21 32 130 39.9 ± 2.8 116.2 ± 2.6e 15.2 ± 0.1ª 14.3 ± 0.3ª 0.386 ± 0.003 cd
T22 32 195 39.4 ± 3.3 195.0 ± 0.0a 15.7 ± 0.4ª 14.8 ± 0.3ª 0.387 ± 0.012 cd
Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments.
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 5

adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.8973). The −6 2 2 −4 2

Ethanol = −33.82 − 3.66 × 10 x A x N + 9.50 × 10 x A x N
components of the evaluated factors (A: sugars; N: assimi-
lable nitrogen), the interactions with significant effect, the −4 2 −2 2 −3 2
+2.19 × 10 x A x N − 5.15 × 10 x A − 3.19 × 10 x N
test statistic, and the estimators of the model parameters −2 −1
are presented in Table 2. −5.70 × 10 x A x N + 3.21x A + 8.29 × 10 x N
From the results shown in Table 2, the regression model
for the yield of alcoholic fermentation (Equation 7) was
developed from the initial conditions of concentration of −6 2 2 −4 2
Glycerol = −34.15 − 3.84 × 10 x A x N + 9.98 × 10 x A x N
sugars (glucose and fructose) and nitrogen assimilated
−4 2 −2 2 −3 2
by yeast. +2.31 × 10 x A x N − 3.40 × 10 x A − 3.38 × 10 x N
−2 −1
−6.02 × 10 x A x N + 2.59x A + 8.90 × 10 x N
Ye = −3.30 × 10−1 − 1.04 × 10−7 x2A x2N (11)
+2.70 × 10−5 x2A x N + 6.34 × 10−6 x A x2N
Laboratory scale fermentations (3 L)
−9.00 × 10−4 x2A − 9.38 × 10−5 x2N
−1.65 × 10−3 x A x N + 5.23 × 10−2 x A + 2.4
44 × 10−2 x N Table 3 summarizes the final characteristics of the mead
obtained. The assimilable nitrogen consumption (59.5 mg/L)
represented 51% of the initial YAN content, more than
Where x A represents the concentration of fermentable
double the maximum found in the previous phase, suggest-
sugars (glucose and fructose, % w/w), x N represents the
ing better assimilation of the cells to the optimized condi-
concentration of YAN (mg/L), and Y (e/s) represents the
tions of the medium. It was also demonstrated that the
ethanol/sugar yield of the alcoholic fermentation (g/g).
extraction of YAN from bee-pollen in the production of
From the regression model, the optimal conditions were
mead is proportional to the alcoholic degree,[22] as well as
established for the evaluated factors that would maximize
being related to lower production of volatile acidity.[23]
the fermentation yield: initial concentration of sugars
The pH of the honey-must decreased rapidly from 4.22
(glucose and fructose): 22% w/w, initial concentration of
to 3.77, reaching its lowest value and stabilizing at around
YAN: 123 mg/L, and maximum estimated ethanol/sugar
100 h of fermentation in the bioreactor. This behavior is
yield: 0.461.
due to the production of organic acids in the first days of
Similarly, regression models were obtained to estimate
fermentation, mainly succinic and acetic, and to the low
the total residual sugar content (g/L) (Equation 8) (R2 =
buffering capacity of the honey-musts.[24] The rapid variation
0.9887), the final concentration of YAN (mg/L) (Equation
in acidity can have an antiseptic effect, helping to control
9) (R2 = 0.9934), the ethanol content (% v/v) (Equation 10)
the growth of other microorganisms, but it can also extend
(R2 = 0.8082) and the glycerol content (g/L) (Equation 11)
the lag phase of the yeast, reducing growth speed or even
(R2 = 0.9508) as a function of the initial concentrations of
causing yeast death.[25]
sugars (% w/w) and assimilable nitrogen (mg/L).
Volatile acidity, made up mainly of acetic and formic
acid, is a very important quality parameter for wines as it
Sugar content = 81.21 + 0.28 x A − 6.40 × 10 x A xN is associated with contamination by acetic bacteria and is
considered to be a sensory defect, therefore, it must be kept
−10.18 x A + 0.15 xN (8)
at low concentration levels.[26] Acetic acid can react with
ethanol to produce ethyl acetate, the most important ester
found in wines, which in low concentrations adds complex-
−5 2 2 −3 2 ity to the wine, but when it exceeds 0.15 g/L it can generate
YAN f = 51.50 + 3.71 × 10 x A x N − 6.44 × 10 x A x N − unpleasant acetone odors.[21] The mead obtained in this
−3 2 −1 2 −2 2 phase presented a very low volatile acidity (0.14 ± 0.01 g/L),
1.85 × 10 x A x N + 1.64 × 10 x A + 2.28 × 10 x N
lower than that reported by various studies and similar
−1 experimental conditions: 0.24 g/L, [27] 0.54 g/L, [8] 0.51–
+3.23 × 10 x A x N − 6.57 x A − 3.01x N
(9) 0.84 g/L,[28] and 0.56 g/L.[29] This same value was found below

