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interesting projects

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Booklet Generated on: Dec 16, 2022

Table of contents
NEWCOMERS .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. PARENTS ENGAGE: Building bridges between schools and migrant and refugee parents in Europe ........ 6
3. Share your Skills .......................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Comprehensive Training Model to support the integration process, to create the inclusive environment and
opportunities for the immigrant women in the field of social and working life ............................................. 12
5. Active Citizenship in the New Homeland ..................................................................................................... 19
6. Soft DIGITal Skills building for TCN women ................................................................................................ 23
7. Facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of migrants by empowering them through digital mapping
activities / MapInclusive ............................................................................................................................... 27
8. voices ........................................................................................................................................... 29
9. Safe Online Environments for Youth - Fighting Online Hate Speech & Cyberbullying ............................... 31
10. Migrations en questions ............................................................................................................................... 33
11. Art as universal language of integration ...................................................................................................... 36
12. Ensuring Integration with Cooperative Learning in Mixed Classrooms ....................................................... 38
13. Empower Empathy- Unite - Cooperate ....................................................................................................... 40
14. Facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of migrant women by empowering them through online digital
learning and personal and professional development/ Women Connecting Europe .................................. 42
15. Oi Tu ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
16. Migrants Living Under a new Sky ................................................................................................................ 46
17. Educación inclusiva con enfoque interseccional, por el éxito escolar de las chicas y chicos de procedencia
migrante. ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
18. Innovative educational approaches and practices for migrant pupils to maximize the effectiveness of their
social inclusion and school performance ..................................................................................................... 52
19. L@ngu@ges4all .......................................................................................................................................... 56
20. SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism at local level through digital servicEs .................. 60
21. Career plannig: inclusion of well and/or higher qualified migrant/minority women into labour market ........ 64
22. Supporting migrants navigate essential services and labor market integration .......................................... 70
23. New Innovative Simulator Tools for Quality Capacity Environmental Production Process Training in
Education of Migrants .................................................................................................................................. 75
24. VRIN - Virtual Reality for Migrants Social and Cultural Orientation and Inclusion ...................................... 80
25. Laboratori interculturali per l’inclusione dei migranti ................................................................................... 84
26. La Langue des Oiseaux ............................................................................................................................... 89
27. L'autonomie par la lecture et l'écriture - application de remise à niveau en français & allemand ............... 94
28. Empowering Disadvantaged Women Via Distance Education for a Sustainable Development Project ..... 97
29. Empowerment for migrants - from camps to integration ........................................................................... 102
30. Sprache Macht Europa - Sprachenvielfalt als Ressource in Schule und LehrerInnenbildung .................. 105
31. Therapeutic foster care for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees and their foster families ............................ 110
32. BuIldIng SoCIal BRIdgeS by aRtIStIC InItIatIveS ..................................................................................... 114
33. How much warmer is one degree? Sensitise and empower low-level educated citizens, refugees and
migrants in tackling climate change and global warming .......................................................................... 119
34. Educating for Inclusion .............................................................................................................................. 123
35. Migrant Inclusion through Education and Skills Validation in Europe ....................................................... 129
36. New active trades for a urban resilient europe .......................................................................................... 132

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37. Translation Of Cultural Language for the inclusion of migrants ................................................................ 138
38. - Introductory course of the German language ..................................................................... 143
39. MIGRACTION: Migrants inclusion through entrepreneruship supported by business sector ................... 146
40. Empowering Youth Workers for a Better Integration of Migrants and Refugees ....................................... 150
41. Lifeboat ...................................................................................................................................................... 154
42. Persons with Refugee Experience Education Project - Interprofessional ................................................. 157
43. Developing of Guidance for European Companies to Support their Staffs with Migration Background .... 162
44. Adult Education in Victim Support: Empowering Men affected by Human Trafficking and Severe
Exploitation. Exchange of Experience & Developing Recommendations. ................................................ 164
45. Integration of Migrants in the Labour Market ............................................................................................. 166
46. transnational empowerment education with migrant and refugee women* ............................................... 168
47. DIGITAL-VV: Formación digital para Mujeres Migrantes .......................................................................... 170
48. TEATRO SOCIAL ECOLOGICO (TSE) ..................................................................................................... 172
49. Welcoming Entrepreneurship: Creating Alternative Narratives ................................................................. 174
50. Social Inclusion of Women Through Global Competencies ...................................................................... 178
51. Health care professional guidance for Migrants ........................................................................................ 180
52. Inclusion of Migrants by Qualified Occupation in the Tourism industry ..................................................... 185
53. - Extending the e-learning offer with new materials for learning the Slovak language ........... 188
54. WINBIZ—Women's Innovative Business Incubation Zone ........................................................................ 192
55. Development of a guideline and digital educational material for healthcare professionals planning mobility .
56. New Pathways - Identifying and Promoting Best-Practice in Supporting Long-Term Unemployed Adults into
Education Pathways .................................................................................................................................. 200
57. Solution4Inclusion - Solution focused training tools to enhance social inclusion ...................................... 202
58. Theater as a collective language - Connecting Research, Policies and Practice on Migrant Inclusion
through Non-verbal Drama-based Methods .............................................................................................. 204
59. Stärkung der Potenziale von Immigrant*innen durch wirksames und relevantes Coaching ..................... 206
60. In2great: Sprach- und Grundbildung im deutsch-schwedischen Erfahrungsaustausch ............................ 208
61. Take Action in Integration! ......................................................................................................................... 210
62. Migrant women empowerment .................................................................................................................. 212
63. Αλγοριθμική Σκέψη στην Εκπαίδευση Εκπαιδευτών Μεταναστών ............................................................ 214
64. Training for refugee and migrant professionals in matters related to medicine ........................................ 216
65. Fostering social-labour inclusion of migrants in the EU ............................................................................ 218
66. 10fold. Stories Against Discrimination ....................................................................................................... 220
67. SILENT SIlent books for Learning and ENTertainment - encounter facilitating tools for parents ............. 222
68. Re-Start: Refugee Start-Up resources to facilitate entrepreneurship and business development for refugees
and migrants .............................................................................................................................................. 224
69. Promoting Resilience of Refugees by Developing their Digital Marketing Skills. ...................................... 226
70. Upskilling Pathway through Informal Adult Education of New Comers of Afghan Refugees in Europe .... 228
71. Préparation numérique au parcours migratoire dans une Europe connectée ........................................... 230
72. Tools for Education with Artistic Perception for Open Transmission ......................................................... 232
73. A peek into the kitchen .............................................................................................................................. 234

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title



Project Coordinator





Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-TR01-KA210-ADU-000048627

Start Date May 31, 2022

End Date May 30, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITESI (TR) , Veleuciliste Nikola Tesla u Gospicu


Topics Development of training courses ; Reception and integration of refugees

and migrants ; Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues)

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Project Summary

Clarifying the best practices of a multi-country perspective to eliminate the identified deficiencies in the financial
harmonization and integration studies for the target group.
Conducting semi-structured interviews to determine refugees' financial inclusion, and financial literacy knowledge,
skills and competence levels in all partner countries.
Developing a roadmap for relevant institutions in order to increase financial inclusion, financial access, and
financial literacy levels of refugees.

A1- Comprehensive research of previously identified needs and gaps in financial inclusion of the Refugees
A2- Organizing Search Conferences for Refugees to discuss the Financial Inclusion, Financial access, and
Financial Literacy
A3- Conducting semi-structured interviews to determine refugees' financial inclusion, and financial literacy
knowledge, skills and competence levels in all partner countries
A4- Dissemination and communication activities among partners, target group and policy makers

This project will enable refugees to increase their financial access, to evaluate their investments in the proper
areas, and to reduce their financial vulnerability. Main output will be a Financial Inclusion Guidebook for Refugees
which defines a roadmap of required actions, including a set of key policy recommendations and best practices
with the aim of maximizing the project impact under the support of relevant EU strategies, including the 2030
Agenda on Sustainable Development and Goals.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in school education

Project Title

PARENTS ENGAGE: Building bridges between schools

and migrant and refugee parents in Europe

Project Coordinator


Address Snip 41 , 2171 KT Sassenheim , NL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000034479

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2024

EC Contribution 300,920 EUR


Dresden Institute for Further and Continuing Education GmbH (DE)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Preventing early school leaving and
failure in education

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Project Summary

The PARENTS ENGAGE project will enhance the teachers’ capacities to design effective responses for school -
family links, informing refugee parents to be actively involved in their children education. For this to be achieved,
PARENTS ENGAGE is addressing the multiple needs of its target groups, as follows:
a) Teachers: Considering the increased flow of migrant and refugee populations since 2015 in Europe,
schoolteachers struggle to work in multicultural environments, by improving the education of disadvantaged
migrant and refugee students being in peril of ESL. As such, school staff needs to respond effectively to these
challenges and be trained in multicultural environments on how to support these students and their parents. The
project emphasizes on the provision of consolidated tools and training material for teacher staff, effectively
supporting their professional development.
b) Parents: Migrant and refugee parents’ participation in school life is hindered through multiple barriers and
challenges within educationa and society. There is often less engagement by them in school processes and in
their children education while many migrant students lag behind in educational achievements. Strengthening
parental inclusion in local structures could enhance their involvement in their children’ education. PARENTS
ENGAGE will focus on this potential, by leveraging the knowledge and initiatives already carried out by CSOs in
collaboration with schools on parents’ engagement in school education and in schools system.
c) Students: migrant and refugee children tend to show lower academic performance compared to non-migrant
children or are more likely drop out school. Thus, they need a safe and inclusive environment enabling their
school life’s integration. The active parental involvement can lead to higher academic success, more time spent
on homework, and fewer discipline problems, with all features remedying disadvantage and tackle students’ Early
School Leaving (ESL). Hence, the enhancement of migrant children’ education, by focusing on educational
interventions that increase the refugee parents’ involvement in their children education, is a primary aspiration of
the PARENTS ENGAGE project.

reinforcing teachers’ skills in fostering productive relations with migrant and refugee families,
supporting migrant and refugee parents to be involved at their children’s schools,
improving education and tackling ESL and disadvantaged migrant and refugee children in primary and secondary

Since parental engagement can be a vital step towards this direction, the core objectives of the project are:
1) to capitalise on the experiential knowledge of CSOs working with migrants and refugees by researching and
evaluating their relevant practices,
2) to provide evidence-based teacher training for enabling teachers to strengthen parental engagement at school
so as to improve the academic performance of children and avoid ESL,
3) to reach out migrant and refugee parents directly, providing tailored support materials for increasing their
school engagement.

PARENTS ENGAGE has envisaged to implement the following activities:

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Result 1 (Collection and analysis of innovative initiatives engaging migrant and refugee parents in school life): A1:
Mapping on identification and collection of innovative practices developed by CSOs, aiming at increasing the
parental engagement in children’s education. In light of ensuring a more comprehensive approach, relevant
practices will be explored at a school level in the participating countries; A2: Assessment and categorization of
practices based on concrete criteria, so as to further showcase their characteristics, and elements which facilitate
the refugee and migrant parents’ engagement in their children’ school life.

Result 2 (PARENTS ENGAGE Online Platform with interactive training materials for teachers): Α1: Development
of PARENTS ENGAGE Online Platform with interactive training materials for teachers; A2: good practice case
studies, enabling the familiarization of both teachers and refugee and migrant parents with them; A3:Training
materials designed for teachers supporting them in adopting innovative practices of parental engagement; A4:
Information Packages for parents; A5: a small-scale pilot in schools.

Result 3 (PARENTS ENGAGE Mobile application for parents): A1: Determination of User Functions; A2:
Determination of application contents; A3:Program Interface Decision; A4:Program Interface Design;
A5:Database Design; A6:Determination of database associations; A7:Integration of the interface into the program;
A8: Programming user functions and general functions of the program; A9: Testing the program; A10: Elimination
of errors considering feedback received from parents; A11: If necessary, making necessary changes in the
database and program interface; A12: Translations in local languages for facilitating that this result will be
available on a multilingual basis, while a final Test shall also be implemented during the Multiplier Events.

Result 4 (Digital storytelling of teachers and migrant and refugee parents’ experiences with parental engagement
in school): A1: Provision of guidelines on the strategy to be followed in each of the participating in the consortium
countries; A2: Production of digital storytelling videos in close collaboration with parents and teachers in each
participating country.

Result 5 (Policy Recommendations for migrant and refugee parents engagement in schools): A1: a relevant desk
research will be conducted in each partner country; A2: analysis of data and synthesis of ideas, consultations and
deliberations with relevant stakeholders, publication on the project’s platform, and dissemination plans to promote
the reports to governmental and EU-level policymakers.

In terms of quantitative results, the project’s targets, growing also through dissemination activities, are the
- PARENTS ENGAGE will directly reach out to 500 students of primary and secondary education in the
participating countries and their parents.
- At least 28 in-service teachers will be directly trained through the PARENTS ENGAGE teachers training and
learning activities.
- More than 500 teachers and school heads will be reached through the Open Education Resources available
through the project’s online platform (R2).

Regarding qualitative results, the project will benefit students’ academic and social experience, capacity to
continue the school and even seek further education as also their sense of belonging to school community and
society. As for parents’ capacity to become more engaged in children’ education, the materials and support
provided will make them feel more empowered and enabled to partake in school activities.

In addition, two main types of outcomes will be produced:

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1) Reports and studies: current practices will be researched for the gathering any developed wisdom and applied
innovations into a comprehensive mapping of innovative practices in multicultural classrooms with a specialised
focus on parental engagement (R1), the most challenging but necessary area of practice (BRYCS, 2018). For this
purpose, the practices of CSOs will be scouted for innovative practices. Ultimately, a policy report with
recommendations (R5) will be produced to support policymakers in designing effective policies.

2) Innovative teacher training and parental engagement materials: PARENTS ENGAGE will develop a useful and
comprehensive set of interactive online training materials for teachers (R2) who need to develop their skills in
working closer with migrant and refugees for their students’ benefit and for tackling ESL. Also, a detailed and
easily accessible set of guides through an Information Package for parents (R2) (translated in all partner
languages) but also a mobile application (R3) to navigate them into the school system to be empowered to better
support their children education will be developed during the project. Finally, a set of audiovisual materials (R4)
will be produced, inspired by the ‘digital storytelling’ approach, whereby participating parents and teachers will
share their experiences with the PARENTS ENGAGE program and how school-level parental engagement
affected their lives.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Share your Skills

Project Coordinator

Organisation Stichting Solid Road

Address Bisschop Hamerstraat 11 , 6511 NA Nijmegen Nijmegen , Gelderland , NL


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-NL01-KA210-ADU-000084655

Start Date Nov 1, 2022

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Regionale Personalentwicklungsgesellschaft (REGE) mbH (DE)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Overcoming skills

mismatch and addressing the needs of the labour market ; Career

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Project Summary

The objective of the project: Through the project Share your Skills we want to motivate migrants who have lower
chances at the job market to find out which profession suits to them and to give them very practical help with
entering the job market and to give migrants access to find a paid job.

-We are organising for migrants two Education and work orientation tracks for the field of: care, gastronomy,
warehouse logistic.
-We bring volunteers who work or worked in one of these three fields in contact with the migrants so that they can
help migrants to discover more concretely which profession suits them. As a mentor the volunteers help the
migrants to take the first steps towards achieving this professional goal and to increase their network.

-4 Education and work orientation tracks have been organised (2 in the Netherlands and 2 in Germany)
-120 migrants have take part in total at the two Education and work orientation tracks (60 in the Netherlands and
60 in Germany)
-12 volunteers have take part at the project and have shared their experience concerning their profession with
migrants (6 in the Netherlands and 6 in Germany)

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Comprehensive Training Model to support the

integration process, to create the inclusive environment
and opportunities for the immigrant women in the field of
social and working life

Project Coordinator

Organisation Duzce Belediyesi

Address Istanbul Cad , 81000 Düzce Merkez , Düzce , TR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-TR01-KA220-ADU-000033474

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Feb 27, 2024

EC Contribution 182,378 EUR


(TR) , Dezavantajli Gruplari Anlama ve Sosyal Destek Dernegi (DEGDER)
(TR) , Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost - Velky Meder (SK) , HUMAN
TARSASAG (HU) , EureCons Förderagentur GmbH (DE)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Creating new,

innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Inclusion, promoting equality and

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Project Summary

Although immigration is a reality, each country and every society have its own immigration experience.
Immigration has not been introduced to the European continent recently, today Europe has trying to establish and
implement well-qualified immigration and integration policies and tackling with some negative approaches related
to migration.
The challenge of integration and inclusion is particularly relevant for migrants, not only newcomers but sometimes
also for third-country nationals who might have naturalised and are EU or Turkey (TR) citizen.
According to Eurostat Population data and OECD/EU estimates, today, around 34 million inhabitants were born
outside the EU (around 8% of the EU population) and 10% of young people (15-34 years) born in the EU have at
least one foreign born parent.

Turkey's EU membership candidacy, democratic reforms and its growing economy, have made the country more
attractive for immigrants and TR has had to host millions of immigrants from many countries, especially from the
Middle East, Africa and Central Asia. Many of these immigrants are illegally moving to European countries for a
better life, causing serious problems in these countries, particularly in terms of social and cultural integration, as
well as housing, health, education, and in social life.

Especially during the last decade, TR and EU countries are the countries that constantly face with various forms
of migration increasingly on various level.
Migrant women in particular face compared to migrant men additional barriers to integration. Often having to
overcome other barriers linked to their being both a migrant and female, including facing stereotypes. The
solution to the successful integration of immigrants, especially women, into society is at various levels in the EU
countries and in TR.

Therefore, it is necessary to exchange experiences by involving organizations from different sectors and levels,
also on an international scale, and to find common ways to support the social inclusion in the form of a
comprehensive training module to support the integration process, to create the inclusive environment and
opportunities for the immigrant women.

Main objectives of the project are:

- to contribute to the professionalization of organisations, increase the knowledge and develop professional and
digital competencies of experts (trainers, mentors, advisors, counsellors, sociologists, psychologists, social
services professionals, representatives of public and private sectors institutions) and by engaging them in the
Mentoring Program for Professionals to Support Integration of immigrant Women,
- to promote social inclusion, integrating immigrant women into society and the labour market by developing a
Comprehensive Training Model,
- to increase the socio-cultural integration of immigrant women living in TR and European countries with women
in their communities,
- to contribute to improving the quality and increasing the intensity and volume of cooperation between institutions
promoting employability and employment of immigrant women by creating, developing and strengthening national
and transnational partnership networks,
- acceptance of diversity as a value and highlighting its potential.

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Direct target groups of the project are experts, immigrant women and their families, but the project will also be
beneficial for the indirect target groups: foundations working for migrants, municipalities, experts from educational
and social institutions, training institutions, non-governmental organizations, organizations providing counselling
services for migrants, immigrants and citizens with a migrant background, professional and umbrella
organizations, employment offices, employers.

The project involves 7 partners from Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary and from Germany.

Main objectives of the project are:

- to contribute to the professionalization of organisations, increase the knowledge and develop professional and
digital competencies of experts (trainers, mentors, advisors, counsellors, sociologists, psychologists, social
services professionals, representatives of public and private sectors institutions) and by engaging them in the
Mentoring Program for Professionals to Support Integration of immigrant Women,
- to promote social inclusion, integrating immigrant women into society and the labour market by developing a
Comprehensive Training Model,
- to increase the socio-cultural integration of immigrant women living in Turkey and European countries with
women in their communities,
- to contribute to improving the quality and increasing the intensity and volume of cooperation between institutions
promoting employability and employment of immigrant women by creating, developing and strengthening national
and transnational partnership networks
- acceptance of diversity as a value and highlighting its potential.

Specific objectives of the project are:

- to organise workshops at the national level attended by experts, relevant stakeholders and target groups in
order to identify the success factors of good practices to support integration of immigrant women into the society
and labour market,
- to prepare Scientific Review: What works in promoting the integration of Immigrant Women into society and the
labor market,
- to support integration process by preparation of Technical Handbook on Immigrant Women in Host Countries,
- to develop a Mentoring Program for Professionals to increase their professional and digital competences,
- to develop and carry out the pilot testing of the Blended Learning Training Modules for Immigrant Women,
- to motivate immigrant women and their families through Educational and Inspirational Videos for Immigrant
Women for cooperation with the host community,
- to support integration process, providing places and opportunities for immigrants and local communities to meet
and interact by implementation of Recreational Modules,
- to support informal education and improving IT skills by preparation of Interactive Learning Platform,
- to create information materials (leaflet, newsletter) and website,
- to create an electronic platform for sharing and exchanging experience between professionals in the field of
immigrant’s support at national and international level,
- to contribute to a long-term cooperation, cultural interaction and exchange of experiences with Turkey on
immigrant women living in European societies,
- to support new collaborations between institutions and organizations related to socio-cultural and lingual
adaptation and integration of immigrant women with the women in the host communities, namely Turkey and
European countries,

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- sharing of mutual knowledge experiences between Turkey and European countries through the learning and
implementation of migration policy in general and women's migration in particular,
- to establish a cultural bridge between Turkey and European countries between institutions and organizations
related to this issue,
- to promote the cooperation between the stakeholders from different sectors (state, public, for-profit, non-profit)
at the local, regional, national and international level to support social inclusion of immigrant women.

The planned activities are listed in relation to the planned results:

1. What Works in Promoting the Integration of Immigrant Women into society and the Labour Market - Scientific


R1/A1. Development of the Scientific Review methodology

R1/A2. Analysis of policies and their implementation at the EU level and national level, identifying successes and
R1/A3. Sorting, comparison and synthesis of data
R1/A4. Preparation of the Scientific Review
R1/A5: Publishing the Scientific Review (in extract) in professional journals, periodicals and online

2. Technical Handbook on Immigrant Women in Host Countries


R2/A1. Preparation of workshop topics

R2/A2. Creation of a design/structure of the Technical Handbook
R2/A3. Technical Handbook content preparation (including conclusions and recommendations at international
R2/A4. Visualization of the Technical Handbook, creation of a graphic design
R2/A5. Translation of the Technical Handbook in the national languages
R2/A6. Distribution of the Technical Handbook

3. Mentoring Program for Professionals to Support Integration of Immigrant Women in the form of


R3/A1: Creation of a design/structure of the Mentoring Program

R3/A2: Development of the draft version of the Mentoring Program
R3/A3: Optimization of the content of the Mentoring Program
R3/A4: Production of the final version of the Mentoring Program

4. Blended-learning Training Modules for Immigrant Women


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R4/A1. Development of draft curriculum

R4/A2. Preparation of the pedagogical template
R4/A3. Creation of the training programme/educational materials
R4/A4. Define evaluation methods to test the training programme, assess educational materials
R4/A5. Recruitment of participants in educational activities and pilot testing, final version

5. Educational and Inspirational Videos for Immigrant Women


R5/A1. Preparation of the structure and topics of the online classroom, division of topics between partners
R5/A2. Preparation of scripts in English for individual topics, commenting on content, preparation of the final
version of scripts
R5/A3. Adaptation of scripts into national languages
R5/A4. Video preparation via freely available software (-s)
R5/A5. Preparation of national versions of videos
R5/A6. Evaluation by training participants, incorporation of comments and preparation of the final version

6. Recreational Modules and Implementation


R6/A1. Creation of a design/structure of the Recreational Modules

R6/A2. Development of the draft version of the Recreational Modules
R6/A3. Optimization of the content of the Recreational Modules
R6/A4. Practical implementation of the recreational Modules
R6/A5. Production of the final version of the Recreational Modules

7. Interactive Learning Platform


R7/A1. Selection of distance learning tools

R7/A2. Training of the project partners
R7/A3. Customization of the LMS
R7/A4. Population of the LMS with educational materials in all partner languages
R7/A5. Preparation of an electronic platform for sharing and exchanging experience between professionals in the
field of social inclusion of immigrant women at national and international level
R7/A6. Finalisation of the interactive online learning platform based on feedback obtained from pilot testing

Other activities (described in detail in the relevant chapters of the project):

8. Activities within project management and implementation

9. Dissemination activities
10. Multiplier events - workshop, seminar
11. Multiplier events -National Final Conferences
12. Short-term joint staff training event

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Main project results are:

1. What Works in Promoting the Integration of Immigrant Women into Society and the Labour Market - Scientific
2. Technical Handbook on Immigrant Women in Host Countries
3. Mentoring Program for Professionals to Support Integration of Immigrant Women in the form of
4. Blended-learning Training Modules for Immigrant Women
5. Educational and Inspirational Videos for Immigrant Women
6. Recreational Modules and Implementation
7. Interactive Learning Platform

Other expected results within "Project Management and implementation":

1. Project Coordination and Management Plan (incl. management of conflicts and risks)

2. Internal Quality Management Plan (incl. Internal evaluation plan) - It will focus on the assessment of quality
assurance, as well as monitoring and evaluation of project management,
communication, dissemination strategies, working meetings, steering group performance.

3. Dissemination plan and its regular evaluation - as described in detail in the section “Dissemination”

4. Website in 5 languages (EN, TR, SK, GE, HU) and its regular updating
- information about the project, partner institutions, target groups, main and specific objectives of the project,
up-to-date information on project activities, project products, publication of photo documentation from project
meetings, contacts to partner institutions and project managers, important links.

5. Project leaflet in 5 languages (EN, TR, SK, GE, HU) in electronic and paper form
- information on the project, objectives, target groups, partner institutions, project products and contacts to partner
institutions. The leaflet will be prepared in English and in all the
languages of the partnership.

6. Project Social Media pages (Facebook or LinkedIn) - information about the project and activities

7. 2 posts on the EPALE platform on the international section of EPALE

8. Newsletter - 3 times during the project duration (1st - information about the project, 2nd about the project
activities, 3rd about the project results)

Expected intangible results after the end of the project:

- obtaining information from the transnational environment on examples of good practices, and successful
methods and their impacts will facilitate the process of integrating immigrant women into society,
- improving professional and digital competences of experts,
- improving mentoring and counselling services for immigrant women and their families,

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- multiplier events will allow for the exchange of experience at national level, positively influence the networking of
experts and cross-sectoral cooperation,
- professionalization and internationalization of partner organizations, increasing the level and focus of clients on
the services of interested organizations,
- improving mutual respect and understanding between immigrant women and the host country community,
- development of knowledge, professional and key competences (including digital and language competences) of
immigrant women,
- improving transnational cooperation with institutions working in the field of social inclusion of immigrant women
and their families.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Active Citizenship in the New Homeland

Project Coordinator




Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-TR01-KA220-ADU-000028291

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Jun 27, 2024

EC Contribution 231,286 EUR

Partners Kadikoy Halk Egitim Merkezi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu (TR) , Cankaya
Baskent Halk Egitimi Merkezi Mudurlugu (TR) , ASOCIATIA SCOUT
ELEMENTS (EL) , Cuiablue OÜ (EE) , Casa Seis-Associação para o
Desenvolvimento Comunitário-IPSS (PT) , TANDEM PLUS (FR) , FAJUB
- Federação das Associações Juvenis de Braga (PT) , PISTES

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Bridging

intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Social/environmental
responsibility of educational institutions

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Project Summary

Asylum seekers and refugees have been a global problem for centuries.No effective policy, strategy and
implementation has yet been produced on this issue. According to 1951 Geneva Convention, Refugee; is an
individual living abroad of the country of citizenship and doesn't have access to protection of this country or
doesn't want to access because of the fear at issue, who is scared, for justifiable reasons, of being oppressed
because of his/her race, religion, nationality, allegiance to a certain social group or political opinions. Asylum
seeker is an individual who is intendment of law not admitted as refugee yet and waiting for the results of asylum
application. As it is seen in the definitions, refugees and asylum seekers left their countries for justifiable reasons
because of necessity. In the EU Council Concluding Declaration titled “Strategic Framework for Cooperation in
Education and Training”, one of the 4 main objectives of Education and Training 2020 is to promote equality,
social cohesion and active citizenship.The importance of active citizenship stems from the fact that individuals
have the power and potential to create a better society by directly and positively contributing to the society they
live in. The reason why active citizenship is becoming increasingly important is that it is considered as a
precaution against social exclusion. In many countries, self-help mechanisms, volunteering and active citizenship
are encouraged in the community to overcome social exclusion. The concept of social exclusion includes many
socio-economic problems such as poverty, unemployment, marginalization, and ghettoization. Active participation
and active citizenship in lifelong learning are among the priorities of Erasmus+ for the period of 2021-2027. In
many European countries, the protection and support of democratic values, the development of society, the
development of social capital, cultural expression, strengthening social integration, and supporting active
citizenship are important. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 2020 data,
there are nearly 80 million asylum seekers and refugees worldwide. In the countries forming the consortium,
according to UNHCR 2020 data, There are 3,980,000 asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey; 480,300 in
Portugal, 437,160 in France, 25,100 in Romania; 119,700 in Greece. In Estonia, 398,700 are foreign nationals.
When these data are analyzed, Turkey is the country with the highest number of asylum seekers and refugees
worldwide. Our project partners host varying proportions of asylum seekers and refugees. The problems
experienced by asylum seekers and refugees during the integration process were effective in the formation of the
project idea and the establishment of the project partnership. The mandatory departure of asylum seekers and
refugees from their countries is a process involving many vital problems. The grievances experienced by asylum
seekers and refugees should be eliminated with a rights-based approach. In countries that accept asylum
seekers and refugees, it is important to ensure the rapid integration of asylum seekers and refugees in order to
protect and maintain social welfare and to transform them into productive individuals. Recent studies reveal the
role of adult education in providing new skills, competencies and social inclusion. The concrete goal of our project
is to develop an e-learning module to meet the needs of asylum seekers and refugees for active citizenship in
adult education. We aim to provide active citizenship training to asylum seekers and refugees in order to facilitate
and accelerate the integration processes of adults into society. We will achieve this goal by providing active
citizenship training to asylum seekers and refugees both face-to-face and on the web through the e-module we
will develop.

With our project, we aim to develop an e-learning module in order to raise awareness of asylum seekers and
refugees about their rights and obligations and to enable them to be active and participatory. In line with this
purpose, we aim to improve the competencies of educators working in universities, public institutions and NGOs

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in providing "Active Citizenship for Asylum Seekers and Refugees" training. We aim to achieve social inclusion by
accelerating the integration processes of asylum seekers and refugees into their newly arrived countries through
the project partners working with asylum seekers and refugees who have acquired this qualification. It is aimed to
increase the institutional capacity by improving the competencies of education administrators and educators. As a
result, more asylum seekers and refugees will be reached, student / trainee profile will diversify and multicultural
education environments will be created. Thus, we aim to reduce the rate of social exclusion and discrimination
among asylum seekers and refugees. We created a consortium by enriching the refugee and asylum-seeker
phenomenon with the perspectives of three different sectors (University,Adult Education Institution and NGO).
With this multi-perspective comparative analysis, we aim to offer constructive, practical solutions to policy makers,
stakeholders, pressure groups, and the active citizenship of asylum seekers and refugees. Our concrete goal in
the project is to develop an "E-Learning Module" to raise awareness of active citizenship to asylum seekers and
refugees. Other goals of the project are: - Comparing the strategies, policies and practices for asylum seekers
and refugees - Developing the knowledge, attitudes and skills of adult educators working with refugees and
refugees on active citizenship - To provide active citizenship training to asylum seekers and refugees - To ensure
that asylum seekers and refugees are aware of their fundamental rights and obligations in the country they live -
To ensure that asylum seekers and refugees are sensitive, solution-oriented and participatory to the problems of
the city, region, country and world they live in. - To accelerate the integration processes of asylum seekers and
refugees into the country where they live. -To improve employment skills of asylum seekers and refugees,
Employment opportunities will be increased by adapting the professional knowledge and skills of asylum seekers
and refugees to their new country of destination. The procedure that an asylum-seeker or refugee, who is a
university student in his/her country of origin, should follow in order to continue his/her university education in
his/her new country of origin will be explained. Thus, the protection and best utilization of human capital will be
provided. In the e-learning module, health, education, accommodation, language training, employment, legal
consultancy, obtaining work permit, workplace licensing, vocational and social courses, hospital interpretation,
financial support, women's guest houses, etc. rights will be included. The sections on the rights and obligations of
asylum seekers and refugees in the e-learning module will be organized within the framework of the current
practices of each country.

A significant number of asylum seekers and refugees live in the partner countries. Our partners are organizations
that actively work with asylum seekers and refugees. Throughout the project, we will conduct a comprehensive
comparative analysis by researching policies, strategies and practices regarding asylum seekers and refugees
both in the context of partner countries and globally in order to create an e-learning module. These
comprehensive comparative analyzes will be synthesized while creating the e-learning module and will allow us
to create a functional project product. In addition, we will organize "Experience Sharing Workshops" with the
participation of academicians, educational administrators, trainers, NGO representatives, asylum seekers and
refugees. In these workshops, we will compile a multi-dimensional information, observation and experience from
the field by bringing together different sectors (University, Adult Education Institution and NGOs), asylum seekers
and refugees. We will benefit from creating the content of the e-learning module by analyzing and reporting the
data we collect at the workshop. In our project, we will organize 5 TPM and 1 LTT to develop the e-learnig
module "Active Citizenship for Asylum Seekers and Refugees". Transnational meetings will allow us to discuss
and exchange views for the synthesis of the desk research and the data collected from Experience Sharing
Workshops. While sharing the work we do in each TPM, we will also have the opportunity to plan the work we will
do until the next TPM. The TPMs we will make will allow both the monitoring and evaluation of the work we carry
out for the e-learning module, as well as financial controls and the follow-up of the dissemination plan. These
TPMs will also contribute to the creation of synergy between partners by forming international workshop teams to
create the content of the e-learning module. Four Elements from Greece will bring the "Active Citizenship for

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees" e-learning module to the web platform. When Four Elements uploads the
e-learning module to the web, Tandem Plus from France, Casa Seis from Portugal and Kadıköy Public Education
Center from Turkey will do a pilot. Academicians, education administrators, trainers, asylum seekers and
refugees will participate in this pilot. Analyzes will be made and reported in the light of the data collected from the
pilot applications. Four Elements will finalize the e-learning module in line with the feedback from the pilot
application and make it accessible.
LTT, which we will organize, is for the training of trainers of the “Active Citizenship for Asylum Seekers and
Refugees” e-learning module. With this training activity, the product of the project will be fully understood by the
project partners. Participants will organize local seminars, meetings, conferences, etc. and promote the project
product. LTT will increase the quality of the promotion and sharing activities of the project.

As a result of our project, we will develop the "Active Citizenship for Asylum Seekers and Refugees" e-learning
module.With this training module, we aim to improve the competencies of academics, education administrators,
educators, and NGO representatives working with asylum seekers and refugees, and to provide effective training
to asylum seekers and refugees on this issue. The e-learning module, which is the product of the project, will be
accessible on the web platform. During the project, the e-learning module financed by the EU will be financed by
Marmara University for 7 years and 8 months, and will be updated for 10 years in total. It is expected that the
e-learning module, which is the product of the project, will be included in the education programs and training
plans of educational institutions (University, Adult Education Institution, NGOs). Brochure, e-brochure,
e-newsletter etc. created within the project. It is expected that more asylum seekers and refugees will benefit from
the e-learning module by sharing these materials with public and private organizations working with asylum
seekers and refugees and NGOs. As a result of our project, we expect asylum seekers and refugees to learn
about their rights and obligations thanks to the e-learning module. Asylum seekers and refugees who know their
rights and obligations will also be able to protect themselves from abuse. We expect to accelerate the integration
process of asylum seekers and refugees into the country where they live, as a result of the trainings that our
partners' academics, adult educators and NGO representatives will give using e-learning modules. We also aim
to increase the employability rate of asylum seekers and refugees whose integration process is accelerating. We
expect the result of realization of social inclusion and prevention of exclusion and discrimination with active
citizenship training. As a result of the Active Citizenship training of Asylum Seekers and Refugees, it is aimed to
be sensitive, participatory and solution-oriented to the problems of their region, country and world. Sharing the
project results with EPALE, national / international policy makers, other stakeholders working with Asylum
Seekers and Refugees will result in reaching a wider audience. Thus, we expect the project results to contribute
to the development of effective policies at local, regional, national and international levels. At the end of our
project, we will obtain scientific data, comparative and comprehensive evaluations and many results/data
regarding our applications. We aim to develop cooperation by sharing these results with local, regional, national
and international institutions/organizations. We will organize 1 LTT event within the project to improve the
competencies of academics, education administrators, educators, NGO representatives on active citizenship of
asylum seekers and refugees. LTT participants will reflect the competencies they have gained to their institutions
and other stakeholders in their regions. With the seminars, meetings and conferences they will organize in their
institutions, they will increase the competence of both the personnel of the institution and other stakeholders. By
including more asylum seekers and refugees in their institutions, they will ensure both social inclusion and the
creation of multicultural education environments.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Soft DIGITal Skills building for TCN women

Project Coordinator


Address UL. ORLA BIALEGO 44 A , 05 080 IZABELIN , Mazowieckie , PL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000033746

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2024

EC Contribution 229,800 EUR


Topics Information and communication technologies (ICT) ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

In modern times and especially during in periods of pandemic digital skills have become more important than
ever. This is more true for vulnerable groups and especially for the most disadvantaged ones, such as migrant
women who in practical terms appear to have limited rights and privileges in the EU societies despite the long
lasting movement for equality and justice for TCNs in Europe. Women are more likely to lose their jobs than men
as a result of crises. A 2020 report by UN Women suggests that the health and socio-economic effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated women migrants’ existing vulnerabilities
The International Labour Organization (ILO) notes that women are overrepresented in sectors at high risk of
workplace closures; 42 per cent of women workers around the world are in high-risk sectors
The pandemic has created a new reality for all EU citizens, obliging everyone to work from home remotely. But
withing this context, it’s important to pay attention to what happens with non-skilled workers and especially those
who do not even have the basic language and other soft skills that would allow them to first survive and then give
them the possibility of quality leaving as all other citizens.
Digital inaccessibility can take two main forms: 1) a lack of digital literacy, or the skills required to navigate the
internet, and 2) a lack of access to technology. Many migrants do not have access to wifi or data, or do not
have/cannot afford the devices that are required to join the digital community. Internet non-users are at particular
risk of social isolation, due to their digital exclusion. Migrants also face additional barriers to digital inclusion, due
to a reliance on others to translate the websites of service providers and social media platforms to their native
languages. While the pandemic has prompted more innovative approaches to service delivery, digital inclusion is
of paramount importance.
Women and especially TCN women are under-represented at all levels in the digital sector in Europe. Although
the digital sector is rapidly growing, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs every year, the share of women
in this sector is decreasing. According to the Commission’s 2020 Women in Digital (WiD) Scoreboard women are
still less likely to have specialist digital skills and work in this field compared to men. Women in Poland, Romania
and Greece are the least likely to be taking part in the digital economy, either through employment, use of the
internet, or skills.
TCN women have limited opportunities to access digital skills training and to access digital employment
opportunities. Sociocultural norms further widen the digital divide. Migrants who lack access to online
connectivity, digital devices and skills have been further isolated during the pandemic.
The manifesto on Digital Inclusion of the Migrant Women Network says it all : “Internet is no longer a luxury but a
right . It must be easily accessible, for any individual”, which is promoted through the #InternetIsARight
#InternetEsUnDerecho awareness raising campaign that aims to sensitise citizens and inform digital companies
and decision and policy-makers on the existing digital gap and its problematic consequences.
As we will showcase further below, our aim with the proposed project is to go one step further and educate and
build the capacity of those who have access to the direct target group so as to be able to promote the digital
inclusion of migrant women. This primarily involves, migrant and non-formal educational organisations, but also
gender equality bodies that have direct access and interest to the overall social and economic inclusion of
migrant women.

Main Objectives:
The improve the digital inclusion of TCN women in selected EU countries through practical tools and tailored

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educational interventions so as to secure a better quality of living for them.

Specific Objectives:
• Improve national and transnational understanding of the digital inclusion needs of TCN women in the EU.
• Develop practical tools and collect useful resources in terms of digital inclusion of women with migrant – refugee
• Improve the capacity of professionals and stakeholder that have direct access to TCN women on how to
develop their digital skills and ultimately empower them.
• Increase awareness among professionals, relevant stakeholders and the general public regarding the digital
inclusion needs of TCN women.

Developing a common understanding regarding the modern digital inclusion needs of TCN women in Europe:
Primary and secondary research work with TCN women, professionals and representatives of public and private
Development of a mutual understanding to identify the policy needs and define key principles regarding the digital
inclusion of TCN women.
Drafting and dissemination of country and EU-relevant policy briefs in relation to the planned dissemination and
communication activities.

Design, development and piloting of capacity building web platform:

Design of education materials and tools on the digital inclusion of TCN women as vehicle for their overall
inclusion in EU local societies and especially in periods of pandemic.
Development of practical educational tools and resources on the digital inclusion of TCN women in EU.
Pilot Testing Implementations

Training of stakeholder representatives and professionals on digital inclusion of TCN women and pilot testing of
the empowerment methodology:
Organisation of online and physical engaging, interactive workshops for professionals and stakeholder
representatives on the promotion of the digital inclusion of TCN women.
Pilot testing of the empowerment learning methodology for TCN women by the trained professionals and

Communication and dissemination of the objectives and results of the project:

Design of a detailed communication and dissemination strategy
Development and distribution of information material
Continuous communication activities and sensitisation of relevant stakeholders and professionals at national and
EU level.

The expected results at project completion include:
• Application of a methodology for assessing digital inclusion needs of TCN women in Europe.
• Increased digital competences (including certification) for the TCN women in all participating countries having
followed the integrated capacity building programme.
• An online learning platform for training TCN women is developed and is made available in the participating
countries, with its content uploaded and made freely available along with a mobile version of it.
• Increased opportunities of TCN women to be successfully integrated in their recipient communities in Poland,
Greece, Austria and Germany.

