GRD 06 Second Sems Science 2012

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LYCEUM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Second Semester Examination - July 2012 Subject : Science Class 6 - Duration 3 periods Candidate's name Admission no: This paper contains two parts. PART-I Answer all the questions. Select the correct answer and underline. 1. Which one of the following is a product of photosynthesis? a) Sunlight. b) Water. ©) Glucose d) Carbondioxide. 2. Which part of a land dwelling plant is similar to the “hold fast" of a seaweed? a) Trunk. b) Root ©) Branches. 4) Leaves. 3. When light bounces back, we say ithas been a) reflected b) absorbed. ©) bent. d) stretched. 4. Given belowis a picture of a leaf-insect which has adopted well its environment. Because ofits adaptations, it would be most successful at a) competing with birds. b) making its own food ©) hiding from its predators. 4) moving very fast 5. Which ofthe following isthe largest digestive organ found in the human body? a) Pancreas. —b) Liver. ©) Stomach 4) Rectum. 6. Which of the following does not effect the rate at which a solid dissolve in water? a) Decreasing air pressure. b) Stirring the water. ©) Increasing the temmperature of the water. d) Using large crystals of the solid 7. Why would the taller candle shown in the given experiment extinguish fist? glass jar a) Dueto the lack of oxygen. b) Due towater vapour accumulating in the jar. ©) _Dueto the soot formed. d) Duet the carbondioxide blanket formed. 10. co 12, 13, 14, 15. Grade - 6 Science Contd . The burning of a candle and the melting of a candle are respectively. a) _arreversible chemical change and a reversible physical change. b) an irreversible chemical change and a reversible physical change. ©) _ anirreversible chemical change and an irreversible physical change ) a reversible chemical change and an irreversible physical change. i saltwater The iron ball shown in the given diagram sinks because 2) the force of gravity on the iron balls greater than the upthrust. ») the force of gravity on the iron ball is lesser than the upthrust. ES=| ©) the force of gravity on the iron ball is equal to the upthrust. O d) there is no force of gravity when objects are in salt water. ironball ‘Sarahis getting ready to run a 100m race. Which ofthe following food would produce energy rapidly in her body ? a) Asandwich, b) spoonful of glucose. ©) Aglass of water. d) Aglass of milk Which of he following materials is highly resistant to electricity? a) Gold. b) Copper. ©) Nichrome. d)_Silver. Inthe Arctic, the soil lacks nutrients, therefore plants germinate and flower nextto a decaying animal body. Such plants are called a) predators. —-b) prey. ©) scavengers. d)_ producers. Questions 13 and 14 are based on the diagram given below which is of a sycamore seed with rotors (wings). Rotors (Wings) The rotors (wings) of the sycamore seed helps it to a) invade new habitats, b) _ protectitself from predators. ©) absorb nutrients. ) _ break through water. Underline the correct statement. a) Asthe area of the rotors increase, the seed will take more time to reach the ground. b) As the area of the rotors increase, the seed will take less time to reach the ground. ©) The area of the spinners does not affect the speed of descending, d) None of the above statements are correct. Whats the best method to separate condice when it is completely dissolved in water? a) fitration, b) evaporation.) handpicking. d) sieving. [otal = 15 marks] CON v.00 to Page 3 Grade -6 Science Contd nu. page 2 Part-II Instructions — Answer all the questions. 