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Providing Effective Feedback and

Learners’ Mindset
Carlo Magno, PhD

Sterling Plata
⚫ Faculty members who uses assessment to
inform relevant instruction
⚫ Use assessment to help students attain the
learning targets
Preliminary exercise
⚫ Indicate TRUE or FALSE
1. Formative assessment needs to be
checked in modules answered by the
learner at home.
2. Summative assessment in modules is
monitored by adults at home.
3. Results of summative assessment in
modules is just for the learners to keep
for their own record.
4. Formative assessment results online is
collected by the teacher for grading.
Preliminary exercise
⚫ 5. Assessment is conducted at the middle
of the lessons presentation.
⚫ 6. Learners need to attend school when
conducting performance-based tasks.
⚫ 7. Summative assessment includes the
feedback of the parents on a project before
submitting to the teacher.
⚫ 8. Quarterly assessment is limited to paper
and pen assessment.
⚫ 9. Online drills and exercises are part of
formative assessment.
⚫ 10. Assessment is done before presenting
the lesson.
Zone of Proximal Development
⚫ Unity of instruction and assessment
Assessment and Instruction
⚫ Formative assessment is
embedded with instruction

Flexible Assessment

Before During After

instruct instruct instruct
ion ion ion
•Does the learner •Are the learners •How many
know the topic? progressing? learners still need
•Can the learner •Who else is having help?
perform the difficulty? •Are the learners
task? •What areas still ready for the
•Are there needs to be summative
misconceptions? improved? assessment?
•Are there •What support can •What resources
confusions? be provided to the and further
•What learner? instructions an be
instruction will provided to those
be relevant for who still need
⚫ When you assess before and during
⚫ Read the answers of the students
⚫ Draw out the expected answer
⚫ Ask a volunteer to give the expected answer
⚫ Ask a volunteer to show the strategy how to
obtain the answer
⚫ Flash on the screen sample works of
⚫ Point out areas that needs to be corrected
⚫ Draw out the concepts from the ideas in the
⚫ Clarify the criteria expected
⚫ Instructional correctives and modeling the
Feedback Practices
⚫ Feedback practices should be alongside
with the assessment results
Feedback Practices

Given after students complete

a task
• After seat works, exercises, drill, board
work, demonstration
Given while students are
conducting the task
• While students are writing, reminders,
giving cues, rechecking, point out the
error, retell the criteria
Characteristics of Effective
1. Relates Student Performance to
2. Help students with the strategies needed
to meet the learning goals.
3. Tells Student Progress (i.e. beginning,
developing, advanced)
4. Given Frequently and Immediately
5. Is Specific and Descriptive*
6. Focuses on Key Errors (i.e. what when
7. Acknowledges Student Efforts
Bad feedback Concrete and specific
The essay is good You started the paragraph in your essay
with a topic sentence and supporting
sentences were provided after. This
helped strengthen the point you want to
Note: Saying that the essay is very good Note. This feedback is specific in saying
does not provide idea to the learner why is the feedback good based on the
which part was good. The learner might structure of the sentences in the
think that the essay is good in all paragraph. Further description is
aspects. provided about the ideas conveyed.
The paining needs improvement. I can’t Perhaps you may want to use other
see any object! colors in your painting so that we can
distinguish the objects.
Note. This is a broad feedback because Note. This feedback is specific in giving
it does not say what specific part needs a recommendation on what can be done
to be improved. about the painting.
. The criteria serve a guide to provide
feedback on the work. For example, the
criteria in writing a technical paper are as

⚫ The parts are organized according to

the guide questions.
⚫ The ideas are well understood by the
⚫ The information included are accurate
⚫ More than 5 references are used.
Feedback NOT based on criteria Feedback based on criteria
There are several grammatical Check again the idea conveyed by
errors in the paper. the author in the journal because
there are discrepancies on page 3
(pertaining to the criteria on
accuracy of information)
The heading needs to be in bold Add one more reference to make
font the support further your claim on
the benefits of using organic
fertilizers on page 5 (pertaining to
the criteria on references)
⚫ Feedback needs to recommend and
provide suggestions how the work will be
Bad feedback Providing recommendations

I cannot hear your voice. Make your voice louder.