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• The capacities of professionals & stakeholders in the 4 implementing countries will be increased in terms digital
inclusion needs of TCN women in the EU.
• Innovative learning methodologies and tools aiming at maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of support
provided to TCN women presented and introduced not only in the 4 project countries but also at EU level;
• Enhanced awareness and knowledge (through infosessions and other dissemination means) of professionals
and other stakeholders in Poland, Greece, Austria and Germany and Brussels on using the new e-tool and
• The general public is more sensitised about the difficulties that TCN women face regarding their access to the
labour market.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of migrants by

empowering them through digital mapping activities /

Project Coordinator

Organisation CartONG

Address 23 boulevard du Musée , 73000 Chambéry , FR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000030197

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Jun 30, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners Social Hacker (EL)

Topics Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Digital skills and
competences ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The MapInclusive project aims to provide migrants in France and Greece with new skill-sets that help to ease
their socio-professional integration, through digital mapping activities. These skills include basic IT and mapping
skills. In addition, the project promotes innovative social interactions between EU citizens and migrants. Finally,
this project aims to offer support for migration actors around Europe through sharing of tools.

SHA and CartONG elaborate together a digital mapping workshops methodology. One training is organized in
France with both co-applicants.

6 pilot digital mapping workshops are organized in SHA offices, with the participation of CartONG. Then SHA
organizes in Athens 6 mapathons, and 12 digital mapping workshops. CartONG organizes in France 6 mapathon,
and 18 digital mapping workshops.

Finally, a toolbox is being published to disseminate the project learnings.

Staff from Social Hackers Academy is able to implement mapping workshops autonomously
A new digital mapping workshop methodology is created
In France, new partners are identified to implement activities
Participants learn digital and mapping tools which support other facets of their integration experience
The atmosphere of the workshops is convivial and encourages mutual aid and dialogue among participants
The co-applicants are able to mobilize volunteers
A toolbox is developed and disseminated

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in youth

Project Title voices

Project Coordinator

Organisation Flüchtling für Flüchtling e. V.

Address Schildstraße 12-19 , 28203 Bremen , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-DE04-KA210-YOU-000083945

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Oct 1, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Humacoop-Amel France (FR) , ASOCIACION JOVENES SOLIDARIOS


Topics Inclusion of marginalised young people ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Quality and innovation of youth work

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Project Summary

Our main objective is to make the ESC program more accessible for young refugees. For this we want to
implement a trans European network to foster intra-European youth mobilities as well as Regional Mobility Hubs
to ensure an effective network for the ESC. Besides we want to offer support for local organisations for the
reception of refugees as volunteers. In the course of this we want to train „mobility mentors“ to support refugees
in attending ESC.

We are going to implement five main activities. These are general project management in the first place and
capacity building of our three organisations in the second place. Furthermore we want to create Regional Mobility
Hubs in Bremen, Grenoble, Avila and surroundings. We also want to develop and implement a hybrid training
cycle with digital and physical activities for mobility mentors. Our last activity is the implementation of the actual
ESC voluntary services in France, Spain and Germany.

3 RMH’s Europe-wide to make the participation of young refugees in cross-border voluntary services will be
launched with 12 member organisations each. For the guidance of the young refugees all together 21 mobility
mentors will be trained. All that makes possible the implementation of 9 ESC projects with 18 volunteers in total,
out of which 12 will be with refugee background. Thanks to various local activities Europe gets tangible for the
local population, too.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in youth

Project Title

Safe Online Environments for Youth - Fighting Online

Hate Speech & Cyberbullying

Project Coordinator



Address DION. SOLOMOU 8 , 59100 VEROIA , Κεντρική Μακεδονία (Kentriki

Makedonia) , EL


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-EL02-KA210-YOU-000084532

Start Date Nov 1, 2022

End Date Apr 30, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


MISLENE (BG) , uDevelop e.V. (DE)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital youth work ;
Preventing racism and discrimination

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Project Summary

-Create a database about online speech&cyberbullying, on which we will base our project Toolkit, in order to
increase the skills of youth workers and update their methodologies to better support target groups.
-Raise the role of digital youth work by creating an open European e-platform for best practices and creation of
awareness on tackling online hate speech & cyberbullying and their impact on the inclusion of young immigrants
& refugees at the European level.

1)Project Management | Coordination & Implematation
2)Kickoff meeting & Final Meeting
3)Research Base - research | best practices on how to recognize online-hate speech and cyberbullying as well as
on their impact on young immigrants & refugees
4)SAFELINE Toolkit | Digital Media Literacy skills
5)Digital Educational Platform | Posting research data & Toolkit in an interactive environment - Further
Dissemination & Networking
6) Dissemination activities + 4 Multiplier Events

1)Project Management & Implementation Handbook & Evaluation of Cooperation and Project Results Handbook
2)Project Meetings Minutes
3)Research database & Guide how to recognize online-hate speech and cyberbullying as well as on their impact
on young immigrants & refugees
4)SAFELINE Toolkit in print & digital format - Training tool for Digital Media Literacy skills impovemnet
5)Digital Online Platform - interactive environment of SAFELINE tools
6)ME Reports
7)Dissemination Handbook

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project Title

Migrations en questions

Project Coordinator

Organisation Union des associations e-graine

Address 5 rue de Tauzia , 33800 Bordeaux , Aquitaine , FR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-000029139

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 344,122 EUR


SYMMETOCHI NEON (EL) , Coconut Luxembourg (LU) , Res Publica
Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR)

Topics Awareness about the European Union ; European identity and values ;
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

According to a 2018 Eurobarometer survey*, 73% of the European population consider themselves poorly
informed on issues related to immigration and integration. This survey, also highlights, that Europeans tend to
overestimate the number of non-EU immigrants present in Europe. In 19 of the EU member-States, the estimated
proportion of non-EU immigrants among the population is at least twice the size of the actual proportion. Such
results reflect the lack of access, on a European scale, to information on migrations within the European Union.
In 2018, to address the issues pointed out by this Eurobarometer survey, e-graine’s movement of associations
has launched a national cooperative program of education on migrations: One World Citizen, whose goal is to
deconstruct stereotypes and misconceptions on migrations.
The issue of migrations to and within the EU appears to be one of the challenges the EU and the Europeans will
have to face tomorrow. European citizenship implies that European youth grasp and question these matters.

e-graine wishes to go one step further in the education on migrations by initiating the implementation of a
European program of popular education on the issues related to migrations and their management. Earlier
projects have sparked collaborations between the associations e-graine and Res Publica. Supported by the
OECD, both organisations have dreamt of a pedagogical project aiming to tackle the understanding of and the
questions surrounding the European migration policy.
Through the development of 17-to-23-year-old young people’s critical minds, our project aspires to promote their
autonomy from the instrumentalisation of questions related to migrations, a phenomenon that plagues the public
debate. It helps strengthen the general level of knowledge, enhances the democratic debate, and reinforces
young Europeans’ citizenship.
By teaching European young people and youth workers the European migration policy founding principles,
whether the latter are ethical, economic, or political, and the mechanisms that bring it into being today, we hope
to contribute to the elimination of discriminatory practices (Sustainable Development Goal 10.3). By bringing the
weight and thus the normalcy of migrations to light, the project aims to ensure migrants equal opportunities,
whether they migrate from, to, or through Europe. Equipping European young people and youth workers with true
knowledge on European migrations and therefore highlighting migrants' rights can favour their integration within
the European community and the national societies that it is composed of.

In practice, the project is based on the creation of multimedia pedagogical packages by combining scientific
expertise and pedagogical engineering from the popular education field. Through the use of popular education
tools, this association should enhance the transmission of high scientific value information produced by skilled
researchers. This project is based on scientificity, objectivity and pedagogy, to ensure it can benefit the greatest
number of people in several member-States.
Intellectual outputs will thus be adjusted to answer young Europeans’ questionings and will be backed by
easy-to-understand yet based on scientific data materials. These productions will heighten the understanding of
European migration policy through the exploration of five themes:
1. What is the European migration policy?
2. What is the Schengen area?
3. Which European asylum policy?

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4. Who decides on the European asylum and immigration policy?

5. European demography and migrations in Europe

Therefore, e-graine is leading a cooperative project, conceived with our European partners to be innovative both
in its approach and its expected results. Six partners are gathered to design and implement this project. They are
European organisations from the non-formal education field and the scientific research field.
The project lies on the creation of 4 thematic pedagogical packages, each one composed of 4 videos, 1 leaflet,
and 1 pedagogical workshop. All of these will be translated into 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian,

A training course will be conducted with youth workers, so as to ensure they become acquainted with and master
the pedagogical packages, thus guarantying a better outreach within the concerned territories. This course will be
offered to two target groups to multiply the produced tools’ impact:
- Firstly, youth workers from the project’s partnering organisations
- Then, European actors wishing to master the created tools
Once the training courses will have taken place, 32 youth workers will have had the benefit of enhancing their
In addition, the training course will be adjusted to fit with the civic and citizenship training course requirements, a
training program offered to young people enrolled in a civic service in France. It will then be offered to young
people enrolled in the European Solidarity Corps to multiply the project’s impact and durability.

Alongside these training courses, each project’s partner will facilitate workshops with young people from diverse
backgrounds (school dropouts, students, living in rural areas or priority neighbourhoods), enabling the project to
reach 734 youngsters in total.
Moreover, the video capsules will be listed on the DIGITEKA video platform, on which, the project “Migrations en
questions” (“Questioning Migrations”) videos, have summed up 2 million views over the past couple of years.
At the end of the project, the training course will have been added to e-graine’s training agency’s catalogue. This
training body benefits from over 15 years of experience in pedagogical engineering and is aims to reach the
French education actors willing to address the issues that tomorrow’s professional world will have to face.
To finish off the project, partners will invite 25 young Europeans to take part in a virtual meeting and to share their
thoughts and comments on the project which may have sparked thanks to the project. Furthermore, a member of
the Erasmus + agency will introduce the young attendees to the possibilities the program offers in order to inspire
them to participate in the European democratic life. They will then be helped in writing and structuring a second
European project. This project’s aim will be to enable them to coin a shared position statement towards European
political decision-makers. Therefore, e-graine’s Union of associations will work to develop transnational mobility
activities and plans to apply for an accreditation soon.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in youth

Project Title

Art as universal language of integration

Project Coordinator

Organisation Fremde werden Freunde

Address Garnisongasse 11/I , 1090 Vienna , Wien , AT


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-AT01-KA210-YOU-000084154

Start Date Nov 1, 2022

End Date Jul 1, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


Topics Creativity, arts and culture ; Inclusion of marginalised young people ;

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The main aim of AVALON is to active the artistic side of migrants and refugees in order to promote their visions
and masterpieces among society and to foster their cultural inclusion and participation. It aims at using art to
boost their wellbeing and the self-esteem and to promote intercultural exchange among refugees and migrants
themselves and among the European society. It strives for developing innovative solutions by using art as a tool
for inclusion that support other organisations.

A guide for cultural inclusion which supports organsiations using art as a tool for inclusion.
A mentoring project which brings together young artists with a migrant/ refugee background and established
An exhibition will be organised in Vienna and Bratislava in order to make the art accessible.
An Open Art Space with encourages young migrants and refugees to be artistically active.
Storytelling Tools will tell individual stories and increase the visibility of vulnerable groups.

The guide for cultural inclusion supports organisations working with migrants and refugees and offers tools and
knowledge for using art as a tool for inclusion.
The mentoring creates intercultural networks and the personal exchanges boost the artistic skills and the
wellbeing of the target group. By showing the art to a larger public, self-esteem will be gained and a larger
audience will be informed. The Open Art Space fosters the self-expression and the intercultural exchange.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in school education

Project Title

Ensuring Integration with Cooperative Learning in Mixed


Project Coordinator

Organisation Die Brücke Des Friedens

Address Längenfeldgasse 68/4/1 , 1120 Wien , Wien , AT

Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-AT01-KA210-SCH-000083650

Start Date Sep 1, 2022

End Date Sep 1, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Yenilikçi Eğitim Derneği (TR) , yusuf bayik ilkokulu (TR) , Liceul Teoretic
"Serban Voda" (RO) , Toli Zordumis (MK)

Topics Democracy and inclusive democratic participation ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Our project is based on an exchange of best practices for implementing cooperative learning in blended
classrooms. Our aim is to prevent our students with special education needs and immigrant children from being
exposed to prejudice and exclusion. We want to support healthy, happy and learning children who have
developed social skills, have a sense of belonging, cooperate, integrate into their environments, without focusing
on academic success.

Our 1 teacher training and 4 different joint implementation activities with five different partners from four different
countries are as follows:

*Teacher Training on Recognition and Management of Mixed Classrooms

*The Effect of Music and Dance on Cooperative Learning
*The Effect of Digital-Educational Games on Cooperative Learning
*The Effect of Creative Drama Practices on Cooperative Learning
*Effect of Orff Applications in Cooperative Learning

The main expected results of the project are:
* Development of students, teachers and parents in the desired direction in line with the project objectives with
the help of collaborative practices in mainstreaming classrooms.
* Including the implementation activities within the scope of the project into the curriculum
* Getting to know children in need better and contributing to their integration with school and society

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in school education

Project Title

Empower Empathy- Unite - Cooperate

Project Coordinator

Organisation Gesamtschule Walsum

Address Kurze Straße 51 , 47179 Duisburg , NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN , DE

Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-DE03-KA210-SCH-000083135

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Nov 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Escola Secundária Jorge Peixinho (PT) , Dr. I. Kamil Tarhan Ortaokulu

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital skills and
competences ; European identity and values

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Project Summary

The increasing number of refugees and the integration of them into education is very important. With our
partners; by integrating our refugee students into our education, we aim to provide quality education on equal
terms, with more effective and innovative inclusive methods. In this way, we planned to raise qualified students
with high empathy and social harmony to continue their school life.In the growing EU economy, we want to
prepare refugee students for the future and pave the way for them.

We have 3 LTT events.
A creative drama workshop will be held on the types of bullying and ways of protection for refugee students from
disadvantaged groups in Turkey School presentations or videos. Discussion about refugee students at school
and their integration (number of students, extracurricular activities, guidance and adaptation activities, parent
Germany STEAM workshop for refugee students
ICT AND WEB 2 usage workshops for refugee students in Portugal

To strengthen the trust in the school by gaining experiences on how we can communicate better with families of
refugee students. In particular, to acquire these methods and techniques in our education system in our schools
and to add them to the professional profiles of our teachers to facilitate the integration of our refugee. In general,
be an example for partner schools by taking positive changes as an example, to ensure the continuity of their
education and to become a qualified workforce.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of migrant

women by empowering them through online digital
learning and personal and professional development/
Women Connecting Europe

Project Coordinator

Organisation Cultur Celebrating Diversity CLG

Address 1st Floor, St. Annes Resource Centre, Railway St , C15 WOYX Navan ,
Midland , IE


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-IE01-KA210-ADU-000082523

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Dec 31, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners Social Hacker (EL)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital skills and
competences ; Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses

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Project Summary

It aims to provide migrant women in Ireland & Greece with new skillsets to enable their socioprofessional
integration through digital skills workshops & capacity building training. These skills include basic IT/digital skills,
web development & coding, & soft skills such as communication & interpersonal skills. It promotes innovative
social interactions between EU citizens and migrants & aims to offer support to migration/humanitarian actors
around Europe through sharing of tools & resources.

SHA and CMC will collaborate together to create & conduct digital skills & soft skills training. 2 international panel
events will take place to facilitate intercultural dialogue & raise awareness of gender inequalities inIT sector. A
final event will take place to provide participants chance to showcase new skills & network with potential
employers. Toolkit will be published to dissiminate project learnings & methodologies.

Staff from CMC is able to implement digital skills course autonomously & embed it into their regular programmes.
SHA improves their capacity to provide capacity building & soft skills training The atmosphere of workshops is
friendly & informal & encourages peer support & open dialogue among participants The co-applicants are able to
mobilize volunteers to assist in the project development & implementation. A toolkit is developed &disseminated.
Participants have better socio-economic integration.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Oi Tu

Project Coordinator

Organisation développement animation sud auvergne

Address 53 rue de la pardige , 43100 brioude , Auvergne , FR

Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000084554

Start Date Sep 1, 2022

End Date Feb 29, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Le Tube ! (FR) , Panevezio leliu vezimo teatras (LT) , Collectif 1984 (BE)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Creativity, arts and
culture ; Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage

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Project Summary

Highlight the people, refine the territories, bring art to life in the public spaces, mix different art disciplines, learn
from each other, create together, develop ways of doing things as a group... this is what the OI TU project
proposes to achieve.
1- Highlight the people in order to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence
2- Co-construct a methodology for animating public spaces by combining different disciplines
3- Share with other artists and socio-cultural facilitators

- Project management
- Learning activities deriving from the techniques of improvisation theatre, action theater and the theatre of
- Co-construction of a methodology for the animation of public spaces to enhance people and territories
- Experimentation of protocols via a Franco-Belgian-Lithuanian artistic tour on a Lithuanian river
- Organisation of retrospective evenings in the 3 countries
- Transmission of the methodological guide via training

- a quality partnership with our partners rich in exchanges and transmission of know-how
- a methodological guide and training for artists and socio-cultural facilitators to initiate the involvement of
residents in the public space
- Eastern Europe - Western Europe links to strengthen our European belonging and promote cultural
inter-knowledge between our 3 countries and beyond

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Title

Migrants Living Under a new Sky

Project Coordinator

Organisation Mažoji Bendrija "Gynta projektai"

Address Vasaros g. 48 K20-18 , LT 68111 Marijampolė , Marijampolės apskritis ,


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-LT01-KA210-VET-000080774

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners PROMETEO (IT) , Eco Logic (MK)

Topics Teaching and learning of foreign languages ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; The project is focusing on work-based learning
and its implementation in the specific sector

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Project Summary

To provide VET learners (mostly migrants), VET teachers with a thorough understanding of the factors affecting
and skills favouring host Nation language competencies through the development of pedagogical material;
To develop VET teachers’ pedagogical approaches - through the improvement of digital skills - which can be
used for new VET activities interested in implementing a work-based model;
To foster VET migrant learners to get aware, verify and continuously improve their level of confidence

Creating one tool for the development of language skills, through country studies on the way to develop these
skills and using a digital platform for educators;
Developing methodological guidelines and framework for educators for the successful implementation of training
activities with migrants;
Creating the physical and virtual layout for the "smart" VET education involving migrants as educators and
mentors inside companies.
Creating self assment tool for migrants if learners of I and C-VET

Giving to VET learners and educators a thorough understanding of the factors affecting and skills favouring host
National language competencies, through the development of pedagogical material;
Boosting VET teachers’ pedagogical approaches - through the improvement of digital skills ;
Fostering VET learners migrants to get aware, verify and improve their level of language skills through creating a
learners’ skills self-evaluation tool;
Improving VET curriculum/modules using D-skills.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in school education

Project Title

Educación inclusiva con enfoque interseccional, por el

éxito escolar de las chicas y chicos de procedencia

Project Coordinator


Address CALLE ALAMEDA 22 , 28014 MADRID , Comunidad de Madrid , ES


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000027661

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2024

EC Contribution 144,007 EUR

Partners Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (EL) ,

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Preventing early school leaving and
failure in education

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Project Summary

The Eurydice Report Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies
and Measures, published at the beginning of 2019, confirms the early school dropout rates of students with
migrant background are still high. Among the 22 European countries, Spain with a rate of 31,9% and Italy with
30.1% occupies the second and third place, and Greece with a 16,9% the ninth.
According to the same report, the school dropout rate of Spanish or Italian students is 15,6% In Spain (5th out of
34 countries) and 12% in Italy ( 9th out of 34 countries) , which is also very worrying. In Greece the dropout rate
of Greek students is 5,4% (26th country out of 34).
The good results in Greece could become an example for the other countries; however the dropout rate of foreign
students is three times higher than that of Greek students which means that something is failing as in Spain and
Italy where this rate is twice as high. These data reveals the relevance of strengthening the educational inclusion
of these students.
Due to the break out of the COVID pandemic in 2020 schools had to close in order to prevent the spread of the
pandemic. During the school year of 2019/2020, in Spain the schools were closed during 15 weeks, while in
Greece during 36 weeks and in Italy during 38 weeks. The higher school dropout of students with migrant
background has been considered normal and unavoidable as a matter of progressive and unequal integration
either for the school year 2019/2020 as well as for the current school year.
A recent research made in public schools in Madrid and Barcelona at the end of 2020 shows that if the data are
disaggregated by students sex and origin, the impact of school lockdown and the high NTIC dependence
increases. This greater impact exists beyond the digital gap and the possibility of these students to have access
to digital devices .
The aforementioned research also reveals that the different and specific needs of migrant students have not been
taken into account. According to UNESCO, the long and repeated schools lock downs increase the loose of
knowledge and the risk of school dropout, especially in the most vulnerable students.
The general objective of this proposal is to address the specific needs of migrant students in order to facilitate
and improve their school performance and social inclusion.
We are aware that there are obstacles that can be vital for these students and that may be aggravated in a
pandemic context.
Schools must be able to promote the educational inclusion with intersectional approach of these students which is
the specific objective of this proposal. To this end, it is crucial to change the mindset that the greater dropout of
migrant students is normal and unavoidable, considering it as a question of progressive and inevitably unequal

The proposal aims to achieve the following specific objective: Promoting the intersectional educational inclusion
of girls and boys with a migrant background in schools, in Mediterranean Europe (Spain, Italy y Greece).

The proposal will also contribute to the following general objective: Respond to the different needs of girls and
boys students with a migrant or refugee background in order to facilitate their school success and social inclusion
in the European Union.


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The project includes management and implementation activities to obtain the results and their dissemination.

The implementation activities that aim to achieve the results are describe below.

Result 1- Output “mapping”

- Design of data collection tools and identification of good practices with case studies.
- Socialization, feedback and ownership by partner organizations for implementation
-Contac with target groups for implementation.
- Tools implementation
- Analysis of information, drafting of mapping initial version.
- Partners´ feedback.
- Validation with schools for their feedback.
- Drafting of Mapping final version. Translation into each country language and digitalization.
Result 2, Output “Interactive teacher training module “.
- Definition of content based on best practice learning from case studies
- Drawing up initial script with contents to be covered and structure. Partner´s feedback
-Module drawing up (draft). Partners´ feeback. Feedback of participating schools teachers
- Definition and design of interactivity elements..
- Final version. Translation into English and the three participant countries languages.
Result 2, output “Guide of Strategies”.
-Sharing of the curriculum of the three participant countries ( EU competences framework and contents of
knowledge areas). Agreements on contents to be covered.
- Drafting of initial version with contents and structure. Partners´ feedback.
- Drawing up of the guide (draft). Partners´ feeback. Feedback of participant schools teachers.
- Final version. Translation into English and the three participant countries languages.. Digitalization.
Result 3, output “Video with testimonies ”.
- Elaboration of referent persons identification criteria. Partners´ feedback.
- Definition of guidelines for local video recording. Partners´ feedback.
- Selection and contact with country referent persons.
-Recording of testimonies from the interaction of the referents with migrant girls and boys and their families (this
can take the form of visits by the referents to the schools, the holding of meetings, etc.)
- Development of video (in each country)
- Elaboration of a professional global video (by audiovisual company) from images provided by each country and
specific recordings. Partners´ feedback. Final version of the video.
Para el R3, output “Student-produced digital newspapers (with didactic guide)
- Definition of content on migration and refugee issues to be addressed with students. Partners´ feedback
- Definition of common guidelines for accompanying students. Partners´ feedback.
Selection and in-house training on the digital tool to be used in periodical production (Flipsnack, Genially….)
-Coordination with the participant schools in order to identify the students for the sessions.
- Development of sessions with students for the production of digital newspapers by school and global
- Elaboration of a didactic guide to work on global newspaper content (alternative migration narratives). Partners´
feedback. Drawing up of guide final version. Translation into English and the three participant countries
languages). Digitalization
Para el R3, output “Systematization”.
- Definition of tools, milestones and participants in the systematization process. Partners´ feedback.
-Coordination with participant schools for the implementation of the process
-Collection of information in each school

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-Inter-schools sharing sessions

-Systematization drafting. Initial partners´ feedback. Final version. Drawing up of final version. Translation into
English and the three participant countries languages). Digitalization.

The Project will achieve the following results:
1-Teachers, students and families informed on available resources and good practices in their environment that
favor educational inclusion with an intersectional approach for girls and boys with a migrant background.

2-Teachers with strengthened knowledge and practices for educational inclusion with an intersectional approach
of students with a migrant background at pre-school, primary and secondary school stages.

3-Secondary school students with strengthened social and intercultural competences to recognize and value
cultural diversity and the contributions of migrants persons, especially those of women
Intellectual outcomes are defined for each of these results which will be available for the educational community
in each of the participant countries as well as in the European Unión, in general.
1 output for Result 1 :
Mapping of available resources and good practices that favor the educational inclusion and retention with an
intersectional approach of girls and boys with migrant background. Case Studies in Madrid, Barcelone (Spain),
Palermo (Italy) and Athens (Greece)

2 output for result 2 :

- Interactive teacher training module on educational inclusion with intersectional approach of migrant students,
- Guide with strategies to orientate teaching practice (competences and knowledge areas of the curriculum) from
the perspective of cultural diversity with an intersectionality approach
3 outputs for result 3:
Video compilation of testimonies of women and men with migrant background and with professional and personal
experience that may serve as a reference/role model
Student-produced digital newspapers with alternative narratives on migration and visibility of the contributions of
migrant men and women as a source of wealth (with teaching guide)
Systematization of the experience of developing a digital newspaper with students in which the contributions of
migrants, especially women, are reflected.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in school education

Project Title

Innovative educational approaches and practices for

migrant pupils to maximize the effectiveness of their
social inclusion and school performance

Project Coordinator

Organisation Kauno rajono svietimo centras

Address Saules str. 12 , LT-50239 Kaunas , Kauno apskritis , LT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000024051

Start Date Dec 1, 2021

End Date May 31, 2024

EC Contribution 218,497 EUR


PANTELIMON" (RO) , Cesitlilik Icinde Birliktelik Dernegi (TR) ,

Topics New learning and teaching methods and approaches ; Reception and
integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital content, technologies and

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Project Summary

Migration flows from outside and within the EU have increased in recent years. During this movement migrant
children and their parents face a number of challenges related with the migrant status, different social and
cultural, linguistic background, education systems, adapting to a new rules and routines in schools, expressions
of lower sense of well-being, segregation and hostility. Most migrant pupils receive little support in finding the right
school or class, or in ‘catching up’ with their peers. The data from international surveys such as PISA has
consistently shown that migrant students are at a disadvantage in European societies The
data of the surveys state that “education is the greatest weakness in the integration policies of most countries” The above mentioned essential reasons effect pupils’ learning achievements,
cognitive and social-emotional development, even dropping out of school, employment opportunities in the future.
The European Commission emphasized, that early school leavers are more likely to come from immigrant student
groups, as their “early school leaving rates are nearly twice as high as for the native”
According to Eurydice report, the 2018 Council Recommendation on promoting common values, sound and
inclusive education and the European dimension of teaching stresses the importance of ensuring effective and
equal access to quality inclusive education with the necessary support for newly arrived and returning migrant
children. The OECD (2016) pointed out, that “migration puts enormous strains on both host communities and
migrants themselves”, thus this problem requires a complex approach from the whole community. The necessity
to help young people from migrant backgrounds to become well-integrated into the education system and through
this into society has always been emphasized at European level and many EU policy initiatives have been
developed. However, 2018 TALIS survey data show that only 24,7% of teachers on average from EU countries
are prepared to work in multilingual environment; in partner countries: 26% Bulgaria; 35% Lithuania; 39% Turkey;
43% Romania. The Eurydice report (2018) data reveal that the teachers and special education staff are not
trained and supported to deal with migrant parents and children, they lack training courses with the experiential
practices, teaching and learning tools, innovative and modern methodologies, examples of best practices, soft
skills and knowledge to work with many faceted issues (academic, psycho-social support, communication, team
work) related to integration and inclusive education

In order to address the issues and the challenges highlighted in the supporting documents and data analysis in
partner countries in the European context, the following aim and objectives are foreseen:
The aim - developing professional competences of teachers and special educational staff to create an inclusive
academic, social and emotional environment for migrant pupils.
The objectives:
1. provide teachers and special educational staff with innovative training material (OER) and knowledge to enable
them to work with the marginalized pupils;
2. supply teachers and special educational staff with teaching/learning tools to reduce learning disparities and
strengthen pupils’ mental well-being;
3. increase the capacity of school communities (teachers, parents, pupils, school administration) to foster
successful inclusion of migrant pupils through dialogical groups;
4. support teachers and special educational staff in dealing with diversity in the classroom through exchange of
work based best pedagogical practices.

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The project implementation activities will undergo the following stages: preparation, implementation, evaluation,
quality assessment, and dissemination. To ensure proper management of the project activity plan and finances,
10 face-to-face and on-line project partner meetings will be organized. A project website and Facebook will be
created to spread the word about the project to wider audience. A leaflet will be issued in all project partner
languages, also 4 newsletters about the project progress. Monitoring of the implementation of activities and
financial management will be carried out on regular basis. To reach the project aim and objectives, 4 outputs will
be produced. These intellectual outputs will be tested by Local action groups, translated into national languages,
piloted and improved according to the suggestions and recommendations of the participants. Later, presented as
OERs on the project e-learning platform (MOODLE). The outputs will be disseminated during national workshops
and EU conference for teachers, special education staff, parents and stakeholders in the sphere of education at
national and EU level. To ensure qualitative preparation of the project deliverables, quality assurance will be
performed by the internal evaluator who will prepare criteria for quality assurance of the outputs, assess the
project results and will provide suggestions for improvement. 18 (including 4 of the host organization) participants
from partner organizations will be trained to work with the 4 intellectual outputs and evaluate their quality and
content, then provide feedback for improvement in the short-term teaching-training activity.

The project partnership has planned to produce the following outcomes: 4 intellectual outputs presented as Open
Educational Resources: O1 E-training course for teachers and special educational staff "Inclusive education
approach for successful integration of migrant pupils" which consists of: Moodle learning platform, a methodology
how to use MOODLE platform for training course, a professional development curriculum, 4 modules (including
theoretical and practical material), a self-assessment tool; O2 Toolkit for teachers and special education staff
“Vertical classroom model – an innovative approach to deal with diversity in the classroom: A handbook “A good
start in the host country”; a set of 30 lesson plans with attractive teaching/learning methods for the vertical
classroom; the recommendations for school special educational staff on how to tackle the problems of newly
arrived and returning migrant pupils; OER repository of existing digital resources (with the short descriptions)
about the sensitive issues at school to work with pupils (50 links in EN and 20 in NL in total) O3 „The Living Lab
„Building supportive community“: 20 dialogical scenarios to work with parents from migrant parents in dialogues
groups, 20 dialogical scenarios to work with pupils in horizontal classroom; E-guide for teacher how to organize
dialogical groups. O4 A Set of practical pedagogical experiences „Successful pathways to social, emotional and
cognitive integration“ for teachers and psych-social staff: 10-12 performed best pedagogical practices with
questions (at least - 3) for reflections in written to deal with newly arrived and returning migrant pupils. All
developed intellectual outputs will be uploaded on the MOODLE platform as well as the project webpage as
OERs. They will also be available via active links on the project partners‘ organizational webpages. It is expected
that: • 100 teachers and 25 special educational staff will participate in the training course and at least 80 percent
of the will improve their professional competencies: increased level of digital and didactic competences, will
acquire greater understanding and responsiveness to diverse classroom • The teachers and special education
staff will be supplied with innovative material and tools (progressive educational technologies, innovative training
material, methods and tools, digital scenarios, and best pedagogical practices) to create a smooth communication
and collaboration space for migrant pupils in the host country/school which will enable better inclusion and reduce
pupils’ learning disparities and avoid dropout of the education system. • 30 parents from migrant backgrounds,
who will be reached via their children, will be provided with the necessary information, dialogical scenarios and
psycho-social as well
as pedagogical support to enhance their capacity to support their children to adapt to the new learning
environment in the host country. 80 percent parents will be satisfied with project results. • 75 pupils from migrant

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backgrounds and 400 non-migrant

ones will make use of the e-repository and will take part in the piloting activities of the Vertical classroom model
and the dialogical groups. At least 60 percent of the pupils will build up their values; change their mindset about
the host country and new classmates and teachers, will engage in all the educational activities inside and outside
the school.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title


Project Coordinator

Organisation ARSU Academy for Lifelong Learning and Development Germany e.V.

Address Taylorstrasse 8A , 14195 Berlin , BERLIN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000030460

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 174,055 EUR

Partners Educademy Prague, s.r.o. (CZ) , Kapadokya Egitim ve Arastirma Dernegi

(TR) , EUROFORMAZ (IT) , Blestyashta Akademiya (BG)

Topics Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Teaching and learning of foreign

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Project Summary

Considering troubled political situation in the Middle East and Asia , immigration has grown rapidly in recent years
in Turkey and Europe. Therefore, additional tools are needed in order to integrate the immigrants and refugees
arriving in Europe. The core of successful integration is language learning, herein, mobile applications are
successful educational resources that can be targeted at the immigrants as a large percentage of them are
digitally literate and interested in new opportunities in their new countries. In the framework of this project, we
focus on establishing a language-learning solution, this enables the refugees/immigrants to study and learn said
language and get familiar with the culture and conception of their new country.

This mobile application will be ready for download on the application markets free of cost. Our target group will be
the immigrants in Turkey and European countries. L@ngu@ges4all smartphone application will provide refugees
and immigrants the advantage of learning the native language of the country in advance after the residence
permit has been granted. Other immigrants who have already been living and working in their new home country
will benefit from the L@ngu@ges4all applications as well. The application will consist of 6 target languages (
Turkish, English, German, Czech, Italian and Bulgarian ) and at least 6 support languages. These languages will
be the most widely spoken by the immigrants in each of the partner countries.

The L@ngu@ges4all phone app will include the subjects that are necessary for the first adaptation in the new
country including illustrated vocabulary to facilitate recognition and audio visual content to engage users in
innovative ways. The topics will involve country-specific concepts to assist integration in each of the partner
countries. Our intention is to generate a free basic language course that is easy and fun to use and can be
marketed towards end useres with smart effective and creative forms of dissemination.

The major impact of the app on the project partner countries is based on prospect. The impact will be significant
on region, nation and European-wide scale.The ratings of the applications on the app markets and amount of
downloads will measure the projected impact, and the feedback from users is essential to ongoing improvements.

Project L@ngu@ges4all is divided in key phases in order to organize and plan project activities and events, and
implement the project outputs. Project meetings and other project management activities are anchored in the
phases according to topic, expertise of the partners and goals. General phases of implementation are:
Project monitoring and Evaluation
Quality Assurance & Evaluation
Financial reporting and

L@ngu@ges4all will also go through the following phases specifically:

Intellectual Outputs
Multiplier Events
Pilot Sessions
Transnational meetings and

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Online meetings

All 5 project partners have extensive expertise working with projects, both language- and immigrant-related, and
all have a large network of contacts that will be utilized.

Project L@ngu@ges4all is divided in key phases in order to organize and plan project activities and events, and
implement the project outputs. Project meetings and other project management activities are anchored in the
phases according to topic, expertise of the partners and goals. There will be 4 transnational meetings with all
partners in order to reach the previously indicated goals of L@ngu@ges4all. It is very important to discuss the
topics such as project management, outputs, activities and budget control on these meetings.

-During the first month of the project, the coordinator ARSU Academy from Germany will create the management
environment, project management tools, documentation and write the dissemination strategy guidelines.

-Partners will get to know each other, delegate the tasks and deadlines, explain the management tools, setup the
Facebook group, discuss logos, etc.

-The project logo and other branding elements will be created by EUROFORMAZ (IT) by the end of November

-The 1st transnational kick-off meeting will be in Germany in March, 2022. Partners will get to know each other,
delegate the tasks and deadlines, explain the management tools, setup the Facebook group, discuss logos etc.
Topics that will be discussed will be the division of intellectual outputs will be discussed and leading partners will
outline and present their individual efforts to manage the outputs.

-The 2nd transnational meeting will be held in Italy in August, 2022. Presentations from the partners outlining
progress of the mobile application development, preparations and each partner’s tasks of material creation for the

-The 3rd transnational meeting will be held in Bulgaria in March, 2023. Presenting the on the completion of the
Audio visual content and the partners will present the exercises created to go alongside the animations.

-The 4th transnational meeting will be held in Czech Republic in August, 2023. This meeting will focus on the
presentation of the Web Portal and Mobile app.

-There will be 4 Intellectual Outputs of the project L@ngu@ges4all.

* IO1 L@ngu@ges4all - Mobile Phone App (Turkey)
* IO2 L@ngu@ges4all - Database (Bulgaria)
* I03 L@ngu@ges4all - Web Portal (Czech Republic)
* I04 L@ngu@ges4all - Audio Visual Content (Germany)

-The project dissemination website created by EDUCADEMY (CZ), will be implemented and translated into
partner languages. It will serve as a dissemination tool with information about the project, the downloadable
versions of the reports, other project materials and links to the mobile applications on the application markets
when those are launched. It will also contain news and other information relevant to the stakeholders.The
partners will send the data that they gathered in their countries to ARSU (DE).

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The strategic partnership offers a synergy of broad experience from 5 countries, making an innovative use of a
mobile tool for learning language in Europe. The expected results are to have around 1000-1500 mobile
application downloads of all the mobile application language versions in total after one year of the project
completion. To reach this number of downloads, the partners will contact refugee centers, immigration,
associations dealing with migrants and use social media as a tool for disseminating the apps in addition to the
app store, Android/IOS. We expect at least 500 “likes” on the Facebook project page.

The desired outcome of L@ngu@ges4all is to provide refugees with a pathway to acquire and improve the
necessary language skills to increase their ability to participate in social events and improve their social
interaction, thereby integrating into their new environment. Using the smartphone applications created within this
project will give them a head start in learning the native language of the country while waiting for their decisions
from immigration or after the residence permit has been granted. These applications will also be useful for any
other immigrants who have already been living and working in their new home country for some time.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism

at local level through digital servicEs

Project Coordinator



Address 53, avenue Cap de Croix , 06181 NICE , Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur ,



Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000033473

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Dec 31, 2023

EC Contribution 188,144 EUR


Circles e.V. (DE) , HT srl (IT)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital content, technologies and

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Project Summary

According to IOM, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected migration in Europe, as countries have imposed internal
and international travel restrictions to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, resulting also the reduction of the
number of irregular migrants. Different measures were taken against COVID-19 in 2020, in all EU Member States
related to asylum and migration. In France, registration was temporarily halted, resulting also the suspension of
access to the asylum procedure and to reception conditions. Italy, Germany and Greece engaged in lockdown of
reception facilities, while Cyprus and Greece employed pushbacks at sea. At the same time, the reception
centres in France, Greece, Cyprus, and Italy, were operating near or above maximum capacity.
The pandemic has also affected migrant integration internally, as management practices such as restrictions of
movement, closure, and social distancing have pushed migrants into isolation. Besides, waves of disinformation
caused an increase in racist and xenophobic incidents against national or ethnic minorities deriving from the
pandemic (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2020).
Under these circumstances, migrants have developed a unique relationship with their mobile phones. Almost all
of them have a mobile phone, which they consider as a basic necessity to remain in contact with their family and
friends. Smartphones have proved to be indispensable for migrants when navigating and resettling in a new
country. Interestingly, migrants often share the view that it is easier to engage with their smartphone than with
people, when it comes to directions or other questions in the host country (Euronews, February 2020). This
phenomenon offers an opportunity to create new mobile services that can have a positive impact on the lives of
Within this framework, STAGE involves 5 partners from 5 EU Member States, and has a primary objective to
foster social inclusion of migrants and their family members in their host countries. STAGE is indented to directly
address the social inclusion of migrants, focusing on three elements of social exclusion in migration: language,
access to information, and positive interactions to build network, and will carry it out through establishing a
three-way social inclusion approach, which includes the following sub-objectives:
1. A mobile App (and online version of the App) for migrants aiming to support language learning, access to
information, and positive interactions to build network (PR2).
2. An interactive Map (which will be a part of the App and online version) for the public, aiming to share stories
and routes of migrants, which will build an audience and promote understanding among locals and migrants
3. A Capacity Building programme (OER/PR3) for Mentor and Adult TCN trainers, and a Joint Staff Training (C1)
for NGO volunteers, adult education staff, and organisation staff, aiming to help them to build capacity when
dealing with migrants and especially for mentoring them and/or training them; and develop their competences to
improve the effectiveness of adult education on migration.

The ultimate objective of the project is to foster social inclusion of migrants (including refugees, asylum seekers,
TCNs, and people under subsidiary protection) in the partner countries, irrespective of racial and ethnic identity,
gender, age, and sexual orientation. The project’s goal is to create a framework where migrants feel welcome and
embraced in the host country and at the same time to fight racism, xenophobia, and discrimination against them.
STAGE aims to foster social inclusion of migrants and their family members in their host countries, through
establishing a three-way social inclusion approach, which includes the following sub-objectives:
1. A mobile App (and online version of the App) for migrants aiming to support language learning, access to

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information, and positive interactions to build network (PR2).

2. An interactive Map (which will be a part of the App and online version) for the public, aiming to share stories
and routes of migrants, which will build an audience and promote understanding among locals and migrants
3. A Capacity Building programme (OER/PR3) for Mentor and Adult TCN trainers, and a Joint Staff Training (C1)
for NGO volunteers, adult education staff, and organisation staff, aiming to help them to build capacity when
dealing with migrants and especially for mentoring them and/or training them; and develop their competences to
improve the effectiveness of adult education on migration.
This multi-layered but direct approach offers migrants a hands-on experience of social inclusion and supports
them, not only to familiarise with the host-country’s language, but also to gain access to information provided by
local authorities related to them and to build a network through pairing them with mentors. These activities will
take place through a two-features App. Through its first feature, the App will offer the basics of the host-country’s
language but also small-text translation services; push notifications connected with local authorities’ news and
information; and a mentorship experience. The second feature of the App will offer an interactive map, aimed
mostly to promote understanding between locals and migrants. The OER, will offer Mentors and Adult TCN
trainers a programme aimed at building their capacity to support migrants through mentoring.

