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Normative Theory – Four Theories of the Press

1. Normative theories were first proposed by

Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm

2. In which book “Normative theories of press” was explained?

“Four Theories of the Press”

3. When the word “Normative theories was pronounced first?

In USA during the height of ‘cold war’

4. A theory that describes an ideal way for a media system to be controlled and operated by
the government, authority, leader and public. This is

Normative theory

5. Normative theories are more focused in the relationship between

Press and the Government than press and the audience

6. Four theories of press/media

Authoritarian theory
Libertarian theory
Social responsibility theory
Soviet media theory

7. Theory that describe all forms of communications are under the control of the governing
elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats. This is

Authoritarian theory
8. In Authoritarian if any media violate the government policies then which has all right to
cancel the license?


9. ………….is when an authority (such as a government or religion) cuts out or suppresses



10. Libertarian is originally came from libertarian thoughts from

16th century in Europe

11. Libertarianism is free from any

authority or censorship

12. The libertarian thoughts are exactly against or opposite to the

authoritarian theory

13. Social responsibility theory of press which is associated with

“the Commission of the Freedom of Press”

14. This allows free press without any censorship but at the same time the content of the
press should be discussed in public panel and media should accept any obligation from
public interference or professional self regulations or both. This is

Social responsibility theory

15. Social responsibility theory lies between both…….…….because it gives total media
freedom in one hand but the external controls in other hand.

authoritarian theory and libertarian theory

16. Soviet originates a theory from Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist thoughts, with mixture of
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ideology is called

“Soviet Media Theory”

17. “Soviet Media Theory” is also known as

“The Communist Media Theory”

18. The government undertake or controls the total media and communication to serve
working classes and their interest. This is

Soviet Communist theory

19. Soviet media theory states that whole control of the media is under the

leader of the nation

20. Soviet media theory says the state have absolute power to control any media for

Welfare/benefit of public
Social Learning Theory

1. Which one is a theory of learning process

Social learning theory

2. Social behavior which proposes that new behaviors can be acquired by observing and
imitating others called
Social learning theory

3. The observation of behavior, learning also occurs through the observation of rewards and
punishments, a process known as vicarious reinforcement is
Social learning theory

4. Individuals learn by observing the behaviors of others (models).

Idea of social learning

5. The four steps in the Social Learning Theory of Bandura are

Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation

6. Bandura asserts that most human behavior is learned through

Observation, imitation, and modeling

7. Social learning is important because

Life (and work) is social

8. Increased engagement across disengaged learners. Students developing self organisation

skills. Encouraged collaboration. are
Benefits of social learning

9. What factors influence social learning

Cognitive environmental and behavioral factor

10. Social learning theory, proposed by

Albert Bandura

11. Bandura developed the social learning theory

In 1977
Agenda Setting

1. Ability to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda
Agenda setting

2. Ongoing process by which various groups attempt to transfer their interests

to be the interests of public policymakers
Agenda building

3. One of the issues with the agenda-setting theory is

Difficult to measure

4. Agenda setting has

Two levels

5. First agenda setting study based at the

University of North Carolina

6. Agenda-setting theory was formally developed by

Max McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1668

7. The history of study of agenda-setting can be traced to the first chapter of

Walter Lippmann's 1922 book

8. Agenda setting occurs through a cognitive process known as


9. Which thing in agenda setting deals with how people attach importance to
certain news

10. The two most important part of agenda setting theory are
Priming and framing
11. Kargil War between India and Pakistan as an example in agenda setting is

12. Gatekeepers, editors and managers and other external influences Non-media
sources are the
Factor effecting the agenda setting

13. The responsibility of the media in proposing the values and standards
through which the objects gain a certain amount of attention can be judged is

14. The example of priming are

Headline discussion and expert opinion

Cultivation Theory

15. Long-term exposure to media shapes how the consumers of media perceive
the world and conduct themselves
Cultivation theory

16. The more television people watch, the more likely they are to hold a view of
reality that is closer to television's depiction of reality
Cultivation hypothesis

17. The difference in the pattern of responses between light and heavy viewers
is referred to as the
Cultivation differential

18. The consequences of exposure to its recurrent patterns of stories, images,

and messages
Focuses of the cultivation analysis
19. Phenomenon whereby violence related content in television and film makes
viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is. ... then
there are in the real world
Mean world syndrome