Table 3.  Physicochemical characteristics of the elaborated mead

and comparison with predicted values in laboratory scale
Table 2. Estimators of the regression model parameters obtained
during the micro-fermentation assay.
Model components P-value Model estimators Parameter Experimental values values Error (%)
Intercept <0.0001 0.40937 pH 3.77 ± 0.02 –
AL <0.0001 −0.03411 YAN (mg/L) 59.5 ± 2.0 103.3 73.7
AC <0.0001 0.01396 Ethanol (%v/v) 15.1 ± 0.2 14.2 5.8
A LN C <0.0001 0.01569 Glycerol (g/L) 6.6 ± 0.6 10.1 53.4
ACNC <0.0001 −0.01094 Volatile acidity 0.14 ± 0.01 –
The letters L and C indicate the linear and quadratic components of the (g/L)
factors. Yield (g/g) 0.507 ± 0.005 0.461 9.1

the odor threshold for the detection of acetic acid in wines and nucleic acids, meanwhile, another part is stored in
− 0.2 g/L,[21] nevertheless, this defect was not observed vacuoles as cellular reserves for the synthesis of new proteins
during the sensory evaluation. The results obtained for the during the stationary growth phase.[35]
ethanol content confirmed the tolerance to high concentra- Although the adaptation and reproduction of yeast are
tions in this yeast strain. At a sensory level, a high ethanol largely influenced by the conditions of the medium, the
content negatively impacts the appreciation of the other growth obtained was similar to that reported for other mead
sensory characteristics and the general rating of the mead, production processes.[31,36] The maximum yeast cell count
as it is related to a thermal sensation in the mouth that reached in this study (2.98 × 107 ± 0.07 × 107 CFU/mL) was
can be unpleasant for the consumer, especially when body similar to the reported by Mendes-Ferreira et  al.[28] for fer-
and balance related to acidity and sweetness are uncontrolled mentations of honey must at soluble solids of 22 g/100g with
(see supplementary material). YAN concentrations between 35 and 259 mg/L. These results
Additionally, the consumption of sugars (glucose and can be compared although the initial cell count was not the
fructose) was complete, with an observation of a simulta- same (105 vs. 106 CFU/mL), taking into account what was
neous consumption of both monosaccharides, which relates reported by Pereira et  al.,[36] in which the alcoholic fermen-
to the fructophilic capacity of the yeast used. It was con- tation of honey-must at different cell concentrations showed
firmed that the alcoholic fermentation time was around minimal differences in growth kinetics, as well as no sig-
160 h, enough time for all of the sugars to be consumed nificant differences were found in the evaluated parameters.
and this was considered the endpoint of the process. In this It was observed that the values predicted by the regres-
sense, a decrease in soluble solids was
​​ observed. This result sion models presented big differences. Only the models
was much lower than the fermentation times reported by for the ethanol content and the yield of alcoholic fermen-
previous researches: 216–360 h,[15] > 216 h[30] and 192 h.[10] tation presented acceptable estimates with errors lower
These authors found that concentrations of YAN greater than 10%, therefore, it is recommended to use these regres-
than 120 mg/L, using bee-pollen in the alcoholic fermenta- sion models as tools to predict the probable ethanol con-
tion of honey-musts, produced an increase in fermentation tent based on the initial level of sugars and assimilable
speed, achieving times around 240 h and exceptionally 48 h nitrogen in the honey-must for the alcoholic fermentation
when the honey-must was supplemented with 168 mg/L of of honey at 25 °C. The ethanol/sugar yield was high and
YAN. Therefore, it is confirmed that the addition of similar to the stoichiometric value (0.511), suggesting a
bee-pollen decreased the alcoholic fermentation time of high efficiency in the transformation of sugars (glucose
honey under the conditions evaluated in this study. and fructose) into ethanol, confirmed by the high alcohol
The production of ethanol and glycerol occurred as the content obtained.
sugars were consumed, without an evident association with It was possible to obtain a model with a high degree of
the consumption of YAN. After 160 h, the ethanol and glyc- adjustment of the experimental results for cell growth, pre-
erol reached their maximum concentration. The values ​​for dicting the lag, exponential, and stationary phases of the
the ethanol content (15.1 ± 0.2% v/v) and the yield of the microorganism.
alcoholic fermentation (0.507 ± 0.005 g/g) were very similar Then, the behavior of the specific growth rate (μ/h) was
graphed as a function of the concentration of total sugars
to those obtained in the first experimental phase for the
in the fermentation honey-must (S, g/L), to which the
T01 treatment, which was carried out under a similar assim-
3-parameter logistic (3 P) (Equation 11) and Gompertz
ilable nitrogen concentration condition. This result shows
(Equation 12) models were adjusted.
consistency of the dynamics of alcoholic fermentation, at
least for these parameters. On the contrary, the glycerol
content (6.6 ± 0.6 g/L) was lower than the values ​​obtained 0.0741
in all of the tests of the first experimental phase, which, −0.0518*(S −147.6 )
together with the higher consumption of assimilable nitro- 1+e
gen, indicates a lower exposure of yeasts to stress conditions. (12)
However, this value is in agreement with the alcoholic fer-
mentation of honey found in the literature under similar
−0.0259(S −140.1 )
experimental conditions: 5.4 − 9.4 g/L.[31,32] −e
Compared with the T01 test, the glycerol content obtained µ = 0.0885e (13)
was 46% lower; although it is within the usual range
reported for wines (5 − 12 g/L).[33] It was also evidenced that The evaluated models showed a high degree of fit of the
the yeast cells rapidly consumed the assimilable nitrogen experimental data see (Figure 2). However, in values around
present in the honey-must in the first 90 h of fermentation. the initial concentration of sugars in the fermentation
Similar behavior was found during the alcoholic fermenta- honey-must (235.3 g/L), the adjusted models showed notable
tion of a synthetic medium of glucose and fructose supple- differences. The 3 P logistic model predicts a more precise
mented with ammonium sulfate, in which nitrogen was behavior in this area, according to which the growth rate
depleted by yeast cells in five days.[34] Nitrogen available at of yeast is almost constant when the concentration of sugars
the beginning of fermentation is used by cells to increase is high.[37] Despite this, for most of the alcoholic fermen-
their number through the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, tation, both models showed adequate fit.
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 7