The project activities to be implemented during STAGE are:
• Partners agreement signed between the partners
• Financial and management plan from all the partners
• Monitoring and evaluation plan drafted from KMOP and all the partners
• Impact plan drafted by GIP FIPAN
• Dissemination and communication strategy, by HT
• Transnational meetings to monitor and review the activities of the project, which will allow close collaboration
with all the partners
• Three carefully designed PRs:
1.A mobile App (and online version of the App) for migrants aiming to support language learning, access to
information, and positive interactions to build network (PR2).
2.An interactive Map (which will be a part of the App and online version) for the public, aiming to share stories
and routes of migrants, which will build an audience and promote understanding among locals and migrants
3.A Capacity Building programme (OER/PR3) for Mentor and Adult TCN trainers, and a Joint Staff Training (C1)
for NGO volunteers, adult education staff, and organisation staff, aiming to help them to build capacity when
dealing with migrants and especially for mentoring them and/or training them; and develop their competences to
improve the effectiveness of adult education on migration.
• Five Multiplier Events in all partner countries to promote the project and tis results
• One Final Conference in Cyprus, to present the project, its outcomes, results, with the presence of the media
• One Learning Activity for staff in France to maximise the impact of STAGE

The social inclusion of migrants and adult learning are two important policies of the EU. The introduction of
initiatives such as the STAGE project will address the problems that migrants face when entering a host country
(but also for some that are already present) by examining their difficulties and challenges, their backgrounds and
their stories. The expected outcomes during the project and on its completion, target four major groups:

1. PEOPLE WITH A MIGRATION BACKGROUND (including TCNs, asylum seekers, refugees, and people under

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international protection, as well as their families – RESULTS:

- Direct involvement of people with migration background in the methodology phase and the local activities
(during STAGE)
- Improved knowledge of social, political, cultural, financial and other topics in the local community and host
country (upon completion / long-term)
- Enhanced digital skills (during STAGE - through PR2)
- Enhanced host-country language skills (through PR2, upon completion / long-term)
- Increased interaction with locals (through PR2- upon completion / long-term)
- Increased participation in social and political life of their local communities (through PR1 and PR2)
- Increased access to information (through PR2 - upon completion / long-term)
- Increased social inclusion (upon completion / long-term)
- Increased participation in EU projects and project events (during STAGE)
- Improve migrants’ positive image (upon completion / long-term)


- Increased knowledge about mentoring programmes (through PR3 - upon completion / long-term)
- Direct involvement in mentorship activities (face-to-face and distance) (through PR2 and PR3)
- Development of mentoring/coaching skills (through PR3 - upon completion / long-term)
- Enhance their leadership skills (through PR3)
- Enhance their cultural competence skills (through PR3)
- Increased potentials for networking (upon completion / long-term)
- Gain additional career experience (upon completion / long-term)
- Gain new perspectives on migration (upon completion / long-term)
- Increased confidence (upon completion / long-term)
- Gain personal fulfilment (upon completion / long-term)
- Established solutions to autonomous learning (through PR3)


- Enhanced expertise in the field of migration, tailored to the host country’s needs (upon completion / long-term)
- Increased knowledge of the legal environment (exact knowledge of laws, regulations, strategies and Action
Plans existing in the host country for migrants) (through C1 - upon completion / long-term)
- Increased knowledge of the country migration profile (migrant characteristics (education, background, skills,
migration channels etc.) (through C1 - upon completion)
- Increased knowledge of social integration and inclusion services (through C1)
- Strengthened cultural and social skills and competences (upon completion / long-term)
- Improved organisational skills (upon completion / long-term)


- Increased understanding and improved tolerance towards migrants (through PR2 and dissemination activities -
upon completion / long-term)
- Strengthened sense of acceptance for migrants
- Improved knowledge about migrant characteristics (education, background, skills, migration channels etc)
(through PR2 - upon completion / long-term)

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Title

Career plannig: inclusion of well and/or higher qualified

migrant/minority women into labour market

Project Coordinator

Organisation Gewerkstatt

Address Schleipweg 20 , 44805 Bochum , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000030549

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 295,660 EUR

Partners Mindshift Talent Advisory lda (PT) , BEST INSTITUT FUR

GMBH (AT) , Balgarski fond za zhenite (BG)

Topics Career guidance ; Promoting gender equality ; Reception and integration

of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The intensive wave of the 2015 migration to Europe brought unprecedented challenges and
adaptation difficulties to the continent, requiring collective actions, innovative approaches
and flexible solidarity. Moreover, while the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced migration and
human mobility, the tendencies show that movements to Europe will remain extensive also in
the future (EC, Migration Data in Europe, 09.10.2020). Naturally enough, migration affects
economic distribution of the country as well as has socio-cultural impacts. Skilled migrants
can reduce skills shortages and mismatches all over the EU as well as help combat the
insufficient intra-EU mobility (EC Green Paper on Ageing of Fostering, 27.01.2021). Yet, the
EC policy report on “Demographic Scenarios for the EU Migration, Population and
Education“ envisages a larger non-working population, particularly female immigrants.
Furthermore, migrant women face persistent disadvantages in the labour market, sometimes
referred to as a “double disadvantage” based on being a woman and being a migrant
(OECD, Migration Policy Debates, N25, 11.2020). Deskilling is a common experience, with
migrant women but also women from ethnic minorities often being overqualified for their
jobs. Moreover, the emphasis on migrant women in lesser skilled sectors of the labour
market and on the more masculinised sectors of the skilled labour market have further
overshadowed the noteworthy presence of skilled migrant women in the labour market
(Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Skilled female migrants in the discourse of labour migration in
As a result, skilled migrant and ethnic minority women across the EU continue to face
challenges inside and outside their communities that have a detrimental effect on their equal
participation in society. Discrimination and social exclusion reduce their capacities to claim
their rights and place them in an extremely vulnerable situation where poverty and violence
intermingle in a closed circle, reproducing the problems over generations.On the other hand,
the EU acknowledges that employment can ensure effective integration into host societies
and positively impact on the EU economy; this entails fully using their skills and realising
their economic potential (EC, Migration and Home Affairs, Integration in the Labour Market).
Against this background, unlike most other projects with migrant and ethnic minority women
that concentrate on women with no or low qualifications, the MyPAth project focuses on
those with good qualification or work experience background. Because these women are
mostly seen from authorities (e.g. public administrators, Job Agencies, consultants and
training institutions) only as housewives and mothers rather than as potential professionals,
their capacity and ambitions for a qualified job in the labour market, has not been sufficiently
addressed by policy makers (Expertise from German Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior
Citizens, Women and Youth, 10.2019). This project will seek to mindshift these actors and
(perhaps) initiate new labour market integration paradigms for the target group. On the other
hand, the project acknowledges that, overall, the educational qualifications of migrant and
ethnic minority women are not on the same level and/or cannot be comprehended
one-to-one in the job description in their hosting countries. Moreover, they seek to take up an
adequate job or aim for further training, but do not see/know an adequate/realistic
implementation option/model in their specific case. Obstacles to employment are often the
lack of childcare options, of higher language knowledge levels, insufficient self-confidence

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and support from outside, as well as fixed cultural role models. For their success, initial
support such as empowerment and capacity building but also motivation are of primary
importance for their career planning and its development.

MyPath project will focus on capacity building and empowerment of skilled migrant and
ethnic minority women in the VET sector. Our project aims to diminish the skill shortage of
qualified migrant and ethnic minority women in the VET sector without re-skillings and large
investments, boost their employability chances and employment rate in their fields of
expertise, ensure their sustainable income and socio-cultural and economic integration into
hosting countries. MyPath also aims at raising awareness of the key stakeholders of the field
(public sector, local and regional offices, businesses, civil society) on the significance and
complementary benefits of supporting socio-economic and labour integration of migrant and
ethnic minority women in Europe. Besides, the project seeks to suggest practices and
models that can be replicable and integrated not only within the partners’ contexts, but also
in the overall EU geography.
We consider the precondition for achieving good labor market integration is solid career
planning which is usually drawn up by institutions with which the target group first comes into
contact (employment agencies, job centers). The basis of such planning is the profiling of the
work agencies or job centers. This creates the problem that existing competencies go
unrecognized and women are denied opportunities to present themselves competitively in
the labor market within the framework of digital matching processes (e.g. job exchange
employment agency). And this is the challenge that the current project seeks to tackle by
suggesting: 1. Capacity building and empowerment of the target group - strengthening
self-confidence is an important pillar in achieving the goal of good, sustainable work
integration. Experience has shown that women tend to underestimate their own abilities far
more often than men. Against this background, actions and methods should be structured in
such a way that they are specifically designed to be motivating, creative and educational for
women. To this end, new methods such as improvising theater a mock job interview or other
job related issues, discussion groups, workshops and special self-empowerment projects are
to be developed. Furthermore, accompanying support offers, such as mentors, also part of
the support offers. Mentors will be women with a migration background who pass on their
experiences. This can also be done in digital form within the EU partnership. The project
aims to acquire and qualify a number of female mentors in each country. 2. childcare
structures as that continues to represent a crucial obstacle for taking up work and/ or further
training. We seek to develop a network in which flexible but also sustainable and individual
ways of childcare are ensured, perhaps in different combinations/concepts and conditions,
depending on the age of the children and life situation (child minders, company employees’
child care, playhouses, etc). 3. Competence self-assessment - the target group is to
realistically evaluate their stance on the career ladder and know their potential.
Thus, MyPath will deploy a personal, individual and distinct approach, combining hand-on
courses, story-telling both from the mentors and the participants themselves, personalized
trainings with experiential learning and gamified learning sessions. It will enable and facilitate
communication among the migrant and ethnic minority women among themselves as well as
with mentors and locals, exchange of ideas and experience, and/or perhaps partnerships,
networking and employment opportunities. Thus, the one-window approach, which the
Project sets, will empower the target group to get better insight, structured courses and

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services, a platform to get engaged into various types of initiatives, experience less
duplications and waste of time. As a result, the target group will get prospects/overview for
the development of their career path.

The MyPath Project aims at empowering skilled migrant and ethnic minority women, raising
their socio-economic integration as well as employability opportunities in the 4 participating
countries by equipping them with the latest updates, practices, methods as well as tools in
order for them to safely develop their career path.
The project will develop an all-inclusive course/programme with the help of which the
migrant and ethnic minority women will be enabled to independently plan and develop their
career path and/or act independently based on the consulting circumstances and conditions
in work agencies or job centers. The whole programme will be available online with open
access as well as offline.
The following results (R) will be produced: R1 - MyPath Training Toolkit for professionals/
facilitators such as trainers, job-coaches, social workers. Result 2 - MyPath Mentoring
Sessions as well as MyPath Role Model Videos (targeting the migrant and ethnic minorities
women). To achieve the objective, as primary users of the project the project will engage
professional facilitators (trainers, social pedagogs/workers, etc) who will later pass on the
achieved skills to the target group. The participating professionals will get acquainted with
best practices, childcare practices, create partnerships, originate genuine cooperation, jointly
conceive and master new and innovative women empowerment paradigms, develop and
deploy innovative solutions and answers, such as gamification and experiential learning.
Besides, after the trainings with the trainers, MyPath is planning to carry out piloting
initiatives with the trainers. Being in the role of a participant rather than executors of the
programme, the trainers will have the first hand impression and experience of the course, its
strengths and loopholes, will be more engaged in the learning process, and will be more
motivated to retain the obtained skills and knowledge. Moreover, piloting will also be a good
monitoring tool for the consortium to identify the inconsistencies and shortcomings of the
programme and amend them. The project will also execute 40 mentoring sessions and 4 role
model videos. The Mentors will be successfully working skilled women with migration
and/or ethnic minority background in hosting countries who will consult and support
the target group. After the development of curriculum, mentoring sessions and LTT
activities internal quality assurance analysis will be conducted. All the produced materials
will be submitted to the scientific committee of the project and will undergo the Quality
Assurance analysis before their administration via webinars, in person
lectures/practical exercises. Upon completion of the quality assurance check, the training
kit will be piloted with the selected trainers (both on-line and in person sessions) in all
partner Countries.
The project will create an official webpage which will serve as a basis for the internal and
external communication (brochures, banners, press releases, project newsletter, podcasts
on empowerment of the migrant and ethnic minority women), as well as for the provision of
the programme and the forged models. Besides, it will also include a section for the internal
users (project partners) communication and data administration and another common portal
for networking among trainers, mentors, the target group, policy makers and any other
parties engaged. This will contribute to the rise of knowledge and awareness, promote
capacity building as well facilitate development of ecosystems occupied with migrant and

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ethnic minority women and their career development spectra.

Thus, the one-window approach will empower the target group to get better insight,
structured courses and services, a platform to get engaged into various types of initiatives,
experience less duplications and waste of time.

The project will produce:
1. “Training Kit for Trainers''(R1) to empower professional facilitators (trainers, social
pedagogs/workers, VET providers, etc) with practical, engaging and personalised
material and strategies which they can use for training the end users - skilled women
with migration and etnnic minority background, to increase their efficiency and
productivity as well as enable them to fully exploit their potential. The toolkit will
enable the end users to acknowledge their strengths, upgrade their capacity and
knowledge of the country-specific and job related skills and competences, and
provide labour-market related insight. It will empower these women by providing
them best practice examples, practical solutions (e.g. re childcare) and problem
management tools (also via gamification and experiential learning). The Toolkit will
include online and on-the-spot trainings, assessment tests, offline courses,
(recorded) webinars, video models. Furthermore, the programme will be of Open
Access. Innovativeness of the toolkit is related to its contents because
comprehensive resource sharing on this topic happens very seldom. This Training
toolkit comes to bridge the gap between the policy priorities that the EU sets
regarding the migrant and ethnic minority women, the needs and requirements of the
target group on the one hand and those in the labour market on the other hand.
2. MyPath Mentoring sessions and Role Model Videos (R2) - Within the scope of the
MyPath project actions and methods will be structured in a way to be motivating,
exemplary, creative and educational for the target group. For that purpose the project
will produce 4 "Role Model Videos" and 40 Mentoring sessions (R2). The mentors
will be women with a migration background who have successful careers and can
pass on their experiences to the target group. Knowing the culture, history,
psychology of the newcomers and describing the possibly existing differences
between the country of origin and the hosting country, pinpointing the similarities and
differences in employment requirements and work atmosphere in the hosting
countries and countries of origin of the newcomers, identifying the procedures and
actions, they underwent they can become practical sources of information and
motivation for the the target group who will be able to learn subject related facts, the
range of their possibilities and limitations and get clearer picture of how to start and
develop own career path. The second dimension will be producing “role model
videos” with the participating skilled migrant and ethnic minority women who will tell
to what extent the programme supported their goals and expectations. This will be
authentic and genuine experience-sharing, to motivate and engage others. These 2
practical and genuine measures can inspire the target group to create their own
experiences, enlarge their networking as well as make use of methods and
frameworks used by peers.
These measures will contribute to capacity building, realistic self-assessment of the migrant
and etnic minority women, raise their self-confidence, support them in their career planning,
enable them to be compatible but also competitive with locals as well as sustainably endure

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in the labour market in Europe. Moreover, potentially other regions/countries in the EU can
subsequently adapt the suggested patterns. Besides, through the communication portal of
the project official webpage and social media channels, the project participants and the
interested parties will have the opportunity for networking, communicating as well as raising
awareness of their challenges which might affect authorities to recommend new policies for
promoting their socio-economic integration. Thus, the promotion of intercultural dialogues
will be ensured. The instructional design, development methodology, first-hand story telling,
presenting know-how and expertise constitute activities can be transferred also in other

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Supporting migrants navigate essential services and

labor market integration

Project Coordinator

Organisation Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Teruel

Address C/ Amantes, 17 , 44001 Teruel , Aragón , ES


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000035306

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Apr 30, 2024

EC Contribution 333,264 EUR


FUR EINE OFFENE GESELLESCHAFT (AT) , Learning for Integration ry
(FI) , Rightchallenge - Associação (PT) , INNOVATION HIVE (EL) ,
Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL (ES) , GRANTXPERT
CONSULTING LIMITED (CY) , Cuiablue OÜ (EE) , The Square Dot team

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital content,

technologies and practices

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Project Summary

The project idea of NAVI-MIG was created as a contribution to inclusion and integration of recently arrived
migrants. Even though the peak of 2015-2016 has considerably subsided, refugees, asylum seekers and
migrants are still arriving in Europe every day. According to a Unicef report published January in 2021, 94,800
refugees and migrants arrived in Europe between January and December 2020, in spite of the pandemic and
subsequent lockdowns. Their successful integration and inclusion is critical for our collective well-being, socially
and economically: Migrants can contribute to addressing skill shortages in certain sectors, they are often the
drivers of rural regeneration and can help address the demographic challenge in aging societies (McKinsey
Global Institute, 2018).

The daily reality shows though, that migrants are at a greater risk of social exclusion than the native population,
especially when it comes to accessing health and social services, education, proper housing, and employment.
Successful migration integration starts with enabling newly arrived migrants to access essential services and help
them get settled and oriented in their new residence. Public services ought to fulfil their intended function of
providing a vital safety net to all people, regardless of background. But regrettably, migrants frequently find
themselves unable to access various forms of social support, from healthcare to housing to benefits which harms
the integration process and leaves them isolated from society and marginalized. In this context, mobile
applications are a useful tool to give a first roadmap and orientation. Especially now, in the midst of a pandemic,
when information exchange has moved even further into the digital sphere, a digital collection of information
makes the most sense. This information needs to be as inclusive and widely accessible as possible. Given that
mobile phones with an internet connection are owned by most migrants to map their journey, keep contact with
loved ones and be accessible, (as opposed to computers and laptops), access to this information via mobile is

An app can help improving access to essential services like city halls, housing initiatives, job centers, health
services, child support what else. Access to these services alone does not by default improve integration. It is
furthermore necessary to know how to navigate these services – a task that is oftentimes made impossible by a
language barrier and too little knowledge as well as the lack of a social support network. Migrants reasons for
leaving their origin country and settling in Europe are complex and individual. Therefore an individual approach is
needed to meet their needs and a network of experts is necessary that can fulfill those needs. One of the biggest
issues faced my migrants is the integration into the labor market. The successful integration of migrants in the EU
labour market represents an opportunity for our societies. When effectively integrated they can help improve the
functioning and performance of the labour market, as well as support fiscal sustainability. McKinsey Global
Institute estimates that successfully integrating only the refugees who have arrived in Europe since 2015 into the
labour market could add roughly €70 billion–€80 billion to annual GDP by 2025. But among highly educated
third-country nationals in employment, more than 40% work below their qualification levels (i.e. in medium or
even low skills occupations) according to the EU Commission.

In line with the European Commissions new Action plan on the integration and inclusion on the basis of the new
Pact on Migration and Asylum, NAVI-MIGs objectives in the projects context are to
- contribute to migrants being able to navigate the new residence country by oneself with increased

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self-confidence and self reliance via NAVI-MIG application

- provide a roadmap to migrants that recently (within the last 2-3 years) arrived in their new resident country to
help them get oriented and settled quickly via NAVI-MIG application
- provide an overview of and quick and easy access to key public services like welfare and healthcare services,
integration programs, language teaching, educational and vocational training etc. via NAVI-MIG application
- decrease migrants barriers of using existing services by providing training on the NAVI-MIG application
- support and facilitate the efforts of public administrations at local, national and EU level by increasing uptake of
already existing programs by featuring them on the NAVI-MIG application
Concretely, these goals will be reached for at least 250 stakeholders using the application by the end of the

Further, NAVI-MIG will reach the following goals for at least 120 migrants (15 per partner country)that take part in
the mentoring program
- provide an initial support network via a one-on-one mentoring program based on individual needs of the target
- enhance social, economical and cultural inclusion

By having at least 100 stakeholders use the digital inclusion platform and its interactive labor market integration
training, NAVI-MIG will
- improve chances of successful labor market integration for migrants via labor market training program and the
digital inclusion platform, evident in the successful employment of training participants
- improve migrants knowledge of the local labor market via labor market training program
- increase self-agency of navigating the local labor market

The project will also further inclusion and integration processes by exchange and dissemination of best practices
among partners and their networks

In general:
- Outreach and Dissemination activities from all partners and associated partners to reach stakeholders to
participate in the project for its whole duration
- preparations of project management plan, dissemination plan, quality assurance plan, piloting plan, branding,
website etc.
- heavy dissemination of all project results and progress throughout the project lifecycle

Project result 1
- Desk research and literature review to collect integration and inclusion programs and relevant information on
essential services for each partner country
- translation of content into local languages
- stakeholder feedback session to make sure gathered information is complete and useful for target group
- creation of a user friendly; secure mobile application and integration of previously researched content into the
- online training of pilot participants on the application
- piloting phase followed by improvement phase to incorporate feedback

Project result 2
- creation of mentoring guidelines, collection of resources, overview of expertise of partners and participating

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- outreach to network for potential participants
- selection of mentees for the program
- documentation of mentoring process, struggles of mentees, solutions, useful tools
- aggregation of documentation and creation of best practice report

Project Result 3:
- draft of a curriculum and learning units based on target group needs
- creation of learning units by partners
- translation of units into local languages
- feedback during Stakeholder Feedback Sessions on created material and improvement afterwards

Project Result 4
- draft of an interactive learning platform
- translation of created learning units into content for platform
- population of platform with content
- presentation of platform to target group during stakeholder feedback session
- piloting of platform
- improvement after piloting phase with provided feedback

Project Result 5
- creation of guidelines and form for the manual
- project leaders will document creation of project results ith special emphasis on how 3rd parties could replicate
these results
- each partner will provide a collection of tools that they used in producing the project result in their
- Chamber of Commerce of Teruel will consolidate the project leaders documentation into one document
- the manual will be translated in the local language by each partner
- the manual will be presented during the multiplier events inM23/M24

The key results of this project are:

1. Mobile application NAVI-MIG - a roadmap for migrants in Europe: a secure mobile application functioning as a
roadmap for migrants in Europe that provides reliable information in multiple languages with links to public
services (i.e. health care, administration, affordable housing, welfare services, employment services, childcare)
and existing integration and inclusion programs like language classes, integration classes, local groups,
information collections etc.
2. Mentoring program for migrant inclusion to identify and help meet individual needs of migrants in one-on-one
mentoring sessions and will be wrapped up by a best practice report
3. a training program specifically designed to familiarise migrants with local labor market and help with application
and skills aquiring for a successful job market integration
4. an interactive digital inclusion platform that contains the training program, includes training material, videos and
further relevant external resources
4. NAVI-MIG manual for sustainable project results: a step by step manual on use of all project results and even
expansion of project results

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These results will not only benefit the direct target group of recently arrived migrants in providing a useful tool for
a successful integration and thus a better life quality. It will also benefit municipalities, policymakers, NGOs and
other indirect stakeholders in promoting their existing efforts and programs, providing them with new tools
(application and training platform) to incorporate in their work and provide an information hub to further their

Lastly, NAVI-MIG will be the first step in creating a truly European wide roadmap application for migrants that can
be scaled up in the future.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

New Innovative Simulator Tools for Quality Capacity

Environmental Production Process Training in Education
of Migrants

Project Coordinator

Organisation Quality Management Software AS

Address Rådhusgata 4 , 0151 Oslo , Oslo , NO


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000033720

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Apr 30, 2024

EC Contribution 325,842 EUR

Partners Easy Learning Solutions AS (NO) , Weld on Sweden (SE) , INSTITUTUL

DE MATERIALE - ISIM TIMISOARA (RO) , Barsoum Engineering
Consulting AB (SE) , Magyar Hegesztéstechnikai és Anyagvizsgálati
Egyesülés (HU)

Topics The project is focusing on work-based learning and its implementation in

the specific sector ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ;
Cooperation between educational institutions and business

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Project Summary

Standing at the lathe and getting a commission in the form of a machine drawing with the company logo of the
engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce down at the corner, provides a different motivation and engagement for a
student compared to getting a regular work drawing from the teacher where the components will be produced for
the dumpster. Thus, the experience of getting realistic tasks, being trained for a future job, is important for many
vocational students.

Indeed, a lot of knowledge arises in the meeting between the head, hands, drawings and machines. What
students value inside the workshop is the variety of tools, materials and manufacturing related issues. In addition,
they appreciate the community and the social interactions in the workshop. Here they can walk around and get
involved in each other's work.

Europe has recently been challenged by humanitarian migration of young people aged between 15 to 34 during
the last 5-6 years. In 2017 more than 50 millions across OECD had a migrant background (OECD, 2017). Many
of these migrants are potential students and represent a direct and immediate interest to VET systems. However,
they may not be aware of the educational and economic opportunities available.

The project idea has been discussed within the consortium during the last 6 month period, resulting in a
partnership that has complementary knowledge, skills and competences, with all relevant contacts towards
stakeholders in the industry and VET community in order to implement and scale up the project results.

Thus, the motivation behind the IQSIM2 project is to address and help solving the current needs for engaging
new skilled personnel in an expanding European manufacturing industry. This will be done by developing a new,
innovative training methodology that apply work based learning to make education and training off migrants more
relevant and engaging in a systematic way, by implementing new online simulation tools in education of welding

The manufacturing sector has one of the most rigorous education and qualification systems in Europe when it
comes to receiving and approving welding certificates and diplomas, as well as for the renewal of these. Through
the European Welding Federation (EWF) system, approved harmonized guidelines have been implemented such
that diplomas and certificates are valid all over Europe. This supports free movement of personnel in Europe.
Every second year, their qualifications have to be renewed due to fast technological developments in order to
maintain a valid certificate.

However, Mechatronic 4.0, new welding processes, the use of automated systems and robotics, increase the
need for re-skilling and up-skilling of personnel in the manufacturing industry. In addition the the aging workforce
requires education of more qualified personnel in the years to come. The latests statistics from EWF, shows a
decrease of 6% new certificates and diplomas in 2019 compared to the top in the previous years. The lack of
qualified personnel is imminent and actions must be taken in order to meet this shortcomings. Unless it is
expected that the gap will accelerate during the forthcoming years. On top of this, young people in Europe tends
to move in the direction of academic education, whereby education and training of migrants and adult personnel

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must be considered to close the gaps.

Thus, the IQSIM2 project proposes to better support VET teachers, VET providers and industry VET demand
needs by applying hands on dynamic online simulator tools that will remove for the target student group, migrants
and adult workers, the burden of learning mathematics and material sciences in order to take the correct
decisions during welding processes and joining operations. The new methodology to be developed through this
project will open up a new educational rout for migrants and adults for re-skilling and up-skilling of their current
knowledge and skills.

The IQSIM2 project contains a number of different activities in order to reach its goal and objectives.

OBJECTIVE: To develop a new, innovative training methodology that better supports and implements effective
digitalization of advanced production processes, by applying and delivering blended learning and work based
training system solutions that let the target student groups, migrants and adult students, experience a seamless
education and training system solution. It will apply an online dynamic simulator in combination with a number of
problem based industry cases, to avoid challenges related to trying to understand advanced mathematics and
material science knowledge. The simulator let students answer "what happens if ..." based up on a "play and
evaluate approach", though it is not supposed to become a game.

The course program will be tested by 2 national providers of VET and higher VET to manufacturing industry in
RO, and one VET provider i Sweden. In order to obtain this objective, a number of different activities must be

1. Investigate, develop, test, evaluate and validate a new training methodology that apply advanced online
simulator tools to investigate what are migrants and adult learning students prior learning experiences. This
includes the previous experiences obtained during their previous work and jobs, and help establishing a common
framework for education and training.
2. Develop and adapt the new education and training methodology for effective inclusion of work based training
as the backbone for the manufacturing production process training, by applying e-learning to communicate,
distribute and implement problem based case studies from the industry to the students.
3. Design industrial examples and cases of successful manufacturing processes, as well as processes that failed
due to defects in the production. These examples will be implemented and applied in problem based learning
processes during the pilot courses, in order to trigger discussions and reflection processes among the students.
4. Implement and integrate the online simulation tool IQSIM into the new training methodology. This tools was
constructed as an online service in a EU funded E+ ICT project during the period 2008-10 and has been used for
free for 11 years by stakeholders all over Europe after that (until January 2021)
5. Develop and deliver a set of pilot training courses in the participating countries that apply problem based
training with the case studies and the IQSIM simulator.
6. Evaluate and verify the experience gained through the first set of pilot courses, and specially the use of
industry cases as well as the use of the IQSIM simulator.
7. The importance of better understanding health, environment and safety issues within the manufacturing
processes will be demonstrated and underlined. A specification of how to implement this into a revised new
IQSIM simulator will be developed.
8. Cooperation activities that demonstrates industry VET demand needs and VET providers needs, will be
established in order to ensure that the project results will be maintained after the project is closed.

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iQSIM2 will implement the following:
1. Develop a new training methodology that help migrants and adult personnel start working in the manufacturing
industry by carrying out welding and joining processes. This group will be available for re-skilling and up-skilling of
knowledge and skills. The training methodology will extensively use industry cases as problem based learning in
order to show how to carry out tasks in the correct way. Additionally, industry examples with production failures
and mistakes will be used in order to let the students investigate and discuss the consequences of making
mistakes. The cases from industry will be used to initiate discussions at group and class level. An online
simulation tool IQSIM will be integrated into this training framework in order to reduce the need for learning the
most advanced theory, thus reducing the level for achieving successful training of migrants that lack basic
knowledge in mathematics and material sciences.
2. Apply work based learning techniques in order to meet industry requirements with special emphasis on skills
development. The work based learning will be based on a step by step approach following the production
process. Using this approach the students will observe the consequences at each step of the learning process, if
the training framework has not followed the correct production steps.
3. Migrants and adult personnel will often meet technical challenges related to lacking knowledge in mathematics
and material sciences, when they start studying. The reason is that they will have been absence from the
education sector for a number of years. To avoid challenges related to lacking such knowledges, the project will
implement a dynamic online simulator tool, IQSIM ( Leonardo da Vinci project: KA3-ICT - Innovative Simulator
Tools for Quality management Production Process Training in Vocational Education and Training, 2008 – 2010),
in order to overcome these shortcomings. This simulator allows the students to investigate and reply to questions
like "what happen if..... " for 1) Is this a technical solution that may be applied in the production?, and 2) Is the
selected technical production process cost effective enough? By implementing such a tool the students will
manage to carry out complex evaluations without needing to know complex mathematics and material science
4. The training provided will help increasing the number of educated personnel within the manufacturing sector,
thus creating new, additional certifications at a European level. An implicit achievement will be that the migrants
will more easily be included in the job market, thus creating a positive integration aspect towards this user group.
5. The old online IQSIM simulator has been used as an important and valuable tool in the education of welding
personnel in Europe. It has been extensively used for that purpose without any costs for end users. However, the
emerging climate crises have raised other questions and challenges faced by manufacturing industry all over
Europe. What are the environmental footprint and the health, environment and safety aspects of various welding-
and metal joining processes? Thus, this project will start developing user specifications for a revised simulator
that will make it possible for end-users to evaluate and calculate the environmental footprint of the manufacturing
production process. An additional industry requirement for these problems will be highlighted through the pilot
courses and specified for later technical development and implementation through an E+ KA2 Innovation project.
6. Deliver an initial pilot course in Sweden, to be followed by a second pilot in Romania. They will test out,
evaluate and validate the training methodology, the usage of industry examples for problem based learning
delivery, as well as implementing the online iQSIM simulator.

IQSIM2 will deliver the following results:
1.Development, testing, evaluation and validation of a new training methodology that lets migrants and adult
personnel receive work based training leading to an international recognized qualification in welding. This new
system solution will make these groups available for re-skilling and up-skilling of knowledge and skills. The
training methodology will extensively apply problem based learning with industry cases demonstrating how to

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carry out tasks and operations in the correct way. Additionally, the industry examples will also include mistakes in
order to let the students learn from the mistakes. These industry cases will be applied in such a way that they
stimulate discussions in student groups or in the class. An online simulation tool addressing “what happens if ….”
will be an integral part of this methodology.
2.Emphasize the added value of applying work based learning techniques in order to meet industry requirements,
thus underlining the special emphasis on skills development. The work based learning will be based up on a step
by step learning path approach that follows the manufacturing process. By using this methodology, the students
will easily observe the consequences of failures and mistakes, whereby quality assurance become an integral
part of the training.
3.Migrants and adult personnel usually meet technical challenges when starting their study, due to the
mathematical challenges as well as metallurgical topics, which they too often lack due to absence from re-skilling
education and training systems for a number of years. To better meet these challenges , IQSIM2 will implement a
dynamic online simulator tool, IQSIM in order to overcome these limitations. This simulator allows the students to
ask questions like "what happen if..... " both for technical as well as metallurgical questions, while playing around
with a number of parameters in order to find the best technical and economical solution. By implementing this
tool, the students will manage to carry out complex process evaluations without knowing advanced mathematics
or applying deep metallurgy knowledge.
4.IQSIM2 will increase the capacity for education of personnel that will work within the welding sectors in the
European manufacturing industry. Due to the systematic usage of work based training, migrants and adults will
carry out practices in the workshop. This will create direct links to the manufacturing companies, while these
activities at the same time help them to improve and reduce barriers related to culture and language challenges.
5.The online IQSIM simulator has been in operation within training of welders since 2010 until January 2021. It
has been available online from However, at that time Adobe stopped supporting Flash, whereby
the standard major browsers do not work. The IQSIM2 project will develop a new system solution that will make
IQSIM still work for a period by using browsers that it will be possible to unlock for those who have the flash
player installed. This is valid for the current users of IQSIM.
6.IQSIM2 will develop new specifications for integration of environmental issues in a forthcoming new version of
the simulator, with additional features that better reflect the serious environmental issues the world is facing in
2021, together with health environment and safety aspects of the production. IQSIM2 will focus on these 2
additional features and develop a specification of them for usage and inclusion in a new version of the IQSIM
simulator tool. A new E+ KA2 innovation project to be submitted in 2023 may be a convenient candidate for
developing a new, revised simulator that apply modern browser technologies, working on any device.
7.Develop, pilot and evaluate 2 pilot courses (1st in Sweden, 2nd in Romania) to verify the training methodology
and the use of industry case examples, including using the current online IQSIM simulator.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

VRIN - Virtual Reality for Migrants Social and Cultural

Orientation and Inclusion

Project Coordinator

Organisation HELLO YOUTH

Address OKTOBERVAGEN 6 , 245 64 HJARUP , Skåne län , SE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000035345

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2024

EC Contribution 292,716 EUR



Topics Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Inclusion,

promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and integration of
refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The project VRIN was developed to provide innovative targeted training to both actors involved in TCNs’ (Third
Country Nationals) integration and TCNs themselves as a two-way method to enhance integration in local
communities. This two-way method is selected given that integration does not only depend on TCNs’ willingness
to adapt to the new context by acquiring key skills (namely: communication with the local authorities,
useful/everyday vocabulary, knowledge of labour access, bureaucratic and financial procedures, housing and
health system hints). It also aims on the capacity building of key professionals (namely: interpreters, cultural
mediators and all type of integration assistants) working in this field. The management of the massive TCN influx
of 2015-2016, despite the current periodic decrease due to COVID related restrictions and concerns, has proven
that it is not enough to just open borders, but also, to be ready to apply effective management after the
settlement. On the other hand, the project underlines the need for innovative training tools, beyond the
mainstream and traditional ones, as a means of making the process of acquaintance with the local context more
interactive, interesting and attractive. Thus, the project will create VR scenarios and Gamified environments to be
used in innovative training sessions with both target groups (TCNs and actors).

Given the continuity of refugee crisis and the endless massive migrant influx in the European Union, the
partnership of the project strongly believes that along with the traditional integration skills development
methodologies (ex. language lessons, face to face assistance and cultural mediation etc.), a new approach of
TCNs’ integration in the local societies must be developed. The parallel rising problem within the EU, next to the
increasing numbers, is the non-mutual integration approach which is summarized in the next scheme: most
countries accept an influx and then they impose a list of qualitative requirement (e.g. papers, work contract,
paperwork etc.) while neglecting or degrading the quantitative procedures (e.g. healing from trauma, targeted
language skill development, betterment of everyday life etc.). This is what the project names “two-way integration
methodology” which is expected to become the game changer in the field. Since 2015-2016, so much attention
has been given on how much TCNs want/ can adapt to the local society, but the same does not happen with how
much the EU actors are ready and capable of hosting TCNs’ efforts and multiply their positive results. In brief, the
project envisions an economization of time and resources related to TCNs’ integration through a parallel provision
of the opportunity for TCNs and actors/ stakeholders to engage with the digital skills needed towards the 4th
Industrial Revolution.

The project is designed to achieve specific objectives, which will work toward the effective integration of TCNs in
the partner countries and in the EU at large.

In the first steps of the project, the partners will conduct a thorough field research to identify needs and gaps in
TCNs’ integration and in integration assistants’ skill development gaps. All these will be included in the interactive
training Curriculum (Project Result 1). The objective of the Curriculum is to provide the local communities,
authorities, operators, stakeholders and training centers, among others, with a state-of-the-art tool which is
aligned with the latest trends of digital evolution (VR and Gamified Environment).

Next, partners will establish a “two-way” integration process through innovative and interactive training of which
the ulterior goal is to smoothen up TCNs’ access to basic services and integration skills development. The

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objective is to develop innovative approaches to facilitate access to basic services that can be adapted to, local
contexts; improved access to comprehensive health care services, social security benefits for TCNs, as well as to
services facilitating labour market integration, financial services, housing and helping to provide them with
affordable accommodation based on their needs. The “two-way” methodology aims at bringing not only the TCNs’
to the local context’s conditions, but also familiarising the integration actors to TCNs’ diversity.

Apart from the above, the inclusion of targeted language skills in the Curriculum and the training sessions aims to
open a window to TCNs’ life-long learning, in order to facilitate their integration in society and the labour market.
The learning material will also be available and open to the public on the Online Platform (Project Result 2), with
the objective to be used as a valuable tool for TCN’s learning and integration.

Furthermore, one of the objectives of the project is to bring local and international stakeholders closer as a means
of multiplying the project’s impact but also spreading its benefits. More specifically, integration assistants and
stakeholders will be given the floor to express their views and, as a result, participate actively in the evolution of a
project that is of their direct interest. Their views and general contribution will be included in the Interactive
Guidebook (Project Result 3), which will also be disseminated to the broader public. In this way, the project
partners aim to change the game in the integration of TCNs through the involvement of organisations, integration
actors, stakeholders and the general public.

The project includes various activities which aim at serving its purposes and facilitating the achievement of its

First of all, it includes the mapping of the current situation regarding TCNs’ integration in the EU and the
development of relevant strategies and training activities for TCNs and relevant actors. Such activities are
expected to facilitate the development of skills and competences among both target groups and promote their
mutual cooperation for integration.

Secondly, the project will offer further opportunities for TCNs’ networking and integration through their
involvement in the Multiplier Events and Final Conference, which will bring them together with stakeholders and
local agents and give them the chance to explore possibilities for employment and further involvement in the

What is more, the project is an excellent opportunity for partner organisations to exchange good practices and
experiences and also upskill their members by participating in the relevant training activity, during which they will
gain valuable knowledge and acquire new competences.

Finally, the project will offer valuable tools, such as the Curriculum, the Online Platform and the Guidebook, which
will be tested and used by the project consortium during the training activities, and will be disseminated to the
general public during the Multiplier Events and the Final Conference.

The project will be initiated through a state-of-the-art research to identify the gaps and the best practices
regarding TCNs’ skill development procedures in the examined areas (communication with the local authorities,
useful/everyday vocabulary, knowledge of bureaucratic and financial procedures, housing and health system
hints) and regarding interpreters, cultural mediators and all type of integration assistants’ skills. The research will
result in a consolidated, comparative EU report which will consist of the respective national reports.

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The project will then move on with creating a pioneer, innovative and interactive training Curriculum (Project
Result 1) consisting of Virtual Reality scenarios and Gamified Environment which will address in an inclusive and
amusing way the information and the skills that a TCN and a professional must possess to integrate and assist
TCN integrate respectively. Workshops will be conducted using those techniques with both target groups.

On the one hand, the innovative Curriculum will constitute a sustainable a replicable asset without limitations. It
will be able to be transferred in any context as each scenario will contain specific info for every single context of
each country (example: the avatar integration officer of a VR scenario will give different info to the TCN user
depending on the partner country he/she resides in). Also, towards the end of the project an Online Platform
(Project Result 2) will be developed, which will include all those scenarios in a gamified form. Furthermore, an
Interactive Guidebook (Project Result 3) will be written with the contribution of all partners, which will help actors
in the partner countries and beyond on how to use the project’s outputs while adapting them to their context.

Through the Guidebook which will be widely disseminated to various stakeholders within and out of the partner
countries but also through the Final Conference which will be organized at the end of the project, stakeholders
from different countries will come closer and exchange views towards a firmer cooperation.

The overall dissemination of the project will attempt to reach to all the social areas which play a key role in TCNs’
social integration but also the competent agencies and policy makers. The advantage of the digitized toolkit and
the alignment of the project with the latest trends in digital training are expected to boost this effort. This is
expected to raise awareness regarding obstacles faced by TCNs to access those services and the possible
solutions by relevant actors across the EU.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Title

Laboratori interculturali per l’inclusione dei migranti

Project Coordinator

Organisation studio risorse s.r.l.

