Relationship Agreements Worksheet

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Agreements Worksheet

Fill out this worksheet to gain valuable insights that uncover things
that are important to you to have agreements for in your relationship.
List five things that if your partner did them, it would “break your heart” or break your trust
in them and make you want to end the relationship.

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

List five things that you really want to have happen regularly in your relationship, and list
how often you want them to happen.

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

List five things that you have seen other people do in their relationships that you never want
to have happen in your relationship

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

List five things that you have seen other people do in their relationships that you also want
to happen in your relationship

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

List five things that make you feel loved by your


1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

List anything that your partner has done in the past week/month/year/decade that has hurt

What kind of physical touch do you like the best and like the least?

What kind of support do you want / expect / require from your partner?

What are the main stressors in your life?


When do you find it hard to speak up, and do you want to make an agreement that helps that?

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

What has worked really well in your relationship so far?

What has been really hard in your relationship that you would like to improve in the future?

❏ ​How you see your relationship / Your relationship purpose/mission/vision?

❏ ​Honesty, disclosure and speed & level of detail you want/require in your relationship?
❏ ​How you treat each other?
❏ ​How you show each other love?
❏ ​Finances and paying for things?
❏ ​Spending time with other people?
❏ ​How you fight or work out difficult issues?
❏ ​Amount & frequency of closeness time?
❏ ​Amount & frequency of personal/alone time?
❏ ​Birth control?
❏ ​Safer sex practices?
❏ ​Sex with/seeing/dating other people?
❏ ​How often you have sex with each other?
❏ ​What sexual things are acceptable and unacceptable in your relationship?
❏ ​Division of labor/who is responsible for what (laundry, shopping, cooking, dishes, paying
bills, car maintenance, etc...)?
❏ ​Responsibility for dealing with your own triggers & growth?
❏ ​Supporting each other’s interests / hobbies / growth?
❏ ​Not avoiding each other or important issues?
❏ ​Remembering & doing things on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc...?
❏ ​Setting a term on your relationship contract/agreement (for example 1 year, 5 years,
years, after which you revisit your agreement and either revise it or exit the relationship)?

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

Now, re-read your answers above, and then write a list of the
agreements that you would like to have in your relationship below.

Please write the agreements ​that ​you ​would like to have most of
all​, ​not the things that you think your partner will agree to!

This is a self-empowerment exercise ​for you,​ so please give

yourself permission to ​do this for your own personal

You can always negotiate the agreements, but you need to know
what your personal true north is ​first​, ​before you negotiate​!

The agreements that I want to have in our relationship are:


© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

The agreements that I want to have in our relationship are:

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

The agreements that I want to have in our relationship are:

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

The agreements that I want to have in our relationship are:

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

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