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12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

Total points 17/20

The following questions are devised to assess your knowledge on the topics covered for
the second quarter. Take this assessment seriously because this will be part of your grade
this quarter under written works. Thank you and God bless.

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0 of 0 points

NAME (Last name, First Name, Middle Name) *

Lime, Hannah Lopez


12- Campos

INSTRUCTIONS: 17 of 20 points

Read each question/statement carefully and choose the letter that best fits as a response.
Answer all questions and do not skip an item.… 1/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

What must a research avoid when crafting a questionnaire? * 1/1

a list of acceptable responses to closed questions

“loaded” words or phrases

direct to the point questioning

clear instructions and introductions

What will strengthen the position of a writer towards an issue? * 1/1

A well-written thesis statement

A set of arguments supported by evidence

A reiteration of the position on the issue

A formidable stand on the issue

What is a Field report? * 0/1

It is a combination of informative, persuasive, and entertainment piece of writing

concerning a particular person, place, situation, and plan.

It is set as an assignment in a variety of disciplines and usually require the student to

combine theory and analysis with observation and practice.

It is the facilitation of data collection techniques.

It is a writing that consists of the beliefs, aims, and policies of a person,

organization, cultural group, etc. observed and analyzed.… 2/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

A written report was given to the Company President and after a further study and *0/1
reading of the report, 20 workers were laid off. What use of report is shown in the

Report as means of internal communication.

Report facilitates decision making and planning

Report discloses unknown information.

All of the above.

Which should NOT be included in the introduction of a position paper? * 1/1

An assertion of one’s arguments and counterarguments

The thesis statement of the position paper

A short background about the issue sided on

Any thought-provoking statement leading to the issue

Which of the following characterize the language of a report? * 1/1




verbose… 3/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

These are academic writings used in different disciplines that requires a synthesized *0/1
theory and analysis that involves data gathering procedures.

Survey/ Field report

Technical report

News report

Laboratory report

This is the type of interview in which there is no specific set of predetermined questions, *1/1
and the interviewer is able to change the questions at any time and ask follow-up
questions to the interviewee's responses.

Unstructured Interview

Either structured or unstructured Interview

Structured Interview

Open-ended Interview

It is a type of academic text that presents arguable opinion on a certain issue and tries to *1/1
defend the side chosen by the writer.

review paper

position paper

critic paper

research paper… 4/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

What must an interviewer do before the actual interview? * 1/1

Express sincere expression of thanks and appreciation to the interviewee through a

text message

Prepare the interview schedule and interview guide

Gather data through other sources like books and internet which will be placed in the
study if the interviewee’s responses contradict with the interviewer’s perceptions

Ask a favor to the interviewee to answer the questions orally and through written
during the interview

Which of the following is NOT considered a report? * 1/1

audit report

literary selections

minutes of the meeting

scientific research

Which of the following is NOT a technique used in conducting observations? * 1/1

Taking photographs

Recording videos and audios

Sending surveys

Note Taking… 5/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

Which of the following is NOT true about reports? * 1/1

They follow a particular structure.

They use simple and concise language.

Reports include the writer’s opinion on issues.

They inform readers of important information.

What data gathering tool is best used when one records the behavior of people in their *1/1





Which among the following statements is NOT true about position paper? * 1/1

Writers need to closely examine the issue.

The writer of such paper tries to persuade the readers.

The issue chosen for the paper should be debatable.

You are allowed to abstain or choose both sides of the issue.… 6/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

It is informative piece of writing about a particular person, place situation, or plan. * 1/1


Position Paper


Reaction paper

These are statements intentionally made to rebut accusations against one’s standpoint. * 1/1




arguments… 7/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

If you are going to write a report about a particular topic, which steps should you follow? *1/1
                                                                   I. Conduct surveys, experiments or observations
    II. Design, test, and revise survey questionnaires.                                                        
                                                                              III. Gather information from surveys,
experiments, or observations                                                                                                    
                                                                                                 IV. Disseminate written forms
of information from surveys, experiment or observation





The following are the guide questions in selecting a good topic for a position paper *1/1

Does the issue involve the state and its people?

Is it a real issue with genuine controversy and uncertainty?

Can you distinctly identify two positions?

Is the issue narrow enough to be manageable?… 8/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment

Which among the following is a purpose of writing a position paper? * 1/1

to express support or opposition on the issue presented

to persuade readers to believe what the author believes in

to generate support on an issue

all of the above

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 Forms… 9/10
12/12/22, 10:26 PM CONEAPP 1: 2nd Quarter Post-Assessment… 10/10

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