Why are you looking at the Look at your classmates when

ceiling while speaking? you speak in front.
Characteristics of Effective
⚫ Praise can be helpful to students if it
draws attention to student progress and
performance in relation to standards.
⚫ “Praise + Feedback Formula”
⚫ Praise is most effective when it is
delivered as a spontaneous but accurate
⚫ No more biting around the bush, praise
them directly!
⚫ This is a body cue that has a direct one- or
two-word verbal translation. Emblems are
used to consciously communicate particular
message that can be a substitute to words
(i.e. hand signs).
⚫ Wait sign
⚫ Quiet sign
⚫ Okay sign
⚫ This is used to increase clarity and
awareness and to augment what is being
said. It reinforces the strength of the
emotional message.
⚫ Fist clenched
⚫ Fingers close together (indicating size)
⚫ Hand pointing
Contents of Feedback
⚫ Part of the answer or response that
needs to be corrected
⚫ The specific strategy to be used to
perform the task
⚫ The suggested procedure that needs to
be undertaken by the learner
⚫ Direct the learner where to find the
⚫ Help the learner think about the
appropriate response
⚫ Clarify some misconception of the
Forms of feedback

1. Focus on the product or performance –

this kind of feedback describes how
well the performance was done.
Examples of such feedback are:

“All the parts of the paper is complete”

“You have used up to date references in
your paper”
“Include a definition of the term based on
the main author”
“Rephrase the findings stated by the
Forms of feedback

2. Focus on the procedure – This kind of

feedback focuses on the step by step process
that needs to be done by the learner.
“Follow the guidelines stated in the
workbook in conducting the experiment to
get accurate results.”
“Try a different procedure in solving the
“Use more adjectives to describe the main
Forms of feedback

3. Focus on the strategy to improve the work –

strategies refer to the different cognitive and
metacognitive actions that the learner needs to
think about in order to arrive at a better work or
“Given the criteria on delivering a speech, which
parts did you achieve well and provide
“Use a different method to check if your answers
are correct.”
“Compare your work with the model, which
parts are different? How can you improve it
Provide the appropriate feedback to each

In a mathematics class, a subtraction task

is provided for a two digit number and a
one digit number. The task given is 24 – 5
= ??, the student subtracted 4 from 5 and
brings down 2 resulting to an answer of 21.
- 5
What feedback will you provide?
2. In a purposive communications class, the students
are tasked to write an essay. One student did not provide
an indention in the first line of the composition.

What feedback will you provide?

3. In a science class, recitation was conducted on the topic
characteristics of metals. One student was asked to give three
characteristics of metals. The student stood up and kept quiet
for more than three minutes. The child is taking too much
time to provide the answer.

What feedback will you provide?

4. In a Filipino class, the students were tasked to write a letter
to a selected classmate. One student wrote to classmate and the
students provided complaints about the behavior of the
classmate. The students ended up saying bad words to the
classmate that are hurtful in the letter.

What feedback will you provide?

5. In a music class each student rendered a solo song number in
front accompanied by a piano. One student could not reach the
high note required in one line of the song.

What feedback will you provide?

Growth Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset:
• In Growth Mindset, Dweck (2010) emphasizes
that learners lead to a desire to learn, and
therefore a tendency to:
❑ Embrace challenges,
❑ Persist in the face of setbacks,
❑ See efforts as the path to mastery,
❑ Learn from criticism, and
❑ Find lessons and inspirations in the success
of others.

• As a result, learners reach ever-higher levels

of achievement.
Why Growth Mindset is important?
1. It improves the behaviors and learning outcomes of all students, but especially of
those struggling academically and those from disadvantaged backgrounds (Claro,
Paunesku and Dweck, 2016; Paunesku et al., 2018)
2. It lowers failure rates (Yeager, Walton, & Cohen, 2013)

3. It improves scores (Yeager, Walton, & Cohen, 2013)

4. It increases effort (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007)

5. It shows more problems solved (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007)

How can we use feedback to
promote a growth mindset?
⚫ Praising the process
⚫ Provide positive feedback on the strategies that
led the learner to success, we encourage a
growth mindset
⚫ Foster growth mindset by rewarding
improvement rather than results
⚫ Feedback on the effort and persistence behind a
good result, rather than attributing it to innate
⚫ Learning the language
⚫ Recasting “negative” feedback as
“developmental,” it keeps everyone’s brain in a
“toward state,” where a person is focused on
reward rather than risk.
⚫ In a toward state, people are more likely to view
feedback as an opportunity to grow and
improve, instead of as a threat.
⚫ Shift the focus to “getting better” rather than

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