Address vico I marconi, n. 6 , 75100 matera , Basilicata , IT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033212

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2025

EC Contribution 386,680 EUR

Partners iInformatica S.r.l. (IT) , ETAIREIA PROIGMENON EFARMOGON


Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Key competences

development ; Development of training courses

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Project Summary

The migratory phenomenon is one of the most important challenges of our societies. In order to create an equal
and healthy Migration System Management, it needs that people who legally live in EU have the possibility to
contribute to the well-being, prosperity and cohesion of societies. In 2019 Third Countries Citizens were 20,9
million (Eurostat), 4,7% of EU population, and they had limited employment opportunities (60% of people from 20
to 64 years old). Waiting for the definition of a complete framework concerning 2020 (that registered an increase
of about 95.000) UNHCR, ONU Agency for Refugee, estimates that 80 million of people all over the world will be
forced to escape. Despite ONU asked the “cease-fire” in order to face the Pandemic, wars and persecutions
continue and containment measures make difficult reaching the safety.
Migrant’s inclusion is a key element for UE Agenda of Von der Leyen Commission that, after Junker Agenda,
talks again about Cooperation and Partnership among national authorities, local bodies, stakeholders and
society, in order to allow refugees/migrants to have access to the labour market and to stimulate the dialogue
about the skills the EU needs. Commission is working on the Action Plan for Integration and inclusion 2021-2024,
in order to complete the reform of EU Directives about Blue Card and Resident Permit for migrants with low skills.
Final goal is multiplying legal paths to support the matching between qualified migrants and labour market. UE,
especially during this Pandemic situation that increases inequalities and highlights the lack of labor, must
strengthen the intercultural education system and make the inclusion measures adequate to the actual and future
needs. It is very important especially because there is an increase of migratory pressure, so it needs to support
regular entrances. According to OCSE countries, EU is back in the race for talent. According to the Fundamental
Rights Agency (FRA), complex procedures make difficult the access to the training and employment and cause
serious consequences for the refugee, increasing his vulnerability, mistreatment and criminality. Refugee
migration flow caused the relight of discriminatory feelings that degenerated in acts of intolerance and violence.
Needs analysis conducted by partners shows that it needs to guarantee the respect of human dignity and human
rights of people who legally live in EU. Doctors Without Borders, in Italy and in other Med Countries, denounced
insalubrity, miserable sanitary conditions, mistreatment, lack of health care and marginalization for migrants that
are obliged to live in informal settlements (Rap.MSF2019). For mobility and job instability, most of them have a lot
of difficulties to have access to health assistance and services. Focus groups addressed to a representative
sample of migrants, employers, reception centres and focused on migrants’ participation to work life, showed to
the partners the common need to improve the inclusion practices with innovative and re-usable paths. Partners,
who deal in the field of VET and Reception Services, noticed that employer and labour market need some skills,
while reception centres operators meet young migrants, without previous experiences and with learning
difficulties because they don’t know the language, so they probably will be poor and not included. In this context,
INTERC.Lab aims at creating efficient inclusion practices thanks to the develop of migrants’ key competences
and employers’ intercultural skills. They, with the daily operation of inclusion lab, will support the civil cohabitation.

General goal of the project is to contribute, with effective methods and tools, to the development of a common
European system for the management of the work inclusion of third-country migrant legally residing in the EU,
and to the development of the European culture of hospitality and solidarity, through the construction and
experimentation of educational and intercultural practices, addressed to EU employers and migrants.
The mail purpose of INTERC.Lab, in line with the Erasmus + 2021 priorities, with the objectives of the Pact on
Migration, with the SDGs of the Agenda2030 (reduction of inequalities, recognition of human rights) and with the

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objectives of NEXT Generation UE, is to increase the opportunities of migrants to be included in the labour
market. In particular, the cooperation partnership intends to achieve the following objectives:
- identify and describe in a Handbook the paths and methods for the development of intercultural skills by
employers of migrants
- develop the intercultural skills of EU employers, through the creation of curricula adapted to the needs identified
and tailor-made
- develop the key and professional skills of migrants, through laboratories for work inclusion
- implement and disseminate the use of the EU Blue Card, through the production of Guidelines on the
procedures for issuing and using the Card, which is strategic to promote regular entry of migrants and attract
skilled labor needed for the EU labor market
- increase the ability of employers and migrants to have access and use the EU Blue Card, through the
construction and use of the Job & Intercultural App

The project develops activities aimed at improving the socio-labor inclusion skills of third country migrants in EU
companies, through the development of intercultural skills of employers and the capacity for inclusion of migrants
in the company and through the development of key competences and employment skills of migrants.
Furthermore, the project develops tools to implement the regular entries of non-EU migrants in Europe, through
the following activities:
PR.1 Handbook on Intercultural and socio-emotional skills training
PR.2 Training curriculum on intercultural competences of European employers
PR.3 Inclusive workshops on key and professional skills of migrants
PR.4 Guidelines for access to the EU Blue Card: collection aimed at internationalization and dissemination in the
EU economic system of Rules and Procedures for the use of the Blue Card, long-term residence permit for
qualified migrants.
PR.5 Job & Intercultural App, creation and testing of a mobile App to implement the use of the migrant's EU Blue
In order to ensure the achievement of the objectives and the delivery of the project results, specific working
methods will be implemented both in terms of management techniques and implementation of activities,
monitoring and evaluation, and management of related development risks. The management uses Project
Management, Project Quality Assurance and Risk Management methodologies.
The methodology applied in the IMPLEMENTATION of actions, i.e. in the development of project results, which
guarantees the achievement of objectives, is based on:
- Bibliographic researches using the web and connecting to networks focused on the tools and methods used for
the development of socio-emotional and intercultural skills applied to migrant inclusion services;
- Qualitative and quantitative survey through the administration of ad hoc questionnaires with closed questions
with multiple choice answers and focus groups / information sessions
- CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) collection method and through social networks, to disseminate the
questionnaires via web and direct interviews.
- Methodologies and techniques for conducting focus groups, created as a complement to the questionnaire and
conducted with facilitation methodologies;
- Processing of collected data: analysis techniques, definition of indicators, graphic processing, comparison and
- Reporting techniques
2.TECHNICS for identifying, validating and certifying non-formal and informal SKILLS based on ECVET

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3. Job Analysis: identification of areas of activity (ADA) of the profile of the manager / entrepreneur and of the
specific gaps in the work process of selection and insertion of the migrant worker in the company; construction of
teaching units aimed at bridging the gap in intercultural skills detected
4.ECVET for the recognition of educational credits.
5. Training planned and delivered according to the gaps / needs of the recipients and based on learning
outcomes, with modular structure and in e-learning mode.
6. Production of educational content and open educational resources.
7. Didactic techniques and methods of Cooperative Learning, Problem Based Learning and Challenge Based
Learning in laboratories for the development of key and professional skills of migrants
8. Workshops, Seminars and Webinars on the techniques for using the Job & Intercultural App, created by the
project, to implement the use of the Blue Card and the regular entry of qualified migrants.

The expected results of the project, according to the main activities, are the following:
A1. Project Management: Project Handbook, Handbook for accounting-administrative management, Agenda and
Report, Time sheets, Videos and photos; Semi-annual and final reports, to-do lists and work plans; Project
reports to examine timing, budget, methodological issues, measurement of expected and achieved results,
A2. Project quality assurance and Risk Management: Risk Management Plan; Evaluation reports and materials /
tools at process, results and Impact level.
A3. Project results:
PR.1 Handbook on intercultural training. Training manual of intercultural and socio-emotional skills. Review and
evaluation of existing methods with mapping of training needs of EU employers, in relation to the skills to include
migrants in their work context. Expected result: 40 employers and social representatives networks per partner
country will be involved in the evaluation of methods for the development of intercultural skills applied in the
integration of migrants. Total people involved n. 220
PR2 Curriculum on intercultural training: n. 30 employers from each partner country will be involved in curriculum
development and testing. Total people trained n. 150
PR3 Inclusive workshops: development of key and professional skills (linguistic, civic, digital, operational skills) In
each partner country, migrants, supported by VET operators and employers, carry out practical learning activities
at company premises. People involved 180 (employers and migrants). Total persons trained 120.
PR4 Guidelines on the EU Blue Card: Collection of Procedures for issuing the Blue Card, the long-term residence
permit for qualified migrants. Result: n. 300 people will be reached by Webinars on the benefits of the Blu Card.
PR5 Job & Intercultural App, construction and testing of an App to implement the EU Blue Card. 80 people will be
involved in the testing, including migrants and EU citizens, per partner country, with a total of 400 people.
C.1 L.T.T.A: n. 12 VET operators / project staff will acquire SEL methodologies and CBL teaching techniques for
the development of training activities
A4. Dissemination and Exploitation:
The main expected results in the field of communication and dissemination plan are:
- development of intercultural skills of employers in support of migrants
- development of linguistic, civic, digital and professional skills of migrants
- innovative development and raising the quality of work of the EU Integration System
- improvement of the quality of work of VET organizations and development of mobility and transnational work
capacity with experiences of LTTA
- dissemination of intercultural dialogue between people of different cultures
- use of European transparency tools EQF, ECVET, EQAVET in training workshops for migrants
- innovation of labor inclusion services for migrants with the use of technologies and applications
- development of regular migration, with the dissemination of EU Blue Card guidelines

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- adoption by local policies of good practices of inclusion and welfare work,

- development of the social and economic partnership (VET, Enterprises, Third Sector) in the services of
socio-labor inclusion of the migrant
Total people informed: 5,000. Stakeholder Committees Meetings: 30. 6,530 people from the target group will be
informed; n. 1,500 employers and migrants will be trained.
Finally, the partners will implement shared actions for the sustainability and re-use of the results: the network of
stakeholders supports the systemization / adoption of P. Results (Blu Card, compulsory intercultural training for
companies, Laboratories). The result will be verified during the fundraising campaigns, carried out for three years
after the end of the project.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

La Langue des Oiseaux

Project Coordinator

Organisation ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE "MALTE" Musica Arte Letteratura Teatro


Address Via R. Sanzio 14 , 60125 Ancona , IT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000028223

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Mar 31, 2024

EC Contribution 295,953 EUR

Partners boat people projekt e.V. (DE) , Associació Linguapax International (ES) ,
Djarama (SN) , Association Sens Interdits (FR)

Topics Creativity, arts and culture ; Reception and integration of refugees and
migrants ; Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide

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Project Summary

In the current ‘politics of fear’, stigmatization is regularly used by extremist or populist movements against
‘others’, ‘aliens’, ‘immigrants’ through propaganda and hate speech to exacerbate intolerance, discrimination and
even racial violence.
In the midst of an increasing ethical decline and with the unification of national communities in mind, asylum
seekers, migrants and other minorities are being dehumanized, named with mass concepts and pointed out as
designated scapegoats.
Our societies’ polarization grows through the diffused lack of dialogue. More and more individuals are being
pushed to group within their own urban tribes, thus reinforcing the certainty of their beliefs. Nationalists engage
with other nationalists, liberals with liberals – and migrants with migrants.
A dangerous rhetoric lurks behind these positions, encouraging behaviours of generic solidarity where the
opening towards the most vulnerable is factually a distancing – an attitude showing persistent traces of a
colonialist mentality with which Europe still must come to terms.
In the fragmentation of the European territories, the performing arts with their characteristic immediacy can play a
mediating role. Theatre, like other community practices linked to philosophy and the arts, offers platforms to build
strong counter-narratives promoting a more accurate perception of contemporary reality.
Recognising newcomers as legitimate subjects, providing them with a historical and political framework and
deconstructing past and present processes of stigmatization provokes on the one hand a strong, identifying
experience to people often traumatized and neglected, and on the other hand gives a stimulating response to the
hosting communities, thus fostering a shared responsibility, a sense of community and moral commitment.
La langue des Oiseaux responses to two major necessities: the need to make cultural provision universal, by
addressing inequalities and laying out policies that tackle the demand of minorities and groups in danger of social
exclusion, and the need of capacity-building for professionals working in the cultural sector who want to actively
engage in society. Theatre-makers are seeking to regain a central role; however celebrating a renaissance of the
arts as a political factor implies once more the redefinition of access. Artistic strategies can give room to all
possible voices, which are not heard yet.

The partnership intends to react through a multilingual theatre training initiative aimed at identifying new forms of
expression connected to a more diverse and inclusive society.
La Langue des Oiseaux gives a chance to share insights, to exchange and move methods. The partners will
benefit from each other's expertise and experts. The network is developing, expanding enormously. Boat People
Project brings many years of experience in the field of theatre work with refugees, as does Malte. Linguapax has
excellent expertise in the field of multilingualism and translation. Sens Interdit is well versed in web radio and
podcasting and has worked on migration and refugee issues. The Associated Partner in Senegal, Djarama, has
an African perspective on the European project. The renowned cultural institutes from different countries are
developing a wider bandwidth and impact.

La Langue des Oiseaux intends to give a contribution to establishing equal rights for cultural participation,
spreading of counter-narrations as a creative, politically stimulating response, through a multilingual theatre
training initiative.

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The project’s aims are:

- strengthening, through a live arts training, both the artistic vocation and the soft skills of the selected migrants,
second-generation immigrants and refugees, manifesting their value as artistic, creative and co-operative
community members;

- fostering the artistic discourse on European identity in a post-colonial perspective, promoting the EU's broad
linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness, with the implementation of sustainable and replicable activities.

Culture is the social inheritance that an individual receives from the group to which he or she belongs to; it is the
expression of individual and collective rootedness. It is the element of identity that allows people to recognise
themselves as similar to others. It is also the mechanism that regulates individual and collective behaviour. In a
context of high mobility of people, goods, services and knowledge, the concept of culture needs to be redefined in
the plural. Traditions, handed-down knowledge and practices are diverse. The entire contemporary social system
is called upon to become aware of the multiplicity that underlies it and to build a new relationship of mutual trust
between its components. To identify new starting points considering the multimodal character of human
interaction helps to value diversity of identities and thus foster social inclusion.
Exchanges between cultures are a guarantee of community innovation. The protection of cultural and linguistic
diversity is the common heritage of humanity. Culture and creativity are at the heart of individual, institutional,
entrepreneurial and territorial regeneration processes, in order to make our development model more sustainable
and create new job opportunities for the new generations. Culture is the basis on which to build cohesive and
resilient cities.
Ensuring that people from disadvantaged groups can have access to cultural assets understood as
commonalities means allowing them to develop tools to increase their self-esteem, for growth and knowledge,
and contribute to the shaping of collective consciousness. A more equal distribution of symbolic goods is a way to
contribute to develop ‘cultural democracy’, empower minorities, foster education and expand leadership.
Art Cultural policy is a major force for changing the whole society. It is a cultural infrastructure that should be
accessible to the majority.
La langue des Oiseaux seeks to give access to art practice and cultural experience through a bottom-up
procedure in which both the artists and the other members of the communities take an active role and influence
each other. This process promotes dynamics of communication and exchange, facilitating relationships,
increasing expressive skills both on a physical level and on the level of the various languages used, and in
general contributing to spreading a positive perception about the meeting of different cultures.

The artist is capable of looking at the world with new eyes. He/she is not tied to a territory. He/she ranges
between the things of the world and men. He/she speaks languages that communicate beyond barriers. Like
birds that understand each other.

The heterogeneous partnership of five different cultural organisations will implement the following activities:
transnational project meetings, networking (at local level, involving local associated partners and stakeholders
from the public or private sector), training (three four-months workshop modules in France, Germany and Italy
culminating in the transantional LTTA), monitoring (qualitative and quantitative analysis), events (at national,
international and digital level) and the realisation of seven Results.
The above mentioned workshops may employ different techniques: e.g. in theatre and/or in a digital ambient
(podcast, radio, film). They will include representatives of all the partner countries.

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The project is based on a permanent dialogue between cultural practitioners and migrants wishing to be trained in
the performing arts. Artists, performing arts technicians, humanities experts, linguists, intercultural mediators, will
form a practitioners' net to which six representatives of the group of beneficiaries will be added, becoming to all
intents and purposes part of the project staff so as to constitute the think tank that will elaborate theoretical and
practical training paths to facilitate access to culture for groups usually on the margins of intellectual discourse.
The presence of representatives responds to a principle of self-determination which guarantees the full and direct
participation of members of the interest group. In order to facilitate the creation of a repertoire of practices,
verified in their concrete application, corrected organically and collectively and then compiled into tangible results,
the group will meet more frequently in the first six months of the project, consolidating itself as a working team
and opening up a comparison of methodologies with obvious mutual growth in knowledge and thinking.

The working scheme is based on synchronicity: the transnational activities are continuously alternated with those
carried out by the individual partners in their territories, in order to verify in a sort of scientific validation process
the protocols shared during the transnational meetings, but at the same time to disseminate the project in the
local communities, opening up multiple spaces of belonging.
The whole journey will be shared on a virtual platform where the three workshops’ participants will post the
advancement of the work, creating a larger, parallel community.

The Trainers’ group will consist of artists from the five partner countries, with extensive experience of
cross-cultural work at home and abroad. Each of them have personally experienced the process of criolisation
that is a prerequisite to overcome the hierarchical structure of monoculturalism. Some of them have faced
migration themselves and are dealing with multilingualism in their everyday life. This personal attitude will
facilitate a process of human recognition with the learners. All the participants will share the same fluid approach
to identity.

A multilingual approach will give the participants room to express themselves in their own languages, allowing
their own voices to enter the discourse and convey their own baggage. What at first appears as a provocation,
the emergence of incomprehensible, foreign language sounds, gains its own quality as musical richness and as
the discovery of unknown sound combinations.
The marginal practice of multilingual theatre becomes the essential research of a global art of our time.

La Langue des Oiseaux tackles the difficulties of migrants and refugees in Europe, to get in touch with the artistic
sector, to acquire soft skills and develop their creativity. The project intends to contribute to revert this

The expected outcome is building a wider community at different levels: among the participants, among the
practitioners and within the diverse communities themselves.

The following results will be produced within the project:

1) TAPESTRY OF VOICE (Audio Resources)
A texture of voices, sounds, accents reflecting how having access to multiple ways of expression is an instrument
of empowerment.
A play generated from an artistic approach to the theme mother tongue, about the vision of understanding across
3) LA LANGUE DES OISEAUX - IL FILM (Audio-visual Project)

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An audio-visual project, that will be filmed in the five partner countries, about the migrants’ exodus, the present,
the past, language, beliefs, dreams, fears and desires.
4) WORLD ART’S HANDBOOK - A manual for tomorrow’s theatre (Manual)
A reference point for all those public and private actors who use the performing arts in multicultural groups as a
tool for social and cultural inclusion, to understand how otherness is constructed, and commit to overcome it.
5) PAROLES D’EXILE (Webradio series)
A webradio series of ten episodes including the contributions of each member of the groups: their individual and
collective interviews to artists or experts, personal posts related to the current news, or reviews of theatre shows.
A document addressing politicians, as well as public and private bodies, to advise them on their decision-making
about the construction of an inclusive and innovative Europe where arts become a means of inclusion.
(Research Study)
An investigation about promoting an encounter between migrants and refugees and live arts based on the respect
and promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity. This work includes the drawing up and implementation of
monitoring and assessment tools for the whole project in terms of scientific usefulness.

The ‘seven tools box’ to overcome social and cultural barriers will be presented to possible cultural and
educational stakeholders as well as to the public through e.g. a dedicated website that will remain accessible with
free resources. In particular, every Result has been thought with two functional directives in mind: dissemination
and replication. The Theatrical Play and the Manual will offer theoretical and practical standpoints for teachers,
scholars and practitioners, thus enhancing the replicating potential of the project. As for dissemination, the Audio
Resources, the Webradio series and the Film will employ audio-visual mediums to reach a wider audience in a
digital age, while the Policy Recommendation and the Scientific Study will aim at spreading the project’s
outcomes in specialised academic and socio-political fields.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Title

L'autonomie par la lecture et l'écriture - application de

remise à niveau en français & allemand

Project Coordinator


Address RUE DE LA VIEILLE FOSSE 1 , 4400 FLEMALLE , Prov. Liège , BE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000033062

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2025

EC Contribution 284,383 EUR


SAS (FR) , Compass - Beratung, Begleitung und Training Gemeinnützige
GmbH (AT) , Arbeitskreis Orientierungs- und Bildungshilfe e.V. (DE) ,

Topics Key competences development ; Reception and integration of refugees

and migrants

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Project Summary

Illiteracy remains a concern in the partnership countries: In Austria 15% of the population, in Belgium 10%, in
Germany 12,1%, in France 7%, and in Luxembourg 6%. In France, between 2004 and 2011 this rate went from
9% to 7%, which shows that illiteracy is not inevitable but that it can be effectively combated. The social impact of
illiteracy is enormous and has been further aggravated by the problems of COVID. These people have to find
someone to fill in their exit form and the remote administrative procedures often pose an insurmountable problem.
On the educational level, the trainers and teachers of the members of the consortium (AOB, Compass, GIP-FC,
Perspectives) do not really know of any application of this kind which is directly intended for audiences affected
by illiteracy. In general, many consider (or considered until recently) that digital is not suited to help this type of
audience. This is the reason why many educational activities targeting this public were stopped during periods of
The tools available are mainly applications intended for the very young public but it is impossible to adapt them to
adults. Adults need to learn with authentic documents and with the idea of ​acquiring a certain autonomy in the
written tasks of daily life. To fill this void, our ambition is to develop an application that is really easy to use (this is
essential for its success) and based on important actions in everyday life.

The beneficial potential is a reduction in the rate of illiteracy in the countries of the partnership. We believe in this.
In France, between 2004 and 2011, this rate fell from 9% to 7%, which shows that illiteracy is not inevitable but
that it can be effectively combated. The 2 literacy classes that Mr. Plein had organised in the technical high
school in Pétange in the 90s gave very good results. But after his departure the classes were abandoned
because they required too much effort and follow-up.
Our tool, which is free and easy to use in many situations, will certainly help.
The app focuses on written language, with specific task objectives. It is different and complementary to the
pedagogies strictly linked to the CEFR and to integration in the host country
Number of participants and their profile:
The consortium is composed of 6 partners from 5 countries: stakeholders in initial and continuing vocational
training (EQF levels 1 to 3), adult education, specialists in pedagogical creation and digital educational.
Target groups :
- Young people (14-18 years old) with reading and writing difficulties.
- Adults in social and/or vocational integration, including newcomers, refugees
- People with reading and writing difficulties
For the duration of the project :
Teachers and trainers: 200
Learners: 150

The consortium will start by defining a wide variety of exercises to be constructed. Here are some of the
pedagogical methods that will be proposed:
- Missing words: texts to be completed with words on the basis of a series of 3 to 5 proposals.
- Reading comprehension via multiple choice questions and various adapted exercises (e.g. recognising
destinations on road signs and floor displays).

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- Active reading: partial display of text to encourage step-by-step reading

- Enable linking to external tools for automatic summarised reading of a text
- Situational scenarios
The section on pedagogical objectives will first be devoted to exercises to revise basic rules. The pedagogical
guide will indicate to which levels of competence a type of exercise applies.
The trainer will assess the acquired competences and those that have to be developed. Then he recommends
individualised training pathways. The path and results will be saved and shared to adapt to the learner's pace and
enable follow-up.
The training path is represented by a dashboard, accessible by the user and his/her tutor. It indicates and
highlights the progress made, thanks to the skills reference system.

The tool is a collection of several hundred exercises managed in a multimedia and interactive OER e-learning
application that will be freely usable on PC, MAC, tablet and smartphone. It will be available in FR and DE.
The originality of the proposed exercises lies in the concrete real-life situation in which you must be able to read.
The customised illustrations, audio supports and the subjects covered make it easier to understand and make
you want to continue learning, e.g.: familiarising yourself with the forms to be completed, entering a correct
address in a GPS...
The collection of "useful" exercises will be supplemented by a section on "The pleasure of reading" aimed at
removing psychological barriers to reading and bringing pleasure to reading in general.
The exercises are available via 2 entries :
- A grid of pedagogical objectives in 3 levels
- The subjects covered, relating to everyday life situations. When this represents an added value, these situations
are adapted to the national context (BE, FR, LU, DE and AT).
The impact will be immediate for the partners who will use it in their own structures. The partners and associated
partners have a regional or even national dissemination capacity in their countries. Moreover, they are involved in
European networks.
The accompanying teaching material (in DE, FR) consists of :
- a training plan for trainers with appropriate teaching material
- an educational booklet
- an explanatory video
- a user guide

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Empowering Disadvantaged Women Via Distance

Education for a Sustainable Development Project

Project Coordinator

Organisation Prios Vest AS

Address Talsetbakken 1 , 6456 Skåla , Møre og Romsdal , NO


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000033467

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Dec 31, 2023

EC Contribution 208,915 EUR


Beratung & Bildung GmbH (DE) , MERSIN UNIVERSITESI (TR)

Topics Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Employability ;

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

In the global agenda, women are regarded as the key driver for economic empowerment and
employment.Gender equality(GE) is at the center of EU values and is supported within the legal and political
framework. Our project is related to key policy areas such as employability, social inclusion and economic growth.

The project aims to provide special learning opportunities to low-skilled adults and women, to encourage women
to education by removing the space and time limits, and by increasing women's economic empowerment/basic
skills and competencies through distance education.
In particular, our project focuses on housewives, immigrant or refugee women with multiple disabilities who want
to be educated but couldn’t, who are responsible for housework, sick and elderly care, who are out of the
education system, who cannot work.
Project aims to increase the employability of the target group through an innovative method and continuously
renewed open access online courses.
Our Strategic Partnership which consists of 6 different organizations from Norway, Turkey, Greece, Germany,
Finland and Austria will contribute to addressing sectoral and horizontal priorities:
HORIZONTAL: Addressing digital transformation through enhancing digital readiness, flexibility and capacity
A user-friendly e-learning tool for women with fewer opportunities in our target group will improve their
employability, digital and financial literacy, social and economic entrepreneurship.
ADU; It is our horizontal and sectoral priority to develop high-quality digital learning opportunities designed for
fulfilling the needs of low-skilled adults, to create skills development pathways, to improve accessibility, to ensure
diversity and inclusion, to promote Erasmus+ among all citizens and generations.
Our project focuses on creating online, open courses in the field of ICT skills, financial literacy and
entrepreneurship, high quality innovative employability courses e-learning platform, mobile application to facilitate
access to the platform in order to improve the skills and competencies of women with multiple disadvantages.
The project aims to economically strengthen the target group, to contribute to gender equality through education
and skills development, to integrate women into the economic system for sustainable living, to develop skills and
competencies and to ensure their social inclusion.
The problem of gender inequality and low female employment is a global problem.Studies show that men's
participation in non-formal education remains at 19.8% and women at 13.8%. ''In European countries, the
proportion of women who report not being able to go on their education due to family-related, cost, time and place
problems is twice that of men''(UNESCO;2020) ''Participation in adult education is 39% in Finland, Norway 27%,
12% in Germany, 10% in Turkey, 11% in Greece, while in Austria is 18%.and “Digital gender gap"is increasing
sharply.(Eurostat) According to Norway(SSB) 2020; 6% of the population is immigrants and the unemployment
rate for immigrant women is 7.5%.The female unemployment rate in Austria is 5.5% in 2021.The rate of
non-Austrian citizens is 11.3%.Unemployment rate for immigrant women is %8.3 in Finland.The problem is same
in Turkey,Greece and Germany but biger.
And Also;Gamification applications emerge as the new face of education in the information age.It is an ideal and
innovative method for adults to achieve positive outcomes in education. According to the data of Google
statistics, this new term is most actively used in adult education in Australia, America,Canada and the
Netherlands .In other countries, studies on this area are needed.(Schacht 2019)Our aim is to bring this innovative
method to our own institutions and European countries in the field of adult education.
We are going to use this innovative approach to produce e-content.

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Recent researches and statistics show that the integration of women with fewer opportunities in the Covid -19
process has slowed down not only in partner countries, but in most European countries. This fact is an
opportunity to rethink strategy, be successful and find new ways. To increase the qualifications of more women,
to develop their digital and financial literacy skills, to attract, encourage, educate and follow up in business life will
provide important results for individuals, families, communities and society as a whole. In the needs analysis we
conducted, it was concluded that women want a job but have traditional roles as childcare and chores,
inadequacy in ICT skills and difficulties in accessing face-to-face education,time/space and transportation
problems, lack of knowledge and skills as obstacles to their work.
Our goals regarding these needs are;
* To create an e-learning platform that can be integrated into the systems of institutions that will reduce women's
poverty and are based on lifelong learning,
* To certify the compulsory domestic work done by women, to turn this disadvantaged situation into an advantage
for them,
* To contribute to increasing the employment of disadvantaged groups through education.
* To develop a solution proposal for women's poverty,
* To provide easy access to education services with distance education modules for women who cannot attend
face-to-face courses, and create certified programs
* To empower women in career, entrepreneurship, digital skills and financial literacy through education and
ensuring their participation in social and economic life,
* To create a strong social education network for women.
* To encourage women to develop themselves, their economic empowerment, financial and social inclusion by
providing professional and personal development trainings.
* Including women in the social network with user-friendly mobile applications and e-content.
* Contributing to digital transformation in the field of adult education,
* To create a user-friendly e learning platform,
* To give the participants the awareness of Europeanness and European citizenship and reshape our network via
creating a bond.

The project focuses on creating online course modules in an innovative method to increase the employability of
women with fewer opportunities. The target group of the project consists of women with multiple disadvantages
(aged 20-65).

The ultimate goal of the project is to ensure the social and economic inclusion of the target group by increasing
their basic level skills and qualifications, digital/financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills. The contents will be
created by combining the methods of gamification, scenarioization and layered curriculum, which are an
innovative method that has not yet become widespread in the field of adult education, but has proven effective.

The activities listed below will also constitute the milestones to achieve the ultimate goal.
Our results to achieve our goals;
IO1.E-learning platform(MOOC) /Mobile application
IO2; Employability Modules
IO3: Ict / Digital Literacy Module
IO4: Entrepreneurship / Financial-Literacy Module

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- LTT JOINT STAFF TRAINING:One of the important milestones throughout the project life cycle is learning and
teaching activities. Its formation of the final intellectual outcomes, as our project idea is oriented towards the
application of an innovative method. It will take place in Greece with the participation of staff from all partner
TPMs: To continue the study and functioning of the project in a high quality, to establish effective communication
between the partners and to minimize risk factors, transnational Project Meetings are essential.We will perform 5
face-to-face and 3 online TPMs.
- MULTIPLIER EVENTS:will be a step in achieving the final goal of the project. It will draw attention to the subject
and the result report will be presented as a book.There will be 6 Multıplıer events locally and at the same time.
- STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS: It will take place every 6 months and it will spread the effect.
- PILOT APPLICATIONS: It will take place immediately after the completion of the intellectual outputs at the local
level and with the participation of 50 women from each partner country.
-WOMEN'S MEETINGS: There will be local and neighborhood-based workshops and the target group will ensure
that women also have social inclusion. It will include activities for the promotion and use of the E-Platform.
One-day meetings will be held every 3 months through mentor teams to ensure the participation of women
locally*Leaflets for women will be distributed through the local governments and relevant stakeholders. In addition
to the project general dissemination plan, a detailed dissemination plan will be developed for women with multiple
LOCAL WORKSHOPS: It will be held locally every 3 months for the trainers.
*Studies on dissemination activities such as the project website, logo, social media accounts/ 6 project bulletins

We can collect the project results in two groups.;
A. Concrete Results;
O1:E-PLATFORM: Open Access will be set up as a moodle system and will include all of our course modules and
e-learning material. The courses will be gradually in the form of a layered education. model and the mobile
application of the system will be developed. In addition to the platform e-learning materials, examples of good
practice, success stories in the fields of entrepreneurship, literature, science and art in each partner's country
*Through Virtual Walks, which include the historical and natural beauties of the partner countries, women who
cannot even leave their own homes will be able to get to know different cultures and will expand their horizons.
* Recreational suggestions(Greece)
O2:ONLINE EMPLOYABILITY MODULES:Course modules that will be produced with an innovative method will
be uploaded to the platform. With gamification and layered teaching model;
* Cookery * Handicrafts, * Patient and elderly care, * Child Care
* Garden Care and Sapling Growing (Green Jobs) course modules
* Materials translated into partner countries' languages (with special software)
* Guide booklet containing measurement and evaluation criteria (for all course modules)
*Curriculum and Instructor Guide(TURKEY)
O3: MODULE FOR DEVELOPING ICT / DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS; Theoretical and game-based e-courses to
develop the basic skills of the participants
ICT courses / Modules (Germany)
* Curriculum and Instructor Guide
*Course module that will focus on areas such as e-commerce applications / online sales courses and should be
taken by all participants as the last step(Austria).
* Curriculum and Instructor Guide

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MOBILE APPLICATION: It will include applications that are open to everyone, which women with multiple
disadvantages can easily use via telephone. This output will increase the accessibility and sustainability of all
B. Abstract Results;
*Participating institutions, project partners and stakeholders will have an innovative adult education network and
* Participating institutions and organizations will have a more innovative and inclusive educational competence.
*It will increase the employability and job qualifications of women
*A majority that has neither a job nor education, will be motivated in terms of social and economic participation.
This motivated group will set an example to others and more women will be encouraged.
*Necessary knowledge, perspective and resources can be opened to discussion to deepen and develop
educational studies.
*Contribution and awareness will be created to increase women's access to education and their participation in
social and economic life, to facilitate access to resources, and to improve their status in society.
*Continuing education will be ensured with an e-learning platform that can be used in quarantine situations such
as pandemics or natural disasters to be experienced globally, nationally or locally.
*Learning at the speed of individual learning
*Inclusion of women who are neither at work nor in education,
*Increased employability rate through online skill acquisition courses,
* The transformation of women's compulsory unpaid in-house chores into economic surplus value
* Increased motivation and social inclusion of women,
* We will have an online education network that will increase employability, free of charge and open to all, ready
for the use of not only partner institutions, but also institutions providing adult education.
* Active and democratic participation in society and economic surplus value will be created.
*It will contribute to the achievement of the EU 2030 targets,
*In the long run, the project will contribute to gender equality.
*Contribution to the European strategy's target of removing 20 million people from poverty, social exclusion and a
75% employment rate

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Empowerment for migrants - from camps to integration

Project Coordinator

Organisation Comité mondial pour les apprentissages tout au long de la vie

Address 40, rue des Blancs Manteaux , 75004 Paris , Île de France , FR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000028439

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 268,203 EUR


IRSEI - Istituto di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo, Economia e Innovazione - APS
(IT) , Erbil Polytechnic University (IQ) , INSTITUTE OF

Topics Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education ; Soft skills ;

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Our project plans to deal differently the question of the inclusion of migrants, or displaced persons.
A study of the needs identified on the ground, in Europe and outside Europe, confirmed us in the idea that the
inclusion of migrants could be prepared in the camps themselves, before they could be legally accommodated in
a European country. With the aim of capitalizing on the resilience of migrants or displaced persons, on their
desire to prepare for a better future. Many of them want to act, to participate, to carry out concrete projects for
their immediate environment.

This is why our project mainly targets these populations as a target group. They are stigmatized, very often
forgotten by political leaders.But for their integration to be possible, it must already be prepared in the camps.
This will also make it possible to change the way we look at these very specific places and situations.
The purpose of the action is therefore to go beyond the brakes, through learning, in the areas of leadership,
personal development, and why not also to generate in the medium term jobs and the creation of economic
activities . In order to promote stability, living together and peace. It is an alternative to the perilous exodus to
Europe; it is an additional chance for successful integration.

We want to set up a "research-action" project, which should lead to training-action to train project developers,
who will serve as role models, project ambassadors in a way. Initially, we would train them, via modules to be
developed, so that they can acquire the capacity to lead projects in the field. They could then pass on the
acquired knowledge and skills from peer to peer, and thus disseminate the concept of project management to as
many people as possible.
This action is intended to be innovative, because it is outside known models, and wants to return to a bottom-up
approach, which is the best guarantee of empowerment and the success of individual or collective projects.
We believe that the project approach can then be applied to all proposals and initiatives, such as the arts (theater,
video), digital (creation of website, graphic charter, etc.), but also on well-being and health (by setting up
awareness-raising workshops on good nutrition, for example), or on the environment (through recycling
We will not impose any theme, they will emerge from the participants themselves.
Our project relates to the implementation of a project support methodology.

Our activities are learning activities.
Only one will take place with a mobility, for training or social professionals working with migrant or displaced
For obvious reasons of administrative constraints, we will not be able to offer a training session directly to
Our action is therefore intended to be a cascading action.
We will train the professionals who will go to the camps to provide training and support sessions to project
developers. They will put into practice the learning received to make their own project a reality. Then, in turn, they
will be able to spread among their peers, with the support of professionals working in the camps. These last two
stages of the training will be organized in two camps, in Greece in Larissa (Thessaly) and near Erbil (Iraqi

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Kurdistan) will allow the entire process to be validated. It could thus be reproduced in other camps for migrants or
displaced persons, in other European territories (in Lampedusa, Lesbos, or in Spain) and also in countries with
which the European Union has signed agreements (such as al Turkey)

We expect results related to the development of soft skills for the target group of this project: personal
development, leadership, self-confidence, autonomy, the ability to work in a team, etc.
These results will be measured through questionnaires and self-assessment tools, and by a certification set up in
order to value the learning received, and thus to contribute to resilience.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in school education

Project Title

Sprache Macht Europa - Sprachenvielfalt als Ressource

in Schule und LehrerInnenbildung

Project Coordinator


Address Ostenstrasse 26-28 , 85072 Eichstätt , BAYERN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE03-KA220-SCH-000032784

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2025

EC Contribution 377,754 EUR

Partners Education Unlimited e.V. (DE) , Michael-Friedrich-Wild-Grundschule

Müllheim (DE) , Volksschule Kufstein/Sparchen (AT) ,

Topics Pedagogy and didactics ; Inclusion, promoting equality and

non-discrimination ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The diverse innovations in the relevant school and university contexts that have been implemented in recent
years and have resulted in measurable improvements, as outlined in this application. However, all actors involved
in the application of the current project "Language Power(s) Europe" can and could recognize considerable
socio-cultural changes on the basis of their respective activities and daily work in their respective countries.
Relevant observations in the core area "place of action school" as well as latest scientific findings urgently
suggest a well-founded, reflected and targeted further development of the acquisition of intercultural
communicative competences in the broadest sense. The special importance of grades 3-6 (from childhood to
adolescence) as a formative and groundbreaking phase of development is recognized as is the role of parental
work. Without a stronger involvement of parents, the school's work would remain deficient. The broadest possible
acceptance of our inclusion efforts in Europe requires a change in awareness: linguistic and cultural diversity as a
constitutive feature of our continent must not be seen as an obstacle and barrier, but rather as an opportunity, a
wealth and a resource. Models of bilingualism must be critically questioned and further developed in the direction
of translingual teaching strategies while developing and using transferable basic competencies. Recognition of all
multilingual constellations (including non-European family first languages) in the multicultural classroom should
be the basis for successful inclusion of all students. The adequate inclusion of teacher training is essential as
This results in a need for action, especially in the following areas:
The existing Multi-language Curriculum must be revised and expanded to include several teaching and learning
concepts. Language didactic concepts must be developed for the multilingual competence model, which already
exists. Furthermore, it has to be extended by the topic of intercultural school development with special
consideration of the educational partnership with the parents ("turning those affected into those involved"). The
further developed concepts are to be tested in bilingual as well as in regular classes and their effectiveness is to
be evaluated. A pilot is also planned in the teacher education in Kosovo (financed with non-EU funds). Increasing
teachers' multilingual and intercultural competencies is imperative. Classroom design must fully enable
instructional design based on the innovative didactic-methodological concepts. There is a need for creative
multimodal design of classrooms in which interactive methods become optimally applicable. In addition, the
further development of social competencies and the improvement of the school climate is indispensable.
For the purpose of exchange, mutual understanding, networking of teachers and learners (collaborative research
and learning) as well as for the achievement of synergy effects, a contemporary exchange possibility is required
for all those involved in the project. For this purpose, we are planning the installation of the digital platform
(creative network) "Lingua Creativa" under the lead of the association "Education Unlimited e.V." in the sense of
the Action Plan for Digital Education (2021-2027) of the European Commission. With regard to the technical
implementation, to meet the standards of data protection as well as the maintenance of the platform, external
partners are also involved. The accompanying and targeted training of those responsible for the project is
indispensable for the implementation and the desired achievement of substantial project results. Five training
events on various aspects of modern teaching, learning and instruction strategies are planned (in Germany,
Austria, and France).

Our project provides a determined contribution to the successive, prosperous path towards each other, all of the
people of Europe, united in diversity, into a community of values and destiny based on mutual respect, without

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prejudice and in solidarity. The EU organizes this unification process in many fields of action, which are reflected
in corresponding programs such as the European Green Deal, the Corona Recovery Plan, the European Pillar of
Social Rights (Porto) etc. The area of language (learning) is extremely important in this context, because growing
together and cooperating closely and in a spirit of trust can only be achieved by those who can understand each
other (language) and who know each other (intercultural competence). Our project "Language- Power(s) -
Europe" defines itself in line with the recommendations of the Council of the EU of 22.5.2019 on a comprehensive
approach to the teaching and learning of languages. According to these, member states should "value learners'
linguistic diversity and use it as a learning resource, also involving parents and other carers and the local
community in language teaching." Member states are recommended to "advance research on and recommend
the use of innovative, inclusive, multilingual didactics, such as the use of digital tools, integrated content and
language learning, and renew initial teacher training." In addition to these desiderata, all of which are reflected in
our project, the Council additionally highlights an aspect that is also particularly important to us. In the area of
developing comprehensive approaches to language learning, it states, "The entire language repertoire of learners
can be valued and promoted in school and also used as a pedagogical resource for further learning for all
students." In view of the migration-related processes of social pluralization (for example, the children in the
Müllheim elementary school come from more than 20 nations), the first languages of the students' families cannot
be left out of the equation, but must be made available in a targeted manner in terms of teaching strategy. Their
inclusion not only increases the efficiency of language learning (transferable language acquisition competence), it
also satisfies the legally binding obligation of the EU "to respect linguistic diversity" (Art. 22 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the EU).
Thus, our project is based on EU goals in all thematic areas and fields of action. The participating universities
analyze and evaluate the current state, further develop the concepts, design new teaching strategies and follow
their implementation and application, which they in turn critically evaluate. They ensure dissemination through
scientific publications. In their initial and in-service training, as well as through their daily teaching practice,
teachers recognize potential for change and learn to exploit it through practical implementation. School authorities
(e.g. classroom design) and external partners (e.g. artists) support and enrich the development processes. Pupils
and their parents benefit from the methodical-didactical developments and feel accepted, involved and valued. In
their all-important developmental stage (grades 3-6), the children expand their linguistic-cultural horizons and
thus their personalities. Thanks to multiple networking, the project's steering team continuously coordinates the
interaction of all stakeholders and undergoes ongoing training. The digital platform "Lingua Creativa" as a
marketplace for the exchange of ideas offers a broad participation basis for participants and interested parties, so
that the project radiates outwards and contributes to the realization of the overall project goal of raising
awareness and changing attitudes.

