Sarmiento-ENG102-Week 4 Activity

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Princess Nicole E.


Answer the following questions:

What are the different types of communication modes and how do they differ?
Communication has different modes, including face-to-face interaction, video, audio, and text-
based communication. Face-to-face interactions comprise social gatherings of two or more
persons. It is a relatively simple type of communication that everyone has experienced. It doesn't
require any additional materials. When participants want the experience of a face-to-face meeting
but can't connect physically, video calls are a viable alternative to in-person meetings. Audio is a
kind of communication that only uses voice, such as a telephone conversation. One of the most
common types of communication is text-based communication. Text communication lacks the
advantages of audio and video communication. Emails, SMS text messages, social media
participation, and instant messaging apps are some of the examples.

What mode of communication has become part of virtual communication technology?

Audio, text-based, and video calls are all become part of virtual communication technology.

As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of other
speakers in understanding the Philippine English variety that you use?
Other people who speak English as a first language may find it difficult to understand us because
of our accent. There are times when we are unable to discern between some of the sounds of the
words when they are spoken. This makes it difficult for other English speakers to comprehend us.

With the advent of computer-mediated communication or CMC, how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your own account as a way of conveying messages to the
We must think before we click. We should be more careful about what we post, share, and
comment on our social media sites. Not everyone sees things in the same way you do. Be careful
what we post because it might occasionally put us in danger.
Task 2.1.1

Face-to-face Interaction

1. You are a new student in the class. After dismissal time, you saw two of your female
classmates outside the school building talking to each other. You wanted to ask about the
classes you missed and how you could cope with the lessons. You approached them but
they suddenly turned and whispered to each other. How will you initiate a conversation
with them without showing that you are offended by their actions?

A: Hello
B: *ignores*
A: I’m Nicole, maybe I’m unfamiliar to both of you. I’m your classmate in the class. I’m
a transferee and I just joined the class today.
B: Oh… okay. What can we do for you?
A: May I ask what you did the last few days in the class? I’m already late for our lessons
and I’m trying to catch up.

2. It was your first time flying to a foreign country and the trip takes about eight hours. You
wanted to know how to get to your destination from the airport. You were fortunate to be
seated beside a foreign national. He is not proficient in English and you have difficulty
understanding his accent. How will you start a conversation with him?

A: Good day, sir. Sorry for the disturbance. Can I ask how long will it take from the airport
to Vancouver?
B: I’m sorry, not good talk English.
A: *I will get my phone and point things so that he could see what I’m talking about* Here
sir, from the airport to this location.
B: Oh, there simply take a bus journey and it will be half an hour away *also use his phone
to let me see what he is talking about*

3. You are scheduled for a job interview. When you arrived at the place, there was a long
queue of applicants. You were the tenth to be interviewed and you wanted to have an idea
about the questions that were asked. To arrest your fear, you decided to talk with the
other applicants before you. How will you start the conversation?

A: Hello, can I please ask you something?

B: Go on, what is it?
A: It’s about the interview, can I ask what are some of the questions they are giving? I am
immensely nervous. My heart is full of fear.
B: *talks about the interview*
Task 2.1.2
Video as a Mode of Communication

1. What was the topic of the video conference?

The video conference's agenda is their company's financial reports as well as updates on
their project.

2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?

Paul, Tyler, Beth, John, David, and Tripp are among the participants. They've come from
their homes, and some are staying in hotels, while others are trapped in traffic.

3. How was the flow of the video conference?

The video conference has a lot of problems encountered. There are existing distractions
and noises that made the conference chaotic. The flow is not good and unsuccessful
because they can’t fully understand each other.

4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?

There are numerous technological difficulties. All of these were not handled immediately,
the video conference resulted in miscommunication.

5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the constraints
of this communication mode?

Technical difficulties as a result of a bad internet connection, network instability, and time
discrepancy. Because the participants in the video conference are at home, they do things
that may appear unprofessional. There are also a lot of distractions that may appear that
can make them lose their attention.
Task 2.1.3
Audio as a Mode of Communication

1 2 3 4
Making an Choosing a Concern about
Topic Ordering a Pizza appointment in a restaurant for a delivery
Dental Clinic meeting problem
Peter ordered a Peter made an Peter called Jennifer called
Telephone pizza at Apple’s appointment at Jennifer to ask and wanted to
Conversation Pizza for delivery. Apple Dental Clinic if they could speak to Mr.
The employee asked because he has a meet for lunch Johnson. But
for the name and sore tooth. He the following Peter said that
address of the wanted to see Dr. day to discuss he might be in
customer. Peter John in that certain the new the office at the
ordered a large pizza week but Jennifer project. They moment.
with pepperoni and said that he is fully both agreed to Jennifer said
mushrooms. He also booked. Jennifer meet at that her concern
requested additional suggested that she Boston’s is urgent. Her
olives and extra can put Peter next Downtown. concern is about
cheese. Wednesday at 3 in the delivery
the afternoon. problem.
Because Mr.
Johnson is not
available at that
time, they
rescheduled the

Caller Peter Peter Peter Jennifer

Variety of American English American English American American

English Used English English

Callee Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Peter

Variety of American English American English American American

English Used English English
Task 2.1.4
Text-based Communication

Identify the type of text-based communication mode that best suits the following situations.
Explain why. Write your answer on the blank after each item.

1. Disseminating information about the change in the examination schedule

Facebook wall status and Messenger's Group Messaging would be the best options.
Because it is speedier and more convenient. Moreover, it is widely used by students, it will
be accessible to all.

2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of

university officials

This type of information can be announced in a school bulletin or through social media
posts so that students are informed of the new policy.

3. Explaining why the student failed the test

The sharing of information in this scenario should be private, this can be done by email
or personal communications.

4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming

In this case, a handwritten letter is preferable because it allows you to express yourself
more clearly sincerity. Using this method of apologizing is far more important than sending
text messages or private chats.

5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum

For this, Group Messenger would be ideal. When a teacher informs his or her class that
he or she will be giving a lecture, it is best to notify a messenger group so that the
students can get there fast.

6. Explaining why you failed to attend the class activity

It's recommended to send a personal message or email to the teacher/instructor. This type
of information should be kept private. Then, you can freely explain why you failed to
7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for the Aetas in Tarlac

To remind the entire class about the community service initiative, send a message to the
class Messenger Group. It's more convenient than messaging everyone in the class

8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon

It would be better to post such information to the school's Facebook page so that
everyone is quickly notified.

9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher

In this case, an email would be the best option. Emailing is a more professional and
effective way to communicate this type of information.

10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping a pornographic magazine

This should matter should be discussed in private, it is better to rebuke the student by
email and private messaging.
Write your synthesis about the lecture.

Communication Modes
• Channel through which one expresses his/her communicative intent.
• Medium through which one conveys his/her thoughts.
This can be communicated through:
➢ Face-to-face interaction
- It is the most common of all the modes.
- It is an informal or casual conversation between two or more people.
➢ Video
- Web cameras are used so that two or more people who cannot interact face-to-face
can communicate.
- Viber, Apple FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, and Whatsapp are some of the
➢ Audio
- Means transmitted sounds.
- Only the voice of the speaker is heard.
- It is quite difficult especially if you are listening to people with different accents.
➢ Text-based
- E-mail, text messaging, and instant messaging.
- Facebook, twitter, and Instagram

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