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Zaidan hibatullah


Analysis of Feminism Elements and Gender Equality in the film


Keywords: Gender Stereotype, Feminism, Gender Equality, Suffragette Film.


1. Gender Stereotype
Gender stereotypes are general views or impressions about attributes or
characteristics that women or men should have and play. These keywords are used to
find out more about gender stereotypes, various types of gender stereotypes and
solutions to gender stereotyping problems. Where the insight itself can be searched
with research, then from that search, we can analyze from that data into this film. Is
there a solution to the existing problems and mentions the issue of Gender Stereotype
or not.

2. Feminism
The keyword Feminism itself is included because this film itself tells about the
struggle of women who do not have voting rights. Feminism itself is an understanding
or movement so that women can have the same degree as men, where they also want
to have rights, voices and freedoms like men. Feminism itself is also so highlighted
from this film that it creates a special attraction to discuss what are the elements of
feminism that appear in this film.

3. Gender Equality
Gender equality means equal conditions for men and women to obtain
opportunities and their rights as human beings, to be able to play a role and participate
in political, economic, social, cultural, and national security activities, and equality in
enjoying the results of such development. These keywords are included because they
are closely related to Feminism. Given that Feminism is a movement for gender
equality itself, you could say that gender equality is the goal of the feminist
movement. Here with these keywords, you can find understanding, examples and
whether gender equality has occurred at the end of the film itself. From that
understanding, we can use it as material for analysis with the elements in this film.

4. Suffragette Film
Suffragette takes place in England in 1912 when British society turned into a
capitalist society. Suffragette indirectly brings the audience to understand Kate
Millet's work Sexual Politic, especially in her explanation of the first phase of the
sexual revolution. The goal of the sexual revolution is to destroy the patriarchal
institutions. Millet also saw that British society had undergone changes since 1830,
namely the growth of the middle class—the phase of the sexual revolution according
to Kate was in 1830-1930, while in 1930-1960 there was a counter-revolution.
Capitalism in England grew with massive industrialization. Women began to come
out of their domestic sphere and touch the public space. British women's political
rights continued to progress until the 1930s, in 1925 child custody was granted to
women, in the same year women's rights were fully granted the same as men's rights.
This keyword was entered to find out if any research has been done about the film
itself. So that it can be used as additional material for this research.

- The theory that will be used in this research belongs to JS Mill and Harriet
Tailor Mill which further emphasizes that in order for equality of women and
men to be realized, it is not enough to be given the same education but also to
be given the opportunity to play a role in the economy and guaranteed civil
rights which include rights. to organize, freedom of opinion, the right to vote
and private property and other civil rights. (Gadis Arivia, 2003:103).

Research Methods
This study employs a qualitative method, which is defined as a comprehensive
approach to the research issue in which an event occurs in which the researcher
becomes the primary instrument in the study, and the research findings are then
described in written words. In addition, rather than generalizations, this emphasizes

The Suffragette film itself has a very strong Feminism impression in it. This
film tells the story when women struggle to have the same voice and rights, so that
they are no longer humiliated and considered as low class. The focus of this story
itself is indeed more dominant towards gender equality and also feminism which is
highlighted by the main character.

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Puspitasari, I. (2017). Liberal feminism values of the main character in suffragette (2015) film
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