The Corona pandemic has exposed our schools to unprecedented constraints (distance instead of face-to-face
teaching, hybrid and alternating teaching) and has revealed considerable deficits in the area of digitization.
Notwithstanding the petition to give children from deprived families equal opportunities with regard to their digital
equipment at home, we must now see the exceptional situation as an opportunity for the future and ensure high
digital standards in every one of our implementation measures.

As diverse as our goals are, equally as wide-ranging are the corresponding functional implementation measures,
which can be summarized as follows:

-Development of an intercultural school development concept, its school testing and

scientific research of its effectiveness
-further development of the multilingual curriculum, taking into account the multilingual competence model, and

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expansion to include multilingual didactic approaches to teaching (testing of teaching and learning strategies, task
formats and teaching units)
-development, use, and testing of innovative teaching methods and task formats
and scientific evaluation of their effectiveness
-testing the transferability of innovations from bilingual schools to regular schools
-transfer to teacher training (development of a training and further education concept)
-Research on expectations, attitudes and attitude changes of teachers
(questionnaire surveys/feedbacks)
-Focus group interviews, expert interviews, job shadowing
-Mobilization of learners for the multimodal and multilingual configuration of their
learning environment (linguistic schoolscaping), i.e., creative classroom design according to the four
project steps perceiving, conceiving, constructing, inhabiting (with transfer to the digital space)

-use of multilingual artists (architecture, street art, creative writing, music and
theater performance)
-Transnational workshops (including informative contributions), scientific conferences
-Symposium, lectures, seminars (dissemination and exchange)
-Multiplier, education and training events
-Transnational multiplier event in fall 2024
-Development of the digital platform "Lingua Creativa", use of national educational servers
-Creation of scientific publications, handouts and scripts
-Creation of videos on teaching sequences and learning situations for further training courses
-conception and realization of webinars, creation and maintenance of thematic forums

The persons in charge of the partner institutions of our project are not only in continuous exchange with each
other, but also ensure the expansion of their respective expertise by attending further training courses at five
renowned institutes. The focus of these research institutes corresponds to the topics and needs of our project.

The project "Language Power(s) Europe" pursues the overall goal, in accordance with the recommendations of
the Council of the EU of 22.5.2019, to make a transnational contribution to teacher education and training in the
areas of innovative multilingual didactics, intercultural competence and digitization in language teaching. The
materials and concepts will be developed for grades 3-6.
One of our Project Results is to extend the Multi-Language Curriculum developed in the Erasmus+ project MiG,
taking into account the Multilingual Competence Model, , with innovative language didactic concepts and
materials that can be adapted site-specifically. The implementation of successful multilingualism concepts of the
bilingual partner schools in regular schools in the partner regions will be scientifically evaluated by the university
partner institutions and integrated into their training and continuing education courses. Testing and
implementation is also planned in teacher training in Kosovo (financed with non-EU funds).
Another planned Project Result includes the development and evaluation of a transnational intercultural school
development concept with a special focus on educational partnerships with parents. The contents will be tested at
the partner schools and with Kosovar teachers (financed with non-EU funds) and evaluated for their
effectiveness. The findings and content of the school development concept will be incorporated into teacher
training and in-service training events at the university sites and in SCHILFS (in-school in-service training) and
SCHÜLFS (inter-school in-service training) and will be made available on national education servers.
The third anticipated Project Result is the development of concepts for creative multimodal design of learning
architectures (linguistic schoolscaping) to facilitate interactive, creative, and performative language learning

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experiences. The focus is on collaborative forms of learning, making linguistic-cultural diversity visible, linguistic
mediation as well as multilingualism competencies. Learning videos on successful learning situations will be
created and serve as a stimulus for the development of language-sensitive digital learning spaces at bilingual
schools and regular schools. The results will be integrated into the training and continuing education concepts of
the partner institutions.
Another concrete project goal is the creation of the "Lingua Creativa" platform in line with the Action Plan for
Digital Education (2021-2027). It offers a transnational information and exchange platform for all those involved in
school life and supports the dissemination of all project results. On the platform, teacher trainings in the form of
webinars and learning videos are offered, handouts and materials on the tested concepts of the Project Results
are provided and scientific publications are made available. Furthermore, the platform contributes significantly to
the networking of the target groups in the partner regions and Kosovo within the framework of forums.
The aforementioned Project Results can serve as an impulse generator and reference framework for teacher
training and for language-sensitive teaching in all schools in Europe.
Another overarching goal is the change of attitude of all participants towards a European language awareness
and the perception of cultural diversity as an added value. Consequently, there may be increased participation in
the political-social life. Furthermore, the use of synergy effects of the partner institutions is expected.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Title

Therapeutic foster care for Unaccompanied Minor

Refugees and their foster families

Project Coordinator

Organisation ODISEE

Address WARMOESBERG 26 , 1000 BRUSSEL , BE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-BE02-KA220-VET-000033060

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2025

EC Contribution 305,589 EUR

Partners UNIVERSITAET KASSEL (DE) , Pleegzorg Oost-Vlaanderen v.z.w. (BE) ,


Topics Inclusion of marginalised young people ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Development of training courses

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Project Summary

Europe and its member states are facing a disruptive asylum crisis. Not only adults and families with children try
to reach Europe to start a better life. But also youngsters and even children arrive in Europe without the guidance
of an adult. National authorities are extremely challenged on how these unaccompanied minor refugees (UMR)
have to be taken care of, according national and international standards of child care and children's rights. UMR
are often taken care of in the context of buddy projects or residential settings, where they are followed-up on an
individual basis by a trustee that acts from a certain distance, or, in the context of a group that is guided by
different rotating educators. Foster family care (not to be confused with adoption!) for UMR is a different and more
recent trend in guiding this sub-group of ‘looked after youngsters’. All over Europe, 'normal' families are accepting
a UMR as a 'normal' member of the family. Within this new trend of foster family care for UMR, foster care
services are mentioning complexities and problematic situations that require a specialized guidance, taking into
account exile-specific influences (f.e.: the effects of cumulative losses and life-threatening situations on the
development of these youngsters), developmental phase-specificities (f.e.: multi-layered crises in identity
formation), complex and multiple trauma-related dynamics (f.e.: the breakdown of the relationship with primary
attachment figures and with later caretakers, a breakdown that can hinder the establishment of trust in the foster
parents), and, migration-related factors (f.e.: being confronted with cultural differences).

Foster care services (all over Europe) report an enormous need to offer therapeutic – in the broadest sense of
this word: ‘healing and development oriented’ - care for these youngsters and their foster families. (Therapeutic
foster care is also often called ‘treatment foster care’). Foster care services also mention the need to share, within
learning networks, about the difficulties these youngsters, their foster parents and the guidance networks are
confronted with and about the tools and approaches they have at their disposal to work therapeutically with these
In our project, we want to bring together knowledge and experiences in this context and we want (a) to work out a
model - to be used by professional foster care workers - for the delivery of therapeutic care for this group of minor
refugees and their foster families; a model that is based on research and that is very practice oriented), a model
that can be shared with all foster care actors in the EU. (b) A training on this model, addressed to professional
foster care workers, will also be produced. Furthermore, also (c) a 'knowledge base on research and best
practices in the field of foster care for UMR' will be developed (an which the model and the training will be based
on) and (d) 'policy and implementation recommendations' will be formulated.
All partners in this project are engaged actors in the research, social care and foster care field, who want to
contribute to essential actual societal challenges.

For the foster care professionals:
A knowledge base on research and best practices in the field of foster care for UMR, a training in exile-specific
therapeutic foster care for foster families taking care of UMR (See the Project Results (PR), the training and
multiplicator events that are listed up further), as well as an international learning network on evidence-based
best practice in foster care for UMR.

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For the foster families and the UMR they are taking care of:
A higher degree of mastery during the foster care period, better management of conflicts, stress and the effects of
eventual trauma; better understanding and bridging of cultural sensitive barriers that have to do with exile-specific
dynamics and cultural differences; better chances for social inclusion; more insight in the complex specificities of
identity crises of UMR in adolescents that are additionally refugees); indirectly, a less frequent disabling of foster
care situations. Via a better understanding of context and needs and via the targeted guidance model, the UMR
will be better helped in the foster family context, at school and within society to become full and responsible
member of the society

For authorities and policy makers:

Better foster family-based care solutions for UMR (outside large institutions), empowering the
de-institutionalization strategy, more and better care in the foster care sector (professionalisation, international
learning networks, and, the setting up of evidence based care), inclusion of UMR in society, tackling the effects
and costs of multiple loss and broken-off primary attachment relationships or trauma of the UMR, as well as the
and prevention of future drop out (to help the UMR in the foster family context, at school and within society
becoming full and responsible member of the society), reducing the risk of break down in the foster families. The
added values will be listed up in the Policy and implementation recommendations.

1. Conducting a literature review on (a) research and (b) and on existing guidance practices in the context of
foster care for families with UMR in European countries, as well as on (c) the needs and the difficulties that are
reported by foster families with UMR and by the foster care professionals and the supportive networks that
surround them. In Belgium, there are for example, the Mindspring® training programs and the First Steps
preventive guidance method as valuable models for working with refugee families with children and youngsters in
a foster family context. In Germany there is the Step-by-Step method of the Frankfurt Sigmund Freud Institute, in
which – among many other aspects - potential candidates for foster parenting or for becoming a foster child are
prepared for their complex challenge, in a preventive way. The experiences in Step-by-Step have influenced the
Hesse Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration to set up several Psychosocial Networks of preventive and
therapeutic Guidance Services for UMR. The abovementioned methods have in common that individual pathways
or more group-oriented guidance initiatives approaches can be worked out: (a) on the individual level: supporting
the needs of an individual foster family or foster child by a training, a psycho-educative initiative, a guidance or a
psychotherapy for this specific child and his parents, (b) on the group-oriented level: group work with
psycho-education or preventive guidance for a small group of foster parents or of foster children or youngsters,
(c) on the level of guidance services: a learning network where information and practice experiences can be
shared, supervision obtained and research results translated for guidance practice with UMR and their foster
families. But the methods are not specifically adapted to foster care practice (and that will also be the case for
other models that will be identified).
One model that suits most for the purpose of therapeutic foster care for UMR will be selected. We will select out
of the existing European practices those elements that provide answers to these complex challenges and we will
integrate effective and promising practices within a model that suits most for the purpose of therapeutic foster
care for UMR.

2. Translating the identified effective and promising elements of UMR care into an exile-sensitive foster care
model (taking into account the strengths, vulnerabilities and complexities within these foster families and their
UMRs; special attention will be given to the developmental phase of adolescence as well as to the fact that the
foster families can be kin or non- kin). This model will provide practice-oriented tools for the challenges of these
foster families and will lead to a training program (with a manual) for the foster care professionals.

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3. Doing a pilot on the guidance model with 20 foster care families. The pilot will start with a training of the foster
care professionals on the model that has been worked out. The experiences of the foster care services during the
pilot phase will be systematically reported, in order to determine the weaknesses and the strengths of the
guidance model. After the pilot phase, the necessary adjustments to the guidance model and the training program
will be made. (A scheme to evaluate and to report the work done in the pilot phase and the effects of the model
and the training will be developed).

4. Policy and implementation recommendations on how to put the model and the training in practice will be
developed. The recommendations will be addressed to foster care professionals, the management of foster care
services, the regulating and funding authorities and the social policy levels at regional, national and European

5. Dissemination of the outcomes of the literature and practice review, the guidance model, the training and the
policy and implementation recommendations. This will be done at local, regional/national and European level.

4 PROJECT RESULTS (PR) will be produced
PR1: A literature review on research and on existing guidance practices in the context of foster care within the
European member state countries
PR2: Description of a model for therapeutic foster care workers (handbook, website
P33: Training (handbook, website) on for therapeutic foster care workers
PR4: policy and implementation recommendations

1 TRAINING EVENT (TE) will be set up as a trial of the developed model (PR2) and the training (PR3):
TE1: training of foster care professionals of the 3 foster care partners (Rome)

4 MULTIPLIER EVENTS (ME) will be organised as local dissemination activities (addressing local foster care
actors in BE, IT and CY) and 1 international conference (BR)
- ME1: Local ME Flanders (Gent)
- ME2: Local ME Italy (Rome)
- ME3: Local ME Cyprus (Nicosia)
- ME4: Final conference (Brussels)

4 TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS (TM) (and alternated with 3 or 4 online meetings) wil be set up for Steering
group meetings and exchange between the project partners
TM1: launch meeting steering group (Ghent)
TM2: Main aim: Presentation and feedback on model + training (Kassel)
TM3: Main aim: Dissemination strategy (Nicosia)
TM4: closing meeting steering group (Brussels)

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

BuIldIng SoCIal BRIdgeS by aRtIStIC InItIatIveS

Project Coordinator


Address BRACKA 18/63 , 00 028 WARSZAWA , Mazowieckie , PL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000035224

Start Date Dec 1, 2021

End Date May 31, 2023

EC Contribution 120,992 EUR

Partners Rinascita Società Cooperativa Sociale (IT) , BRATISLAVSKY INSTITUT


Topics Creativity, arts and culture ; Inclusion, promoting equality and

non-discrimination ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The European way of life is an inclusive one. Integration and inclusion are keys for people coming to EU, for local
communities, and for the long-term well-being of our societies and the stability of our economies. This means
empowering those facing disadvantages, while ensuring our communities are united and cohesive. It means
giving equal opportunities to all to enjoy their rights and participate in community and social life, regardless of the
background and in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights. It also means respecting common EU values as
enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, including democracy, the rule
of law, the freedoms of speech and religion, as well as the rights to equality and non-discrimination. These
fundamental values are an essential part of living and participating in EU society. The challenge of integration and
inclusion is particularly relevant for migrants, not only newcomers but sometimes also for TCNs who might have
naturalised and are EU citizens.The Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 stated the need for
continuing development of skills and competences related with appreciation of cultural diversity, including respect
for the persons with a migrant background because multiculturalism and diversity are not always accepted by
some members of host societies. The need for fighting discrimination and racism and ensuring decent treatment
in the workplace it’s a crucial concern that must be addressed. Based on the fact that Education for all is the
basis for achieving a mild social integration of the new coming members of the society as well as a harmonic
co-existence with the local members of it, BRICS aims to better prepare and deploy the education and training of
professionals who work with migrants and for confronting equity, diversity and inclusion challenges in the society
as well as to promote the integration of migrants.Teachers find themselves struggling to deal with the culturally
diverse classroom. Although the experience can be enriching, many teachers find they are unexposed,
unprepared and unequipped to address the challenges of cultural diversity. Inadequate policies in relation to
integration and education of migrants also impede teachers, educators, school administrators, and migrant
communities in finding coordinated, innovative solutions. The project will explore these gaps and develop the
tools to address these various needs.
Since the needs are common between EU countries, the transnational character of the project will produce valid
tools that could be transferable and applied in other EU contexts with minor modifications and added benefits.
The consortium consists of 5 partners countries (Poland, Cyprus, Italy, Slovakia, Spain) and were brought
together to capitalize and build on each other’s knowledge and experience from best practices in their national
context, for future circulation and transfer of know-how in their daily tasks. The majority of partners have previous
experience in European projects and their role is considered crucial for the project implementation based on its
scope and its wide network. This project meets the need of the organizations to foster thei staff skills, exchange
best practices with other EU countries and produce innovative educational resources that can be useful on a daily
basis. BRICS will have positive impact on all organisations and their staff that will be involved, as they will further
enhance their background in terms of understanding the actual needs of immigrants. The new tools and
methodologies that will be developed will be utilized by all participating organizations for the target group, while
the exchange of know-how and good practices among all partners and also between the consortium and external
stakeholders, will enrich their expertise and allow them to serve better the needs of these target groups.

BRICS aims to improve the social inclusion of immigrants through the development and improvement of their
competences (social, cultural, values, organizational, educational, etc.). The consortium’s goals involve a great
strategic challenge, as it will develop innovative digital products, foster learning and develop joint initiatives, and

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exchange experiences; since in each one of the countries of the consortium, diverse policies are applied and
different inclusion resources exist. The partnership is aware that migration is a phenomenon that is part of
European history and part of the cities of the consortium. The proposal understands social integration as an
essential element and as a permanent multidirectional process of creating a new common ground to live together.
BRICS aims to invest in this goal in connection with the project results’ sustainability. BRICS points out that it is
necessary to change and adapt all types of public services: housing, admission to the labor market and education
programs according to the immigrants’ needs. This heterogeneity that migrations entail, added to the variety of
reception contexts, generates the need to create realistic social inclusion strategies that are open to different
territories, profiles and needs due to the diverse situation in regards of immigration of the participant
organizations’ countries.
The need for fighting discrimination and racism and ensuring decent treatment in the workplace is a crucial
concern that must be addressed. Based on the fact that Education for all is the basis for achieving a mild social
integration of the new coming members of the society as well as a harmonic co-existence with the local members
of it, BRICS project aims to better prepare and deploy the education and training of professionals who work with
migrants and for confronting equity, diversity and inclusion challenges in the society as well as to promote the
integration of migrants. Therefore, the target groups of the project are professionals who work with migrants and
people with a migrant background. The main goal is to facilitate the integration of migrants in the society by
increasing their creativity levels, and at the same time, to improve diversity management competences of adult
trainers in order to create and maintain an inclusive environment where each one of the migrants despite its
nationality is able to learn and grow. A core element of our proposal is thus developing personal autonomy and
intercultural competencies among adult immigrant sectors in the participating countries. We are not oblivious to
the pressures that migrant populations experience in their host societies, and the emotional and mental health
stress that they may be suffering. This is what is called the “Ulysses Syndrome” as described by Achotegui
(2000). Thus, it is important to provide newcomers with the instruments and training that allow them to assume a
functional adult role in their host society and to reduce their stress at being efficient in terms of employment and
social integration. BRICS aims to produce tools geared to facilitating the knowledge and understanding of the
host culture to migrant adults and to thus contribute to minimize the social gaps. Since the needs are common
between EU countries, the transnational character of the project will produce valid tools that could be transferable
and applied in other EU contexts with minor modifications and added benefits. The objectives of the project are:
• Help professionals, adult educators reflect upon the importance of inclusive and diverse societies
• teach professionals, adult educators by sharing examples of best practices of using art as a tool for inclusion of
migrant groups
• Provide professionals, adult educators with artistic tools and methods to help and support marginalised people’s
inclusion into the community
• To increase professionals, adult educators awareness about social exclusion and inclusion
• Improve the supply of high qualit

In parallel with the project’s research and development activities and throughout the project implementation
period, a set of horizontal activities will be supported from the grant for Project Management & Implementation:
A1. Project and Quality Management The aim of Project and Quality Management activities is to ensure the
smooth and timely implementation of the project in terms of financing, administration, production and
coordination. This includes the following activities: project planning; communication; monitoring; fine-tuning;
organising partner meetings; drafting meeting minutes; coordinating, collecting and reviewing progress reports;
defining of qualitative and quantitative success criteria; monitoring and evaluation; developing executive quality
reports; reporting any significant deviation to the partnership and initiating a contingency plan; communicating
with the National Agency etc.

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A1.1. Development of Project Work Plan (PWP)

A1.2 Organisation of partner meetings & conference calls M1: Kick-off meeting M2: 2nd Transnational meeting
M3: Final Meeting
A1.3 Two Progress Reports
A1.4 Elaboration of QMP
A1.5 Two Executive quality reports
A1.6 Design and Development project website
A2. Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
The Dissemination & Exploitation Leader, P2 will prepare a comprehensive Dissemination & Strategy focused on:
clarifying the dissemination and communication scope, aims and timing; Identification and classification of the
target groups and stakeholders; Elaboration of stakeholders’ engagement plan; Identification of the particular
messages to be communicated throughout the project; Definition of dissemination, communication and
exploitation means, methods and tools at national and European level (social networks, press releases, events
etc.), including effective ways to collect feedback; Definition of success indicators; Clarification of IPR issues;
Detailed action plan and reporting templates of the partners’ dissemination activities. P1 will undertake to develop
the project website however the Dissemination Leader (P2) will regularly update the BRICS website.
A2.1 Development of the Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
A2.2 Design of internal and external communication templates
A2.3 Design of leaflets, posters and roll-up banners
A2.4 Monitoring of dissemination and exploitation activities and events.
All partners will: - Participate and provide input to the above activities and deliverables; - Make explicit their
commitment to provide resources that guarantee the sustainability of the project’s outcomes once it is over; - Use
various project and own resources in order to disseminate project results and activities at local/regional/national
and European level; - Engage the target group and raise awareness of the project and its value to relevant
local/regional/national and European stakeholders and multipliers; - Translate press releases, leaflets text and
other relevant material to their national language; - Be actively involved in the exploitation and sustainability
efforts from the beginning of the project; and - Report implemented dissemination and exploitation actions, using
the templates that will be provided by the Dissemination & Exploitation Leader.

BRICS aims to reinforce: cooperation between the world of education and formal and informal training and the
professional domain, the promotion of the linguistic diversity of the EU as well as the awareness towards
interculturality in community educational centers. The project’s results will also offer the opportunity to people of
migrant background to know and further identify with European traditions, cultural values and heritage while they
gain practical knowledge of their immediate daily surroundings and cultural environment.
The main Results of BRICS are:
1: In Service Training Program on using Art as an inclusive Educational Tool to ensure that professionals working
with migrants are fully trained to harness the potential of the BRICS educational resources.
2: Digitalized Creativity Boost Training for Migrants is intended for use during training courses for people with a
migrant background in order to be supported and aware on policies, processes and practices that meet relevant
international standards in the field of migrant integration.
Also during the partnership will deliver the following results :
•A concrete management plan with all the necessary steps and procedures for the smooth implementation of the
project (structure, tasks per partner and responsibilities, project milestones, communication arrangements and
reporting) and stakeholders database;
•Minutes from partners meetings;
•A quality assurance strategy, accompanied by a contingency plan reviewed and approved by the partnership, to

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ensure the successful implementation of activities leading to the desired results based on the quality standards
•An interim and a final evaluation report with an overview of the reached qualitative and quantitative objectives;
•A dissemination plan that will includes dissemination tools and activities necessary to reach the target groups
and a final dissemination activities report at the end of the project;
•Impact Assessment Plan;
•Exploitation Strategy
•Transnational Training Activity Programme/ Report
•Participants' lists and feedback questionnaires from members of the target group who will be involved in the local
events and training/pilot testing phase;
•Project Website and logo;
•A final conference to present the results and exploitation plans for the project.
•Creation of material for dissemination of the project, to be distributed to events and trainings;
•4 Newsletters with information of important project milestones. The Newsletters will be translated in all partners
language (English, German, Greek, Italian, and Spanish, Slovenian) distributed to relevant stakeholders and
upload on partners’ website;
•5 Multiplier Events.
BRICS will be designed to have a strong long-term impact on the future of ongoing education of migrants adults
in the partner countries of the EU in several ways:
-Improve on the migrants’ knowledge on their host cities and will foster a sense of familiarity and belonging.
- Enable understanding of EU culture diversity and values
- Promote personal development and improve mental wellbeing
- Improve the position of adult migrant in the labour market and Education
- Increased awareness of the importance of community center-migrant communication in social integration
- Improvement of learning resources and guidance for migrants

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

How much warmer is one degree? Sensitise and

empower low-level educated citizens, refugees and
migrants in tackling climate change and global warming

Project Coordinator

Organisation Novantel Srl

Address Strada Statale 17 km 42,916 , 67100 L'Aquila , Abruzzo , IT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000033403

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2025

EC Contribution 396,349 EUR

Partners MITTETULUNDUSUHING ELULIIN (EE) , Wissenschaftsinitiative

Niederösterreich (WIN) (AT) , Tecomsa Telecommunications LTD (CY)

Topics Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Environment

and climate change ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to sustainable development. The last five years have been the
hottest on record since 1880. Sea levels are rising, and ever more frequent natural disasters, such as cyclones
and tropical storms, are threatening people’s homes and livelihoods. Tackling climate change requires action at
all levels of society, from individuals and educators to policymakers and businesses. By fostering awareness,
capacity building and innovation, climate change learning helps communities and individuals to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and effectively adapt to the changing climate.
In the past years, several EU wide networks and associations have launched topic-related working groups, such
as for example the Europeana Network Association. More information and learning materials about climate have
been published, which help learners understand the causes and consequences of climate change and empower
them to take appropriate actions to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. At the current moment, several websites
provide information in order to become a climate-literate person who 1) understands the essential principles of
Earth’s climate system, 2) knows how to assess scientifically credible information about climate, 3) communicates
about climate and climate change in a meaningful way, and 4) is able to make informed and responsible
decisions with regard to actions that may affect climate.
However, most of these portals require a reader not only with high motivation, but also with at least medium or
higher education. They do not take into account the reading level of a big part of the population. To these people
we must count an increasing number of people with migration background and refugees with low command of the
language of their hosting country. Also, most of them come from cultures where, until recently, environmental
thinking and aspects of sustainability have not existed.
From these need analysis it comes the basic reason under the OneDegree project proposal.

Aim of the project consortium is to produce and validate easy-to-use and friendly learning materials - using a
simple language style, in order to reach the wider number of European citizens among people with migration
background and refugees with low skills in their hosting country language - to make adult individuals and groups
of adults aware of the consequences of climate change and of the impact it has on our environment and lives,
that the project partners summarise in this very meaningful question: How much warmer is one degree?
These materials will be made available at an interactive web portal and as mobile app for smartphones. Parts will
also be available as podcasts or can be activated by smart-home voice assistants such as Alexa or Siri. Main
project results will be:
1) OneDegree Educational Kit,
2) OneDegree E-Learning Course for trainers in adult education,
3) OneDegree Handbook,
4) OneDegree Web Portal,
5) OneDegree Mobile Application.
All products will remain accessible at least three years after the end of the project, i.e., until 2027.
The OneDegree project will last 36 months and will be implemented by a consortium of 4 partners from 4 member
countries (Italy, Austria, Estonia and Cyprus). Due to the very important field of intervention, each partner will use
its large network of similar organisations and stakeholders to give emphasis to the diffusion of the project’s
contents and results, which will be available in 4 languages. During the project, transnational meetings and
multiplier events will be held in all participating countries.

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The work of the project consortium will be broken down into a series of overlapping phases which incorporate the
analysis, networking, and dissemination/communication of the project’s results. The work plan has been set out
so that each new product makes use of knowledge acquired from the previous ones:

1) The first step consists of the review of existing framework reports their update to the current situation. This
outcome will influence the development of the English version of project results (especially Handbook and
Educational Kit).
2) Parallel to these development steps, the IT partners will design the technological features (E-Learning Course,
Climate Questions Portal and Mobile Application) which will make the project results attractive and usable.
3) The localisation into Italian, Greek and Estonian, and especially the translations of parts into Arabic, will be
performed after the development phase. A critical aspect of the development phase will be to successfully follow
a user-centred approach.

Methodology for interactive e-learning course:

Our Instructional Systems Design will apply the ADDIE Model (Analysis > Design > Development >
Implementation > Evaluation), with the extension of a preceding planning phase. This framework helps our
researchers to design and develop the climate change relevant information by exploring the levels of education
and awareness at one end and the results expected at the other. The development work will follow the
forward-moving model that culminates with evaluation. At this stage, the entire material will be tested from the
angles of what, how, why, and when of the things that were to be accomplished. These tests will be carried out in
the laboratories of the IT partner under participation of the other partners prior to the validation phase with the
final target groups.

Target groups and stakeholders will be contacted by each partner by establishing an Expert Group, which will
assess the project according to their needs. Simultaneously, partners will communicate and disseminate the
project and its outcomes to their extended network in a viral spread of the project through face-to-face, media and
web activities. In the last six months of the project, partners will identify and map potential stakeholders that will
be targeted in order to further exploit the outcomes of the project.

The project coordinator will work in close cooperation with all partners to successfully complete all products and
achieve all planed outcomes of the project, within the time and available resources. They will comply with quality
standards that have been set in the framework of the project. The coordinator will provide support for day-by-day
project management and administration through a close communication among all project partners. Bi-monthly
Skype teleconferences, email exchange, phone calls and four face-to-face meetings will facilitate the coordination
and information exchange among partners.

During the project development, the following outcomes will be produced and finalised on its completion:

Main project results:

PR1) Educational Kit with training materials to make adult individuals and groups of adults aware of the
consequences of climate change and of the impact it has on our environment and lives,
PR2) E-Learning Course for trainers in adult education with suggestions on how to incorporate the project’s
concept into adult education measures,

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PR3) Handbook targeted to the general adult public with lower educational levels,
PR4) Climate Questions Web Portal, an interactive website which contains the project products, also for
download, in four languages, besides climate related information and learning subjects,
PR5) Mobile application for smartphones for accessing the project products.

In addition, the following results will be elaborated with the budget for project management and implementation:
- Project Management Guidelines: includes specific guidelines on project management, time and resources
allocation, communication process and the project’s overall action plan.
- Quality Assurance Plan: provides tools for systematic project monitoring, budget management and
communication between partners and stakeholders, and provides objectives to assess the quality of progress.
- Monitoring Reports: relates to how the monetary and non-monetary contributions and resources have been
made available and used.
- Evaluation Report: provides feedback on the project. The report will contain the accumulated findings:
-- background of the project (justification, staff and resources);
-- project environment and its context in other European programmes;
-- comparison of the final state and the criteria set up at the beginning;
-- impact of the project.
- Project’s logo: the coordinator, with the support of an external designer, will develop the project logo, which will
be the project’s trade mark and visual identity.
- Newsletters: each partner will inform about the project, its milestones and current activities, in three issues
during the project running. The contents of the three issues will be:
-- Launch of the project, background.
-- Results from the development process.
-- Information about final results and multiplier events.
- Flyers: they will be produced in the languages of the partnership plus English (4 languages). They will be
distributed at meetings with stakeholders and organisations and will mainly serve as entry point to obtain further
information at the Climate Questions Web Portal.
- Dissemination Logs: each partner will register detailed dissemination activities related to the project that will be
communicated to the partners.

Link to project card: Show project card

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Educating for Inclusion

Project Coordinator




Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035355

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2024

EC Contribution 302,801 EUR

Partners Associazione di Promozione Sociale Per Esempio ONLUS (IT) ,

Polnischer Sozialrat e.V. (DE) , ASSOCIATION DES AGENCES DE LA
DEMOCRATIE LOCALE (FR) , Budapest Föváros IX. Kerület
Ferencváros Önkormányzata (HU) , Crossing Borders (DK) , Miejski
Osrodek Pomocy Spolecznej w Gdyni (PL)

Topics Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Creating new,

innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Reception and integration of
refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum (2020), and the Action Plan on integration and inclusion for 2021-2024
highlight needs for policy making and integrative actions in the following fields:
1) reconsidering the diversity of migrants’ groups by extending the target group to “migrants and citizens with
immigrant backgrounds”, and by expressing their strong added value to local societies;
2) identifying 4 fields of intervention for integration policies (education, housing, services and employment)
3) adapting policies in light of the most recent challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemia and its direct effects
on the target groups,
4) acknowledging the diversity of the localities, in which migrant inclusion policies need to become a priority of
local policies

In the face of increasing diversity of European societies the European Commission, transnational, national and
local actors throughout Europe have formulated the need for an approach of inclusion that actively involves
migrants and citizens with migrant backgrounds in policy making and integrative actions.

To gain equal access and opportunities as active participants in the co-creation of adequate strategies, policies
and actions the actors of the target group of migrant communities, i.e. migrant self organisations and associations
run by migrants require further capacity building, professionalisation and also funding. Here we identified a need
for capacity building that enables migrant associations to get involved in inclusion and diversity strategies from
the initiation and needs assessment via the strategy and coalition making to the implementation.

At the same time contact, communication and cooperation between local municipalities, migrant residents and
migrant associations requires intercultural capacities and target group specific methods from both the public
policy making bodies and the migrant associations.

To that end and in consideration of the needs of these target organisations and their local communities the
concrete objectives are building capacities in three areas:

1- needs assessment through dialogue between policy makers, stakeholders, residents including people with
migrant backgrounds and migrant associations
2- creating strategies for more inclusive communities and cities
3- implementing inclusive strategies on the local level.

We expect specific needs to be grouped by organisation type and level of inclusionary practices at participating

We expect migrant associations to have specific learning needs in the fields of

- creating projects,
- finding resources,
- monitoring and evaluating the results, and impact;

while cities appear to need more training in:

- finding access to target groups in their municipality as informants on needs and as recipients of implementations

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- communicating inclusive strategies and their implementation in the general public (i.e. awareness creating
projects and actions)

INCLUDATE supports the above mentioned European Migration and Intgeration priorities as well as the
Erasmus+ Inclusion and diversity priorities by co-creating a curriculum for inclusion and diversity strategies
specifically designed by and for actors from migrant associations and municipalities to allow for an active
involvement of migrants and citizens with migrant backgrounds in policy making and integrative actions

INCLUDATE utilizes the entirely different perspectives, resources and approaches of migrant associations and
municipalities on diversity and inclusion to generate mutual learning opportunities, that

- support public actors in their access to and exchanges with migrant community actors such as migrant
residents, businesses and migrant associations
- support migrant associations in their professionalisation by increasing their resources, e.g. methods of
fundraising, strategy making
- increase capabilities for evaluating needs, negotiating strategies and implementing measures of social inclusion
in diverse neighbourhoods, quarters or cities through training tailored to the special requirements of cities and
migrant associations
- implement exemplary actions that increase inclusion of people of diverse background in the participating

Through intensive dissemination of the INCLUDATE curriculum for Inclusion & Diversity and complimentary
results, we want to achieve aforementioned impacts in the participating cities and migrant associations as well as
localities across Europe that apply, utilize or adapt our curriculum for the creation of inclusion and diversity
strategies in their neighbourhoods, quarters or cities.


- encourage the initiation, negotiation and implementation of migrant-sensitive policies and strategies in and by
further localities and organisations inspired by partners activities in the same region or country
- create new models for successful paths of migrant’s inclusion at a broader level, through storytelling and
exchange of experiences.
- raise awareness of the need for local inclusion and diversity strategies and policies; the needs of residents of all
backgrounds as part of an inclusive and diverse community and of the need for equal rights of residents of all
backgrounds to participate and co-create the local community
- encourage funding bodies to create specific funds for inclusion & diversity measures;
- encourage public actors to collaborate and coordinate with migrant associations and migrant actors, when
planning and implementing local strategies and policies, especially in the fields of education, housing, services
and employment;
- encourage regional and national policy makers to consider the needs of residents of all backgrounds when
planning and implementing local strategies and policies, especially in the fields of education, housing, services
and employment.

We want to create the INCLUDATE platform and disseminate the results with the objectives of
- networking and mutual solidarity for creating inclusive communities and tackling discriminatory policies between

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actors from municipalities, migrant associations and other relevant stakeholders such as NGOs, local providers of
cultural and social services for migrants via the INCLUDATE platform;
- exchange and export fruitful practices of dialogue based needs assessment, strategy making and
implementation of inclusion and diversity measures at local level to other communities at European level ;
- contribute to increased numbers and success chances of strategy making processes for Inclusion & Diversity
across Europe;
- encourage EU policy makers to collaborate and coordinate with migrant associations and migrant actors, when
planning and implementing local strategies and policies, especially in the fields of education, housing, services
and employment.

INCLUDATE activities will be organised along 5 work packages each of them leading to concrete project results;
the project activities will be oriented by milestones such as transnational meetings, products, trainings and
dissemination events. The coordination of work packages will be divided among the partners; ensuring that all
partners take an active role and responsibility in the implementation of the project. in the same time all partners
will be actively incóvolced in the most important activities according to their capacities.

WP1: Project management, quality control and monitoring - CRN

administrative and financial management of the project - coordination of overall activities
- supporting TPMs and organising online SC meetings
- monitoring the project progress
- communicating with partners, stakeholders, and the National Agency,
- risk and conflict management
- quality control based on Evaluation plan

WP2: Mapping Needs and Communities - CRN and Crossing Borders

-C1: Training on community reporting and community mapping
-mapping local communities
- Community storytelling events
- Local and pan Eu Conversation of Change events
PR1: E-book analysing includate communities

WP3: Strategy Making Processes - MOPS and Polnischer Sozialrat

- Method and good practice research and exchange
- C2: training on strategy making and implementation

PR2: 5 local strategies and action plans

WP4: Curriculum for Community Impact - Per Esempio - Budapest IXth - CRN
-Exchange and evaluation of the expected learning outcomes
-Curriculum building
-C3 and C4 Transnational trainings for testing the curriculum and reiteration with municipalities and NGOs
PR3: Interactive curriculum and training guide

WP5: Outreach, Impact and Dissemination - Per Esempio -ALDA

- Dissemination and outreach plan

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- Impact measurement plan

-Steering dissemination activities (logo, flyer, Social media, newsletters, streams)
- Creating and running the INCLUDATE web platform
- dissemination events
- co-creation of Policy recommendations
PR4: ID INCLUDATE online platform

Jan 2022: Kick off in Berlin, Start WP1,2,5
March 2022: C1: JSTraining in Berlin, 1st Steering Committee Meeting (SCM)
June: 2nd SCM, 1st progress report
Sept: 3rd SCM
Oct 2022: 2nd TPM, Copenhaguen, start WP3, online CoC training, 1st online Webinar
Dec 2023: 4th SCM, 2nd Progress Report
Jan 2023: Online Pan EU CoC event
March 2023: end WP2, 5th SMC
April 2023: 3rd TPM, Palermo, 2nd online webinar
June 2023: C2: JSTraining in Palermo, 6th SCM, 3rd Progress report
Sept 2023: start WP4, 7th SCM
Oct 2023: 4th TPM and outreach event in Strasbourg, end WP3
Dec 2023: 8th SCM, 4th progress report
Jan 2024: C3: Transnational training for NGOs, Copenhaguen
Feb 2024: 9th SCM
March 2024: Transnational Training for Municipalities, Gdynia
April 2024: 10th SCM,, 3rd online Webinar
May 2024: 5th TPM in Budapest,
July 2014: 12th SCM
July-Sept 2024: 4 local dissemination events (Budapest, Gdynia, Palermo and Copenhaguen)
Sept 2024: Final meeting, Pan EU dissemination event in Berlin, Final Report

INCLUDATE will produce innovative results that will be built on each other, with a clear role in the project
activities and designed in a way to be useful for other communities and other projects as well.

PR1. Interactive eBook “INCLUDATE COMMUNITIES: Local needs for inclusion & diversity”(leader: CRN)
The ebook will be prepared as the result of the Community Mapping, Community Reporting and Conversations of
Change activities implemented in the 5 local areas of INCLUDATE (Budapest, Gdynia, Palermo, Berlin and
Copehagen) in the frame of WP2. The aim of this process and the book is to map and analyse the structure of
local communities, the role of migrant groups within the local society, the specific needs, capacities, expectations,
and challenges these groups are facing when living in the local areas. The needs of migrant groups highlighted
during the community mapping and community reporting will be expressed and discussed with the local
stakeholders, other community members, and decision makers in the frame of Conversation of Change events.
The ebook will be an interactive tool: videos, visual elements, interactive maps will be embedded into it; it will
receive the ISBN number of the German National Library.

PR2. Local Strategies/Action Plans (Leader: MOPS)

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Based on the learning outcomes of C2 on Strategic Thinking and Action planning, 5 Strategies will be prepared in
the INCLUDATE local communities. Local strategies will use the methodological elements and tools learned
during the training. The aim of this practice is to implement the learning outcomes of the training, and to provide
support to our partners to create a first draft of a strategic document that they can present and negotiate in the
future with their local partners.

PR 3.INCLUDATE Interactive Curriculum for Community Impact and Training Guide (Leader: Per Esempio)

The Curriculum will be an interactive learning tool created based on:

- the general needs an capacities of local communities, migrant organisations, NGOs and public bodies;
- the methods, tools and general knowledge that turned to be the most useful for the support of the INCLUDATE
partners based on the results of C2;
- the actions/practices that have been identified in the local strategies prepared by the partners under PR2.

The INCLUDATE curriculum and training guide will be an interactive tool to be prepared online and described
also in the form of an ebook.The curriculum will contain two main modules, dedicated to the two main target
groups of INCLUDATE: 1. NGOs and grassroots migrant organisations; and 2.Local municipalities and public

PR4. ID - INCLUDATE online platform for Inclusion & Diversity (leader: ALDA)
The Platform will be the main final product of INCLUDATE, hosting all the previously presented results. It will be
divided into several “Areas” offering specific uses for Community building, learning, knowledge sharing, and
further engagements. The platform will stream the main project events and host interactive events (e.g. the
European Conversation of Change event). It will permit a wider outreach of the project already at the start, will
contribute to the environment protection aspect of INCLUDATE as it will permit to create online events and
reduce travels; and it will also be an important element of the project sustainability, as the platform will remain,
after the end of INCLUDATE project, an important interactive learning tool for NGOs, migrant associations and
municipalities to require training to be able to initiate, plan and implement strategies for inclusion and diversity.

Link to project card: Show project card

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Migrant Inclusion through Education and Skills

Validation in Europe

Project Coordinator

Organisation Werkstatt-Berufskolleg Unna

Address Nordring 39 , 59423 Unna , NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035813

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 172,600 EUR

Partners A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd (CY) , Instituto de Formación


Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Equal access and
transition to labour market ; Recognition, transparency, certification

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Project Summary

The project partnership came together and worked in the design of this project because its members believe that
through its completion several benefits can be accomplished:
- all partners expect to develop and share innovative practices and promote cooperation; by performing peer
learning and exchanging experiences in diverse fields of expertise, they will be able to enhance technical and
transversal skills.
- the partnership is able to leverage its project management competencies at an international level and shape a
cross-border collaborative professional network.
- reach wider and more distant audiences but to help reap the full benefits of globalisation in local contexts.
- evaluate partner organisations' current performance and design improvement plans.
- increase their visibility and recognition, and open doors to further participation in collective developments.

As related to the target groups, the following needs plan to be addressed:

1. Adult educators/trainers of partner organisations, educational institutions, public bodies, and every other
personnel involved in adult training:
Access a proper training and preparation that can train them for appropriately attending migrants’ necessities and
favour their integration into the local context; acquire and enhance skills and capabilities relevant to that purpose.