An inability of the yeast to maintain a high growth rate half the time required in the laboratory tests, indicating
throughout alcoholic fermentation was observed, a phenom- more accelerated kinetics.
enon that may be associated with stress conditions due to The kinetics for assimilable nitrogen consumption showed
environmental conditions. From the two adjusted models, similar behavior to that obtained at a laboratory scale, where
maximum specific growth of 0.0885 h−1 and 0.0741 h−1 were YAN was rapidly consumed by yeast in the first 24 h until
obtained. The latter value was taken as the most appropriate reaching a concentration around 60 mg/L and maintained
for the maximum growth rate of yeast during the alcoholic until the end of the fermentation, confirming an excessive
fermentation of honey, using bee-pollen as an assimilable nitrogen supplementation of approximately 50%. It was
nitrogen source and sugars (glucose and fructose) at levels found that the kinetic model for YAN consumption adjusts
of 120 mg/L and 235 g/L, respectively. This value is close to satisfactorily to the results at pilot scale since the analysis
reported in the literature for mead production processes: of the differences between the values predicted
​​ by the mod-
0.045 h−1,[29] 0.16–0.18 h−1,[38] 0.19–0.21 h−1.[39] els and the experimental results yielded a value of the root
Statistical analyses were carried out on the significance mean square error RMSE of 4.2 mg/L and an average esti-
of these models and the parameter estimators, finding that mation error of 6.2%.
the two models adjusted for the yeast kinetics were signif- The fermentation at the pilot-scale showed a more accel-
icant, as well as the estimated parameters. Furthermore, the erated consumption of sugars, which became slower towards
adjusted coefficients of determination (R2) for each model the end of the monitoring. Glucose was consumed in
were above 0.999, and the sums of the squared residuals approximately 20 h less than in the 3 L scale tests, while
were of the order of 10−10 for the Gompertz and 3-parameter fructose, on the other hand, took longer, showing less assim-
logistic models, indicating a low discrepancy between the ilation of this carbohydrate by the yeast. Compared to the
values ​​predicted by the models and the experimental ones. laboratory-scale, total soluble content stabilized at 10.5 g/100 g
The kinetics of glucose consumption (Glu, g/L) and fruc- after 140 h of fermentation, and there were no marked dif-
tose (Fru, g/L) were also modeled using the 3 P logistic ferences in the variation profiles.
model (R2glu = 0.9994, R2fru = 0.9986), assimilable nitrogen Since the kinetic models obtained in the previous phase
consumption by yeast (YAN, mg/L), and ethanol production presented a high correlation, they were used to analyze the
(Eth, % v/v) by the logistic model of 4 P (R2YAN = 1, R2eta results of the fermentation at the pilot scale. In this sense,
= 0.9904) and glycerol production (Gly, g/L) by the considerable differences were found between the kinetic pro-
Gompertz model (R2gly = 1), whose results are presented in files between tests. The RMSE values for the glucose and
Figure 3. fructose consumption kinetics were 14.7 g/L and 16.4 g/L, from
which mean estimation errors of the model of 37.3% and
44.5%, respectively, were obtained. The errors of the estimates
Fermentation at pilot-scale batches (100 L) for the initial concentrations of glucose and fructose were
acceptable, 3% and 8%, respectively. In consequence, the dif-
The 3 P logistic models were adjusted for glucose and fruc-
ferences were due to modifications in the activity of the yeast
tose consumption (R2glu = 0.9999, R2fru = 0.9997) and the
and not to the goodness of fit of models. This fact is related
4 P logistic models for ethanol and glycerol production (R2eth
to different scales used for experimentation. Originally this
= 0.9416, R2gly = 0.9807), which are presented in Figure 4.
yeast was isolated from grapes. It can be adapted to other
The pH decreased more rapidly until reaching a value
of 3.94 in the first 50 h of fermentation, approximately in substrates, especially in small scale fermentations. In the case
of a larger fermenter, probably it would be necessary to per-
form more inoculum steps than those we have used.
Despite the high rate of sugar consumption, the fermen-
tation exhibited a slower start for ethanol production in the
first 24 h compared to the laboratory process, where the
concentration was more than 250% less than the predicted
values. The RMSE, in this case, was 3.5% v/v, which cor-
responded to an average overestimation of the model of
34% to the final value of the ethanol content.
Similar to the 3 L bioreactor, the highest amount of eth-
anol was produced in the first 90 h of fermentation when
the yeast cells showed accelerated growth. During this
period, fermentation showed a recovery in ethanol produc-
tion, although the concentration was not higher at any time
throughout the process.
In the case of glycerol, the adjusted model also showed
large deviations in the predicted value, which reached
Figure 2. Laboratory scale fermentation. Kinetic adjustment of the
higher levels at the pilot-scale throughout the process.
specific cell growth rate as a function of time for the alcoholic
fermentation of honey at 25 °C using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Unlike ethanol production kinetics, the glycerol content
subsp. bayanus. increased rapidly during the first 48 h of fermentation,

