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1 LYCEUM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Second Semester Examination — July 2013 Subject Science Class Duration Candidate's name: Admission 10 5 smn Instructions: Answer all the questions. PART-I Underline the correct answer. 1) Which one of the following is not a product of a burning candle? (@) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (© Soot (@ Water vapour 2) Which part of the plant is called the "food factory"? (a) roots (b) leaves (0) stem (@® root hair 3) Which part of the plant has a larger surface area in order to absorb water efficiently? (@) leaves (b) stem (©) roothair cell (4) tap root 4) Which scientist found out that the “eye” works as a collector of bounced or reflected light? (@) Alhazen (>) Brunnel (©) Albert Einstein (@) Sir Isaac Newton 5) _ Which one of the following objects reflects a very large amount of light falling on it? (@) silver spoon (b) white board (©) catseye (@ glass bottle 6) Anna is a healthy athlete. Which one of the following should she avoid eating? (a) Fruits and vegetables (b) Fish and nuts (© Milk and grams (@) Sausages and sweets 7) The process of evaporation does not occur when (a) wet clothes dry. (b) nail varnish is applied. (© bubbles are produced in fizzy drinks. (@) _ Salt is obtained from sea water. 8) 10) uy) 12) 13) 14) 15) Grade 6 Science contd....from page 1 the melting of ice is a (2) _ reversible physical change (b) reversible chemical change. (©) irreversible chemical change. (@ _inreversible physical change. What is the gas released from the solution given below, which extinguishes the candle flame? <<} floating candle A solution of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar (a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (©) Nitrogen @ Helium What is the instrument used to measure the density of a liquid? (a) Thermometer (b) Forcemeter (©) Hydrometer (@) Measuring cylinder Ropes used for bungee jumping are made out of elastic cords mainly because (a) they can be stretched. (b) they are shiny. (© they conduct electricity. (@)_ they conduct heat. Wires used for household wiring are made out of (a) ion. (0) steel. (©) copper. (@)__ tungsten “The sycamore seeds have wing-like structures which help them to get dispersed by (a) birds. (b) water. (wind. (@) animals. ‘The toy truck shown below o> PBD @) will stay stil (b) will move to its right. (©) will move to its let. (@) will rotate ‘Why would a dandelion plant growing in the hedge of the field grow taller than the one in the the middle of the field? (a Toget more sunlight (b)Toattract insects (©) To get more water (@) To get more nutrients PART-II Answer all the questions. Write short answers. a. i) a) 9 2 ) Diagram 1 shows the structure of a tropical rainforest. [Name two of the layers of vegetation that is found in tropical rain forests. (4 marks) Explain why this type of layering is found in tropical rainforests. Explain the process of "photosynthesis" in plants Name two products of photosynthesis. » 1) [Name the gas taken in by plant leaves during photosynthesis. (2 marks) What is the name given for plants feeding on other plants? (2 marks) 02. ii) Grade 6 Science contd....from page 3 a) Write a function of the plant root (2 marks) b) Name an organism that lives in soil. (2 marks) [Total = 20 marks} i) The key given below can be used to identify different types of snails and slugs. Does it have an external shell? a S> ea NS | The shell is Is the shell an Does the body have black elongate spire elongate spiral? spots? ———— @ 9. Rumina _Isthe shell flatened Spotted garden _Lehmannia The shell isa flatened disc spiraling toward slug slug dise spiraling towards the center center ws I b) ° Oxychilus — Succinia ‘Name the habitat of snails and slugs. 2 marks) Use the key above to identify the snail shown in diagram 2 and write its name in the space given below. This is a (2 marks) [Name one feature of snails and describe how it helps the snail to live in its environment. (2 marks) Feature How it helps the snail (o live in its environment: - G marks) contd...o page 03, a ° a) » 3 ii) ii) Grade 6 Science contd...from page 4 ‘Write a food chain seen in the habitat of snails. (4 marks) ‘Name an insect which camouflages itself in order to escape from its predator. @ marks) (Total = 15 marks} Given below are some functions carried out by the organ systems of the human body. [Name the correct organ system that performs the following functions. Function ‘Organ system “Transport blood around the body Exchange of gases Disposal of waste products such as urea and uric acid a ») ) » (marks) Diagram 3 shows the parts of the human digestive system. ‘Write the letter which labels each of these organs. B A Ac a / ve - liver Pancreas = Smallinestine Rectum =~ Diagram 3 (8 marks) ‘Write the main functions of organ C of the above system. (2 marks) ‘Which part of human blood carties oxygen? (2 marks) ‘Write a function of the human blood plasma. (2 marks) [Total = 26 marks] contd.t0 page 6 04. i) A group of Grade 6 students did an experiment to find the relationship between the temperature of water and the dissolving time of jelly crystals. The graph below shows ‘he results they obtained. Analyse the graph and answer the questions given below. 7 20 4 6 2 WN Time / mins 4 Temperature/*C 0) 10 20 30 40 30 a) Can we use the same graph to predict the dissolving time of jelly crystals for temperatures which are not tested? (2 marks) b) Ifthe temperature of the water is 25°C, how long will it take for the jelly crystals to dissolve? (2 marks) ©) Ifthe jelly crystals dissolve in 18 minutes, what would be the temperature of the water? (marks) 4) Write two factors which wete kept the same in order to make this a fair experiment. D i) (4 marks) {i) Sarah a student of Grade 6 did an experiment to find out the rates of evaporation at different times of the day. She poured 30 ml of sugar solution to a dish and kept it near the window sill and measured the volume of the solution every two hours. Draw a line graph for the results given below in table A. page 7 Grade 6 Science contd...from page 6 Table A ‘Time (hours) | _ Volume of water (ml) o [30 2 25, 4 20 6 15 8 70 10 05 05. i) (6 marks) Total = 15 marks] Draw circuit symbols for the following components. a) Acell~ ——- b) Avvariable resistor —— ©) Amopen switch ———-—-——-—- (6 marks) Analyse circuits A and B and answer the question given below. reega) Circuit 'B' page 8 a) What happens to bulb X when switch S1 is closed and $2 is open in circuit A? (2 marks) b) What happens to bulb ¥ when switch S1 is closed and S2 is open in circuit B? (@ marks) iil) Draw a circuit with two bulbs connected in parallel, two cells connected in series and a switch using circuit symbols, G marks) [otal = 15 marks} END Ref : NK

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