20. An interaction between television viewing and life experience that is

essentially opposite to that of mainstreaming

21. The cultivation theory also treats the audience as


22. The high frequency viewers of television are more susceptible to media
messages and the belief that they are real and valid are
Effects of cultivation theory

23. Cultivation theory was first advanced by

Professor George Gerbner

24. Cultivation theory was first advanced in


25. Cultivation theory began as a

Way to test the impact of television on viewers

26. Those who watch four or more hours a day are labeled
Heavy television viewers

27. Those who view less then four hours per day, according to Gerbner are
Light viewers

28. In 1968, Gerbne placed television viewers into three categories

Light viewers medium viewers and heavy viewers
29. Heavy viewers of TV are thought to be
Cultivating’ attitudes

30. George Gerbner is associated with

Cultivation Theory
Agenda Setting Theory

1. Media has the ability to tell us what issues are important. This is

Agenda setting theory

2. According to Agenda setting Theory, the media influences the public agenda by:

Giving more exposure to particular topics

3. Which newspaper columnist was concerned that the media had the power to present images
to the public.

Walter Lippman

4. Agenda-setting theory was formally developed by ………, ………. in a study on the 1968
American presidential election.

Max McCombs and Donald Shaw

5. In the research done in 1968 by McCombs and Shaw, they focused on two elements:

Awareness and information

6. Types of Agenda setting are:

Public agenda setting

Media agenda setting

Policy agenda setting

7. When the media determines the agenda for which stories are considered important. This is

Media agenda setting

8. Two levels of Agenda setting

Level 1: issue salience(prioritizing some topics over others)
Level 2: framing an issue’s attributes

9. The latest model of Agenda setting is referred by scholars as:

Network agenda setting model

10. The term Agenda setting Theory of Media was postulated during the study of?

1968 American Presidential elections

11. Who added the concept of Framing to Agenda setting theory?

McCombs added this concept in 1998

12. Media can not only direct people on what to think about but also how to think about an
issue. This is:


13. Factors affecting Agenda setting

Gatekeepers, editors and external influences

14. Agenda setting occurs through a cognitive process known as:


15. The main concept associated with Agenda setting theory is:


16. Agenda setting is used in:

Politics, campaigns, business news, PR

Cultivation theory

1. Cultivation theory was developed by

Professor George Gerbner
2. Cultivation analysis focuses?
Focuses on the consequences of exposure to its recurrent patterns of stories, images, and
3. Cultivation theory examines the long-term effects of
4. …………. Theory implies that those exposed to media interpret social realities according
to how such realities are portrayed in the media.
5. How many groups of TV viewers are present according to cultivation theory?
Two groups
6. Name of types/groups of TV viewers
Light viewers
Heavy viewers
7. ‘………………’ describes the intensified effect on the audience when what people see on
television is what they have experienced in life.
8. Light viewers may have more sources of information than ……………
Heavy viewers
9. CIP stands for
Cultural Indicator Project
10. What is CIP?
Cultural Indicators Project (CIP) was a pioneering analysis of the influence of television
on people's attitudes and perceptions of the world.
11. Who established CIP?
In 1968 George Gerbner
12. What are heavy viewers according to cultivation theory?
Heavy viewers are individuals who watch at least four hours of television a day.
13. What are light viewers?
Those who view TV less than two hours per day are light viewers
14. ………….. is a hypothesized cognitive bias wherein people may perceive the world to be
more dangerous than it actually is, due to long-term moderate to heavy exposure to
violence-related content on mass media.
Mean world syndrome
15. Who introduced the term “Mean World Syndrome”
George Gerbner
16. Medium viewers watch TV?
2-4 hours a day
Feminism Objectives

1. Feminism is derived from

Latin word “Femina”

2. Meaning of Latin word “Femina”


3. …………… is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It's about respecting
diverse women's experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower
all women to realize their full rights


4. Objectives of feminism ideology are

To demonstrate the importance of women

To bring about gender equality.

5. First wave of feminism started in

During 19th and 20th century

6. Feminism’s first wave focused on

Legal issues, securing women’s right to vote

7. Tenure of second wave of feminism was from

8. The main focus of second wave of feminism

equality and discrimination

9. When did third wave of feminism start


10. Kinds of feminism

Liberal feminism
Radical feminism
Marxist feminism
Diversity feminism

11. Liberal feminism is also called

Mainstream feminism

12. …………. focus on achieving gender equality through political and legal reform within the
framework of liberal democracy.