2.Adult immigrants at risk of social exclusion and with unfavourable conditions:

- Their successful integration into their host environment; accessing work opportunities that allow them to carry a
dignified life and be professionally competitive in the local labour market.
- for their formerly acquired skills, knowledge and experience to be evaluated, recognised and valued.
- develop the employability skills and competencies they lack but need to live and work in their new home
country. The project aims at developing an effective immigrant qualifications and competencies recognition and
validation process.
- provide immigrants with equitable access to appropriate learning: with the aim of improving their employability,
broadening their skills, as well as encouraging retraining and professional specialisation.

The main objective of this project is to offer proper training and effective tools to adult educators, so they are
capable of recognising, assessing and validating migrants’ employability skills and core competencies, previous
work experience and other relevant attributes.
More specifically:
- Offer effective solutions to facilitate migrants’ social integration and access to training and employment.
- Contribute to the professionalisation of adult educators’ work; promote the acquisition of soft skills to strengthen
their professional development.
- Promote interregional and international cooperation within the education sector.
- Foster European values and goals.

The project includes three transnational meetings:
-Kick-off meeting

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-ReSkill Methodology Meeting

-Intermediate Monitoring and Testing Meeting

During these meetings workshops, collaborative investigation sessions, reports, and other relevant material will
be used in order to address and approach each phase/subject of the project. In relation to the project results five
different phases have been planned that will include practical and theoretical sessions such as round tables,
brainstorming sessions, interactive games, educative videos, and presentations. The phases are:

The project Innova intends to develop the following outcomes and results:

- design a replicable, scalable, and malleable project model and specialised methodology to guide adult
educators in validating migrants’ skills and recognising abroad previous working experience.
- carry out a training for educators where they exchange best practices, share knowledge and promote the
integration of non-formal activities.
- develop an online platform to hold project results and make them available for a wider audience, create holistic
learning experiences and allow people from around the globe to take advantage of the developed tools, for free.
- a written report of the documented process held along the project for migration-related data analysis and further
action implementation.
- Hold 4 local partnerships (1 per partner country) between project members, stakeholders, third-party
organisations, educational institutions, and/or public bodies, aimed to enhance the dissemination potential of the
- Hold 4 multiplier events (1 per partner country) to disseminate the project’s main aspects, highlight its benefits
and attract more collaborators/beneficiaries.
- The training of 200 adult educators and/or related workers through the creation and execution of an "immigrant
skill validation and recognition" programme.
- The evaluation of 1000 migrants' performance under the “ReSkill” methodology and correlative tools.

Link to project card: Show project card

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

New active trades for a urban resilient europe

Project Coordinator

Organisation Halage

Address 6 Rue Arnold Géraux , 93450 L'Île-Saint-Denis , Île de France , FR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000033584

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date May 31, 2024

EC Contribution 329,719 EUR

Partners European E-learning Institute (DK) , le LABA (FR) , STIFTELSEN

COOPERATIVA SOCIALE (IT) , Bia Innovator Campus CLG (IE) ,

Topics Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Environment and

climate change ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Soil maker, composter, soil deliverer, urban horticulturist, eco-tourist guard... are the jobs of the future that we will
be able to do in our big metropolises.
This project was born in Seine Saint Denis, the poorest and youngest department in France, located on the
outskirts of the capital Paris. This territory is characterised by its population density (7,982 inhabitants/km²), an
unemployment rate of 18%, and a cruel lack of green spaces. In addition, there are major challenges: migration,
health, social and economic crises.
This context calls for rapid urban mutations which, if not accompanied, can generate a massive exclusion of the
most fragile people. This project proposes to accompany these changes by starting with the knowledge of these
people, which will constitute the skills necessary for the jobs of tomorrow.

This project responds to the needs of:

- peripheral territories to develop urban agriculture sectors to accompany their transformation
- precarious people to recognise and formalise their knowledge in the framework of promising employment
- adult education actors to better understand European initiatives in urban agriculture and innovative sectors
- innovative sectors
- actors in urban agriculture to promote initiatives to the general public in the framework of large-scale territorial

The coordinator of the project, the Halage association, develops projects of integration through economic activity
in the field of the landscape and the environment. The other partners also have a precise knowledge of the public
in integration and a strong experience in the field of adult education.
All these partners are developing projects that aim to readjust adult education to the current challenges of
employment and work.

Making a resilient city involves transforming our relationship with knowledge in order to train the citizens of today
and tomorrow, so that each person can reveal their knowledge and skills and mobilise them in the workplace. The
project aims to build and promote new employment sectors on the basis of this invisible knowledge, which
corresponds to the current urban mutations.

The most vulnerable people (in precarious situations, unemployed, refugees, etc.) are always defined because
they do not have: no job, no training, no health, no command of the language, no housing, no family, etc., and
thus no power to act, to decide on their own life. However, if they are still active, it is because they have a life
force based on skills and knowledge. Their status, which may be administratively or economically fragile, is not
necessarily synonymous with a lack of knowledge. These people have know-how and heritage knowledge that
are little valued, or even devalued, in the traditional training systems and which can nevertheless be assets
(mother tongues, craft skills, agricultural, culinary, cultural, etc.). When identified, shared and valued, these skills
can become levers of innovation for the cities of tomorrow.
For example, Halage has developed an urban horticulture project based on the agricultural know-how of
refugees. This project is now a great success, and the company supplies many customers in the Ile de France
region with cut flowers. Halage has created a training course for adults designed to train adults in this horticultural
profession in an urban environment.

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We want to
-create jobs that are accessible to people who are far from the labour market, in the service of urban
environmental issues
-prefigure new sectors, build ecosystems and prepare the first employees in these sectors and meet the
challenges of urban ecology

NATURE is a project dedicated to the creation of new jobs in the field of urban agriculture in peripheral urban
areas with the least privileged inhabitants. These jobs want to respond to the ecological challenges of these
cities, at a time of Green Deal.
They are built on the know-how of the inhabitants of these areas and with them in close collaboration with public
authorities capable of orienting their policies of integration and support towards employment in this dynamic of
ecological transition and new ways of building the city. NATURE aims to place the inclusion of adults in
precarious situations at the heart of the ecological transition of European cities.

NATURE is a European project aiming to develop the skills of trainers working on the training and inclusion of
adults in precarious situations (refugee or non-English speaking men and women, unemployed people and
people receiving minimum social benefits) in order to train them in the urban agriculture professions of the future,
based on their knowledge and life experiences.
Our project aims to develop the skills of people working to support and include precarious adults in the urban
agriculture sector.
It brings together a complementary partnership working in the following areas
- Social inclusion and adult education
- Research
- Valorisation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
- Environmental innovation

The partners have different needs and complementary skills:

- Plaine commune is a local authority that brings together 9 towns in the Seine Saint Denis department, which
must harmonise its green economy policy and social and professional integration policies in one of the most
disadvantaged areas of Greater Paris
- Halage develops social and scientific innovation projects in urban agriculture
- LABA is an organisation that works for the inclusion of refugees and people in difficulty through the identification
and recognition of their know-how and culture (mother tongues)
- Lai Momo develops training and integration projects through comics, a tool that allows the most vulnerable
people to be portrayed without stigmatising them, and which is aimed at the most disadvantaged (allophone or
illiterate people)
- The University of Jonkoping identifies and analyses innovations in urban farming throughout Europe
- BIA builds bridges between agriculture and culinary knowledge.

The effects of NATURE impact on

- Educators, mediators, actors of professional and social integration of the most disadvantaged
- Workers in social enterprises (public or private) that develop innovative projects in the field of the green
- The inhabitants of the territories (especially the most vulnerable), whose know-how is recognised and which
they can in turn pass on (the 'knowers')
- Adult education actors who develop new tools adapted to the needs of our territories

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- Local authorities developing urban ecology projects that must be inclusive to produce results.

NATURE will be one of the flagship projects of the SAINT DENIS European Capital of Culture 2028 bid and will
benefit from the know-how shared by GALWAY, European Capital of Culture 2020. It will therefore benefit from
significant visibility on a European scale as part of a large-scale project to transform the territory.

Our project associates partners with experience in running European projects (LABA, Lai MOMO, University of
Jonkoping) and others who are less experienced (BIA) or not/less experienced (Halage, Plaine commune).
The most experienced partners will support the others and propose rigorous implementation of our activities
(output production, training activities, dissemination events, management, evaluation and communication.

NATURE has been designed to produce a series of actions that give positive and immediate results in terms of
developing the skills of professionals active in the integration of the most vulnerable people, within public or
private companies with an environmental vocation.
To do this, we will produce
R1: Good practice guide: Identification of innovative practices in the participation of inhabitants in urban
agriculture projects / This study gathers documentary resources, in transmedia format (interactive resources),
which allows the creative sector, entrepreneurship educators and mediators to understand how urban agriculture
in the most fragile urban areas is a lever for resilience, inclusion and allows territories to respond to the
challenges of the green economy. 30 cases collected from all over Europe, 10 interviews and 10 portraits are
R2: New jobs for new employment sectors for adults: identification of sectors and their needs in order to create at
least 10 new jobs based on the subordinate knowledge of those who know. The overall approach of the partners
is to develop job-creating economic activities accessible to people marginalised from the labour market.
R3: Certifying training courses for new employment sectors: formalisation of 2 innovative courses not offered by
vocational training around the new urban trades of the green economy and aimed at trainers and adults known as
R4 / Comic strip training manual: enhancement of the subaltern know-how of the "knowers" thanks to 15 comic
strip training scenarios. This makes it possible to highlight the beneficiaries of the programme who do not wish to
be filmed or photographed
R5 / Immersive, online training toolbox: providing a catalogue of inclusive online pedagogical tools within a
multilingual and interactive platform.

These results are complementary: the partners share the diagnosis that the modes of transmission of knowledge
are still very vertical and use similar media based essentially on the written word and an academic culture. The
productions R3, R4 and R5 are intended to diversify the learning environments of the project's target audiences
on the basis of the results of R1 and R2 based on participatory and shared observation and action research

2) 5 transnational meetings. They punctuate each stage (launch/implementation of activities/completion). The

partners create a management manual and share the project management tools
3) 2 training activities aimed at testing, criticizing and improving the results produced. These activities bring
together more than 60 adult educators and trainers, half of whom are 'knowers' (people who participate in adult
education activities by passing on their know-how)
4) 5 dissemination events

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5) A strong communication and dissemination strategy both internally and externally. The partners rely on their
national networks and on the European networks of local authorities of which LABA is a member.
6) A method of quantitative and qualitative in itinere evaluation, in order to be able to correct our actions
according to the events or difficulties encountered

In 31 months, our project will achieve the following results
a) Raising the awareness of the greatest number of people through the use of fun and educational tools: digital
toolbox, and illustration of the project through comics (remember that we are working with the Angoulême Comic
Book Festival, Lyon Comic Book Festival, Bologna Comic Book Festival and Montreuil Youth Book Fair)
b) Valorisation of the project, the partners, the participants and the Erasmus programme within the framework of
the application for Saint Denis, European Capital of Culture and, more broadly, within a project of territorial
transformation designed for the next 10 years.
c) Creation of new professional sectors for the inclusion of the most fragile and non-displaceable people
d) Revelation of human wealth in the service of urban ecology projects
e) Experimentation of 2 certification courses (in physical and digital format) transferable to all European territories
and communities
f) Creation of professional outlets via a network of private (250 companies reached by all the partners) and public
(400 local authorities reached in particular by the LABA and Plaine Commune networks) employers able to hire
the project's public on the basis of their skills in the field of urban agriculture and the transformation of tomorrow's
g) Transformation of integration policies and adult education methods in the field of the environment and the
urban landscape

For its implementation, the project mobilises more than 400 people in the following cities during the whole project
period: Bologna, Galway, Jonkoping, Saint Denis, Bordeaux/

a) 60 private and public organisations active in the environment will participate in R1
b) 20 public or private organisations will become the first generation of educators in the "new professions" of
urban agriculture
c) More than 200 environmental managers and stakeholders will use the Results and commit to supporting adult
training in these courses
d) 400 public or social organisations will download the educational resources and use them to extend and
specialise their approach through cooperation with environmental stakeholders
(e) 250 potential environmental entrepreneurs will use the tools and engage in training on the new professions
a) Hundreds of people, in particular adults and adult trainers will participate in the development of the new
NATURE professions, receiving training adapted to their needs and those of the territories. A large number of
them will participate in urban environmental programmes
b) 1200 public and private environmental professionals will improve their capacity to participate in actions of
inclusion and training of inhabitants and adults in precarious situations. In the long term, this will contribute to the
cooperation of the public and private environmental sector with economic actors.
c) 1200 public actors who wish to combine economic development and urban revitalisation and recognise that
social and economic inclusion require multi-sectoral cooperation. This result is multiplied by the dynamics of the
Saint Denis European Capital of Culture candidacy, which is developing a whole axis of the territory's project on
the new manufacturing of the city by citizens.

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Our project brings concrete, tested and tangible proposals to the adult education sector.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Translation Of Cultural Language for the inclusion of


Project Coordinator

Organisation Open Cultural Center

Address C/ Rec 27 , 08003 Barcelona , Cataluña , ES


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033606

Project Web Site

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 184,878 EUR



Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Development of training courses

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Project Summary

For several years the migrant crisis and the need for migrant social inclusion have become a priority across the
EU. It is recognised that, besides first emergencies care, livelihood care, labour support and language education,
cultural education plays a paramount role in the fight of marginalisation of migrants and in the effective social
inclusion of this target. In fact, culture education has assumed a starring role in EU policies. In the last report
about Immigration in Spain (2019), the Spanish Economic and Social Council cultural integration was also
counted as a basic goal for the national migrant integration strategy. Based on this awareness, there is a need to
educate migrant communities on cultural elements specific to the hosting countries and regions while addressing
their language knowledge. This is especially relevant in Spain, as the coordinating organization is settled in
Catalonia, a multilingual territory in which language promotion is a basic objective of national and local culture.
The need is to support cultural integration while implementing language training through the use of the
appropriate translation of relevant cultural texts.

Therefore, the need to support professionals/volunteers (language trainers, cultural and linguistic mediators,
social workers, educators, NGO operators) in teaching culture via an innovative ‘Translating Culture’ methodology
is evident.
‘TOCL – Translation Of Cultural Language for the inclusion of migrants’ suggests that a solution lies in making
host countries’ culture accessible to migrants in order to facilitate their inclusion and participation in the local
community and delve into the hosting culture. Therefore, TOCL supports professionals with training paths and
practical educational tools so as to make cultural education feasible and effective.

TOCL’s objectives are to:
- contribute to migrants’ knowledge and participation in the host country’s community by learning the hosting
culture, consequently facilitating social inclusion
- use ‘Translating Culture’ (TC) as an innovative approach in order to educate migrants present in host countries
on cultural matters
- support and develop the competences/knowledge of professionals working with migrants by training them on
“Translating Culture” methodology
- develop a training methodology/curriculum and practical translated material (in English, French and Arabic) to
be used by professionals (during their educational action, as support of the existing language education) with
migrants to convey cultural education.

The key to achieving these goals is to produce an innovative educational approach that practitioners can use to
convey the host country’s culture through translation of material such as literature, song lyrics, jokes, proverbs,
idioms, newspapers, recipes, pieces of legislation, national calendar celebrations, and anthems. This approach is
fundamental to assist migrants in their integration into the local community. In fact, professionals will be able to
complement language classes with cultural education modules. The open-source TC training
methodology/curriculum and translated national tools could be used by them during their cultural training


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The project supports the creation of the Translating Culture (TC) methodology. It will be used as an innovative
approach in order to educate migrants present in host countries on cultural matters, and to support and develop
the competences/knowledge of professionals working with migrants.
The TC methodology will be uploaded on an interactive platform that will work as the training environment of all
the developed educational contents and tools, but also interactively by engaging migrant learners via assessment
of the level of language knowledge, selecting further training steps linked to other migrant training contents,
boosting the self-analysis of soft and hard skills so that the acquired language and cultural knowledge will
properly fit into a larger educational program.

Language teachers, linguistic mediators, cultural facilitators, educators, social workers, operators at NGOs will be
trained on the new methodological approach and be instructed on how the TC manual and methodology work.
This LTTA activity will last 4 days and take place in Athens.

Moreover, there will be a pilot testing (2 phases) in each participating country representing the link between C1
and the adoption of the final version of the TC manual with the necessary adjustments.

More particularly, the foreseen activities for the project implementation are:

1.Activities related to the management:

A1: Partners' Agreements
A2: Code of Conduct
A3: Setup of Project Management Committee
A4: Data repository system
A5: Quality Plan & Evaluation Strategy
A6: Risk Management Plan
A7: Dissemination Plan
A8: Virtual cooperation tool (Skype every month)
A9: Financial Plan
A10: Interim report
A11: Final report

2.Activities related to the development of the Rs

Activity 1.1: preparation of the framework of the R management strategy
Activity 1.2: investigation and collection of data of the current state of the art ( desk research and collection of
good practices)
Activity 1.3: semi-structured interviews and focus groups with stakeholders for the selection of translated national
Activity 1.4: the creation of national reports defining the current state of the art of each country and pinpointing
essential and useful elements for the methodology
Activity 1.5: create a collective report with identification of the main elements about cultural education modules
delivered via languages courses and translation
Activity 1.6: translate a final summary report (consortium level) in national consortium languages

Activity 2.1: preparation of the framework of the R management strategy
Activity 2.2: TC manual (design and development)

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Activity 2.3.1: C1 activity

Activity 2.3.2: pilot activity
Activity 2.4: Final version of the TC

Activity 3.1: preparation of the framework of the R management strategy
Activity 3.2: create the interactive platform (with instructions for users)
Activity 3.3: create, revise, and finalise translated tools
Activity 3.4: integration and testing of training content into the platform
Activity 3.5: make the interactive platform operative

3.Activities related to the Dissemination & Exploitation

Contact list
Digital Leaflet
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)
E+ Dissemination platform

4.Activities related to the quality assurance

Bi-annual reviews
TNM quality report

The partnership is composed of 7 partners, non-profit and for-profit entities from 5 countries: CY, GR, IT, ES, SL.
In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, they will implement 3 Rs:

R1: Exploring Translating Culture (report) will collect info and good practises on the state of the art regarding how
cultural education is conveyed by host countries to migrants, via language teaching in general and translation
techniques in particular. Partners will collect at least 15 good practices, perform 5 focus groups with professionals
and volunteers operating with migrant (60 participants), and perform 15 semi-structured interviews. The
deliverables will be 5 national reports, one overall report, and one summary report.

R2: Translating Culture training methodology that will focus on the use of written material to be translated and
used during language courses. This methodology will enable trainers to convey a new approach and innovative
techniques on how to extract cultural references from literary works and other types of written sources relevant to
their cultural interest and tailored to their national background. It will be tested during a 4-day LTTA in Athens and
during the 2 phases of the pilot activity.

R3: Training culture tool kit & e-platform, a digital platform as an e-learning tool for TC training methodology. It will
be hosted as part of the larger platform of There, the migrant learners will find a
place for acquiring knowledge and material and to interconnect the TC path with related paths for personal and
professional development.

The final beneficiaries are migrant populations in host countries, whereas the intermediary target groups are
professionals working as linguistic mediators, cultural facilitators, educators, social workers, operators at NGO’s
working with migrants. The beneficiaries will be reached via social media (10K followers), newsletters (4), press

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releases (4), and multiplier events (5) which will take place in the form of conferences, largely overcoming the
expected 190 official budgeted attendees.

The products, in all partners' languages, are all transferable and will produce lasting benefits at an EU level due
to the increased competences on Training Culture that professionals working with migrants could use, the
enlarged number of national texts and documents to be translated so as to be used in Translating Culture training
in other countries, and the fact that the project aims to reach out a higher number of countries and professionals
by training them outside the consortium.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title - Introductory course of the German


Project Coordinator




Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028307

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 373,940 EUR

Partners Anja Dibbert (ES) , Österreich Institut GmbH (AT) , Inter-kulturo

mednarodni kulturno izobraževalni center d.o.o. (SI) , Fundatia Centrul

Topics Teaching and learning of foreign languages ; Open and distance learning ;
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Background is an e-learning platform, whose main target group are autonomous adult learners. It currently offers
four different courses on levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and is available in 22 languages of the users. As of 2021, four new
courses of vocational German will be available on the platform. 2015 the platform was labelled as "best
educational website of the year" in a large people's choice award and a closer look into statistics shows the
ongoing success of approx. 615.000 registered users worldwide used the platform since 2013. Due
to the success of the website and active dissemination and communication with users and stakeholders, as well
as different surveys among different groups of users we have collected ample feedback about the needs of the
target group. Based on such needs analysis, in a project in the field of school education, “Lehrer*innen-Portal”, as
a subsection of was developed, with ample ready-to-use didactic materials to help teachers to use in school lessons. In social media is one of the most popular German language sites
and has almost 190.000 Facebook followers. Its success is based on the provision of courses in the languages of
the learners as well as on using the newest technical features and methods, making it compatible with all
browsers and operating systems and maintaining technical standards of commercial websites. The importance of
the source language is validated by the list of countries in the user statistics and exceptionally high number of
users from smaller European countries, in whose languages is available.

Ever since the platform was released in 2013, we have felt that current, most frequently used
methodological approach in language learning, which was also applied during development of all available
courses on, is not the best option for beginner learners, especially for online learning. While is an exceptionally popular e-learning portal for learning the German language and thousands of
people use all four available courses daily, user feedback has shown, that the course at the A1 level is too difficult
for learners without previous knowledge of the German language and general experience with language learning.
Therefore, we have decided to develop a new introductory course, based on a different, innovative methodology,
which makes the best use of the opportunities, offered by e-learning. The aim of the project is development of a
new introductory course of the German language for beginners, which is based on word frequency and a long row
of exercises, where the learner autonomously has to build simple sentences and where the course is
individualised for each learner. We want is to help beginner learners of the German language to faster reach a
competency level, which enables them to communicate more efficiently by training the ability to autonomously
construct different sentences even with a very low available vocabulary.

We aim at enhancing the availability of e-learning materials for learning languages. The portal will be
extended by developing new introductory course for learning German from the beginning, with engaging
opportunities to practice. It will be innovative, interactive and user-friendly – to allow for participation of learners
with different ICT skills, interests and needs. It will be available in 22 languages in which is currently
available, thus, enabling wide geographical coverage of users. Importantly, the usage will be free of charge. The
project will thus provide a new and relevant high quality learning opportunity for learning German, which allows
users to learn wherever they are, when they have time and fully free of charge.

Target group that will use the project's final output are people interested in learning the German language for
different reasons. We will focus on adult learners, with no or very little knowledge of the German language, many

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of them facing economic obstacles and living in remote areas. The project also fosters social inclusion of migrants
(primarily from other EU countries but also outside the EU) to Austria and Germany by offering free e-learning
materials for learning German for full beginners. Data on show that the majority of users start using
the portal in their home countries. Practicing basic conversational skills in the new course will help them to more
easily become accepted by the surrounding society. The project enhances the access to learning of
disadvantaged learners, especially people living in rural and remote areas and facing socio-economic difficulties,
mainly in the Eastern Europe, who are the most likely to migrate to Austria or Germany and the least likely to be
able to afford and sometimes even find suitable language courses in their region of origin. It reduces disparities in
learning outcomes, enables migrants to find jobs, settle and to be better received by the host society.

The project's aim is development of an e-learning course and, therefore, it focuses on development of teaching
materials and the platform. Events with learners are not an integral part of this kind of projects. Therefore, the
only relevant events during the project life-cycle will be six multiplier events, which will take place in Austria,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

On, an already successful portal for learning German, a new e-course will be developed for beginner
learners of the German language, especially those with less experience in learning foreign languages. The new
course will be available in all 22 languages in which the portal will be available by the end of 2021 (German + 21
languages of the learners: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, English, Esperanto, Farsi, French,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Turkish
and Vietnamese). Learners will have a choice to see translation of words and some phrases into their chosen
language. This way motivation of autonomous learners at the beginners' level is preserved and they are given
assistance in the learning process.
New introductory course for beginners will use the following methods, tools and main principles:
- It will be based on exercises and therefore more game-like than currently available courses. There will be no
introduction into topics to be learned. Instead, learners will solve exercises and learn only through practice. They
will start by learning only a few words and combining those words to very simple 2-word combinations, later very
short and simple sentences. As they learn the sentences will include more vocabulary and grammatical forms.
- Frequency lists of the German language will be analysed. We will choose the words and their approximate order
of appearance in the the course, based on the analysis of different frequency lists. Words and grammar will be
taught in blocks, based on their frequency, in a way that learners can learn the most important (frequent) words
- All words will be linked to built-in dictionary in order to offer "Clickable words". By clicking on any word learners
will be able to see its translation into their mother tongue and will be able to hear the pronunciation of the word.
- A large number of pictures and recordings will be used in exercises.
- A grammar guide will be developed for less experienced learners.
- The sequence of the exercises will be defined by the complexity of tasks and an algorithm for spaced repetition,
which is a proven learning technique that incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent review of
previously learned material in order to exploit the psychological spacing effect. Words and grammatical structures
will be repeated in defined intervals and in most varied combinations.
- The layout of the course will be simple, with a large number of individual pages, but small amount of content per
page, in order to be optimally designed for the use on mobile devices.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

MIGRACTION: Migrants inclusion through

entrepreneruship supported by business sector

Project Coordinator

Organisation Pro Social Business e.V.

Address F4 17 , 68159 Mannheim , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026992

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Jun 30, 2024

EC Contribution 249,745 EUR


PARTNERSHIP LIMITED (IE) , CESIE (IT) , Learning Wizard d.o.o. za

Topics Employability ; Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education ;

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Since 2015, migration has risen high on the agendas of governments and development partners, following its
historic inclusion in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and as a response to large flows of
migrants and refugees that have occurred in different parts of the world. In September 2016, governments
adopted the New York Declaration, which calls for strengthening international cooperation on migration and
forced displacement and for
the development and adoption of two collaborative instruments – a global compact for safe, orderly and regular
migration, and a global compact on refugees. Both compacts emphasize the issue of socioeconomic integration
of both migrants and refugees, including through support to self-employment and entrepreneurship. They are
based on the premise that migrants and refugees can contribute positively to the development of communities
back at home or in their new places of residence, provided that their skills, capabilities and entrepreneurial spirit –
often acquired in migration – are given sufficient support and recognition.

- to support the entrepreneurship of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
- to involved professionals from business and social areas in educational communities for inclusive
- to identify business opportunities for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
- to design and implement a digital environment for business incubation and mentoring
- to develop a application for financial and legal assessment of new entrepreneurs with migrant or refugee

PR1 - Methodological toolkit to involve business professionals in incubation programmes: those professionals will
participate as trainers or mentors in mentoring programs fostering the entrepreneurship of migrants, asylum
seekers and refugees. Recruiting social and business profesionals (CESIE):
1.1 Setting up a survey
1.2. Mapping ecosystems
1.3 Defining criterias for profesionals participation
1.4 Awarness campaign and call for profesionals
1.5 Designing volunteering plans

PR2 - Online tool to collect and disseminate business ideas for migrant persons at risk of exclusion: those
business models will be sustainable, quickly profitable, and with a high replicability potential. Identification of
business opportunities for migrant persons at risk of exclusion ( MEATH ):
2.1 Definition of selection criterias
2.2 Local workshops with NGOs and business companies
2.3 Technological development
2.4 Designing mentoring plans
2.5 Updating bank of ideas

PR3 - Digital platform for financial and legal assessment: this will consist of an application that will allow people at

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risk of exclusion, who want to start an economic activity, to find information about the economic possibilities and
current legal provisions. Offering free assesment for financial and legal aspects in entrepreneurship (Learning
3.1 A Study on existing mechanisms
3.2 Identification of the needs
3.3 Application design (BETA version)
3.4 Testing phase:
3.5 Application completion:

PR4 - Online platform to implement incubation programmes for migrant persons at risk of exclusion: through this
PR we will design and develop a specific digital environment to support inclusive incubation processes.
Developing a digital environment for business incubation (ACV):
4.1 Analysing training/incubation experiences for migrant people at risk of exclusion
4.2 Defining incubation curricula
4.3 Contents and ressources design
4.4 Defining monitoring and evaluation schemes
4.5 Testing and validating the tool

The expected impacts of the different activities are:


> At local / regional levels:

Creation of local stakeholder groups involved at local in the different project steps;
Development of implementation and management models mixing social, educational and business sectors.

> At national and/or international levels:

Creation of reports, indicators and management models that could be used on a major scale;


> Project website in 6 languages
>9 newsletters introducing main project development, outputs and outcomes
> 9 videoclips created
> Press clipping in 6 different countries

WP3: Recruiting social and business professionals

> Contact with at least 80 companies, NGOs and public administrations in 4 countries ( local / regional)
> At least 40 questionnaires and analysed to identify the interest of profesional to engaged in entrepreneurship
programmes for migrant people (National/european)
> Analyse and report of 4 local ecosystems (regional)
> Definition of selection process and set of selection criteria for mentors recruitment (european)
> Call for professionals and online campaign in all project languages ( regional / national)
> Definition of new models for volunteering and/or collaboration plans (national / european)

WP4 Identification of business ideas for migrants

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> Contact with at least 60 companies, NGOs and public administrations in 4 countries (Local / regional)
> Definition of a methodological framework to identify and to analyse business opportunities for migrant persons
(national / european)
> Organisation of at least 4 workshops in 4 countries (local / regional)
> At least 24 professionals from NGOs and business contributing to bank of ideas (local / regional)
> 8 new business ideas for migrant persons (european)
> Creating digital platform to explain and disseminate business ideas (european)
> 8 mentoring plans draft (european)

WP5 Developing an digital assessment system for financial and legal conditions for migrants
> List of the financial and legal mechanisms existing in the partner countries (european)
> At least 6 focus groups involving NGOS, incubators and entrepreneurs involved (local/ regional)
> 1 transnational focus group organized online (european)
> 1 Beta version ready to be tested (european)
> 32 new migrant entrepreneurs involved in testing the new platform (local)
> 1 evaluation session organized in each country (national)

WP6 Developing a digital environment for business incubation (ACV)

> 12 incubation experiences/models analysed (european)
> At least 6 focus groups involving NGOS, incubators and entrepreneurs organized to plan incubation model
(local / regional)
> Development of an online inclusive incubation toolkits (european)
> Digital environment for business incubation and mentoring of seniors (european)
> 6 modules on entrepreneurship designed (european)
> 18 teachers/mentors participating (national)
> 32 new entrepreneurs from 4 countries involved (local / regional / national)

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project Title

Empowering Youth Workers for a Better Integration of

Migrants and Refugees

Project Coordinator

Organisation Göç Sanat ve Spor Derneği

Address Kızılırmak Mahallesi, 1443 Sokak, 1071 Usta Plaza, No:36, Çankaya ,
06510 Ankara , Ankara , TR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000029386

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Feb 27, 2024

EC Contribution 147,389 EUR


gUG (DE) , Federation of Anatolian Youth (TR)

Topics Inclusion of marginalised young people ; Inclusion, promoting equality and

non-discrimination ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Migration is one of the major social, economic and political issues of the contemporary societies and the lack of
information related to the issue is perpetuating related challenges both for migrants and the hosting
societies.Youth sector stands as one of the essential stakeholders in order to develop support mechanisms and
solutions concerning these challenges. In this context, Erasmus + Programme provides efficient tools for the
youth sector, which can encourage and provide technical/methodological/financial support for migrants as they
design their own solutions for the issue.

The main goal of the project is to offer an innovative training curriculum and training materials to professional staff
working with refugees, and other audiences as to encourage intercultural dialogue, to struggle against
discrimination and promote social inclusion of migrants and refugees.

Partner organizations plan to address th following the needs:

- to discuss migration issues and help migrants and refugees to feel included in to the society. These discussions
give partners a change to analyze migrants situation and their needs. It will suggest methodological solutions to
increase their wellbeing.

- to create a new collaborations with other organizations such as municipalities, universities, public bodies, private
bodies, businesses, research centers, transnational bodies, other NGOs. These partnerhips will improve the
mutual understanding among partners and raise awareness on European values, citizenship and tolerance.

- to establish cooperation with the NGOs, institutions and other organizations whose objectives are the same with
them. By the way, they will strengthen and broaden their national and international network in the field of youth,
focusing on social inclusion for future projects.

- to involve people with fewer opportunities into their national and international projects. By the way, they will
facilitate to access for disadvantaged people including migrants and other minorities; and facilitate inter cultural
learning on ethics, religion, and philosophy; supporting the integration of refugees.

- to share experiences, best practices, high–quality learning resources, and guidelines that they can use in their
own training and projects. Through international partners of the project, they will increase their youth workers'
capacity to work and provide key tools for inclusion, integration, intercultural learning and social cohesion.

The problem of social inclusion is becoming an important phenomenon characterized by a variety of reasons and
are waiting for a solution widely used today. According to the UN report, there are 100 million refugees and
migrantss people in the world. The problem of social inclusion is a global problem which the whole world is
concerned about.

The ultimate goal of the project is to offer an innovative training curriculum and training materials to professional
staff working with refugees, and other audiences as to encourage intercultural dialogue, to struggle against

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discrimination and promote social inclusion of migrants and refugees.

The project pursues the following objectives:

- To analyse the training and identifying needs and challenges of youth workers for working with young refugees.
- To develop, test and exchange new training tools on social inclusion of migrants and refugees among
- To develop the capacity and competences of youth workers who work with young migrants and refugees in
order to foster the inclusion in local communities.
- To share good practices (projects, methods, activities) of youth work in how to better integrate young refugees
into local communities
- To increase the capacity of stakeholders working with refugees by fostering cooperation, networking and
exchanges of practices in the field of youth,
- To reach youth platforms and national authorities, among other stakeholders, to support them being more open
to pluralism and inclusion of young migrants and refugees.

There will be 5 main type of activities included in the project:

(1) Overall project management and implementation activities will be as follows:

a. Grant administration and Reporting:
b. Project monitoring and assessment
c. Partnership management
d. Project promotion

(2) Intellectual Outputs and project deliverables: We will prepare "Need Analyses Report, Traing Curriculum,
Training Materials, Trainers Handbook, NGOs Guide, and Survival Kit"

(3) Transnational project meetings : For transnational project meeting will be organized to allow face to face
working and the core partners to build a real team work as well as to implement and evaluate the various project

(4) Dissemination workshops and online specific activities,:

a. National Dissemination Seminars: In order to share the intellectual outputs of a project with a wider audience 4
multiplier events will be organized in each partner country.
b. Final Conference: To dissemination the project results, new ideas for sustainability, design of new policies,
measures for networking and connecting actors on European level.
c. Local Testing Sessions: In order to collect feedback from the target group of youth workers regarding IO2 and
IO3 of the project partners will organize Local Testing Sessions.will be revised and finalized after Local Testing
Sessions based on the opinions of the participants.

(5) Learning/Teaching/Training activities - sharing seminars, workshops, study visits, and training.
a. Joint staff training events: Joint Staff Training will be organized to use and test the ‘Training Curriculum and
Materials’ which is developed to increase the knowledge and skills of youth workers in helping young migrants
and refugees.The staff of partner organizations will participate in an interactive 5-days training event and they will
have a chance to exchange ideas and experiences in the area of migration and youth.

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Following outputs will developed by Project and its completion:

1.Need Analysis Report: Need analysis is aimed at analyzing training needs of youth workers to reach out more
effectively to young migrants and refugees.

2.Training Curriculum: The aim of the curriculum is primarily to provide useful tools and methods for youth
workers when working with young refugees or migrants in different contexts.

3.Training Materials: It aims to increase their knowledge and competencies in helping young migrants and

4.Trainers Handbook: It includes useful tips in working with young migrants and refugees, training resources,
training methods and techniques, how to analyze training needs and learning styles, how to develop appropriate
training materials, etc. Therefore, it is a collection of all the necessary tools, tips and methods to successfully train
other youth workers and to enable them to work better with young migrants and refugees.

5.Survival Kit: It is a booklet that includes key information about;

6.User Guide for NGOs: It is developed to strengthen the European and international dimension of adaptation of
refugees through NGOs and to raise capacities of NGOs working with refugees by fostering cooperation,
networking and exchanges of practices in the field of youth, to support the capacity building process of NGOs
supporting the integration of young refugees in their host communities, to raise awareness of the role of NGOs in
the refugee integration policies, providing tools and guidance for improvement of activities and services of NGOs
supporting a more effective refugee integration policies.

Additionally, the project will make to society and the social skills will improve directly intercultural and societal
impacts embrace all the extremely diverse ways in which social related knowledge and skills benefit youth
workers, organisations and partners countries by:

• Fostering social competencies performance, and specifically the social cohesion awareness.
• Increasing the effectiveness of public services and social answers to the migrantss communities.
• Enhancing quality of life, health and creative output from the migrantss group with social problems.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project Title


Project Coordinator

Organisation Czech Youth Association z.s.

Address Pod Valy 4 , 750 02 Přerov , Olomoucký kraj , CZ

Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-YOU-000028547

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Aug 31, 2023

EC Contribution 109,095 EUR


Asociacija "Aktyvus jaunimas" (LT) , KOMPETENTA UNGA (SE) , Avrupa
Entegrasyon Derneği (TR) , High on Life (IT)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The Lifeboat project is based on experiences of partner NGOs in terms of work with refugees and migrants. The
idea of preparing KA2 Cooperation partnership came after discussion between partners and the whole context
was as well discussed in the group. Before the first application, each partner organization has organized two
focus groups with eight youngsters (16-24 y.o.) with a migration background at ZOOM. Those focus groups
aimed to find out how they feel in a new country, the barriers they are facing, and their interest in participating in
youth work activities.
The results have shown that overall:
1) The absolute majority of inquired youngsters (across all partner countries) do not feel completely integrated or
accepted (especially, since they are often presented negatively in the media).
2) Accordingly, 76% of participants feel not accepted by their local peers (32% of them do not have a chance to
interact with them at all, while the remaining part feels excluded in the mixed group). In their words, local
youngsters often tend to interact with other locals more (as it is probably easier for them due to a more similar
cultural background). Some of the youngsters even mentioned that others seem to be afraid of their different (e.g.
muslim) culture.
3) When asked what kind of actions would facilitate their social integration in the new country, quality leisure
activities (together with local community) & educational workshops were mentioned the most.
4) Also, 80% of refugees would like to be invited to join the organizations & youth centres, but feel not too
confident to simply appear at a youth centre or youth organization.
With these results in mind, the exact idea of the Lifeboat project (which would contribute to a more equal
intercultural and inclusive environment within the youth local communities and involve young refugees /
immigrants through new innovative methodologies) came up. This version comes as the third one, after fine
tuning of details, which were recommended by evaluators.

The Main aim is to create innovative Project results for youth workers to improve their work with youngsters from
migrant/refugee/asylum seeking background. Those youngsters as well as local youth will be actively involved
during activities in order to hear their opinion and to create a methodology as well as manual, which will be based
on real needs of those young people and which will be tested in real situations.
Our objectives are to:
1. Improve the level of social inclusion in the education system by methodology and manual created as a part of
IO, where youngsters from migrant/refugee/asylum seeking background as well as local youth will cooperate.
2. Strengthen capacities of youth workers, facilitators, teachers and other relevant workers in work with
multicultural groups and to promote social inclusion between them.
3. Create innovative educational materials for free use, which will help youth workers, facilitators and teachers to
improve their understanding of creating tolerant working environment and their adaptation will lead to decreasing
of non-tolerant, xenofobic or racist behaviour
4. To bring a change to youth work focused on youth from refugee/migrant background on a national level in each
partner country based on our Policy recommendation.

There are six transnational meetings planned during the duration of the project, which is 22 months. The

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meetings will bring together two representatives of each NGO, which always means 12 youth workers, and will
take place in every partner country. During the meetings, there will be various sessions connected, especially to
the project's results, its monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination. Except for the transnational meetings, we will
prepare several local activities. The first is connected to the project's results and will bring together youngsters
with refugee/migrant backgrounds and majority youth. During these activities, we will observe the reactions to
various non-formal methods and methods of learning. These youth meetings will be a core for project result II.
Our participants as well as target groups are most importantly youth from migrant/refugee/asylum seeking
background, who will be actively involved during the activities as well as local youth, who will attend the activities
and work together with the first group. Important role plays as well as youth workers, who will attend to each
activity as facilitators or observers. In total we expect to actively integrate around 100 participants with fewer
opportunities plus tens of participants who do not belong to the category with fewer opportunities, those will be
mostly youth workers/facilitators or teachers, who will take part in the project.
Once project result II is prepared, we will manifest it to NGOs and institutions in each country and present them
our Policy recommendation. In order to promote the Policy recommendation, we will meet NGOs and institutions
as mentioned, and later on, we will deliver the document to the ministry of education in every country.

There will be two Projects results created as a part of this Cooperation partnership. The first one is a
methodology for youth workers called Lifeboat and teaching modules, which will be created together with
youngsters from refugee/migrant/asylum seeking background as well as with local youth. Following result “How to
facilitate inclusive sessions” (Manual) is deeply connected to the Methodology since based on the knowledge
gained during the PR1 and after activities, which will test practicability of those methods, there will be Manual
published, which will be then shared in language of each partner plus English and shared to relevant target
groups. Last activity, which is not part of projects results is Lifeboat recommendation, which will be presented to
ministry of education in each partner country. This recommendation will include our knowledge and present
possibilities to improve the situation in the country. Target groups and institutions, who will accept our materials
are expected to join this recommendation by their signature in order to express that this need is not based on one
project, but there are more professionals, who see the need as well. To ensure proper dissemination and easy
access for all needed information and to share our knowledge by audiovisual educational materials we will launch
a website, which will include the developed content and provide free access to all materials created during our
Long term benefits of our projects are not only partnership built between NGOs but as well all the materials,
which will be presented online and will be free accessible even after the end of the project. We see as well
potential for PR1 and PR2 to be used as a base for other projects on this topic, which will use our information and
use them for their own research. The Policy Recommendation will as we believe open discussion in countries on
national and local level.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project Title

Persons with Refugee Experience Education Project -


Project Coordinator


Address INNDALSVEIEN 28 , 5020 BERGEN , Hordaland , NO


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NO01-KA220-HED-000027541

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 333,873 EUR


, Independent Doctors Association (TR)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Key competences development

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Project Summary

The PREP IP project responds to the need of practicing rehabilitation professionals to develop key competencies
to better meet the unique health needs refugees. Ultimately this will contribute to their health and well-being as
well as to their inclusion, and social cohesion and community diversity. It will be achieved by:

• building the capacity of a transnational and transdisciplinary network of partners to jointly support health
• developing open online course and open educational resources (OER) to provide accessible, inclusive, and
equitable services to refugees
• documenting in a case study this unique partnership for inclusion, capturing experiences and strategies in
building partnerships across sectors, professional, cultural and geographical boundaries

PREP IP addresses two Erasmus+ program priorities: inclusion and digital transformation. The project focuses on
inclusion of needs of refugees into the health and rehabilitation training and education, making higher education
institutions (HEI) more accessible and inclusive of refugees, both on curricular and practical levels. Second,
participating HEI use digital learning and OERs to transform the way they offer programs for practicing

The project is a partnership of higher HEI and service providers. It bridges the gap between education and
practice and addresses the skills mismatch between what has been taught in university programs and what
practicing rehabilitation professionals’ need to serve refugees. The project also strategically positions a network
of HEIs as providers of life-long learning opportunities by improving access to evidence, and facilitating
interactions between practitioners, academics, and researchers.