01. Students of Grade 6 wanted to improve the health of tomato plants. They took six tomato plants of the same height and made the changes given below. After two weeks, they ‘measured the height gained by the plants and recorded the results. The results they obtained are given in Table 01. Plant No Remedy Height gained by the plant| Plant 4 No change. (03 om Plant 2 ‘Added “Tomato -feed.” 45cm. Plant 3 ‘Added “House plant food.” 120m, Plant 4 ‘Added new soil. 10cm, Plant 5 ‘Added new soil and tomato feed. 140m) Plant 6 ‘Added new soil and house plant food 12cm Table -01 ())__Drawa bar chart to show the height of plants for each remedy in table-01. (8 marks) (i) Which plantwas kept as the control? (2 marks) (iil) According to the results which plant grew well? (2 marks) (iv) Explain why the plant mentioned in question (i) grew well compared to plant 5, Grade - 6 Science Contd. (v) Name two essential mineral nutrients needed by plants (4 marks) (vi) Name an essential factor needed for plant growth, other than fertilizers, (2 marks) [otal = 20 marks] 02. (i) Complete the spider key made for the five animals shown below. etl’ ® ee is ‘Smooth hammerhead Blue Shark WE shark Arctic Fox Adelie Penguin Galapagos Penguin Does it live entirely in water? Yes No Does it have a Does it have webbed feet 7 flaticompressed head 7 3 Yes No Does it have white markings c) onits face? 2 (2x5= — >») 10 marks) (ii) From the above key find out the name of the animal which lives in water and has a flat compressed head. (2 marks) (iil) a) Write one feature of sharks which helps them to live in their environment, (2 marks) b) Describe how the above feature helps them to lve in their environment. Grade - 6 Science Contd ou... from page 4 (iv) Write one adaptation seen in penguins and describe how it helps them to survive in theirenvironment ‘Adaptation = 03. (a) (2 marks) How it helps (2 marks) [Total = 20 marks] Given below are the functions of organs belonging to the human respiratory system. Select the correct function of each organ and write the number in the appropriate box in diagram 1. Functions - 1. Helps to produce sound. Exchange gases, Allows air to enter the body. Contracts to increase the volume of the chest. Connects the nose and lungs. a hons Diagram -04 (5 marks) Diagram 2 shows a model of a lung machine, made by a Grade 6 student. plastic tube rubber balloon plastic bottle rubber membrane Diagram - 02 Name the organs of the human respiratory system represented by the following parts of the lung machine shown in diagram 02. i. Plastic tube ji, Rubberballoon — - iii, Rubber membrane - Grade - 6 Science Contd .m. from page 5 (©) Write brief answers. i. What happens to the lungs when you breathe in? iv. Namea disease which affects the respiratory system, ————-(1 mark) [Total = 15 marks] 04. Mrs, Malik’s Grade 6 Science class is conducting an investigation to find the best elastic band available. Elastic X and Elastic Y both are made out of the same material and have the same length. The graph below shows the stretched length of each elastic band when different masses are suspended on them. ‘Stretched length from resting position (cm) 50 100 150200260 300350 400 Total mass added (g) () Whatis an elastic material? (ii) According to the graph what are the elastic limits of elastic bands X and Y? x (2 marks) (iil) Which elastic band would be the best to use as a bungee rope for a heavier person? (iv) Explain your answer ) (wi) 05. a) b) Grade - 6 Science Contd... from page 6 ‘Write two things which were kept the same to make the above experiment fair test. a) ) (4 marks} ‘When the mass suspended is 150g, what will be the stretched length of elastic bands X and? a x — bY (4 marks) [Total = 15 marks] Drawa diagram using the correct circuit symbols for the circuit shown in diagram 3. Diagram - 03, (marks) Analyse the two circuits given below and answer the questions which are based on them. | {+ 2, ux @ aes “ x Y . Circuit -A Circuit - B Diagram - 04 i) What happens to bulbs B1 and B2 when switch X is closed and Y is open? B2- ee (2 marks) ii) What happens to bulbs B1 and B2 when switch X is open and Y is closed ? Bt B2- (2 marks) Grade - 6 Science Contd wu... from page 7 ©) Answer all questions based on circuit "C” and circuit “D" given in diagram 05. 14 | Circuit -C Circuit -D Diagram - 05 (a) Which circuit has a higher resistance, C or D? (0) Explain your answer. d) Explain what happens to the brightness of the bulb when the crocodile clip ‘B’ in diagram 06 is moved from point X to point Y. Graphite lead (3 marks) [otal = 15 marks] - END -

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