Reflection 1

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Reflection 1

The WHO defines health as complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not

necessarily the lack of a disease or physical injury (WHO, 2022). Based on this definition,

health is a combination of different elements that include social, physical, emotional, and

intellectual. On the other hand, the Oxford English Dictionary defines health as the condition

of one’s mind and body. The definition from the WHO is more comprehensive in explaining

the concept of health. From the WHO’s definition of health, I can consider myself healthy as

I am free from any emotional, physical or social issue that affects my well-being and


According to (CDHN, n.d), the social model of health entails the different factors

such as social, political, cultural, and environment and how they influence one’s health. From

the social model, I can consider myself healthy and not at risk of being ill as I am not directly

exposed to social, environmental, or political factors that can contribute to being unhealthy.

According to the medical model, a disease can be noticed by employing a systematic

process that comprises observation, description, and differentiation. Based on this model,

science plays a crucial role in identifying and curing illnesses.

Th Holistic model of health entails the consideration of multidimensional aspects of

one’s wellness. Based on this model, people need to evaluate an individual through physical,

mental, social, intellectual, and emotional aspects. Everyone is responsible for their health

and healing process through their choices to prevent disease and achieve high levels of

wellness. From a holistic perspective, I consider myself healthy as I meet the conditions

based on the key aspects defined in the model.

cdhn (no date) Models of health. Available at:


WHO (2022) Health and well-being, World Health Organization. World Health

Organization. Available at:


%20mental%20disorders%20or%20disabilities. (Accessed: November 16, 2022).

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