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No. R116-0523 P.T INDOSPRING Tbk. S-N Durability test result of Nitrided SWOSC-VSR material Nov. 23, 2016 Murata Spring Co., Ltd. Technical Dept. R&D Group. Appaved ¢ i VW Mate [a Few No. R116-0523_(1/5) S-N Durability test result of Nitrided SWOSC-VSR material Nov. 23, 2016 Murata Spring Co., Ltd. Technical Dept. R&D Group 1. Introduction We had performed S-N Durability test for springs made by INDOSPRING. 2. Specimen Table 1_ Specimen Vable2_ Process 3. Testing condition [S-N Durability test } specimen S-N Test Sample tm(mean stress) 686MPa. ta(stress amplitude) : £666, 639, 613, 586MPa (4conditions) umber of examinations: 8pcs each conditions (total 32pcs) number of cycle 30million times frequeney 1500rpm machine star type fatigue tester (No.7) part setting™" 892N (uncorrected stress 1470MPa) 23 Part sting had done at cold in 10 second 4, Result {S-N Durability test } ++ [Representative Fracture ] (Hardness + Micro structure J + [Residual stress ] “3 “Pd “PS 5. Conclusion [S-N Durability test } Result of fatigue limit at 10million cycles is 686=690MPa.(Fi Fatigue limit of 10million is almost equal value to Murata's [Representative Fracture ] Origin of breakage is at surface of coil inside and inside of coi on the surface, (photol-l~2-2) ide, and abnormality was not seen [Hardness + Micro structure ] ‘Abnormality was not admitted in hardness and micro structure. [Residual stress ] Residual stress distribution is equivalent to the Murata sample's (2/5) Result of S-N Durability test m=686MPa Osurface inside @non-broken 2 é 3 8 * Ls refere to page3 Stress amplitud LE+O7 Number of cycles (N) Fig. 1 S-N diagram 0.100 0.010 Residual shearing strain (6) 0.001 500 350 600 650 700 Stress amplitude ta (MPa) Fig. 2 y-S diagram (after 10,000,000) Representative Fracture 1 ee CC OI Photo l-l m= Ta: MPa The spring broke at inside of coil inside, Broken cycle: about 14,351,300cycles Oo A~LE Nec LE = The spring broke at surface of coil inside. Broken cycle: about 21,721,000cycles FOS TL TA OL Photo 1-2 Expansion(—point A) LAS OSL (ais) Hardness 900 900 800 800 3 a = 700 S 700 z z 2 000 8 600 2 3 2 = ; i 500 500 : 400 400 ! 00 01 02 03 04 05 oo 10 20 30 40 Distance from surface (mm) Distance from surface of coil inside (mm) Fig3 surface hardness distribution Fig.4 core hardness distribution Micro structure Photo.3 Micro structure at surface( x 400) white layer:about 1 pm Residual stress Residual stress (MPa) -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 Depth from surface of coil inside (mm) Fig. 5 The Residual Stress distribution (6/5)

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