Industrial Revolution Worksheet

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Industrial Revolution

Based on the power-point and the Cottage Industry material do the following:

1. Identify important words that are used in the texts, these will be words
that appear frequently, write them down and explain what they mean
and how they are used in the text – are they nouns (things) verbs
(happenings/actions) adjectives (descriptive of actions/feelings etc)

The Powepoint explains the basics of what the industrial revolution was, how it
has affected us into today’s society, and how it started in the first place. It has
used facts in order for us to understand the exact termonolgy.

2. Write a short sentence about each slide on the power-point. In the

sentence explain what that slide is telling you.

The first slide shows us what normal england looked like before the industrial
revolution. The next couple of slides show what devices and machinery actually
started the industrial revolution. The rest of the slides explain how exactly the
industrial revolution has specifically affected England as well as collectively, the
3. Combine two of these sentences to explain what two of the slides are
telling you. This is called a compound sentence. Such sentences are very
useful when explaining multiple things and only using minimal words to
do so. Do this three times. Thefirst slide shows us what Normal England
lolked like before the industrial revolution and the next couple slides
show what specific machinery started this.
4. Rush writing – Explain the overall story told by the power-point and the
Cottage Industry material. Try to write at least 50 words – you can write
The industrial revolution is what has led us to what we call modern
society. Before the industrial resolution, people usually lived in small
cottage villages, they gained income from creating cotton based things
such as clothes. There were many intelligent men that created machines
that replaced the jobs of humans, huge corporations bought these
machines and used them to create large amounts of cotten, these
factories would soon overrun places. Kids would be employed at these
factories and would have the hardest jobs, they would also be paid very
little, an example of this would be every week, they would be paid 1
pence which is also known as 1 cent or penny.

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