There is an urgency to respond to the prolonged, unprecedented global refugee crisis. In 2019 almost 80 million
people were forcibly displaced due to wars, persecution, violence, and human rights violations; 85% were hosted
in developing countries. Turkey hosted 3.6 million refugees from Syria, the largest number in the world, while
Bangladesh hosted 909,000 Rohingya refugees. In Europe, Germany was host to 1.1 million refugees. Neither
health systems nor health and rehabilitation professionals have been well prepared to deal with this still evolving
crisis. Many refugees have complex health needs, both physical and mental, that are a result of a cumulative
trauma experienced in their home countries, during dangerous journeys, or in the period of adjustment in their
new country. These needs are often presented as a combination of complex health and wellness manifestations,
including impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions and require an interprofessional response.
Many refugees lack access to services and facing multiple barriers from cultural differences, differences in
socio-economic status, high costs and ineligibility to local health financing schemes, discrimination, adverse living
conditions, and lack of information about health rights and entitlements within local healthcare system. Refugees
who are women, children, older people, and people with disabilities face multiple discrimination. The COVID-19
pandemic further exacerbated these problems. However, it is important to note that this diverse and
non-homogenous group also comes with resources in terms of resilience that could be used in the healing

To support the development of competent workforce World Health Organization is developing the Global
Competency Standards for Health Workers providing services to refugees and migrants. This presents an

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opportunity for HEI with health professional programs to improve access to educational resources and offer
lifelong learning opportunities. PREP IP project builds on the results of successful Erasmus+ projects that
focused on physiotherapy education and refugees (PREP) and interprofessional psychosocial interventions for
refugees (InterAct).

The extended group of partners, including groups that implemented two refugee centered Erasmus+ projects,
came together to develop this proposal that builds on the lessons learned and addresses the needs expressed by
different stakeholders during the implementation of previous projects. PREP IP will use good practices from
previous projects and employ them to expand the project across professional and geographic boundaries and
bridge the gap between practice and education provided by higher education institutions. This requires a
transnational and transdisciplinary network that builds capacity of health professionals to address the health and
well-being of refugees in an inclusive, comprehensive way in different settings globally. While there is a better
access to knowledge and resources in high income European countries, the burden of caring for refugees is on
developing countries where health human resources, infrastructure and health systems are of limited capacity but
where health professionals have wealth of knowledge and experiences to share on achieving results with scarce

The project will focus on the demands of effective interprofessional cooperation in meeting the specific
rehabilitation needs of a population that currently provides serious challenges to the delivery of services within
existing health care systems if professionals do not want to perpetuate or exacerbate existing health inequities.

The WHO global action plan that calls for support of the training of all personnel working with refugees, inclusion
of refugee health into training for health workers and knowledge sharing in order to implement affordable and
appropriate refugee-sensitive health interventions in any given setting. PREP IP is fully aligned with this action
plan by focusing on inclusion of refugee health and persons with refugee experiences within health professional
education and training programs at HEIs. It utilizes digital technologies to maximize availability of and access to
resources and training in the various settings globally. The project has four objectives:

1. Develop a transnational and transdisciplinary network of partners working in the field of refugee rehabilitation
and health by building on good practices
2. Provide an open online training opportunity for an interprofessional group of rehabilitation professionals
3. Develop open educational resources focusing on rehabilitation, health and well-being of persons with refugee
4. Document experiences and practices of development of a partnership for inclusion

In order to achieve the project objectives, a series of interrelated activities grouped into four work packages will
be implemented:

WP1. Interprofessional framework for online education of health professionals working with refugees
Activities in this work packaged are grouped in three groups:
- Activities related to capturing good practices of partners in implementation of refugee focused projects funded
by Erasmus+ and other funding agencies to be utilized in this project. It is the first step in building the partnership
and setting the stage for other project work packages
- Activities related to development of interprofessional framework for online education of health professionals
working with refugees

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- Activities related to mapping out the literature on use of micro-credentials for online interprofessional education
in order to explore feasibility of introducing micro-credentials for the course that will be developed in this project.
Micro-credentialing is a new area of interest for higher education institutions as they explore their role in life-long
learning and better matching competences of their graduates with the market needs.

WP2. Open online course: Working with persons with refugee experience
In order to develop an interprofessional open online course, following activities will be implemented:
- design and development of the open online PREP IP course curriculum (identification of course outcomes,
learning resources and activities, assessments; building the course in the learning management system)
- piloting open online PREP IP course (recruitment of learners, facilitation of the course)
- review and revision of the course (learners' and facilitators' evaluation)
- implementation of the revised course

WP3. Open educational resources

Activities in this work package include preparation of three type of OERs: an open book and photovoice exhibition

WP4. Case Study: Partnership for inclusion

Activities in this WP include actively documenting experiences of building a partnership within this project to
ensure inclusion of refugee health within higher education, which will be made available online and disseminated
through national and international, profession-specific and interprofessional networking activities.

There are four major project results:

- Result ID1: Interprofessional framework for online education of health professionals working with refugees:
Building on good practices
- Result ID2: Open online course: Interprofessional approach to working with refugees
- Result ID3: Open educational resources, including open book and photovoice
- Result ID4: Case study: Partnership for inclusion

The project is also expected to result in the following outcomes at organizational, European and international

Organizational level:
- New interprofessional approaches to improving inclusion and diversity in curriculum of health professional
education and training programs at HEI by focusing on health and well-being of persons with refugee experiences
- Improved ability of HEIs to offer flexible, online learning opportunities focused on refugee health

European and international level:

- Increased capacity of a network of European and international higher education institutions and refugee health
service providers to support health professionals by providing open online course and open educational
resources focusing on health needs of persons with refugee experiences
- Improved synergies between HEI and refugee health service providers in various settings to respond to the
training needs of health professionals serving persons with refugee experiences in various settings
- Improved availability and accessibility of OERs relevant for refugee health globally
- Strengthened cooperation with partners from other countries in the field of interprofessional education and

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- Improved global exchange: learning from understandings and approaches in different European countries as
well as different parts of the world reflecting the global dimension of the current refugee situation and the World
Health Organization’s global perspective on dealing with this challenge

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Developing of Guidance for European Companies to

Support their Staffs with Migration Background

Project Coordinator

Organisation advisa WIRTSCHAFTSAKADEMIE E.V.

Address SCHAUMANNS KAMP 182 , 21465 Reinbek , SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN ,



Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000027345

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Euroform RFS (IT) , Irish Romanian Cultural and Business Development
Association CLG (IE) , Bizlinks Consulting and Marketing (TR)

Topics Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The project's main objective is to develop guidance for companies in Europe to support their staff/workers with
migration backgrounds. This guidance will include also a road map for companies and will be the product of the
project to support companies with information and guidance. The project also supports the inclusion of migrant
staff and workers with fewer opportunities. The project also provides a platform for project partners to exchange
best practices and discuss and assist each other.

The project will implement the following activities:
1) Project Management and Coordination
2) Transnational Project Meetings (2meetings)
3) Learning, teaching, and training activities ( 2 LTTA): This activity will increase the knowledge and provide
opportunities for trainers and experts to discuss the guidance
4) Dissemination and Exploitation of Project Results: Through digital tools and also other activities, the project
partners will implement this activity in project partner countries

The project will have the following expected results:
1) Transnational European experiences for the partners, in particular for the project partners from Romania and
France who have fewer experiences in European projects and transnational project activities
2) The guidance for companies to be a road map and document support them to provide and assist their
staff/workers with migration backgrounds
3) Promote adult education programs for migrants who are working in Europe- Inclusivity and equality

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Adult Education in Victim Support: Empowering Men

affected by Human Trafficking and Severe Exploitation.
Exchange of Experience & Developing

Project Coordinator

Organisation Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit (Standort MEN


Address Bastiengasse 36-38 , 1180 Wien , Wien , AT


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000083705

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Jul 1, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Saúde em Português (PT) , Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Practicilor

Alternative de Reintegrare si Educatie (RO) , ARBEIT UND LEBEN
Berlin-Brandenburg DGB/VHS e.V. (DE) , ANIMUS ASSOCIATION

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Employability ; Soft


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Project Summary

The project focusses on the integration of adult education into victim support for men affected by Human
Trafficking and severe exploitation. It combines four obectives: a) Exchange knowledge and experience, b)
Sharing examples of good practice, analyzing obstacles and difficulties. c) Systematically identifying areas of
needs for adult education for affected men. d) Producing a digital publication, including recommendations. This
will be accompanied by networking and dissemination activities.

Implemented activities will be:
Establishing the project and ongoing project management, including online steering meetings of the project team
Preparing and realizing 3 Meetings in 3 countries of project members, 2 meetings will focus on the exchange of
experience, identifying needs for education and developping recommendations and a publication, meeting 3 will
focus on the presentation of results
Networking and dissemination activties
Documentation and reporting

Expected results are:
Established cooperation between project partners
Realization of the 3 Meetings for exchange of experience, identifying needs for adult education, developping
recommendations and presentation of results (Meeting 3). Written summary, documentation and reports
Short digital publication including main topics and recommendations
Documented networking and dissemination activties

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Integration of Migrants in the Labour Market

Project Coordinator

Organisation Future Focus Ltd

Address 8 Magazines Street , FRN1119 Floriana , Malta , MT


Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-MT01-KA210-ADU-000081734

Start Date Nov 1, 2022

End Date Nov 1, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR



Topics Development of training courses ; Overcoming skills mismatch and

addressing the needs of the labour market ; Reception and integration of
refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

By implementing this project, migrants seeking to enter the labour market will be better able to communicate and
give a better service to service users. This is essential as the pandemic highlighted how isolated and vulnerable
users can be. The project will help in inclusion of migrant workers, will improve the level of courses offered by
adult education centres and will offer capacity building for the trainers.

1.Our initial study created the basis for this project. We are going to build on the study and carry out a full blown
training needs analysis which will translate into a research paper available for anyone with an interest in the
2. We will focus on the low and medium skilled migrant learners and we will develop an IT course which will serve
as a tool for learners to follow further training courses.
3. Adult education staff will be trained

Our project is three fold:
We will have information and data - qualitative and quantitative about the needs of migrant learners and
We will create an IT course - 8 modules which will be used of the first cohort of 80 learners
An adult education staff course to give the staff skills to teach learners how and what needs to be done to follow
virtual and blended courses. We will train on modern tools such as podcasting which will help the staff be more

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

transnational empowerment education with migrant and

refugee women*

Project Coordinator

Organisation Förderverein trixiewiz e.V.

Address Kastanienallee 11 , 10435 Berlin , BERLIN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000051391

Start Date Apr 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR



Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Development of training courses

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Project Summary

With this project "transnational empowerment education with migrant and refugee women*" a strategic
cooperation between our two organisations Associazione Donne di Benin City and trixiewiz e.V. will take place.
The participating organisations, who are both migrant women's associations, will share knowledge, skills and
experience. This project promotes equality by contributing to the empowerment of marginalised refugees, as well
as the empowerment of grassroots migrant women's organisations.

We will meet four times to exchange knowledge and experiences. Two seminars will be held in Palermo and
Berlin, about work with particularly vulnerable refugees, empowerment and political education. In conclusion, a
future lab will take place to develop a follow-up project for a transnational empowerment education programme
with refugees.

The participating organisations will benefit in the long-term of the transnationalisation and widening of the network
by amplifying their outreach and connectedness to other EU-based organisations. Another main aim of the project
is to develop a follow-up EU project on larger scale, creating a transnational exchange to empower refugees and
facilitate their integration in civil society and the job market.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

DIGITAL-VV: Formación digital para Mujeres Migrantes

Project Coordinator

Organisation ONGD SENVALOS

Address Calle Enrique Mariñas Romero 36 , 15009 A Coruña , Galicia , ES


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-ES01-KA210-ADU-000050935

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Feb 28, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners Associazione di Volontariato INCREDERE (IT)

Topics Digital content, technologies and practices ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Digital skills and competences

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Project Summary

- To enhance the knowledge and understanding of digital education tools and data-intensive technologies through
the exchange of best practices;

- To foster migrant women digital literacy, skills, and competencies and tackle disinformation through education
and training;

- To encourage and empower migrant women to play a more active role in the digital age;

- To strengthen the cooperation in digital education at EU level and beyond.

The main activities of the DIGITAL-VV project will focus on:
- Training meeting specialized in digitization for migrant women aimed at educators of social entities.
- Digital training course for migrant women at risk of social exclusion received in Spain and Italy with language
- DIGITAL-VV online platform for digital learning for migrant women and trainers.
- Manual of good practices in digitization for migrant women.

The expected results of the DIGITAL-VV project are:
- Digitally train 24 migrant women at risk of social exclusion and with language difficulties.
- Improve the training capacities in digitization at least 6 trainers from the project's promoter entities.
- Generate free access practical content adapted to the training needs of migrant women at risk of social
exclusion and with language difficulties for European social entities.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title


Project Coordinator

Organisation NATURGEIS SL

Address C/Miguel Zaera nº 9 - 1º derch. , 24007 León , Castilla y León , ES


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-ES01-KA210-ADU-000048807

Project Web Site

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Feb 29, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


- Associação de Desenvolvimento dos Concelhos da Raia Nordestina

Topics Creativity, arts and culture ; Reception and integration of refugees and
migrants ; Development of disadvantaged rural and urban areas

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Project Summary

Create an innovative theater didactic at the european transnational level oriented to the labor insertion of asylum
seekers and refugees in the agroecological sector.

Generate a pedagogical instrument oriented to the training of trainers dedicated to the integration of this
population. Vehiculate and accelerate the professionalization and labor insertion of adults asylum seekers and
refugees an expanding sector.

Contribute to protection of the environment and fight against rural depopulation.


1. Transnational meetings. Impact: 2 meetings/12 participants
2. Guide draft
3. Pilot course. Impact: 20 asylum seekers/refugees 4.Training of trainers. Impact: 4 trainers
5. Test courses. Impact: 40 refugees/asylum seekers
6. Didactic theater guide. Impact: 25 organizations, 500 refugees/asylum seekers
7. Publication on websites, social networks and EU platforms. Impact: 200 downloads/1,000 views 8.Multiplier
event/publicity. Impact: 200 views
9. MOOCs views. Impact: 500 views

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Welcoming Entrepreneurship: Creating Alternative


Project Coordinator

Organisation Stichting Solid Road

Address Bisschop Hamerstraat 11 , 6511 NA Nijmegen Nijmegen , Gelderland , NL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000026385

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Feb 27, 2024

EC Contribution 288,192 EUR

Partners Project School (IT) , Associazione Sensacional ETS (IT) ,


Topics Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Social innovation

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Project Summary

The economic and social integration of migrant population was only starting to show positive trends by 2019; for
instance, the immigrant unemployment rate in the European Union decreased below 10% in 2019 and was only
less than 4 percentage points higher than the one of native-born. Nonetheless, COVID-19 has reverted this trend,
jeopardising years of virtuous inclusion policies and hitting already vulnerable populations which are left outside
of mainstream support services. Indeed, The recent dramatic developments of the COVID-19 pandemic have led
to an unprecedented economic and social crisis in our times, and while we are yet to be confronted with its
consequences, we have already started to appreciate the role of migrants in the functioning of our economies. As
reported in the latest International Migration Outlook (OECD,
2020), during the lock-down and beyond, migrants played a pivotal role in essential activities such as health care,
agriculture, food retail and cleaning. On the other hand, they have also been disproportionately exposed to the
economic consequences - working mainly on temporary contracts without social entitlements in the event of job
or income loss (Scarpetta et al., 2020)
For these reasons, WE-CAN aims at using social innovation as a way of countering this trend, by providing a
hybrid collaborative space among different actors to support the creation of alternative narratives in terms of
socio-economic inclusion. The main target of the project are unemployed migrants who will be activated and
stimulated to use their skills and ideas to either start a social enterprise or to act as gatekeepers, by playing the
role of community navigators. In either case, the reason is to unlock opportunities for meaningful inclusion to
happen, by tapping into the transformative power of adult learning and into the collaborative support networks
both at a local and at an international level. In particular, in the case of social entrepreneurship, it is widely
recognised that self-employment can be an effective way to bounce back from an economic crisis and it becomes
particularly relevant if it addresses existing social and/or sustainability issues and if it is able to fill market gaps.
On the other hand, in the case of community navigators, their role is is thought to plug gaps in standardised (and
therefore less flexible) or underfunded systems of mainstream support and is essential to reach the most
vulnerable populations.

Following the recommendations in the EC Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals (2016) and the
EC Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 (2020), WE-CAN aims to encourage migrant inclusion by
means of social entrepreneurship and community development through tailored social innovation training and
mentoring, developed thanks to a cooperation among stakeholders and experts coming from different sectors and
In particular, the specific objectives (SOs) are to:
share experiences, information and best practices in terms of socio-economic inclusion for migrants, paying
special attention to migrant women. This SO will be achieved building an international multi-stakeholder platform;
jointly identify the market gaps and the challenges that the project will contribute to address and activate soft and
project management competencies through an activation programme (lasting 30 hours), an incubation
programme (80 hours) and hackathons aimed to enhance the skills of the project participants;
promote migrant entrepreneurial endeavours as a response to identified market gaps and launch community
engagement actions aimed at improving their socio-economic inclusion, sense of belonging and interaction with
local communities; establish the role of community navigators, thus to maximise the use of available

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socio-economic opportunities and create new ones.

The programme will be piloted with migrants in the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and Germany, in order to test its
effectiveness and will also be shared with key stakeholders at the national level ensuring their understanding,
adoption and recommendation of the platform within key learning environments (job centres, learning institutes,
cooperatives etc).

WE-CAN aims to create a well-structured and possibly long-lasting inspiring and empowering environment for its
participants; to reach this goal will propose and adopt an incremental path of involvement and activation, to follow
and implement the common thre underlying its various phases. Participants will be supported by local
multi-stakeholders platforms established in the first task, among which the coaches and mentors will be selected,
and their activities will be targeting market gaps identified through a local review. Following these tasks, there will
be a comprehensive selection of participants, who will be then involved in the capacity building through the
common phases of activation (task 2.2) and explore (task 2.3) and the specialised track either for social
entrepreneurship (task 3.1 and 3.2) or community navigators (tasks 4.1 and 4.2). This training will give them the
necessary capacities and boost their social/creative attitudes in order to engage with social innovation; in
particular, this phase will provide them with new or revised tools to start re-shaping their personal and
professional profile as well as boosting their life skills.
Relevantly, they will also be digitally up-skilled - i.e. provided with lessons and insights on the use and importance
of basic spreadsheets, presentation and text files, social media platforms and networks, online branding, “digital”
profiles for public presentation, opportunities and threats within use of social media, the role of influencers and
fake news. It is to report that this capacity-building path will count upon the involvement of members of the
multi-stakeholders platforms as additional trainers and mentors for specific sessions. In practical terms, the
content of such a training path will increasingly make the participants prepared for the societal and labor market
they will face during and after the project in each of the professional pathways chosen.
After the capacity-building activities, participants will be actively involved in the engagement campaigns (tasks
3.3) and in the networking labs (task 4.3), opportunities to test their acquired knowledge, share their
competencies, ideas and work and boost their employment opportunities. This will also be a chance to open up to
local communities, in a two-way process of local needs’ fulfillment and mutual enrichment. Therefore, participants
in the project will also play a key role in the implementation of the dissemination activities as they will be the main
actors of the engagement and networking local activities, where they will have the possibility to present to a wider
public the results of the project.
Finally a Curriculum for the role of Social entrepreneurs and for the role of Community navigators will be

The project aims at seizing the integration capacity that stems from the interaction between different members of
a community, working together to find solutions for the common problems they share in a given territory. This
constitutes one of the main pillars of WE-CAN that will be designed and tested in the implementation sites.
The second outcome of the project focuses on enhancing the entrepreneurial capacities of migrants as active
members in their communities and empower their role in the society. Through a training support mechanism, the
participants will reinforce their skills to pursue alternative pathways and innovative solutions to common
challenges in their host territories.
The whole mechanism foresees different occasions of collaboration between the participants and the receiving
communities (represented by citizens, local authorities, NGOs, CSOs, companies, etc.), which will have, as an
indirect outcome, a reduction of the cultural and social barriers between the different groups, and a stronger
sense of belonging and integration within the host society. Contextually, to strengthen this collaboration, the

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community navigator role will be introduced and taken up by some of the participants who will be trained to
implement an asset-based approach to socio-economic inclusion and community welfare by recognising the
roles, talent, and expertise of their fellows, via innovative and non-formal experiences. In this way, they will not
only contribute to solving social and green challenges, but they will also enhance soft skills pivotal to improve
their (self-)employability opportunities. Furthermore, by providing a toolbox of information about social and
sustainable entrepreneurship, even the migrants who will not wish to pursue the entrepreneurship career, they
will gain practical knowledge to be used at a later stage or to be transferred to other sectors.
From a broader perspective, another expected outcome is the creation of a European-wide multi-stakeholder
platform and the certification of the role of community navigator with a special focus on migration. Indeed, the
project has been conceived for being carried out and implemented at two levels:
a European one, where partners will exchange knowledge, transfer practices and ensure creation of a coherent
and impactful EU capacity-building and empowerment model, and
a local one, where each partner will design and deliver a new methodology of inclusion of migrants as a practice
to be included in formal and non-formal integration measures and mechanisms.
In terms of results, the project is set to achieve the creation of two pathways of socio-economic inclusion whose
scaling is supported by a dedicated curriculum and by the presence of national multi-stakeholder platforms which
will be pivotal in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the results and their integration in policy-making.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Social Inclusion of Women Through Global


Project Coordinator

Organisation Kagithane Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

Address Kemerburgaz Caddesi No:17 , 34406 Istanbul , İstanbul , TR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-TR01-KA210-ADU-000048795

Start Date May 31, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners EYUP HEM (TR) , INNOVATION HIVE (EL) , Asociatia Romana de

Literatie (RO)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Promoting gender equality

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Project Summary

The Project is shaped around Global Competencies (GC) that can be described as the skills, values and
behaviors that prepare people to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world. The project targets
disadvantaged women especially the ones that are from different cultural backgrounds from the hosting country
or city (external & internal migration). The Project contributes to the G.C of these women to help their social
inclusion and employment. We also target professionals working with women

There will be 5 activities of the project;
- Creation of Training Content for Women:
We will develop training content based on Global Competencies (GC) that contribute to the inclusion and
- Creation of Training Content for Professionals
G.C. development content for professionals working with women
- Piloting Courses with Women
We train disadvantaged women during piloting
- Creation of e-learning Platform
Platform with all training content
- Management Activities
Management, TPMs

The following results will be realized during the project;
- Creation of Training Content for Women
5 Modules in 4 languages for women
- Creation of Training Content for Professionals
5 Modules in 4 languages for professionals
- Piloting Courses with Women
Results of pre-post test/trained women
- Creation of e-learning Platform
Platform with training content / Results of testing / Trained trainers
- Management Activities
Quality/dissemination/Management tools and report / TPMs and minutes

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Health care professional guidance for Migrants

Project Coordinator


Address AL. PAPANASTASIOU 91 , 185 33 PIRAEUS , Aττική (Attiki) , EL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000033795

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Feb 27, 2024

EC Contribution 197,309 EUR


, PRISM IMPRESA SOCIALE S.R.L. (IT) , Ibonis European Research
Projects S.L. (ES)

Topics Physical and mental health, well-being ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Inclusion, promoting equality and

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Project Summary

Upon arrival and in the very early stages of the integration process, migrants encounter many difficulties in their
social integration in an unfamiliar country. They are unaware of their benefits and rights concluding in the fact that
there are still many discrepancies and gaps in EU Member States (MS) concerning the access of migrants to
basic health services and rights and on the other hand, migration crisis in relation with the pandemic crisis of
Covid-19 deteriorated more the problems of the effective integration and inclusion of migrants in the host
countries. Since the beginning of the Global Pandemic, Covid-19 and the serious problems and consequences in
all countries globally, healthcare systems have been much overstretched and migrants didn’t and still don’t
receive the proper support or information they need to their health rights. Addressing the challenges that migrants
face upon and after their arrival is crucial and especially to know and expect their basic health rights as Covid-19
continues to cause hardship. As a result, a Global Action Plan 2019-2023 for promoting the health of refugees
and migrants was set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and HealthMi Project aims to contribute to this
global support to migrants following also EU Regulations and policies. HealthMi Project focuses on the
improvement of the access to healthcare services of migrants and aims to identify innovative ways of reducing
inequalities in access and provision of health through models and strategies that support the reorientation of
specialists and strengthen competent healthcare compiling best practises for vulnerable migrants with a focus on
psycho-social aspects and chronic diseases. The project will foster respect and understanding for diversity in
Health, intercultural and civic competences, but also it will enable health values and citizenship within the EU in
order also tο understand the educational needs of migrants regarding the healthcare system better. Moreover, the
project objective is to support the integration of migrants in terms of using the health services and quality
information for local healthcare services and systems and enable migrants to come in contact with local
healthcare professionals/ health experts/ counsellors, psychologists, advisors and social workers who are
responsible and have the quality information that migrants need in order to explore and understand the local
healthcare service and system of the host country gaining access and guidelines to have effective health care
and wellbeing living in a foreign country ensuring also their self protection and safety. Under this context,
HealthMi develops 4 Project Results and its consortium consists of 5 Partners exploring innovative actions to
improve healthcare services to migrants. The main target groups of the project are migrants and health care
professionals. Psychologists, social workers or professionals involved with migrants will support the training
sessions of the project and will have an impact in all WPs activities. During the project, the consortium will mainly
develop a Code of Conduct for Health Literacy, In service training program for healthcare professionals, a Hybrid
Training Curriculum for migrants and a Multilingual Gateway. It is expected that the project will have a major
impact on migrants, healthcare professionals and the society in general. During the project, the consortium will
mainly develop a Code of Conduct for Health Literacy (R1), In service training Program for Healthcare
Professionals (R2), a Hybrid Training Curriculum for Migrans (R3) and HealthMi Multilingual Gateway (R4). The
total number of people who will directly and indirectly benefit from the project in general, is estimated at 5000
people. The project will have some horizontal activities such as the Project Management, Coordination, Bilateral
Agreements, Meetings, Activity Reports, External Evaluation, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy.

HealthMi aims to foster respect and understanding for diversity in Health, intercultural and civic competences, but
also it will enable health values and citizenship within the EU in order also tο understand the educational needs of
migrants regarding the healthcare system better. HealthMi Project includes the development of innovative tools

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and models locally and transnationally for in order to facilitate migrants access to healthcare services and
systems by reducing and facing any obstacles and problems occurred during their arrival but also the current
pandemic of Covid-19. The project implements training programmes for both migrants and health
professionals.The project will engage local citizens, representatives of health organizations, health professionals
and mentors, public and private key actors working or involved with migrants and stakeholders. Convincing these
crucial actors of the hosting societies to get involve in project's activities is a vital determinant of the quality and
sustainability of the project. Helping newly arrived migrants tackle health problems requires a high number of
specific competences, especially considering the need for an integrated and targeted approach. The engaged
health professionals, mentors or social workers or mediators from the local communities need to be able to
deploy a wide number of approaches, to deal with psychological problems and mental health of migrants. The
development of the Code of Conduct, the Training Programme, the Curriculum and the Multilingual Gateway will
foster exchanges of knowledge, needs, mental problems of migrants and raise awareness of the needs of
migrants, of health professionals, national authorities and the society in general. These activities will involve local
community (individuals, health organizations, NGOs, authorities, stakeholders) and will enhance mutual
understanding about the current illnesses, global pandemic, frustration and psychological problems of not only
migrants but also locals. This is in line with the current policies of the participating countries: Inclusion and access
to basic services and rights in the host countries and equal participation of all citizens, both nationals and foreign
nationals, without considering foreigners as a separate group, discriminating them or having the stereotype that
migrants bring more illnesses to a country. All partners will follow the guidelines of WHO and EU Migration
Agenda and Action Plan following also the EU Charter of migrant’s fundamental rights. Also the project aims to
•Increased awareness of the obstacles faced by migrants to access healthcare services and the possible
solutions by relevant actors across the EU;
•Increased capacities of representatives of the hosting society and institutions to recognise and to respond to
needs of newly arrived migrants;
•Fostered transnational cooperation to facilitate the transfer of experience, knowledge and practices and lessons
learnt related to the health care services of third-country nationals within the partners of the project;
•Improved access to comprehensive health care services for migrants including mental health, women and
children's health, taking into account cultural differences;
•Facilitated the dissemination of experience, knowledge and practices beyond the partners of the project to
develop more effective actions, including by evaluating the impact of the actions developed;
•Improved access to health care services, housing, education, financial services, social welfare rights and/or
labour market; •Improved coordination between relevant stakeholders; following the implementation of the
projects’ actions.
•Improved transnational coordination and cooperation between the relevant stakeholders.

In parallel with the project’s research and development activities and throughout the project implementation
period, a set of horizontal activities will be implemented.
A1. Project and Quality Management
The aim of Project and Quality Management activities is to ensure the smooth and timely implementation of the
project in terms of financing, administration, production and coordination. This includes the following activities:
project planning; communication; monitoring; fine-tuning; organising partner meetings; drafting meeting minutes;
coordinating, collecting and reviewing progress reports; defining of qualitative and quantitative success criteria;
monitoring and evaluation; developing executive quality reports; reporting any significant deviation to the
partnership and initiating a contingency plan; communicating with the National Agency etc.
A1.1. Development of Project Work Plan (PWP)

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A1.2 Organisation of partner meetings & conference calls

M1: Kick-off meeting
M2: 2nd Transnational meeting
M3: 3rd Transnational meeting
M4: Final Meeting
A1.3 Two Progress reports
A1.4 Elaboration of QMP. P1 will draft a project Impact Plan and update it with qualitative and quantitative
indicators for all results following the proposed Impact+ workshops to be held during the early partner meetings.
P1 will conduct impact assessment exercises in months 12 and 24 to measure progress towards the benchmarks
set for each result and draft two impact assessment reports.
A1.5 Two Executive quality reports
A2. Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
The Dissemination & Exploitation Leader, will prepare a comprehensive Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
focused on: clarifying the dissemination and communication scope, aims and timing; Identification and
classification of the target groups and stakeholders; Elaboration of stakeholders’ engagement plan; Identification
of the particular messages to be communicated throughout the project; Definition of dissemination,
communication and exploitation means, methods and tools at national and European level (social networks, press
releases, events etc.), including effective ways to collect feedback; Definition of success indicators; Clarification
of IPR issues; Detailed action plan and reporting templates of the partners’ dissemination activities.
A2.1 Development of the Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
A2.2 Design of internal and external communication templates
A2.3 Design of leaflets, posters and roll-up banners
A2.4 Monitoring of dissemination and exploitation activities and events
All partners will:
- Participate and provide input to the above activities and deliverables;
- Make explicit their commitment to provide resources that guarantee the sustainability of the project’s outcomes
once it is over;
- Use various project and own resources in order to disseminate project results and activities at
local/regional/national and European level;
- Engage the target group and raise awareness of the project and its value to relevant local/regional/national and
European stakeholders and multipliers;
- Translate press releases, leaflets text and other relevant material to their national language;
- Be actively involved in the exploitation and sustainability efforts from the beginning of the project; and
- Report implemented dissemination and exploitation actions, using the templates that will be provided by the
Dissemination & Exploitation Leader.

The main results of HealthMi Project are:
R1. Code of Conduct for Health Literacy
Result 1 mainly aims to collect national data, best practices with desk research, questionnaires and interviews in
order to conduct a code of conduct for Health Literacy in order to raise awareness and to ensure easy access to
local healthcare services and systems for migrants. The methodology combines desk and field methods of data
collection and analysis, including literature review and practices collection; a set of interviews to key informants,
representing the main targets addressed by the project; a survey addressed to health professionals and the
needs of migrants in the local communities.
R2: In service Training Program for HealthCare Professionals
Under Result 2, the consortium aims to develop a training program for Healthcare professionals in order to

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educate them how to address more easily quality information and data to local migrants and support the mental
health of migrants. HealthCare Professionals must meet the needs of migrants as it concerns their psychology,
health condition and wellbeing. Each partner will publish open calls in local level through Local authorities,
migrants associations/centers, civic organisations, for requiring healthcare professionals to participate in the
training programme and identify selection criteria.
Result 3: Hybrid Training Curriculum for Migrants
The Hybrid Curriculum will address the needs of migrants and will provide them with knowledge and materials for
an easy access to healthcare services and systems. The Curriculum will consist of 9 modules. The partnership
will design the structure, contents and design of the Curriculum with a Learning Outcomes Framework, a
Prototype Development and Content Development and Translation All partners will implement the new curriculum
materials following the guidelines of the R3 leader.
Result 4: HealthMi Multilingual Gateway
The Gateway will facilitate access to the information needed for migrants and also will provide access to the
project activities in order to improve and establish new innovative ways for migrants to reach the local healthcare
services using the Gateway. The Gateway will function as an interactive tool for migrants and healthcare
professionals or other interested stakeholders who wish to join HealthMi Gateway. The Gateway is also an
opportunity to grow their network and find psychological, health and mental health support.
Moreover the main outcomes of the project will be:
- Project and Quality Management to ensure the smooth and timely implementation of the project in terms of
financing, administration, production and coordination;
- Development of Project Work Plan (PWP);
- Organisation of partner meetings & conference calls;
-Kick-off meeting;
-2nd Transnational meeting;
-3rd Transnational meeting;
-Final Meeting;
-Two Progress reports;
- Elaboration of QMP;
-A Project Impact Plan;
-Qualitative and quantitative indicators;
-Impact assessment exercises;
-Two Executive quality reports;
-Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy;
-Identification and classification of the target groups and stakeholders;
-Elaboration of stakeholders’ engagement plan; Identification of the particular messages to be communicated
throughout the project; Definition of dissemination, communication and exploitation means, methods;
-Development of the Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy
-Design of internal and external communication templates;
-Design of leaflets, posters and roll-up banners;
-Monitoring of dissemination and exploitation activities and events
-Project Management, Coordination, Bilateral Agreements, Meetings, Activity Reports, External Evaluation,
Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy and Quality Assurance.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Inclusion of Migrants by Qualified Occupation in the

Tourism industry

Project Coordinator

Organisation Gesellschaft für Inklusion und Soziale Arbeit e.V.

Address Am Bürohochhaus 2 - 4 , 14478 Potsdam , BRANDENBURG , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026892

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 214,839 EUR

Partners Future Focus Ltd (MT) , IFPRA Normandie (FR) , Izmit Ilce Milli Egitim
Mudurlugu (TR) , Service Civil International Österreich (AT) ,

Topics Teaching and learning of foreign languages ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Cooperation between educational institutions and

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Project Summary

The 'Icludmi: Inclusion of Migrants by Qualified Occupation in the Tourism Industry' project seeks to promote
equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions for migrants in European
member states. The project focuses on the essential improvement of language skills of migrants and their
knowledge in order to boost their professional opportunities in the tourism sector.

Throughout Europe, tourism has proven its capacity to generate numerous job opportunities for migrants.
Nonetheless, employment in this sector has revealed its ambivalence as well as significant and structural
problems and deficits that can lead to negative effects such as high fluctuation and precarious payment.
Statistical data reveals evidence of a strong or straightforward relationship between lower wages, wage growth
and high fluctuation, on one hand, and/or lower levels of training of existing workers, on the other.

The starting point of this project is the key issue of improvement of technical knowledge and skills of migrant
labour force, in particular language skills. The 'Study on Foreign Language Proficiency and Employability' is a
2015 report by the European Commission, that confirms that "English is by far the most important language in
international trade and the provision of services". This project considers that, by receiving practical training in
English, the job prospects in the tourism industry of the migrants will be improved and therefore their overall
quality of life.

In order to achieve this, a specific training methodology will be provided. This methodology, the CLIL (Content
and Language Integrated Learning), proposes a more effective way of learning for students, since it focuses on
the development of the necessary skills to integrate functional and communicative English in day-to-day life. For
this reason, it is one of the best methodologies that can be used when teaching foreign languages and ideal to
include in vocational training.

The concrete objectives of this project are:

- Developing training materials for adult language educators into the CLIL methodology applied to the tourism
- Developing a synergy between the tourism industry, adult training centres and migrants.
- Up-skilling migrants in order to enhance their opportunities in the tourism job market.
- Facilitating the social inclusion of migrants in their host countries/societies.

Transnational meetings and activities will take place throughout the project. In order to obtain the best information
from the target groups involved, a series of focus groups will be carried out too. Local multiplier events will be
organized in all partner countries, where the project results will be presented and promoted. Furthermore, a
Learning Activity will take place at the beginning of the project in which the staff of the participating organizations
will be trained in the principles of the CLIL methodology, so they are well equipped to develop the project
activities, in particular the Project Results.

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6 partners from 6 different countries will take part in this project:

- ISA (Gesellschaft für Inklusion und Soziale Arbeit - Association for Inclusion and Social Work), from Germany
will be the applicant.
- Future Focus Ltd, from Malta.
- IFPRA Normandie, from France.
- İzmit District Directorate of National Education (IIMEM), from Turkey.
- Service Civil International Österreich (SCI), from Austria.

All partners will be involved in the development of this project's activities.

Two Project Results will be produced:

First Project Result - CLIL Methodological and Resource Guide for Adult Language Trainers.
This Project Result is aimed at language adult educators. The objective is to provide an updated account of the
typical work situations that take place in the tourism sector, with a special focus on customer service. In addition,
it will provide a theoretical basis on the CLIL methodology. This guide will help trainers to gain a clear
understanding of the common situations that their migrant students might face and provide them with an
adequate methodology to do so. It will help to develop the competencies of language trainers so they can assist
the migrant students better, which is the main objective of the project.

Second Project Result - Methodological Guide for Training Organizations and Employers of Migrants.
The objective of this product will be to provide methodological guidelines for adult training organizations and
businesses in the tourism sector. All this in order to use the CLIL methodology for the delivery of courses aimed
at migrants. This project will incorporate businesses in the tourism industry, which is a sector that employs a big
proportion of migrants. This guide will then contribute towards achieving the objectives of this project.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title - Extending the e-learning offer with new

materials for learning the Slovak language

Project Coordinator

Organisation E@I

Address VITAZNA 840/67A , 958 04 PARTIZANSKE , SK


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-SK01-KA220-ADU-000035229

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 281,912 EUR



Topics Teaching and learning of foreign languages ; Open and distance learning ;
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Background is an e-learning platform for learning Slovak, whose main target group are autonomous adult learners.
It currently offers four different courses on levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and is available in 15 languages of the users. It
was developed in two EU-funded projects 2009-2011 and 2013-2015 and is, therefore, already operational for 10
years. A closer look into web-statistics shows the ongoing success of approx. 107.000 registered
users worldwide used the platform since 2011. It is the only platform of its kind for learning the Slovak language.
Its success is based on the provision of courses in the languages of the learners as well as on using the newest
technical features and methods, making it compatible with all browsers and operating systems and maintaining
technical standards of commercial websites. The importance of the source language is validated by the list of
countries in the user statistics and exceptionally high number of users from smaller European countries, in whose
languages is available. Due to the success of the website and active dissemination and
communication with users and stakeholders, as well as different surveys among different groups of users we
have collected ample feedback about the needs of the target group. Most importantly, since the first launch of the
platform a lot has changed regarding the target groups of the platform and, subsequently, their needs. Slovakia
was and still is a country with one of the lowest percentage of migrants in the EU. However, while for a long time
the numbers were stable, since Slovakia’s accession to the EU they have risen 7-fold. Traditionally, the most
numerous category of foreigners are citizens of neighboring countries, who are often linked to Slovakia by deeper
work, family and other social ties. Another important group of migrants are citizens of southern and eastern
European countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia), who make up 20.5% of all foreigners in Slovakia and
who mainly come as labor migrants. In the latest years, immigration of workers from non-EU European countries
becomes increasingly relevant but the country still needs to develop approaches to help those migrants to learn
the language and integrate in the host society. In recent years the number of third-country nationals has started to
rise sharply. In 2018, the total number exceeded EU citizens for the first time. This increase became even more
significant in 2019 and 2020. Official statistics show that the most numerous and growing group of foreigners in
Slovakia are citizens of Ukraine. However, they encounter various barriers to integration, the biggest is not
mastering Slovak.
As already mentioned, the portal was developed while migration to Slovakia was almost non-existent and the
materials were developed from the point of view of classical text-books for language learning. The topics and
vocabulary used are rather suited for people visiting Slovakia on vacation then practical life-issues of migrants.
Migrants do not need to learn how to communicate in a hotel, but they need to learn, i.e. how to make a
subscription for mobile internet or how to communicate in public offices. There is ample vocabulary and different
situations, which every migrant will face during the first days in Slovakia, and which are currently missing in the
courses. Therefore, the project is highly complementary to the previous projects and seeks to close the gap in the
materials, which arised with emerging immigration to Slovakia, but also with a relevant change of the importance
of some new topics on the global level. Therefore, we have decided to develop new teaching materials to be
integrated into existing e-courses, focusing on the linguisitic needs of migrants.