Liberal feminism

13. …………. is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society
in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts, while
recognizing that women's experiences are also affected by other social divisions such as in
race, class, and sexual orientation.

Radical feminism

14. Mother of feminism

Mary Wollstonecraft

15. Who was the most influential women in first wave feminism?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

16. Advocates women’s rights, gender equality, and social justice grounded in an Islamic
framework. This is perspective of?

Islamic perspective about women’s right

17. What are types of Radical Feminists?

Lesbian feminists

Anti-pornography feminists

18. ………… recognizes that women are oppressed, and attributes the oppression to the
capitalist/private property system.

Marxism feminists

19. When #Metoo movement was launched?


20. #Metoo movement mainly focus on

Sexual violence and sexual harrsement

MCQ (Knowledge Gap Theory)

Knowledge Gap Theory

1. The knowledge gap hypothesis was first proposed in _____.

a) 1970

b) 1980

c) 1990

d) 2000

2. The knowledge gap hypothesis tries to contrast knowledge acquisition in light of _____.

a) Socioeconomic status

b) Genetics

c) Education

d) A and C

3. Knowledge gap theory was propose by :

a) Tichenor,Donohue, Olien
b) Katz, Jay Blumler,
c) Herzog, Abraham Maslow
d) Wilbur Schramm

4. Knowledge gap theory is mainly concerned with :

a) Information and knowledge

b) Gratification
c) Socialization
d) Communication skills
5. Possible reasons for Knowlegde gap :

a) Communication skills
b) Relevant social contact
c) Selective exposure
d) All of these

6. How can Knowledge gap can be reduced ?

a) Arousing local issues

b) Level of conflict (more attention to hot issues)
c) Community Homogeneity
d) All of these

7. In which article Tichenor and his colleagues proposed "knowledge gap hypothesis".

a) Analysis on communication
b) Mass Media flow and differential growth in knowledge
c) Mass media and human gratification
d) Rethinking the Bullet theory in the Digital Age

8. Which theory says that knowledge is treated as any other commodity which is not
distributed equally throughout the society?

a) Agenda setting theory

b) Social responsibility theory
c) Knowledge Gap theory
d) Cultivation theory
Media Hegemony Theory

1. Hegemony derives from the Greek term

a) Hēgemonia
b) Anthropology
c) Control
d) Sovereignty

2. The concept of hegemony was first put forward by

a) Antonio Gramsci
b) Harta Herzong
c) Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
d) George Gerbner

3. Hegemony refers to the concept

a) Dominance or control of one group on another

b) Cultivation
c) Uses and gratification
d) Liberty

4. What does Media Hegemony says?

a) Media is controlled by dominant elite or ruling class

b) Media set Public Agenda
c) Media act as gatekeeper to information
d) Knowledge Gap of information

5. How Media Work for Hegemony?

a) Maintaining status Quo

b) Legitimizing the dominant ideology
c) Spreading False consciousness
d) All of these

6. How Capitalist Maintain Media Hegemony?

a) Cross Media Ownership

b) Conglomerates
c) Advertisers
d) A,b,c

7. Media Hegemony theory’s concept was proposed in

a) 1981
b) 1971
c) 1987
d) 1974

8. What’s Jim Morrison concept of media hegemony?

a) Whoever controls the media controls the mind

b) Media houses act as gatekeeper
c) No censorship in media
d) None of these

9. “Hēgemonia” means

a) Authority
b) Liberty
c) Independence
d) Censorship

1. The belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes called

2. A process by which women assert their rights by continually evaluating

Feminist leadership

3. ("feminism") and "féministe" ("feminist") first appeared in

France and the Netherlands

4. Who is feminist thinker?

Mary Wollstonecraft

5. A series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights,

domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment, and
sexual violence
Feminist movement

6. Feminism affirms the women equality with men and rejects


7. Women empowerment bring gender equality and women importance are

Objectives of feminism

8. The rule of men as a social group over the women as social group is called

9. The man at the top and women are the below is called

10. The women pay less than men in U .S the pay gap is about

11. The first wave of feminist was in

Mid of 19th century

12. 2nd wave of feminism was in

Late of 19th and early of 20th century
13. The third wave of feminism was in
Mid of 20th century

