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Indonesian Railway Technical Standard Track : Part 1

11.2 Maintenance Criteria

11.2.1 Ordinary Track

(1) Based on the standard values in the table below, ordinary tracks shall be
Maintenance, according to the followings:

Maximum train Standard of maintenance

speed (km/h) Transition curve section in

General section
the sharp curve

More Regarding the electrified

45 km/h
than 95 km/h 85 km/h 45 km/h section or light weight
less than
Type of 120 km/h over line over line over line diesel car operated sections
irregularity line where exists a curve with a

radius of curve less than

Straight and curve of radius over 600 m +20(+14)
400 m and cant of more
Track gauge More than radius 200 m to 600 m curve +25(+19)
than 80mm and transition
Radius under 200 m curve +20(+14)
curve at the exit side in the
Cross level To be maintained, according to extent of twist
direction of trains running
Longitudinal (inclusive of the transition
23(15) 25(17) 27(19) 30(22) 32(24)
level curve of approx. 10 m) the
Alignment 23(15) 25(17) 27(19) 30(22) 32(24) following value shall apply

Track gauge +10 (+6)

Twist 23(18) (including the amount of gradual decrease of cant)
Alignment 14(8)

Note: a) The numerical values represent the dynamic values obtained by high speed
inspection car. Those in the parenthesis shown static value.
b) The standard maintenance values of gauge for the lines not yet suitable
slack provide shall be as follows:
i) Straight line and curve with a radius of less than 200m ----+20 (+14)
ii) Curve with a radius less than 200m----+15 (+9)
c) Twist indicates the change of cross –level per 5m.
d) The slack, cant and versine on a curve (including vertical curve) are not
included herein.

Indonesian Railway Technical Standard Track : Part 1

12. Inspection for Maintenance

12.1 Patrol Inspection

Overall permanent way round inspection for main track lines shall be carried out either on
foot or by use of train or track motor cars, according to the frequency specified as the
standard in the following table.

Track class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th & 4th S

Frequency Once/two Once/two

Once/5 days Once/week
week weeks weeks

12.2 Individual Inspection (Regular)

(1) Inspection on Track Irregularity for Main Track

Ordinary tracks and turnouts attached thereto in main lines, except for special cases,
shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the
following track irregularities:
a. Track gauge.
b. Cross level.
c. Longitudinal level.
d. Alignment.
e. Twist (to be measured only by high speed track inspection cars).

(2) Inspection on Irregularity of Track for Siding

Regarding the ordinary tracks and turnouts attached thereto for sidings, the
irregularities shall be checked periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in
terms of the irregularities as referred to the preceding specification.


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