We aim at enhancing the availability of e-learning materials for learning languages. The portal will be
extended by developing new e-learning materials for learning Slovak, focusing on situations and vocabulary,
which is relevant for migrants to Slovakia. The content will be innovative in terms of e-learning in the context of
the Slovak language, interactive and user-friendly – to allow for participation of learners with different ICT skills,

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interests and needs. It will be available in 15 languages in which is currently available, thus, enabling
wide geographical coverage of users. Importantly, the usage will be free of charge. The project will thus provide a
new and relevant high quality learning opportunity for learning Slovak, which allows users to learn wherever they
are, when they have time and fully free of charge. Target group that will use the project's final output are people
interested in learning the Slovak language for different reasons, but primarily because they plan to move to
Slovakia an live there for some time, be it as labour migrants, for family reasons or in a student exchange. We will
focus on adult learners, with no or very little knowledge of the Slovak language, many of them facing economic
obstacles and living in remote areas. The project, therefore, also fosters social inclusion of migrants (primarily
from the eastern Europe but also from the western EU Member States) to Slovakia by offering free e-learning
materials for learning Slovak focusing on migrant issues. Data on show that the majority of users start
using the portal in their home countries. Practicing basic conversational skills about topics they will encounter
already in their early time in Slovakia will help them to more easily become adapt and become accepted by the
surrounding society. The project enhances the access to learning of disadvantaged learners, especially people
living in rural and remote areas and facing socio-economic difficulties, mainly in the Eastern Europe, who are the
most likely to migrate to Slovakia and the least likely to be able to afford and surely to find Slovak language
courses in their region of origin. It reduces disparities in learning outcomes, enables migrants to find jobs, settle
and to be better received by the host society.

The project's aim is development of an e-learning course and, therefore, it focuses on development of teaching
materials and the platform. Events with learners are not an integral part of this kind of projects. Therefore, the
only relevant events during the project life-cycle will be three multiplier events, which will take place in Slovakia,
France and Lithuania.

On, an already successful portal for learning Slovak, new e-learning materials will be developed for
learners of the Slovak language, with a special focus on the needs of the migrants to Slovakia. The new course
will be available in all 15 languages in which the portal is available: Slovak + 14 languages of the learners:
Croatian, Czech, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Learners will have a choice to see translation of words and some phrases into
their chosen language. This way motivation of autonomous learners at the beginners' level is preserved and they
are given assistance in the learning process.
The content of the new modules will be developed, based on the structure of the existing courses and will include
the following:
A) Levels A1-A2:
- new grammar exercises, mainly on inflection (declension)
- new complete modules (lessons) with short dialogues including new vocabulary and situations linked to the
inclusion of migrants in Slovakia, including development of their socio-cultural competence (dealing with real-life
situations, i.e. at the office, at the insurance company, at the bank, at the mobile/internet operator, etc.)
B) Levels B1-B2:
- new lessons with missing topics for development of socio-cultural and intercultural competence, topics which
are needed in everyday life like technology as well as current, modern topics (environmental protection -
environmental problems of the present, social changes, global problems in the field of health, globalisation,
human rights, etc.);
- supplementing the missing lexical and grammatical exercises (mixed exercises for practicing several
grammatical phenomena on the communicative principle);
- short videos on given grammatical topics, explanations of grammatical phenomena or the most common

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mistakes by learners of Slovak as a foreign language.

All Slovak words in the lessons are linked to built-in dictionary in order to offer "clickable words". By clicking on
any word learners will be able to see its translation into their mother tongue and will be able to hear the
pronunciation of the word. A large number of pictures and recordings will be used in the materials.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Title

WINBIZ—Women's Innovative Business Incubation


Project Coordinator


Address RUA HELENA FELIX NR.3 R/C , 1600 083 LISBOA , Lisboa , PT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-PT01-KA220-ADU-000033741

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2024

EC Contribution 390,433 EUR



Topics Overcoming skills mismatch and addressing the needs of the labour
market ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ;
Development of training courses

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Project Summary

The integration of migrant women or women with non-Western backgrounds into the European context is an
essential step towards achieving the goal of raising the EU employment rate to 78%, as called for in the Europe
2030 Strategy. In general, the impact that the employment of immigrant individuals can have on the growth and
GDP of the various European countries is considerable, as shown by numerous studies in the sector. Moreover,
the figures confirm that the presence of migrant women in the EU territory is significant. In fact, since the last
decade, there has been a continuous increase in the flow of female immigration into the EU. The data collected in
the "Motion for a European parliament resolution on Women's immigration: the role and condition of immigrant
women in the European Union (2006/2010(INI))" underline how crucial it is to effectively manage this important
flow, adopting measures aimed at the social integration of immigrant women, to combat discrimination and
marginalisation. A crucial step in this direction has been made in the last decade with the adoption of the Opinion
of the European Economic and Social Committee dedicated to the integration of migrant women in the labour
market (2015). It is worth noticing that the specific skills to be promoted among immigrant women—the target
group of the project—to ensure their full social and labour integration—are those related to digital literacy,
interculturalism and entrepreneurship, as well as personal skills related to so-called life and soft skills, in a context
of informal and non-formal education. The need to integrate digital and entrepreneurial competencies are
especially underlined by the European Commission's Communication on the Digital Education Action Plan
(COM(2018)0022) and the framework outlined in EntreComp (2016).

The applicant has detected the needs of the specific target group based on the specific context of Portugal, which
has the following figures:
■ The 4th highest youth (15-24 years old) female unemployment rate among the EU-27, above 20% (Eurostat
■ The highest gender difference on youth (15-24 years old) unemployment rate in the EU-27 (youth female
unemployment rate is higher than male unemployment rate) (Eurostat 2019)
■ Among the young population, Portugal is the EU-27 country with the 3rd highest difference of percentage of
work seeking female NEETs (6,6%) vs work seeking male NEETs (5,0%) (Eurostat 2020)
■ The highest rate of discouraged job seekers within EU, and with the highest % difference between discouraged
males and females (Eurostat 2017)
■ The 2nd lowest percentage of job vacancies in EU-27 in the third quarter of 2020 (Eurostat Job vacancy
statistics 2020)
Therefore, the promotion of entrepreneurship is fundamental for Portugal, because there are no available jobs
and therefore is strategic to find innovative solutions.

Life for women with a migrant background is not easy in all the European countries, facing at the same time
discrimination and gender inequality. Migrant women needs in Europe are reported in a number of academic
articles and official reports by international organisations, such as “Integration of migrant women. A key challenge
with limited policy resources”, (2018), in which the biggest struggles and problems they are facing is reported with
a transnational approach. “the gap between the share of employed non-EU-28-born women and native women is
8 percentage points larger than the gap among men. This clearly shows that migrant women represent an
untapped and under-utilised source of skills and that their potential is not fully exploited.” In the document, among
the important steps that must be done for effective social inclusion of our target group, labour market integration
is reported as fundamental as other activities and initiatives aimed at their social inclusion.

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The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels
of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the acquisition and development of personal, transversal
and specific competencies and skills necessary for their full integration/reintegration in the European labour
market, thus generating well-being for themselves and for the society they live in.

WINBIZ aims to:

■ Contribute to the development of migrant women's competencies in adult education through high-quality
■ Contribute to the promotion of open education and the development of methodological, didactic and technical
innovations for the promotion of women's social entrepreneurship

Such objectives are achieved through the production of four works of art created during the project:
■ A social and training needs research report, aiming at outlining the local, national, and European framework of
opportunities and barriers that migrant women may face, about their educational and training condition for access
to the labour market and their full social integration
■ An online toolkit for trainers and tutors, created by integrating data and information from social research,
technical and intellectual contributions from partners, already available OERs and input from potential
trainers/tutors, who will be "tested" through alternative engagement and information gathering techniques, such
as coaching circles. The methodology used will be based on the contributions of systemic methodologies such as
U-theory and Design Thinking. The toolkit produced will then be used by the trained tutors themselves as an
operational tool for coaching/mentoring activities for the benefit of migrant women involved in the MOOC
■ ​A 150-hour-modular course to be structured in blended mode: 25 tutors will mentor 250 immigrant women
during the course. The reference for the coaching/mentoring of the mentors will be the previously developed
toolkit. The MOOC will be hosted within an e-learning platform and will aim to transfer knowledge to the target
group and promote digital, entrepreneurial, intercultural and life skills. To validate the acquired skills, participants
will receive a certificate and an open badge, according to the EntreComp framework
■ A catalogue of business plans, bringing together the 15 best operational business plans developed by the
women who have successfully followed the MOOC and who have obtained the highest score following
participation in the final project work scheduled at the end of the MOOC. At the end of the blended course, there
will be a 100-hour-project work (20 of which include the presence of the tutors), which will be structured as a team
working experience that will lead the 250 participants, divided into groups, to the definition of business ideas. The
project work will also be open to the participation and contribution of other women from the urban context in which
the participants live. At the end of the project work, a special committee will evaluate the business ideas and
select the 15 best—based on criteria of innovativeness and social impact—to be "incubated" in a transnational
training campus, to transform the business ideas into real operational plans. The incubation phase will take place
with the support and mentoring of 15 role models – namely the successful female migrant entrepreneurs from
project partner countries

The results of WINBIZ have been designed to produce relevant outcomes in terms of direct and indirect impacts,
as far as innovation is produced and the exchange of know-how between the involved organisations active in the
education and training sector is promoted, and the social inclusion/empowerment of women and migrants is

The project is structured in such a way that the various results achieved—and the activities related to

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them—progressively contribute to the full achievement of the project objectives. Considering the macro-objective
outlined above, 4 more specific objectives (SO) and related actions (AS) are necessary:

■ SO1—Acquisition and sharing of knowledge, theoretical, empirical, and statistical-operational data—from

institutions involved in the implementation of educational-training paths for adults, and of institutions involved in
the socio-professional inclusion of women and migrants. Such data will be related to the training needs and the
social, economic, and cultural situation of the target group
A1 Planning and development of an appropriate social research framework
A2 Implementation of desk research at local, national, and European level and focus groups at the local level
A3 Processing of results, review, and publication of a final report, to be shared within and outside the partnership,
through the dissemination and exploitation channels identified

■ SO2—Development and sharing of open methodologies, tools, and training materials for the professional
preparation of operators who will be responsible for tutoring, guiding, and coaching the target group
A1 Planning and development of an appropriate methodological framework
A2 Implementation of an activity aimed at the exchange of good practices among the partners—in particular of
U-theory and Design Thinking tools
A3 Implementation of an analysis of the training-professional needs of the operators: this will be done by
organising local coaching circles that will mainly use engagement tools of Theory U and Design Thinking
A4 Processing of the data and information obtained, collection of feedbacks and coproduction of a toolkit for
trainers/tutors to be used for the training of 25 appropriately selected operators and to be shared also outside the
partnership, through the dissemination and exploitation channels identified

■ SO3—Development and sharing of "open" methodologies, tools and training materials to promote: a) the
acquisition of personal, transversal and specific competencies and skills by the target group; b) the
socio-professional integration of the target group; c) the promotion of female entrepreneurship
A1 Planning and development of an appropriate methodological framework
A2 Development and joint revision of training contents (modules)
A3 Development and testing of an e-learning platform to host a MOOC
A4 Implementation of a 150-hour blended training course for 250 migrant women or women from non-western
backgrounds, supported by 25 trained tutors
A5 Validation of skills acquired through certification and issuing of open badges, following the EntreComp
A6 Promotion of the products through the dissemination and valorisation channels identified

■ SO4—Promotion of a practical co-planning training course - for the benefit of the target group and linked to the
previous theoretical training course. The training course aims at defining, elaborating, and collecting operational
business plans that meet the criteria of innovativeness and social inclusion
A1 Planning and development of an adequate methodological framework
A2 Implementation of 100-hour project work for the benefit of the 250 women participants in the MOOC, which is
also open to the participation of women not enrolled in the course, and led by 25 tutors
A3 Development of business ideas by the participants in the project work, who will be divided into groups
A4 Selection of the best 15 business ideas from all partner countries and subsequent "incubation" within a
transnational training campus for the transformation of ideas into operational business plans, with the support and
mentoring of 15 selected role models
A5 Preparation of a catalogue gathering the 15 operational business plans produced, and their dissemination
through the communication and exploitation channels identified

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The following impacts are expected with the implementation of WINBIZ:

On participants:
■ Migrant women or women from non-Western backgrounds
The 250 women who will have participated in the piloting a) will improve personal, transversal and technical skills
- especially entrepreneurial, digital and intercultural skills. This will be certified by open badges, Europass Mobility
and Europass CV, in accordance with the EntreComp framework; b) will have more and better chances of
professional integration; c) will have bridged their educational and professional mismatch; d) will possess the
tools to collaboratively develop business ideas; e) will see their well-being increased, creating wealth for
themselves and for society; f) will have the possibility to join informal networks at local and European level, which
are fundamental for their personal and professional development; g) will contribute to breaking down negative
stereotypes about women and migrants and will be successful examples of social integration in the EU.
■ On tutors
The 25 operators (tutors) who will participate in the project activities a) will possess transversal and technical
competencies, in particular in the area of life skills and entrepreneurial coaching, certified by Europass Mobility
and CV, in agreement with EntreComp; b) will be able to use the acquired notions and tools to support - within
their organisations - migrant women in paths of empowerment and socio-professional integration; c) experience a
career advancement; d) disseminate the innovations also outside and promote collaborations with other
stakeholders, allowing a future transferability of the WINBIZ results and their use also after the end of the project

On organisations:
■ The staff members of the project partners will become experts in the implementation of: a) a training course for
tutors/facilitators trained in the area of life skills and entrepreneurial coaching, with competencies linked to
EntreComp; b) a training and practical course for migrant women for the development of personal and transversal
competences, in particular entrepreneurship and social and digital inclusion, linked to EntreComp
■ The profile and expertise of the partners (namely training and adult education centres, organisations working to
support migrant women) will be significantly strengthened
■ The methodologies, tools and materials produced will enrich the offer of educational and support services of the
participating organisations which, by promoting the innovations acquired, will see an increasing demand for these
services by a greater number of end-users
■ Synergies and cooperation between partners will be improved in the field of adult education, from a
multi-sectoral/interdisciplinary perspective
■ The partners' training offer will better meet the needs of today's European labour market - which is flexible and
dynamic, and which requires the acquisition of new transversal skills

On other organisations/stakeholders:
■ The expected impact of the methodologies, tools and innovations produced on modernising and increasing the
quality of services provided by organisations working in adult education and supporting migrant women across
Europe is high. APSU and the other partners will promote the results of WINBIZ within their own networks of
associated partners. For example, CES—being an umbrella organisation comprising 30 organisations in 15
European countries—will be able to use its channels to disseminate project results at an exceptionally high
international level. EGInA will exploit the network of Stati Generali dell’Innovazione (SGI), of which it is a member.
SGI, together with DAISSy, HOU's research group are part of the European ALL DIGITAL network, which will
promote the project results by disseminating WINBIZ innovations among its members (60 organisations
representing more than 25.000 e-skills development centres)

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Development of a guideline and digital educational

material for healthcare professionals planning mobility

Project Coordinator

Organisation BEdCon GmbH

Address Müllerstr. 6 , 13353 Berlin , BERLIN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000050501

Start Date Apr 1, 2022

End Date Mar 31, 2024

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Akdeniz Saglik Idarecileri Dernegi (TR) , La Quiete Azienda Pubblica di

Servizi alla Persona (IT)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Equal access and
transition to labour market ; Career guidance

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Project Summary

This project aims to identify the barriers and facilitators for healthcare professionals' participation to work-life and
to develop a guideline and digital educational materials for HCPs who would like to work abroad. This helps both
target groups as HCPs for equal access and transition to labour market and the healthcare institutions directly
providing the health care services and vocational educational centres on this field via the career guidance

In order to achieve the project purpose, the transnational meetings and workshops will be organized with the
main target groups and experts to identify the barriers and facilitators for healthcare professionals' participation to
work life at abroad. By this way, the guideline and the digital education platform will be created for the target
groups. For the sustainability of the project, the website will be designed, which enables the newcomers and the
innovative cooperations

This project will open new windows for healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, vocational education
institutions and other related groups. With this project, the dynamic and digital guide will have been developed for
migrant HCPs and who are planning to work at abroad. 80 learners via digital education platform during the
project and lots of new learners via the website after the project. 24 learner face to face training programme in
project duration.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

New Pathways - Identifying and Promoting Best-Practice

in Supporting Long-Term Unemployed Adults into
Education Pathways

Project Coordinator

Organisation IWM Gesellschaft für internationale Wirtschaftsförderung und

Management mbH

Address Hugo-John-Str. 10 , 99086 Erfurt , THÜRINGEN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000050168

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Aug 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


ERFURT EV (DE) , Eurobug, International Youth Work Training and
Collaboration Limited (IE) , CENTRE OF ACTIVE CITIZENS FOR

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Development of

training courses ; Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide

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Project Summary

Identifying and promoting innovative best practices that are supporting long-term unemployed adults to overcome
barriers of access and access education pathways to quality employment, through bringing together the expertise
and capacities of a consortium that engaged with these communities from different angles (formal education,
non-formal education, community building, research, and advocacy) into a sustainable network for cooperation
and exchange.

The flagship activities of this project are three prolonged study-visit/job-shadowing hybrids for the staff of
consortium members, wherein they will identify innovative practices and compile focused indexes of the national
frameworks for adult education. This will be supported by ongoing transnational communication, a kick-off
meeting, the production of a casebook available on an online platform, the launch of a transnational network,
supported by dissemination and multiplication actions.

- Development of national and comparative indexes on innovative practices, in publication format
- Intensive capacity building of staff of the five consortium organisations
- Sustainable network developed and launched
- Stimulated High-Level Political and community dialogue on barriers of access to adult education
- Grown consortium Capacity to engage in future KA2 action

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Solution4Inclusion - Solution focused training tools to

enhance social inclusion

Project Coordinator

Organisation Empoderar - Desenvolvimento Organizacional, Social, Profissional e

Pessoal, Lda

Address Rua Abel Salazar nº7 3ºA , 2910-372 Setúbal , Lisboa , PT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-PT01-KA210-ADU-000049962

Start Date May 31, 2022

End Date Nov 30, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners Lyhytterapiainstituutti Oy (FI)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Employability ;

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The main objective is to promote inclusion and integration on disadvantage target groups (E.g. migrant and
refugees and Neets) by supporting professionals that work in organizations that have this supportive role. We will
do it by creating high-quality learning opportunities on solution focused Psychology approach, that will improve
the competences of adult educators on using these tools to better work as a team and to better and more
effectively promote inclusion and integration.

To achieve that we are going to 1. Have training among the consortium to enhance our Skills of teaching and
promoting change with solution focused Psychology approach; 2- Create guidelines on how to intervene
effectively with solution focused approach in this context; 3 - Give training using these techniques to professionals
of organizations that support disadvantage target groups, in order to improve the support given, 4 - Disseminate
these tools with workshops on how to use these techniques.

We expect to promote inclusion and integration on hundreds of persons from disadvantage groups by creating
high-quality learning opportunities on the solution focused approach, that will improve the competences of adult
educators on using these tools to better work as a team and to better and more effectively promote inclusion and
integration. We will not only give training, but we are also going to create guidelines that can be used after the
project, and workshops on how to better used it.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Theater as a collective language - Connecting

Research, Policies and Practice on Migrant Inclusion
through Non-verbal Drama-based Methods

Project Coordinator

Organisation TheaterImpulse e.V.

Address Kronenstrasse 8 , 33602 Bielefeld , NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000050149

Start Date Apr 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Eurobug, International Youth Work Training and Collaboration Limited (IE)
ERFURT EV (DE) , Asociacija Eurobug Lithuania (LT)

Topics Pedagogy and didactics ; Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and

social divide ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Challenging the exclusion of young migrants from educational and cultural spaces and opportunities through
producing new methodologies of inclusion within theatre-based educational programs. Primarily developing
non-verbal-theatre-based tools that enable access of diverse communities to the benefits of theatrical
pedagogies, in the context of the specific language barriers faced by some newly arrived migrants, who could
benefit from the integration opportunities of theatrical pedagogies.

The project contains a research/development package, a joint-staff mobility, local pilots of programs, a Blended
Mobility Non-Verbal Approaches Ambassador training, a publication,a Final Evaluation Meeting/Conference and
Multiplier Events. There are three phases, Research/Development, Implementation, &
Exploitation/Dissemination/Evaluation. The project will conclude with the launch of theNon-Verbal Theatre
Networking and Mentoring/Networking Program

- Dissemination of Research/Methodology via Publication
- Non-Verbal Theater Network launch, and associated mentoring and networking supports for young migrants.
- Joint-Staff Training on migrant accessibility measure for NGOs
- 25 NVT Ambassadors via Blended Mobility & e-learning version available
- Stimulated High-Level Political and Community dialogue on Migrant Integration, via MEs and Final Conference
- Developed Consortium Capacity to engage in future more impactful KA2 action.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Stärkung der Potenziale von Immigrant*innen durch

wirksames und relevantes Coaching

Project Coordinator


Address Welfengarten 1 , 30167 HANNOVER , NIEDERSACHSEN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000049397

Start Date Apr 1, 2022

End Date Jun 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Orient Express (AT) , Verein Projekt Integrationshaus (AT) ,

Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung (AT)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Key competences

development ; Equal access and transition to labour market

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Project Summary

The project partners are developing a training course for intercultural coaching. Coaches are to be enabled to
offer individual and action-oriented career planning for refugees and immigrants from third countries who aspire to
higher qualified professional activities. The immigrants are to be personally strengthened through coaching and
learn to assert their professional goals in various institutional contexts in the host country.

A training course will be developed in terms of content and didactics. Individual and group coaching sessions will
be embedded in the pilot course as a practical component. The pilot course and the first coachings will be
evaluated by all partner institutions. The project results will be disseminated in various formats at a final online
event, in professional publications, in the form of lectures and interview excerpts at regional and European level.

Primary result is a course design for coaches in order to promote intercultural coaching. Written evaluation
reports on the conducted pilot course and the first coaching sessions are another product of the project.
Presentations and articles as well as interviews in German and English will serve to disseminate project results.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

In2great: Sprach- und Grundbildung im

deutsch-schwedischen Erfahrungsaustausch

Project Coordinator

Organisation B+B Beschäftigung und Bildung gGmbH

Address Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 3 , 22763 Hamburg , HAMBURG , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000048052

Project Web Site

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Aug 31, 2022

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners Vuxenutbildningen Eskilstuna kommun (SE)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Teaching and

learning of foreign languages ; Equal access and transition to labour

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Project Summary

The overall objective of In2great is to experience, compare, analyse and transfer Swedish and German
processes, methods and concepts for language and basic education through on-site activities in order to improve
the respective social/educational education work and transition management of migrant and immigrant adults
(18-65 years). New structures and concepts are developed together, which are integrated into their own regional
work in the long term.

In2great is divided into activities: After the online kick-off, key elements of German and Swedish language and
basic education work will be analysed and compared. After extensive on-site activities in Hamburg and
Eskilstuna, impressions gained, reflections, results will be processed and disseminated. From a German-Swedish
perspective on language and basic education, best-practice examples and methods are to be anchored in the
respective educational work.

The results from In2great are expected to be useful on several levels, e.g.:
The organisation: enhanced project management / administrative competences, professional openness,
networking and cooperation in Erasmus+.
The professionals involved: enhanced methodological and professional competences through exchange and
networking with German-Swedish actors in language and basic education.
Participants/learners: easier transition from education to work/training and thus independence/self-sufficiency

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Take Action in Integration!

Project Coordinator

Organisation Fundacja Cooperacja

Address 17 Stycznia 115/8 , 64-100 Leszno , Wielkopolskie , PL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000048191

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANISES (ES) , Eurospeak Limited (IE) , Tou.Play


Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; The project is

focusing on work-based learning and its implementation in the specific
sector ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The main objective of the project is to support adults with fewer opportunities, in particular those who face
discrimination due to their origin, rural residence, limited access to education and quality learning, through mutual
learning, raising awareness as well as knowledge and developing the skills of adults working with migrants or
refugees in order to develop interaction between them and EU citizens.

1) Kick-off meeting
2) Training course for adults working with migrants and refugees on improving their intercultural competences
and knowledge about integration process of migrants and refugees into European local communities
3) Toolkit - inspiration and good practice examples of integration of migrants and refugees including a game,
which can be used by people working with migrants / refugees and implemented in their everyday work on
different levels
4) Final conference

- increased awareness and openness to social diversity
- greater understanding of adult learning needs
- trained and motivated adults to work with migrants / refugees
- a package of materials - inspiration and good practices concerning the creation of a friendly place to live for
migrants / refugees in the EU
- enhanced partners' ability to understand and manage Erasmus + projects
- a conference where we will share and promote our work across the EU.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Migrant women empowerment

Project Coordinator

Organisation Fundacja One World - One Heart

Address Aleja Adolfa Dygasińskiego 21/1 , 31-038 Kraków , Małopolskie , PL

Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000050955

Start Date Apr 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


Be You (AT)

Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Promoting gender equality

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Project Summary

"Women and girls around the world need to be educated and informed about ways to develop themselves and to
their nature being this the first step towards women empowerment. Women who embrace the true nature are
and develop a strong self-esteem are crucial for safer and better communities"-Nora Huerta
3 organisations from 3 countries working on Migrant Women Empowerment workshops during 18 months.
Project involves 32 migrant women, 9 NGOs staff and other NGOs and CityKraków

4 workshops for migrant women:
1. Women Leadership and Initiative - give the women tools to have the sens of the power to act.
2. Women’s rights in action: Empowerment and equality - the need to know local rights and how the women
operate in the
local society,
3. Raising up : building better communities - networking and connection building
4. Be yourself: mental women wellbeing - coping with stress end emotions, mental wellbeing
3 project meeting and a networking, promotion meeting in K

The project web page with materials to make 4 Migrant Women Empowering workshops: scripts, presentations,
activities and videos for other organisations to make the difference for migrant women. To give them space for
integration, education, skills development and to build community, build the feeling of belonging and motivation to
act locally for the development of the neighbourhood.
Collaboration between European NGOs and municipalities for migrant women benefit and the benefit of local

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Αλγοριθμική Σκέψη στην Εκπαίδευση Εκπαιδευτών


Project Coordinator



Address Karaiskaki 72 , 351 31 Lamia , Στερεά Ελλάδα (Sterea Ellada) , EL


Contact Ioannis Dimos ,

Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000035033

Project Web Site

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Sep 30, 2022

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners In Progress (IT)

Topics Initial and continuous training for teachers, trainers and other education
staff ; Development of training courses ; Reception and integration of
refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The purpose of the project is the design and development of modern digital training material for trainers on the
subject of Algorithmic Thinking. These are four (4) courses for lifelong learning and four (4) distance learning. The
lessons produced will be addressed to vulnerable social groups such as immigrants and refugees. The goal is to
educate and train specific groups in modern digital skills, such as Algorithmic Thinking.

The actions are shown below:
1. Bibliographic research on the current situation in adult education, immigrant education and Algorithmic
Thinking (creation of a short guide)
2. design and development of four (4) lifelong and four (4) distance Algorithmic Thinking courses
3. training of trainers
4. pilot use of the produced courses
5. Dissemination of project results

With the completion of the production of the Algorithmic Thinking courses and after exhausting the margins of
diffusion of the project results at the local, national and international level, we expect the exploitation of the
courses by immigrant educators as well as by Training Centers and Structures of education and training of
immigrants and refugees.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Training for refugee and migrant professionals in matters

related to medicine

Project Coordinator

Organisation GIVMED Share medicine Share life

Address Viktoros Ougko 15 , 10437 Athens , Aττική (Attiki) , EL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000035031

Start Date Feb 28, 2022

End Date Aug 27, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR


Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Physical and mental
health, well-being ; Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social

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Project Summary

The main objective is to bridge intercultural, intergenerational and social divides by fostering social inclusion and
intercultural understanding as well as by improving the competencies of migration professionals in relation to
health and medicine matters. Linked to this, the project focuses also on the physical and mental health of
refugees and migrants as the skills that the participants will acquire will be used to improve the refugees and
migrants wellbeing and will help their integration.

The project consists of 5 interconnected activities:
1.Adaptation of the previous Erasmus+ project “Healthy Diversity” and capacity building for the partners
2.Digitization of the educational material and game development based on the material
3.Seminars to professionals on the educational material and testing of the developed game
4.Dissemination to the target group, public and advocacy activities for intercultural competence and diversity
5.Project Management and Coordination

The main expected result of the project is the educational material that the consortium will adapt, considering the
needs of each country and focusing on the development of the intercultural communicative competencies of
professionals dealing with refugees and migration in health and pharmaceutical matters. Other expected results
are the game that we will develop based on the educational material, the seminars we organize to collect
feedback and the upskilled refugees and migrants.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Fostering social-labour inclusion of migrants in the EU

Project Coordinator

Organisation Causons

Address 20 rue Edouard Pailleron , 75019 Paris , FR

Project Information

Identifier 2021-2-FR01-KA210-ADU-000048505

Start Date Mar 1, 2022

End Date Aug 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Radio ECCA, Fundación Canaria (ES) , ATELIER GROOT EILAND (BE)

Topics Equal access and transition to labour market ; Reception and integration
of refugees and migrants ; Initial and continuous training for teachers,
trainers and other education staff

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Project Summary

The UPLIFT project gathers together migrants & refugees along with trainers and other professionals from 3 EU
countries (France, Spain, and Belgium). The aim is to promote capacity building and mutual learning to reinforce
actions and initiatives in support for beneficiaries’ social-labour insertion. UPLIFT promotes best practices and
knowledge sharing among professionals of the sector, while including the direct perspective of migrants and
refugees, to co-design joint solutions.

UPLIFT will include the following activities:
-3 transnational learning experiences for trainers & professionals and beneficiary groups. Participants will
collaborate to learn from the others and co-create new knowledge for high-quality training opportunities for adult
migrants, in order to enhance their employability and facilitate labour market access.
-Production of UPLIFT interactive Toolkit, collecting all project best practices and experiences.
-Local dissemination events to share results.

Participants will examine and discuss partners' best practices to assess how to improve and replicate those in
their home countries and valorise each one's positive experience. This capacity building process will be
conducted with the direct support of migrants and refugees. This way, professionals will enhance their practices,
in line with real interests and needs of beneficiaries. The final result will be a better support of migrants and
refugees for their professional and social empowerment.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

10fold. Stories Against Discrimination

Project Coordinator

Organisation Orient Express

Address Schönngasse 15-17/Top 2 , 1020 Vienna , AT


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000035073

Project Web Site

Start Date Jan 1, 2022

End Date Dec 31, 2022

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Cap Ulysse (FR) , Blickwinkel - Comics schaffen Mut zur Perspektive (AT)

Topics Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide ; Creativity, arts

and culture ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Addressing learners and trainers in the field of adult education, “10fold. Stories Against Discrimination” creatively
links language acquisition with the topic of equality. Ten protagonists share their experiences regarding
discrimination based on gender, race, nationality etc., providing authentic learning materials. Through the artistic
expression of a comic zine, these experiences will be made accessible to a broad audience and contribute to
equality and social participation.

As a starting point, the project collects ten life stories of participants sharing their experiences with discrimination
and strategies to counter social and intercultural divide. After translating these testimonies into a text book and a
comic zine available in French, English and German, a workshop for trainers will be organised. Two book release
events (in Vienna and Bordeaux), including a life drawing performance, mark the end of the project.

The project results encompass:
- a project website from which all results can be downloaded free of charge
- a text book for basic education and language courses based on the experiences and testimonies shared by ten
- a comic zine featuring the ten life stories

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

SILENT SIlent books for Learning and ENTertainment -

encounter facilitating tools for parents

Project Coordinator

Organisation European Network for Holistic Integration

Address Kollegiegatan 2A, 214 54 Malmö , 21454 Malmö , Skåne län , SE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-SE01-KA210-ADU-000034963

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Apr 30, 2023

EC Contribution 30,000 EUR

Partners STEPS SRL (IT)

Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Inclusion, promoting

equality and non-discrimination ; Preventing racism and discrimination

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Project Summary

1)Cultivate mutual respect and fundamental values; promote social inclusion and equality;
2) Support parents to teach children how to communicate with each other and understand each other’s
perspectives, exploring the different cultural heritages and values of people who live in Europe together in 21st
3) Overcome prejudices and combat culturally based bullying;
4) Cultivate Cultural Literacy of children, understood as culture we create through our practices and expressions.

Creation of the "GARDEN OF IDEAS", where actions are SEEDS; skills (intercultural competences) are
1) DESIGN OF THE FRAMEWORK: in collaboration of parents (focus interviews, mapping of practices) how we
see the "GARDEN OF IDEAS" which skills we want to develop. 2) organisation of 2 operational meetings; 3)
development of empowering SEEDS (learning activities based on silent books and "tell me" methodology4)
test/validation sessions 5) promotion of the results (networking).

- booklet explaining the "GARDEN OF IDEAS" with 10 SEEDS (activities empowering parents dialogue with kids
on their identity, values, heritage, mutual understanding);
- new tools for aware parenting, supporting children to be thoughtful about the way they live their lifes;
- support parents raise kids that are not only “not racist,” but who are actively “anti-racist.”; create space for aware
cultural encounter;
- cultivate inclusive attitudes - "Children of today will become adults of tomorrow".

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Re-Start: Refugee Start-Up resources to facilitate

entrepreneurship and business development for
refugees and migrants

Project Coordinator

Organisation Welcome Home International

Address Rond Point Schuman 6 , 1050 Bruxelles , Région de

Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest , BE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-BE01-KA210-ADU-000034932

Start Date Feb 1, 2022

End Date Jan 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Learning for Integration ry (FI) , Tropicalastral Lda (PT) , INDEPCIE SCA

Topics Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ; Entrepreneurial

learning - entrepreneurship education ; Reception and integration of
refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

Integrating people through work is vital to welcoming them into broader society and will benefit all of us and our
whole economies in the future. Project Re-Start is designed to answer essential questions of refugees wanting to
embark upon opening their own business. A comprehensive Manual and Website based on extensive research
will be developed in the course of the project to give information and guidance to migrants, refugees and asylum
seekers and support for operators who work with them.

Entrepreneurship Guide for Immigrants and Refugees is thought of as an instrument to support and guide people
with a migrant background, especially refugees, to understand their competencies and the chances to initiate
their own business in the host country. The Website will begin as the multilingual dissemination site for the
project. Site pages will be devoted to information references and links to relevant organisations and associations
regarding national legislation and business start-up.

The expected impacts of the activity are:
- the strengthening of competencies of operators in charge to orientate the migrants, refugees and asylum
seekers in the labour market and business start-up;
- the improvement of job searching by immigrants;
- the improvement of entrepreneurial competencies;
- the deep knowledge by migrant people concerning the business start-up;
- raising awareness of refugees about the importance of vocational training.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Promoting Resilience of Refugees by Developing their

Digital Marketing Skills.

Project Coordinator

Organisation Existenzgründer- und Unternehmervereinigung EXUV - München e. V.

Address Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 62 , 81735 München , BAYERN , DE


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000027398

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Apr 30, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners PIGI KOINSEP (EL) , Lifelong Learning Guidance GR (EL) , Onfluence


Topics Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination ; Reception and

integration of refugees and migrants ; Digital skills and competences

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Project Summary

General objective of the project is to promote resilience of adult refugees against crisis by improving their digital
marketing knowledge, skills and competences.
The project aims to support and promote social inclusion of refugees via lifelong learning opportunities, especially
by exploiting digital technologies also encourage refugee communities in Germany and Greece, NGOs, to work
together to motivate and enable adults of all ages to learn new digital skills necessary to be resilient.

Project activities:
1. Kick off meeting and project preparations
2. Preparations for digital marketing training
3. Online Digital marketing training for refugees
4. Hybrid Digital marketing training for trainers
5. Resilience building activity for refugees
6. Research on digital marketing training and resilience building activities
7. Sectoral info and national regulations seminars
8. Establishing digital marketing learner support center in 2 partners
9. Closing meeting and follow up

Project Results:
1. Digital marketing knowledge, skills and competence level of target group developed
2. Sectoral information level of target group increased
3. Psycho-social resilience level of target group promoted
4. Employability of project target group increased
5. Digital Marketing Learner Support Centres in partner organisations established
6. Digital marketing training capacity of partner institutions increased
7. Social inclusion of project target group reinforced

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Upskilling Pathway through Informal Adult Education of

New Comers of Afghan Refugees in Europe

Project Coordinator

Organisation Afghanska Föreningen i Örebro

Address Visgatan 16 B , 703 72 Örebro Örebro , SE

Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-SE01-KA210-ADU-000035015

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners advisa WIRTSCHAFTSAKADEMIE E.V. (DE) , Giresun Lisesi (TR) ,


Topics Reception and integration of refugees and migrants ; Development of

training courses

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Project Summary

The project forms with different partners to create a pathway to allow and support Afghan refugees by providing
informal adult education programs.

The project provides an opportunity for project partners to collaborate and form a platform to widen access for
Afghan newcomers (as refugees) and offer them essential informal adult learnings to find their ways for further
social and economic integration in Europe.

The project implements the following activities:
Project Management and Coordination- The project coordinator and project partners establish communication
settings and project management tools, including monthly virtual project meetings through Zoom.
Transnational Project Meetings: 2 meetings ( Örebro and Tarare)
LTTA workshops, and dissemination and exploitation of project results : (Antalya, Turkey)

The project will have the expected results:
1) Establishment a platform for project partners and their networks, including NGOs, civil society, Afghan
diaspora communities in Europe, and any other relevant organizations working for Afghan refugees, particularly
those who just newly arrived.
2) Strengthen the transnational partnership between project partners
3) Desing more effective and essential informal adult education programs for Afghan refugees

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Préparation numérique au parcours migratoire dans une

Europe connectée

Project Coordinator

Organisation C4D - Communication pour le Développement Durable, les Droits de la

personnes et contre les Discriminations

Address 121 rue de Fontcouverte, Halle Tropisme, Bureau 37 , 34000 Montpellier ,

Languedoc-Roussillon , FR


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000034957

Project Web Site

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2022

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Radio ECCA, Fundación Canaria (ES) , Lesvos Solidarity (EL)

Topics Pedagogy and didactics ; Reception and integration of refugees and

migrants ; Information and communication technologies (ICT)

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Project Summary

MobiTIC aims to find innovative elements of a digital training scheme for migrants based on their needs
(administrations, housing, training, employment), skills and limits (low digital skills, limited equipment, unknown
languages) and existing training available. This collaborative work will be carried out with the support of support
organisations for migrants in the Canary Islands and Greece in the island of Lesbos involving migrants as

A need assessment will determine, in the project countries, the digital skills needed by migrants for their uses.
Through benchmarking, the elements of training already available that partially meet them will be identified. A
co-construction seminar in Las Palmas will help develop innovative responses based on the identified needs and
limitations. These training elements will be tested with migrants during a workshop in Lesbos.

The expected results of MobiTIC are:
- The access to information needs of migrants and the digital skills needed to meet these needs are identified
- A benchmarking of existing devices is available
- Innovative training system elements are co-constructed as responses to identified needs
- Elements of the training device are tested

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

Tools for Education with Artistic Perception for Open


Project Coordinator

Organisation English Com'Eddy TheatreDS

Address 24 rue Andronne , 33800 Bordeaux , Aquitaine , FR


Contact Karinne Radburn ,

Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000034007

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2023

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners BALAMO'S TEATRO APS (IT) , Athens Lifelong Learning Institute - Civil
Non Profit Organisation (EL) , SVEUCILISTE U ZADRU (HR)

Topics Teaching and learning of foreign languages ; Reception and integration of

refugees and migrants ; Creativity, arts and culture

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Project Summary

Our project will be dedicated to adult education, to all those actors who are in charge of transmitting knowledge.
Some of us include artistic disciplines in our pedagogy. We know the positive aspects, starting with promoting
inclusion and reducing inequalities in access to education. Our aim is to build a bridge between these two sectors
and, ultimately, to design pedagogical solutions adaptable to the different contexts of the learners.

To encourage educators to dare to innovate, we will initiate meetings with artists, each facing a common
challenge: to make language teaching more attractive, more efficient and more accessible. Throughout the
project, we will conduct training workshops, local pedagogical experiments, then meet innovative methods and
then disseminate them. We will invite each organization to join us in a transnational art project.

- A type lesson plan for teaching a foreign language.
– a curriculum with examples of original initiatives and teaching methods
– a directory for educational staff seeking new ideas.
– a guide for teachers and educational staff on how to integrate art into their daily practice.
– a filmed art project to encourage the use of digital tools by engaging the adaptive capacities of trainers.

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Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Action Type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Title

A peek into the kitchen

Project Coordinator

Organisation Stichting Solid Road

Address Bisschop Hamerstraat 11 , 6511 NA Nijmegen Nijmegen , Gelderland , NL


Project Information

Identifier 2021-1-NL01-KA210-ADU-000034098

Project Web Site

Start Date Nov 1, 2021

End Date Oct 31, 2022

EC Contribution 60,000 EUR

Partners Regionale Personalentwicklungsgesellschaft (REGE) mbH (DE)

Topics Community development ; Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and

social divide ; Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

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Project Summary

The objective of the project: Bringing migrant women, who are at risk of social isolation, together with local female
volunteers to take a peek in each other's kitchen. By taking a peek in each others kitchen the women get to know
each others (eating) habits, culture, written and unwritten rules in an accessible and playful way which promotes
integration and mutual understanding of both cultures.

-Kick-off meetings for the migrant women and female volunteers as an introduction to A peek into the kitchen
-Taking a peek in each others kitchen to get to know each others (eating) habits, and culture
-3 Workshops for the migrant women and female volunteers to talk in an interactive way about subjects like:
holidays, school, living environmentally consciously, work employment
-Exchange visit to Geramany and The Netherlands
-Evaluation of the project

-4 Kick-off meetings have been organised
-80 people have participated in the project (40 migrant women and 40 female volunteers)
-80 Peek into each others kitchens have been organised
-12 workshops have been organised
-Two exchange visits have been orgnanised (one in Germany and one in The Netherlands)
-A digital report with the results of the project has been written (in German language and in Dutch language)

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