Figure 3. Experimental kinetics and models adjusted during the alcoholic fermentation of honey at laboratory scale for a) the consumption
of glucose and fructose, b) the consumption of assimilable nitrogen, c) the production of ethanol, and d) the production of glycerol.

Figure 4. Experimental kinetics and models adjusted during alcoholic fermentation of honey at pilot scale for a) glucose and fructose
consumption, b) ethanol production, and c) glycerol production.
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 9

reaching values up to 60% higher compared to the esti- Funding

mates. Subsequently, the production rate decreased, and
This research was funded by the Colombian Ministry of Science,
this difference remained around 30%. The RMSE calculated
Technology, and Innovation (Minciencias), through the projects
was 2.6 g/L, which corresponded to an average underesti- “Development of a production model of fermented honey beverages
mation of 30% over the final glycerol content. as a strategy to generate value in the characteristic field of beekeeping
The physicochemical characterization of the mead obtained in Colombia” (Code 1101-586-35750) and “Development of fermented
at the pilot scale showed the following final characteristics: beverages of native red fruits of Colombia and evaluation of their
pH: 3.94, YAN: 62.7 mg/L, ethanol: 12.4%v/v, glycerol: 8.5 g/L, bioactive and sensory characteristics” (Resolution No. 046 of 2013 of
volatile acidity: 0.27 g/L, and yield: 0.413 g/g. Those values the Institute of Food Science and Technology).
were within the normal ranges reported for this product. In
comparison with the meads obtained at the laboratory scale,
considerable differences were observed except for the pH
and the residual assimilable nitrogen content. Literature cited
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