14. The first and second wave of feminism is called

Abolition and suffrage movement

15. How many types of feminism are


16. Focus on achieving gender equality through political and legal reform within the
framework of liberal democracy called
Liberal feminism

17. Reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic
contexts, while recognizing that women's experiences are also affected by other social
divisions such as in race, class, and sexual orientation called
Redical feminism

18. Analyzes the ways in which women are exploited through capitalism and the individual
ownership of private property called
Marxist feminism

19. Betty friedan gloria steinem simone de beaviour and hills collins are
Modern feminist

20. The situation where a person show prejudice toward another that would not occur had
they been the opposite sex are called
Gender discrimination

Diffusion of innovation

21. A theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology
spread are
Diffusion of innovation

22. Who popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovations

Everett rogers
23. An innovation, communicated through certain channels, over time and among members
of a social system are
Elements of diffusion of innovation

24. How many elements of diffusion of innovation are


25. :Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed in

1962 by E.M. Rogers

26. The observation and usage of idea is called


27. The idea practice or object that is preceived as knew by the individual or other unit of
adoption is called

28. What are the Process for Diffusion of Innovation


29. How many types of adopters are


30. Name of adopters for products

innovators, early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and laggards

31. How many characteristics of innovation are


32. Name the characteristic of innovation

Relative Advantage
33. What is compatibility
When an innovation is deemed suitable enough to fit within society's values and

34. A creative problem solver who thinks on purpose and holistically to make their world
better and the world a better place are
Innovator thinker

35. The last people in a population to adopt a new system or product are

36. Laggard belong to approximately __ of the population in the Diffusion of Innovations


37. Laggards are

Magic Bullet Theory

1. The media injects its messages straight into the passive audience. This passive audience
is immediately affected by these messages is
Magic bullet theory

2. Magic bullet theory is also called

Hypodermic needle theory

3. Magic Bullet Theory was promulgated by

Harold Lasswell

4. Magic Bullet Theory was promulgated

In 1920s

5. Magic bullet theory written in the book

Propaganda Technique

6. Which theory is in contradiction to the magic bullet theory?

Uses and gratification theory

7. The Hypodermic Needle Theory is a

linear communication theory

8. The media's message is a bullet fired from the "media gun" into the viewer's "head".
Magic bullet theory

9. The term bullet is used in which media theory

Magic bullet theory

10. One of the criticism of magic bullet theory is

People have no freedom of choice

11. Bullet means, in magic bullet theory is

Message direct attracts on receiver like a bullet
Spiral of Silence

12. The spiral of silence theory proposed by

The German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

13. In 1947, Neumann and her husband founded “Public Opinion Organization”
In Germany

14. The spiral of silence theory explains the formation of social norms at both
The micro and macro level

15. Social group or society might isolate or exclude members due to the members' opinions.
This stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation is
Spiral of silence

16. Opinions or behaviour that can be displayed or expressed in public without running the
risk of social isolation or, in some cases, that even must be displayed to avoid the danger
of isolation called
Public opinion

17. Through spiral of silence neumann indirectly explain the

Jews status during world war2 under nazi control

18. The hitler is dominanted over the whole society and minority jews become silent due to
Fear of isolation

19. The people fear of isolation those around them they tend to keeps their attitudes to
themselves when they think they are minority is called
Spiral of silence

20. The spiral of silence is describe as

Dynamic process

21. The predictions of spiral of silence is

Mass media give more coverage to majority and less coverage to minorities

22. Being part of minorities people lose their


23. Spiral of silence work well during the

Parliament pubic campaigns and senate

24. Spiral of silence is proposed in which year


Uses and Gratifications Theory

25. Approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to
satisfy specific needs
Uses and gratifications theory

26. An audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication


27. The four categories were

diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance

28. Who first introduced the Uses and Gratification

Elihu Katz

29. 1970's as Katz and his two colleagues, Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch continued to
Expand the UGT

30. What people do with media rather than what media does to people explain in

31. Uses and gratifications theory asserts that

People use media to gratify specific wants and needs

32. The basis of uses and gratification theory is that

Audiences are active in their media choices

33. What is surveillance in uses and gratification theory?

People use the media to satisfy their need for information

34. Assumes the audience chooses what it wants to watch for five different reason are

35. UGT focuses on

What do people do with media
36. UGT is which type of communication theory

37. According to Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch's research there were following components
comprising the Uses and Gratifications

38. The audience is conceived in UGT

as active

39. The media compete with other sources of


40. UGT has a


41. Uses and gratifications theory proposed in which year


Media Hegemony
1. Hegemony is derived from which language

2. The latin word hegeisthai which means

To lead

3. The idea of hegemony is base on

Karl marx idea

4. Perceived process by which certain values and ways of thought promulgated through the
mass media become dominant in society is called
Media hegemony

5. The process whereby the people in power deepen their dominance by using culture to
negotiate for the consent of the subordinates is called

6. The alternative process whereby people attempt to gain dominant power by countering
the dominant culture is called
Counter hegemony

7. Is counter hegemony is opposite of the hegemony

No it is not opposite

8. What is the opposite of hegemony


9. The sharing of power among the groups of society is called


10. Gramsci use the word hegemony as

The predominance of one social class over the other class

11. The ways in which media encourage people to consent to status quo power structure is
Media hegemony

12. Capitalist' maintain Media hegemony through

Advertiser conglomerate and cross mediaownership

13. Social networking and evolution of internet as news medium are

Threat to hegemony

14. Gramsci is well known for his

Cultural hegemony

15. How the state and ruling capitalists class use the cultural institution to maintain power in
capitalists society is called
Cultural hegemony

16. The argue that elite society what idea is dominant in public sphere is called
The hegemonic model of communication

17. What are the three main feature of hegemony is

Power dominance and leadership

18. The concept of hegemony, first put forward by Antonio Gramsci


19. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 which country was the world's sole
hegemonic power.
United State

Knowledge Gap Theory

20. When the knowledge gap hypothesis firstly proposed in

21. Who developed the knowledge gap theory?

Phillip J. Tichenor

22. The knowledge gap theory is concerned mainly with


23. Knowledge gap hypothesis mostly know as

Tichenor and his collogues hypothesis

24. The social standing or class of an individual or group. Which is often measured as a
combination of education, income and occupation are
Socioeconomic status

25. The increase of information in the society is not evenly acquired by every member of
society is explain in
Knowledge gap theory

26. Which kind of people have better ability to acquire the more information
Higher socioeconomic

27. How many types of groups leads by knowledge gap theory

2 Groups

28. The division of 2 groups in knowledge gap theory named as

Higher socioeconomic and lower socioeconomic

29. The lower socioeconomic status are defined as

People who have less or no knowledge about public affairs issues

30. The knowledge gap theory between the two socioeconomic status results in
Increase gap between them

31. The people of higher socioeconomic status are better in

Selective exposure acceptance and retention

32. The knowledge gap was used in a research for

Presidential campaign

33. The systematic difference in knowledge between better inform and less inform segment
of population is called
Knowledge gap
Spiral of silence

1. Who developed the famous model called “Spiral of Silence”?

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

2. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann first presented the spiral of silence theory in two scientific
articles in ?


3. This Spiral of Silence theory Neumann indirectly explains the Jews status during:

World War II under Nazi’s control

4. The one view dominated the public scene and others disappeared from the public awareness
as it adherents became silent. This is:

Spiral of silence theory

5. Noelle-Neummann was sensitized by ………… conduct in ww2.


6. Spiral of Silence works …………. During the public campaign.


7. Fear of …………… is an important factor in Spiral of Silence.


8. Spiral of Silence has …………… both explanatory process.

Both micro and macro level

9. Spiral of silence is a theory of …………

Politics and social sciences

10. Spiral of silence is a

Dynamic process

Magic Bullet Theory

1. The media (magic gun) fired the message directly into audience head without their own
knowledge. The message cause the instant reaction from the audience mind without
any hesitation is called

“Magic Bullet Theory”

2. The magic bullet theory is based on assumption of

human nature

3. Magic Bullet theory was promulgated by

Harold Lasswell

4. Magic Bullet theory also known as

Hypodermic needle theory

5. Magic Bullet theory was developed by Harold Lasswell in

6. Magic Bullet theory basically states that

“What media do with the people”

7. In Magic bullet theory audience is always thought to be

Vulnerable and passive.

8. On critics on Magic Bullet theory is

theory is not based on pure logic

9. Who injects or inserts messages into the people’s brain as propaganda and


10. Magic Bullet theory was mainly used in

Second World War by Germany and US

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